
Money If you find money in a dream, this foretells that you will face simple problems, followed by many joys and a change of state . If you paid money in a dream, this is a bad omen . If you caught a gold coin, this foretells of general good and delights . If you lose money in a dream, this foretells that you will face some upsets in the family surroundings, and your business will witness some pitfalls . If you counted money in a dream and found it deficient, this foretells that you will pay an amount of money and will be sad for that . If you dreamed that you stole money, this foretells that you are in danger and that you should weigh your steps . Saving money in a dream symbolizes wealth, wealth and peace of mind . If you dream that you bought money, this foretells that you will rent something. If you see yourself in a dream watching an amount of money, this indicates that wealth and prestige are not far from your reach . If you dreamed that you found a roll of securities and that a girl asked you for it, this foretells that a friend of yours will cause your loss in your trade . The person who saw the dream will discover that he is living far from reality and subconsciously squandering his money . This kind of dream is a warning . If you dream that you have an abundance of cash, but it may borrow, this foretells that others will look at you as a prominent man, but those who approach you will find that you are a mercenary and insensitive . If a girl dreams that she is spending borrowed money, this foretells that she will be caught caught in deception and will lose a valuable friend .