
The eyebrow is the decoration of the eye . And the eyebrow for a man is his goodness, beauty, command and respect in his religion, honesty and stature, and the interpretation of the eyebrows is based on what is seen of goodness or corruption . And if the eyebrows are thick with hair, then they are two pillars, in order that women blacken their eyebrows for decoration . The eyebrows are parents, two sons, two partners, two wives, or two vice-presidents, and if a person sees his eyebrows joined together, this indicates intimacy and love and vice versa . Their blackness and abundance of her hair are evidence of the good condition of those who proclaimed it . And their descent to the eye is evidence of the change in the condition of those who refer to it, such as a son, partner, wife, or friend . Perhaps this indicated longevity so that he would see himself as such . And eyebrows indicate a rank in religion . And perhaps the eyebrow indicated the preservation of whom the eye indicated, such as the governor, guardian and husband . It is a bow of arrows noticeable from beautiful eyes .