
It denotes in a dream the Islam by which people are alive and saved . It is the cause of God’s mercy for carrying the water in which creation lives . And perhaps the clouds indicated knowledge and jurisprudence, wisdom and clarification because of the kindness of wisdom it contains . And perhaps he indicated the soldiers for carrying water, which indicates the creation, who were created from water . And it may refer to ships running in water on other than land . And perhaps indicated pregnant women . Perhaps it indicates rain because of it . And if the clouds were black, or he had thunderbolts, he indicated the symptoms of the Sultan, his torment, and his orders . And whoever saw clouds in his house became Muslim if he was an unbeliever, or he obtained a blessing if he was a believer, or his wife became pregnant if he wanted to do so . And if he sees himself riding on the clouds, he marries a righteous woman if he is celibate, or he performs Hajj if he is hoping for that, otherwise he is known for knowledge and wisdom if he is a student . If he sees clear successive clouds coming, and people are waiting for their waters, present that side of what the people expect and are waiting for . If a person sees that clouds have fallen on a land, then it is torrents and rains or pups or a cat or a bird, and if there is evidence of concern and hate such as poisons, strong winds, fire, stones, snakes and scorpions, then it is a raid that comes to them, or locusts or an epidemic that harms their plants, or doctrines and heresies that spread among Show them . And it was said : As- Sahab is a great king or a compassionate compassionate authority or a scholar or a wise man . If a person eats clouds, he benefits from a man with permissible money or wisdom . If he rides the clouds, his command will be exalted and exalted in his wisdom . If he sees that his world is of clouds, then his grandfather and his pursuit of wisdom . And if the clouds are black, then it is wisdom with sternness, chivalry, and joy . And if there is a horror with clouds, then it will receive horror from a wise and strong man . And if he sees that he built a house on clouds, then he attains an honorable world with wisdom and elevation . If he sees that there are clouds in his hand from which it is raining, then he attains wisdom and wisdom runs on his tongue . And if he sees a cloud that rises up and rains gold on it, then he will learn from a wise man etiquette from the matter of this world . If there is no rain in it, and if there is no rain in it, and he is from among those who are attributed to the state, then it does not do justice or fairness, and if it is attributed to trade, then it does not fulfill what he sells, and if he is a scientist, he is stingy with his knowledge, and if he is a craftsman then he masters his manufacture and advises, and people need it . And clouds are Sultans for them more than people . And whoever saw that clouds descended from the sky and rained a general rain, then the imam sends to that place a just prince, and if the clouds were black then it rained, then the governor is just, and if the clouds were white then it rained, then he would be a blessed and just ruler . And it was said : If he sees clouds at his time, then he will attain good, blessing, grace and money, and if he sees clouds raining at his time, then God Almighty expands the livelihood in that town, and if they are in drought, He expands them and removes them from it . If he sees black clouds without rain, then he gains benefit, and it may be evidence of severe cold or sadness . If he sees a red cloud at a different time, the people of that town will suffer distress, discord, or disease . If he sees clouds rising from the ground to the sky, then he indicates goodness and blessing. If the visionary wants a journey, that is done for him . And if he sees a dark cloud, he will be distressed and all his affairs are closed to him . And the white clouds in the vision are evidence of work . And the clouds that a person sees as rising from the earth to the sky indicates travel . And indicates who was traveling on his return from his travel and indicates the emergence of hidden things . And the red clouds indicate unemployment . And the dark clouds indicate a cloud . And black clouds indicate severe cold or sadness . Perhaps the red clouds pointed to a soldier entering that country and a plot . And whoever sees that he has taken something from the clouds, he will afflict something great with wisdom, or a lot of plowing and cultivation . And whoever sees that he has ridden the clouds or walked upon it, he will realize all the wisdom . And whoever sees the clouds covering the sun, the king will become ill, subdued, or isolated from his authority . Jaafar Al-Sadiq, may God be pleased with him, said : Whoever sees his shirt from the clouds, it is covered by God, a blessing . And the clouds indicate the disappearance of worry, bitter, fear, and the manifestation of dignities, and that is what appears to the guardians when raining water , and perhaps the clouds indicate familiarity with the Almighty saying : ( Did you not see that God puts clouds and then composes them ).