He also said the number of the one is blessed, and the two are a salvation from calamity and victory over the enemies, because God Almighty said: ~The second two are in the cave .~…
Dreaming about 1 or 2 320 320 1 0 0 0 1 or 3 166 166 1 0 0 0 1
(15 interpretations and meanings of dreams about 1 or 2 320 320 1 0 0 0 1 or 3 166 166 1 0 0 0 1)Whoever sees a dead person coming to him laughing at him, he thanked him for his work in his will or his family, or for what he reached from his prayer . If there is none of that, then he has tidied him in his good condition and obedience to his Lord . And whoever calls him is dead, then his supplication is news of what is in the absence of God, may He be glorified and exalted ….
A butcher is like a cobbler, and it was said like a shoe . And the selling of birds is the slave-girl, the slave-girl, the private-slave girl, the maid of the slave-girl, and the suffragette, also the slave-girl, because the kin is a foreign woman ….
The struggle of the sun goes out against the king, and the diminution of the sun’s rays will degrade the king’s prestige . If he sees the sun split in two halves, then half of it remains and the other is gone, then it comes out to the king outside, and if the remaining half follows the golden half and joins and returns to a healthy sun, then the outside takes the whole country, and if the going half returns to the remaining half and the sun returns as it used to be his king returned to him and he won the outside . If each of the two halves becomes the Sun on his own, then the outside possesses what is with the king from the king, and becomes his counterpart, and takes half of his kingdom . If he sees the sun fall, it is calamity for the values of the earth or for the parents . If he saw as if the sun had risen in a house and lit up the whole house, the people of the house would have glory, dignity and sustenance . And whoever saw that he had swallowed the sun, he would live in a heavy life . If he saw that, the king would die . And whoever is hit by sunlight, God will give him great treasure and money . And whoever sees the sun descended on his bed, he will get sick and inflamed his body . If he sees as if he is doing good to him, he indicates fertility and left, and indicates in many people the health . And whoever the sun takes something from him or gives him something, it is not Mahmoud . One of the indications of good deeds is that a person sees the sun in its normal form and habit, and an increase or decrease in it may be harmful . And whoever finds the heat of the sun and takes refuge in the shade, he will be saved from grief . And whoever finds cold in the shade and sits in the sun, his poverty is gone, because the cold is poverty . And whoever is able to see the sun when it is black and muddled, the king is obliged to him in any matter . And it was narrated that the judge of Homs saw as if the sun and the moon were killed, and the planets separated, so it was split with the sun, and it was split with the moon . He recounted his visions on Omar bin Al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him . He said to him : Which one were you with? He said : With the moon . Umar read : “ So we erased the verse of the night and made us see the verse of the day .” And he diverted him from the work of Homs, so he ruled that he went with Muawiya to two rows, and he was killed . And whoever sees the sun, moon, and stars gathered in one place and their king, and they have light and rays, then the saying is acceptable to the king, the minister and the presidents . If it is not light, then there is no good in it for the visionary . If he sees the sun and moon looking down on him, his parents are satisfied with him . If they do not have a ray, they are angry with him . If he sees a sun and a moon on his right and left, in front of him or behind him, then he will be afflicted with fear or calamity and defeat, and he is forced to flee with it, because God Almighty says : “And the sun and the moon have gathered together, and the person shall say that which is the day of escape .” And the blackness of the sun, moon and stars and their rotation, change the blessings in this world . And a solar eclipse, happened with the king . And whoever sees clouds covering the sun until its light is gone, the king will get sick . If he sees it not moving in the clouds or coming out of it, then the king will die, and the sun may have been a scientist who knows how the clouds evacuated, then sadness will evacuate from him . Moon : Originally the minister of the greatest king, or a sultan without the greatest king, and the stars around him are soldiers . And his homes and dwellings, or his wives and maidservants . And perhaps he indicates the scholar and the jurist and all the evidence that he guides, because he is guided in the darkness and shines in the public . It indicates the boy, the husband and the master, and the wife and son, for his beauty and light, likening him to the beauty of women and men, so it is said as if the full moon was as if it were a lunar moon . Then his accidents are interpreted and practiced as similar to what was previously mentioned in the sun, and it may indicate an increase or decrease, because it increases and decreases, such as money, works and bodies, along with the previous pronouncement of traffic, such as a patient who sees at the beginning of the month has descended on him or brought him to him, then he will wake up from his problem He is spared from his illness . And if it is a month short, then its age is gone, and its deadline approaches the amount left of the month, it may be days, and it may be a collection, months, or years, with evidence added to that in a dream or in waking life . If he descends at the beginning of the month, or if he appears absent from his place, he has left his place and has come from his journey . And if that was at the end of the month, after traveling and leaving his homeland . And whoever sees him with him or in his lap or in his hand, he will marry a husband according to his light and light, whether he is a man or a woman . Aisha, may God be pleased with her, saw three moons that fell in her room. She recounted her vision to her father, may God be pleased with him, and said to her : If your vision is true, three are buried in your room, they are the best of the people of the earth ….
…Number two 2: It may indicate victory over the enemy because the Almighty says (the second two ) and it may indicate keenness to pray in congregation because the least of the congregation is two, and it may indicate marriage with a second for his saying ( two, three and a quarter )…
The vulture they devolve women Idiots few interest ….
…Number three 3: It may denote a journey, a successful travel, and gain its owner for his saying, may God bless him and grant him peace (and three rides ), and it may indicate a blessed participation in a commercial business because he, may God bless him and grant him peace, said ( I am the third of the two partners ) and may indicate dangerous words because of disbelief because God Almighty said ( third) Three )…
And the three are not commendable . The four are blessed and it is good for the Almighty saying, ~ There shall be three, but he is the fourth of them .~ The five revelations are good and benign . As for the six, it is doing something in it as a result of the Almighty saying, ~He created the heavens and the earth in six days, ~ and perhaps it was a good speech that the person who had made of the vision would make or the completion of an order and the emptiness of something ….
Rarely, he narrated that three people went out to travel, and one of them slept and saw something that came out of his nose, like a lamp. Then he entered a cave and saw what he saw, then returned to his nose. He woke up, wiping his face, and he said, I saw in this cave a treasure, so they entered it and found the rest of the treasure that was in it, and they took it ….
Abu Ali al-Hasan bin al-Hasan bin Shizhim al-Balkhi told us : He told us : Al-Hassan bin Muhammad told us : Ahmed bin Abi Saleh al-Karabisi told us : I heard Ibrahim al-Dalal, my brother’s son, Makki bin Ibrahim, saying : I heard Ibn Ayaynah say : I saw Sufyan al-Thawri in sleep, so I said what God made Your? He said and mentioned something . Did you say God saved you? He said my lack of knowledge of people . He said, so I told him, recommend me . He said : I diminish people’s knowledge ….
Jaber al-Maghribi al-Tilasan said that it refers to ten aspects of honor, honor, guardianship, children, state, honor, money, religion, knowledge and courage ….
…Number one : 1: It may indicate monotheism and uniqueness in knowledge or money, and it may indicate bad travel that came without lines because of his saying, may God bless him and grant him peace: ( The one traveler is a devil …)…
Abu Al-Hassan Muhammad bin Ahmed bin Al-Abbas Al-Akhmimi told us in Egypt. He said : Abu Jaafar Muhammad bin Salama al-Tahawi told us , he said : Muhammad bin Ibrahim bin Janad told us . And Ibrahim bin Abi Dawood and Abu Umayyah said : Sulayman bin Harb told us, and the wording was by Ibn Janad. He said : Hammad bin Zaid told us on the authority of Al-Hajjaj Al-Sawwaf, and Abu Al-Zubayr on the authority of Jaber, that Al-Tafil bin Amr came to the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, and he said : O Messenger of God, are you You are in the fortress of his fortress and prevent it from being fortified, he was trampled in the Jahiliyya, so the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, who mentioned God Almighty to the Ansar, then immigrated to Madinah, the parasite bin Amr migrated to him, and a man of his people migrated with him, and he contained Medina. So he got sick and went out and took the hooks, and cut his knuckles with them, and his hands were cropped until he died . Al-Tafil Bin Amr saw him in good shape and said : What has your Lord done to you? He said : He forgave me for my immigration to Madinah to his Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him. He said : What do I see with you covering your hands? He said : I was told that what you have corrupted does not fit you . He said his story to the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, then the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said : Oh God, his two sons, so forgive ….
The Sun : Originally the greatest king, because it enlightens what is in the sky from its counterparts, with its great benefit and disposes all people in its interests, and it may indicate the king of the place in which the vision is seen, and above it is higher than it indicates the sky to it, and it is the king of kings and the greatest of authorities, because God, glory be to Him The Exalted is the King of Kings, the mighty of the giants, and the director of heaven and those on it and the earth and those on it . And the sun may indicate the authority of the person who has the vision, if he sees it especially without the congregation and the councils, such as his princess, corporal, teacher, father, or husband if she is a woman, and perhaps the honorable woman as the king’s wife, president, master, his daughter, or his mother or the wife of the seer, or his mother Or his daughter, or her beauty . The poets liken the beauty of virgins to the sun in beauty and beauty . It was said that in the vision of Yusef, peace be upon him, it was a sign of his mother, and it was said, rather, of his maternal aunt, his father’s wife, and it was said that it was rather about his grandmother, and it was said that it was a sign of his father and the moon over his mother, all of this is permissible in the expression, and if the sun indicates the father, then he preferred her over the moon by light And the sunshine, and if it indicates the mother, let her feminine and remind the moon, so what was seen in the sun of an accident, its interpretation returned to those who refer to it from those who we described on the destinies of people and the magnitudes of the vision and its evidence and evidence . If a fallen woman is seen to the ground, or a bird swallows her, or she falls into the sea, or is burned by fire and her eyes are gone, or blackened and absent in a way other than her course from the sky, or she enters into a coffin, the one who is attributed to her will die . And if he saw an eclipse or cloud covered it and accumulated dust or smoke on it until its light diminished, or if you saw a ripple in the sky without stability, that was evidence of an accident happening to the one who added to it, either from sickness, worry, grief, distress, or worrying news, except that Whoever you indicate is ill in awakening, for that is his death, and if he sees it blackened without a reason for his deception or an eclipse, this is evidence of the added’s injustice and his injustice, or of his disbelief and delusion even if he took it in his palm or its possession in his lap, or it descended upon him in his home with its light and brightness He was able to possess his authority and pride with his possession, if he was one of those who befit him, or the arrival of the Lord of that status if he was absent, whether his son or his servant or his wife saw that, because he is the authority of everyone and the values of the house, otherwise the pregnant woman was born if he had a maid or a boy who differentiated between The male and the female are seeking an increase in the vision, such as taking it and covering it under his garment, or inserting it into one of his vessels, and he will testify that in it by the hidden females, and whoever indicates it is beautiful mentioned with knowledge or authority . And if in this case she was dark and shriveled in color, then the king was treacherous in his possession, or on his family, if he met that, otherwise a power would be imposed on him, or he was attacked by a worker, or an absentee foot, or he died among the sick, and pregnant women fell off their fetus, or gave birth to a son Differentiate these faces, increasing the evidence . And if he sees it emerging from Maghrib or returning after sunset, or returning to the place from which it dawned, a sign and a lesson will appear that indicates what I have prepared by increasing its evidence . This may indicate the return of the person attributed to her of what he hoped for in travel, justice or injustice, according to the benefit of her onset and absences, and the times for that . Perhaps the setback indicated by the sick, and its absence after its emergence for those with pregnancy may indicate the death of the fetus after its appearance . And perhaps it indicates the arrival of the absent from his travels and the strange money, and perhaps its absence indicates the return of the prisoner to the prison after his release, and it may indicate that the one who embraced Islam from his infidelity, or repented from his wrongdoing, will return to his misguidance . And if someone sees that doing good or bad hidden deeds, he indicates his jacket and conceals his conditions, and his cover is not revealed for the sun to go away, except that he is someone who was given to him on his night as a wife, or bought a secret, he said, the wife goes back to her family, and the secrecy belongs to her seller . Her rise after her sunset may also indicate to those who divorced his wife of her regurgitation, to those who are pregnant with her salvation, and to those who have been unable to live or have made her due to her hypocrisy, especially if her goodness is by the sun, such as shortening, washing, milk taxes, and the like, and for those who are sick of his death, because of the disappearance of the human-like shadow. With the words of the Almighty : “ Then the sun made him a guide, then we took a little fist for us. ” And for whoever was in jihad or war, for victory, because she returned to Yushaa bin Nun, peace be upon him, in the war of the enemies to him, until God showed him to them, and to whomever was poor on the winter day, On the clothing and riches, and on the summer day on the sadness, sickness, fever and conjunctivitis . Sitting in the sun in the summer is an indication of the torment and grief that he is in, for the sake of accompanying the ruler, or the reason for whom the sun descended on him according to his position and direction . And whoever saw that he was transformed into a sun, he struck a king as mighty as its rays . And whoever strikes the sun hanging by a chain, the guardian of the state and justice in it . And if he sits in the sun and heals in it, he will receive a blessing from a ruler, and whoever sees that the sun’s light and its rays are from the east to the dusk, and if he is worthy of the king he will gain a great king, otherwise he will have a flag that is mentioned in all countries, and whoever sees that he owns the sun or is able to it, then he The saying is acceptable to the greatest king . Whoever saw her, Safia Munira, had risen to him, if he was a ruler who gained power in his mandate, and if he was a prince who obtained good from the greatest king, and if he was from the parish of a permissible livelihood, and if she was a woman who saw what pleased her from her husband . And whoever sees the sun rising in his house, if he is a merchant, he profits in his trade, and if he is a student of a woman, then he will hit a beautiful woman, and if that is seen by a woman who has married and the provision of her husband is greater . And the light of the sun is the prestige of the king and his justice, and from his word the sun received a lift from the Sultan, and whoever sees the sun rises on his head but not his body, he will receive a serious and comprehensive matter . And if it appeared on his feet without the rest of his body, he would receive permissible sustenance from before his cultivation, and if it appeared on his stomach under his clothes and people did not know, he would have leprosy, as well as on the rest of his organs from under his clothes . And whoever sees his stomach split and the sun rises in him, then he dies, and if a woman sees that the sun has entered from her saddle while he is a collar and then goes out from her tail, then she will marry a king and stay with her for a night, and if it falls on her vagina, then she commits adultery, and if he sees that the sun has set all over and he is behind her, he follows her Then he dies, and if he sees that he is following the sun as it travels and has not set, then he will be a prisoner with the king . If he sees the sun turning an old man, then the sultan humiliates God Almighty, makes justice and obtains power, and the conditions of Muslims improve, and if she turns young, then he weakens the condition of Muslims and disgraces the Sultan . If he sees a fire coming out from the sun and burning what is around it, then the king perishes some of his courtiers, and if he sees the sun red, then he is corrupt in his kingdom . If he saw it yellowed, the king was sick . If blackened, it will prevail, and it will be a blight . If he sees that she is absent, he will miss his request ….
…Expressions and expressions apply the word ( expression ) to the interpretation of the vision in particular . The expression is : the passage from apparent vision to its interior . This is Ragheb’s opinion . It was said : the consideration of the thing is considered some of it even gets some understanding of this is narrated by al – Azhari . The origin of the expression is derived from : lessons , which is overtaking from the event to event , and teams of linguists between water and non – water bypass, they said : the water exceeds a swim or a ship or other so- called : transit . They said : mind the lesson is the case that reaches out from the viewer to know what is not the scenes . It said : crossed any mitigation interpreted the vision . And : crossed by stressing the exaggeration in it . In the download : ~ If ye pass over to the vision of ~ (1) which you pray to an end and you will remember her money . The crossing : the name of an actor from the act through , said : through the vision and crossed any words interpreted . Abu Bakr was may Allah be pleased with him of the most prominent companions renowned interpretation of visions and expression , and how does his teacher is the Messenger of Allah , the teacher of the nation all , has been described as one of the Companions , as in the ~ conquest ~ (2): ~ One of the express people ‘s vision after the Messenger of Allah upon him ~ . It is also notorious for their words , visions of Imam Abu Bakr Muhammad bin Sirin Ansari Basri loyalty , born in 33 of the deceased in 110 of and attributed to him a book ( expression of vision ) , a printed and mentioned by Ibn al – Nadim in the index , which is the book rolling between his people on behalf of : ( team talk in the interpretation of dreams ), and see the flags button total (25 \ 7 ) find adequate translation pursuant to a mighty Zrcelli and ended in which the proportion of non – validity of the books of Ibn Sirin . Another world is : Abdul Ghani bin Ismail Nabulsi , one of the Sufis , and has many publications including : ( perfuming creatures in the expression of a dream ) contains things and perceptions and the names of women and women may not occur only rarely as it may be impossible to see some of the afterlife and this and that it was the Sufis is It is true that it is said that it has been fulfilled and increased in this field , and many writers have praised his work, such as Professor Muhammad Qutb , then I say : In this part I will talk about the methodologies of the expressers and the necessary matters that must be provided in the crossing , and before this I point out that there are many modern and old expressers , I am not looking for this in their names, but I will talk about the approach that many of them follow through my follow-up on this topic . . I say : Mabro visions recently divided into three sections : 1 – Section I : The owners of this section does not reflect only a little shy away from the expression and closes the door of learning expression , and that he was told a question about the expression and quality replied : that insight breed with one and prevents learning , and destination this matter we’ve heard from some old Mchaikhana esteemed God have mercy on those who died , and bless us in the present age . B – Section II : The Hola Unlike the first section , expanding the expression , and the rhetoric of the question of visions in each council , Palmchaffhh, transportation , and even by writing to the owner or others , and some of Hola find tells you challenged through construing and how the interpretation of the vision responsible for them . C – Section III : section between Hola and Hola crosses but Palmchaffhh only , and requires that the owner of the vision is fluid and prevents the transfer only narrowly , and Hola , so much uninhibited expression : and tell you about how the interpretation sometimes . Perhaps the indulgence in the expression of visions , and open the door at each board and a lecture something accident in these days , and here I am not against the expression of visions as a science , but against leniency in the expression of visions , and open the door at all the board and lecture anything accident in these days and here I am not against the expression Visions as a science, but against indulgence in expression, not investigating, not asking about the state of the visionary, and asking about the vision, its wording, and its time. These are things that are required for the crossing to enable the optimal expression , and therefore you find among the expressers who tolerate hearing visions stating that the degree of correctness in his expression by reading it does not exceed fifty in Cent !! I do not say that only Almtsahlain are to blame , but that the first section as well as the owners are wrong – in my humble opinion – The term visions not only discernment , but discernment and learn and practice the skill of gaining and develop and mastered , they differ from one person to another ; Yes , it is discernment when Joseph son of Jacob them peace and blessings of the Almighty said ~ Ijetbik as your Lord and teach you the interpretation of conversations and the grace of you and all of Jacob , as completed by the parent by Abraham and Isaac that your Lord is Knowing , Wise ~ ( Yusuf : 6 ). Ibn Abbas said in his interpretation ( and teach you the interpretation of conversations ) any of the expression of vision , and teach you as well as knowing what people interpret him talk (3)). Yes , it is discernment when Jacob , and when Abraham and Daniel and Muhammad upon them that prophets and peace , as well as companions when Abu Bakr , may Allah be pleased with him and Omar ibn al – Khattab and Othman bin Affan and Ali ibn Abi Talib and Abdullah bin Abbas and Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al – Aas and Anas bin Malik Salman Al-Farsi, Huzaifa bin Al-Yaman, Aisha bint Abi Bakr Al-Siddiq, may God be pleased with them all , and others . But when others do not . . . , Not all of it is a firaasa , but it contains firaasa , inspiration , and deduction from the Qur’an, Sunnah, language , proverbs , and other things that are known to anyone interested in this art . Came in the right agreed to talk about Abu Hurayrah , may Allah be pleased with him said : I heard the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him say : ~ not only prophecy left of the missionaries ~ , they said : What missionaries? He said : “The Righteous Vision ” (4) and this is Bukhari’s wording . The datum of Imam Ahmad peace be upon him , he said : ~ dreams are seen by the Muslim or see him ~ (5). Meaning : that the revelation interrupted by his death peace be upon him and remains what it teaches him what will be only the vision seen by the believer , as well as inspiration, the the news as it will be located not prophets also told the Prophet peace be upon him at the age of the saying has been in the United Nations before you Mahdthon – any visionary and it was said : are right and Bukhari said : being right on their tongues . It was not in my nation , including one of the Omar bin al – Khattab were ~ agreed upon (6). He told many of the saints about Omowo absent , were also told this inspiration , we might ask , what inspiration and why say today? I say : Imam Ibn Hajar said in Al-Fath : The secret was in the cycle of inspiration in his time, may God bless him and grant him peace and its abundance after him , the predominance of revelation to him, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, who was awake and wanted to show miracles from him , so it was appropriate that nothing happened to him in his time , and when the revelation was interrupted by his death the inspiration fell For whom God has singled out for security from confusion in that .. and in denying that this happened despite its abundance and his fame is arrogance of those who deny it . Ibn Hajar detailed in al-Fath the difference between inspiration and vision and mentioned that inspiration is : what moves the heart to a science that he is tempted to act upon without inference. Abizaid Dabbousi of the imams of the tap , said that the public that it is not permissible to act only when it has all of the arguments in the door is permissible , and said words last Shinar . he was the Prophet peace be upon him sometimes cut vision companions Viabbarha one it either on his words , And this is from the matter of education from him, may God bless him and grant him peace, and what is narrated about this is what was reported by Ibn Sh Wahab said : saw the Prophet peace be upon him a vision Vqsa to Abu Bakr said : ~ O Abu Bakr , I saw as if I preceded you and I Vsbaktk degree Bmrqotin and a half ~ and hemostats : class . Abu Bakr said : O Messenger of Allah , Allah Iqdk to His mercy and forgiveness , and I live after you two years and a half . This hadith was mentioned by al-Suyuti in the major characteristics and attributed it to Ibn Saad, but it is mursal (7). This is a firaasa from Abu Bakr . Ibn al- Qayyim said his book ( runways ) (8): ~ The physiognomy was and will remain the status of homes :~ Beware of worship and you are we ~(9) , and that only because it is the light of God hurls in the heart of his servant differentiates him between right and wrong and the current unemployed and sincere and false . the current unemployed and saying : the current is adorned and analysis, the unemployed against him , said : women disrupted any empty ornaments are unemployed , and meaning that he differentiates between one thing and against him , and this physiognomy according to the power of faith on , it was stronger faith it is one of discernment . Ibn Masood may Allah have said about him : Avars people three : Aziz Yousef , where he said to his wife : ( he said that he bought from Egypt to his wife Akrami resting place may be Infna or our son ) ( Yusuf : 21 ). the daughter of Shoaib when she said : ~ Astijrh ~( stories : 36). Abu Bakr in Umar , may Allah be pleased when Astkhalafh . it was a lot of companions , God bless them Athlon them , and the friend may Allah be pleased with him in the forefront of it is the greatest nation discernment and after Omar ibn al – Khattab may Allah be pleased with him , it is what he said to something : I think as well , but he also said , and enough in Frasth OK Te Rabbo in positions known – which is not the field of our conversation (10), and as I also said : discernment companions believe physiognomy , and out of this kind of physiognomy of life and light , which Ahbhma God for whom He wills of His slaves , and live heart so and enlightened can hardly Frasth wrong , this confirms the verse : ~ I believe it was dead Vohieddinah and made him Nora walks in people like him in the darkness is not outside of them as well as Zain for the unbelievers what they were doing ~ ( Anaam : 122 ). If the expression of visions Balfrash there is a lot when Ancestors does not mean that it refrains when others , but I have the difference in terms of the few and the multitude only , there may be in this age of God grants him physiognomy , was Jah in the talk : ~ Fear the insight of the believer , it is seen by the light of God (11). According to the divine hadith narrated via Abu Hurayrah said Abu Hurayrah said : The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him : that God said : It is unusual to me and Leah was Aznth war , and closer to my servant , something I like to than assumed by him , and still Abdi draw near to Balnoavl until I love him , if I loved you heard that he hears , and his sight with which he sees , his hand with which he strikes , and his foot with which he walks , and asked me to Oattiynh , and while my seeks refuge to Oaivnh . What I hesitated about something I am an actor hesitation about the same believer hates death and I hate Madsth ~(12), and to be that it makes him benefit from what they hear from science, wisdom and preaching the good experiences useful and makes it also sees the light of God is in the heavens and the earth from the states of standing , his faith and his belief . He said mark Mnari in his book , commenting on the talk that preceded : ~ fear the insight of the believer .~ physiognomy : the inference bodies of human and forms , and colors and his words , on his morals and virtues , and vices , God has Tepe on sincerity , saying : ~ if the verses of Mtosameen ~ ( stone : 75 ), and said : ~ you know Besimhm ( Baqarah : 277 ), which is the derivative of saying the mare seven language ewe , and called on the seven he preys distances in keeping , was physiognomy embezzlement of Arif consider , for example , the person and identify the case , which is of two types : The first : A type that occurs to a person from a mind that he does not know its cause – and it is a kind of inspiration, which is called the updated owner, as in the news : “ If there is a modernist in this nation, then it is Omar. ” (13) This inspiration may be in a state of waking or dreaming , this is the first type And its truth is that it is : a thought that attacks the heart and bounces upon it like a leap The lion is on its prey, and this firaasa is according to the strength of faith . Second : be industry educated , which is to know what the colors, shapes and between temperaments and ethics , natural acts , and knew it was a constant understanding , strong on physiognomy (14). . . The conclusion I Come to it after all this talk . . . There is someone who crosses the vision with inspiration, there are those who cross it with inspiration, and there are those who cross it with industry and education, but it must be pointed out here that it is better for a person not to say about himself that his expression comes under the heading of physiognomy or inspiration, because this is the purification of the soul, and God Almighty says : “ Do not purify yourself. you know is warded ~( star : 32 ). The term visions is not based only on physiognomy but it is based, and on the other inspiration, and ingenuity in the science – based expression on the knowledge of the Koran and the Sunna and knowledge of the origins of this art of interpretation in the sense or the derivation of the names and an example of this is narrated in Saheeh Muslim from Anas ibn Malik He said : The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “ One night I saw the sleepers as if I was in the garrison of Uqba ibn Rafi, and we came to Rutab from Rattab Ibn Tabab – a man from the people of Medina attributed to him this kind of good wet – He said, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him : So I turned greatness for us in this world and the consequence for us in the afterlife, and that our merry ~(15) , which is fulfilled and settled its provisions . Messenger peace be upon him the first hurdle : a consequence, Rafie : seniority, and merry : the stability of religion and the completion of its provisions . Something other than hermeneutics Balostakkak : interpretation which hit the proverbial and likeness : narrated by Bukhari in his Saheeh from Abdullah ibn Umar that the Prophet , peace be upon him , said : ~ I saw as if the rebel head , a black woman came out of the city – until the Bmhaah was said : Mhaah Of great weight, which is al – Juhfa – which are the names of places in the city – so I stated that the city’s plague was transferred to it ”(16). Muhallab said : This vision of the Department of vision expressive . It was hit by the ideals, and the face of representation that is derived from the name of the ( black ) , two words : bad, and the disease if installed two words with each other to the left word to you : black, Valrcol holy peace be upon him exit , including A collection of her name, and the eruption of her poetry also interpreted, that what stirs up evil comes out of the city . She noted here that not all the blackness frowned upon in a dream as the visions as I told you : you should consider several things, including the time of Revelation, and the city was that time land infested, so proven Aisha , may Allah be pleased , said : ~ We made the city a Oba land God ~(17) . The Prophet called holy peace be upon him to convey God Abaha to the handsome said :~ Oh dear to us , the city and move protected by the handsome ~(18), so you may see behind the vision and the color of black , thus expressed his derived from Sovereignty is not from bad , and so what is important here is the diversity of expression and its methods , and the diversity of the expression of the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, for visions, and the Messenger of God was with his companions who would express the vision and tell them the reason for his expression as the previous example . . . Take this example also : On the authority of Abu Musa on the authority of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, he said : I saw in a dream that I was migrating from Mecca to a land with palm trees, so he and I went to the point that it was Al-Yamamah or Hajar. So if Madinah is smacking, and I saw in my vision that I shook a sword, then his chest was cut off. He was injured by the believers on a Sunday, then another shook him, and he returned the best that was. So, it is what God brought with him from the conquest and the gathering of the believers, and I also saw in it a cow, and God is good. So if they are a group of believers on a Sunday, and if goodness is what God has brought with it after the reward of honesty that God has brought to us after the day of Badr ~ . this is the text of a Muslim (19). Valmlahz here that the Prophet peace be upon him tell companions the vision and he put it , and this education from it , and which is also narrated by Ahmad in his Musnad narrated from Anas that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him , he said : ~ I saw while sleeping see if I Mirdif ram was Zbh my sword broken , has been placing I kill the owner of the battalion , and a man of the people of my house kills ~ (20). , killing the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him Talha bin Abi Talha owner of the banner of the infidels , and killed Hamza bin Abdul demand may Allah be pleased with him . Al- Nawawi said in explaining the true Muslim Commenting on the hadeeth of Ibn Abbas : that the Messenger of Allah was making me Saying to his companions : “ Whoever among you sees a vision, let him tell it, pass it to him . . . ~ Etc. (21), the judge said : the meaning of the term they often do as well, as if he said : would . In modern induction aware of the vision , and the question about the interpretation, the scientists said : a laptop and ask that God bless him and teach them interpret the virtue and include According to what God Almighty wills of informing the unseen, and it came in the authentic hadith of Al-Bukhari. He, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said : While I was asleep, I came with a cup of milk, and I drank it so that I could see the water . ”(22) The hadith has already been mentioned and it was the first of the Messenger, may God’s prayers be upon him. He gave the milk to the knowledge , and it is important to us here when we are talking about the legality of teaching the vision and asking about it what came from the narration of Abu Bakr bin Salem that God’s prayers and peace be upon him. He said to them : “ Give it. ” They said , O Messenger of God, this is knowledge that God gave you , so He filled you with grace , so I preferred a bounty and I gave it Omar He said : “You were injured. ” Here , may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, from the Companions ’news of lending visions to their questioning of them . He, may God bless him and grant him peace, as Ibn Hajar says in Al-Fath : He was fluent in the expression of the vision, and he had a participant in that among them because the multiplicity of this saying is not issued to those who trained in it and trusted with a woman . Commenting on the hadith, he said : In the hadith, the legitimacy of the scholar to question questions and test his companions in their interpretation . He said in another place : the virtue of expression of vision , what it involves access to some of the unseen and the secrets of organisms (23). The crossing also needs to be familiar parables in the Koran and its meanings , and to consider the notification and proverbs and derivation of the language and their meanings and be a world of what is happening on the tongues of the people , and it needs the crossing as well as to learn a lot about the state of the seer , there is no defect to ask him about his work or his job , age , social status and all What he deems necessary is what is evidenced by the knowledge of his issue or his vision , and the crossing here is like a doctor. If the patient withholds information about his illness, he may make a mistake in the diagnosis and may prescribe a wrong medicine for him, and it is necessary to not rush to the questioner and the responsible, and it was reported from Ibn Sirin, may God have mercy on him, that he was If there is a mechanism of a vision issue in which he stayed full of the day, he asks its owner about himself, his industry and his people, and this of course may happen to the able crossing and it is not a shame for him to quench such a time, and there is no doubt that most of what was narrated on the authority of Ibn Sirin does not need a long time when expressing it and contemplating it. But I mentioned him because the presence of this from him despite his scarcity and his skill in expression is evidence of the importance of narration, and narration is useful for verifying the narrator’s words and getting to know his condition in terms of righteousness, truthfulness, justice, and the time of vision . . And other things that may be needed by the crossing, and should not be bored or angry questions crossing – especially – when you do not know any way liquid as much falls in this age as a result of telephone calls from people – male or female – do not know them the crossing, it needs to question His questions about them may be rejected by some of the questioners and interpreted by interfering with his privacy . As well as the question of an important religion of the crossing, and the administrator must honesty in the answer Vslah man or evildoers, with a strong relationship , art said : to eat honey for a Muslim interpretation sweetness of the Koran and the male in his heart, which is the infidel sweetness of the world and the Gnimetha, Valray contrasting by religion, creeds and countries must – when transferring vision – proficiency transferred to the crossing, and to tell him about its owner , male or female, his social age . . . Etc., and all what he sees as the crossing is necessary to express the vision transmitted was mentioned by Ibn Hajar interest on the words of the Prophet peace be upon him : ~ From the vision of Vliqsa Oabbarha him ~ (24) verse said : ~ Vliqsa ~ to remind her story and follows the fractions until nothing left of them Cut the effect if you follow it . The Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, asked and inquired, and he is the Messenger of God . It came in the hadith : A man named Muti’a ibn al-Aswad saw in his dream that he gave him a pouch of dates , so he mentioned that to the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and he said : “ Has any of your daughters been pregnant? ” He said. : Yes, with a woman from my son . Laith . . She is the mother of Abdullah. He, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him , said : “ She will give birth to a boy. ” And she bore a boy , so the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, called him Abdullah and Hanakah with a date and called him blessing . . This hadith was mentioned by al-Haythami in Majma ‘al-Zawaid (25) and attributed to al-Tabarani, and it was not included in one of the nine books . 77 ________________________________ (1) Yusuf : 43 (2) Ibn Hajar . Op – (434 \ 12) (3) Elvir and Zabadi – interpretation of Ibn Abbas . Op . Cit . P . 193 (4 ) Narrated by Bukhari in the book of expression door missionaries , see the opening (12 \ 375 ) – op – narrated by 0 Ahmad in Musnad Abu Hurayrah – a reference earlier . (5 )) Narrated by Muslim in the prayer book door is forbidden to read the Koran in the bowing and prostration as in the nuclear (4 /196 ) – op -. (6 ) Narrated by Bukhari in the Book of Virtues of the Companions door of the virtues of Umar ibn al – Khattab , as in the opening (7/42 ) – op -, and Muslim in the book of the virtues of the Companions door of the virtues of Umar ibn al – Khattab , as in the nuclear (15 /166 ) – previous reference -. (7 ) Jalaluddin Suyuti – Major characteristics – (2 /115 ). (8 ) runways between the homes beware of worship and Thine aid we seek to Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr Ayoub Zorai – Arab Book House – Beirut , i 2, in (1393 – 1973 ) to achieve : Mohammed al – Feki . ( P . 115 ). (9 ) light : 5 . ( 10 ) جاء في الحديث الصحيح الذي أخرجه مسلم من طريق ابن عمر عن عمر قال : قال : عمر : ( وافقت ربي في ثلاث : في مقام إبراهيم وفي الحجاب وفي اسارى بدر ) انظر : النووي شرح صحيح مسلم ( 167\15 ) , ولا شك في فضله رضي الله عنه كما قال حين احتج نساء النبي عليه في الغيرة : عسى ربه إذ طلقكن أن يبدله أزواجأ خيرا منكن فنزلت الاية بذلك , وجاء في الحديث الذي ذكره مسلم أيضأ موافقته في منع الصلاة على المنافقين ونزول الأية بذلك ( 167\15 ) وجاءت أيضأ موافقته في تحريم الخمر , قال النووي : فهذه ست وليس في لفظ الحديث السابق ما ينفي زيادة الموافقة , والله أعلم . ( 11 ) رواه الترمذي في كتاب تفسير القران باب تفسير سورة الحجر . ورواه الطبراني والبخاري في التاريخ , وحكم عليه الألباني بالضعف . ( 12 ) أخرجه البخاري في كتاب الرقاق باب التواضع ( 11 / 341 ) كما في الفتح – مرجع سابق – . ( 13 ) يشير إلى الحديث الذي سبق ذكره في فضل عمر وسبق تخريجه ص 58 .(14 ) Mohammad Razi Almsthr Bouktaib illiterate – physiognomy guide to the knowledge of the ethics of the people and their natures as if they were an open book – the achievement of Mustafa Ashour – published the Koran r Library 21-22. (15 ) Narrated by Muslim in his Saheeh in the Book of Revelation , as in the nuclear (15 / 31 ) – op -. (16 ) Narrated by Bukhari in the book of expression if the door saw that thing out of Keh and live here last subject (12 /425 ) and in the door : black women (12 /426 ) – op -. (17 ) Narrated by Bukhari in the book of the virtues of the city gate of hatred of the Prophet peace be upon him that the city naked conquest (99/4 ) – op – Muslim in the Book of Hajj and the door of the city favored the carrot in a residential city to explain nuclear (9 /0 15 ) – op -. (18 ) Narrated by Bukhari in the book of the virtues of the city , the door of the hatred of the Prophet peace be upon him that the city was uncovered as in the conquest – the previous reference . (4 /99 ), as explained in the nuclear true Muslim . Previous reference . In the book of Hajj and the door of the city favored the carrot in a residential city (150 \ 9 ). (19 ) Agreed and pronunciation of Muslim See : Fath Bari , a book in the virtues of prophecy talk of signs (627 \ 6 ) – op -. And to explain nuclear Muslim in the book of Revelation (31 \ 15 ) • op .. (20 ) Narrated by Ahmad in the rest of the palm Almktherin in the palm of Anas bin Malik . (21 ) Narrated by Muslim in the Book of Revelation , as in the nuclear (30 \ 15 ) – op -. (22 ) while I was sleeping , I came Bakdh milk and drank from it until I see irrigation . . Offers discharged p . 30 . (23 ) Ibn Hajar Fath al – op – (440 437 394 \ 12) 0 (24) provides alumna, p . 65 . (25) Al -Haythami – previous reference – (7/184) ** Quoted from Dr. Fahd Al-Osaimi…