…The tendency : a son, and it was said that he is a man who says about people’s affairs . And foreground : maid . And the cradle : blessing, goodness and good deeds . And the page and the plate : the man’s lover, and the beloved is what something sweet is served on ….

If in your dream you hear one of the night songs that lovers usually sing under the windows of their girlfriends, then you will hear good news from absentee friends and your expectations will not disappoint you . If you are the one who sings under your girlfriend’s window, your future will be full of joyful things ….

…The boiler : the values ​​of the house are descendants of the Christians . And the refinery : a lovely server . And the jam : It is the man’s lover and his beloved is served with sweetness, because the sweet on the jam indicates an increase in the love in the heart of his beloved for him . If the jam is presented with something on it from pulses or acid, then it appears in the house of his beloved of it enmity and hatred ….

…It is in a dream worries, depression, blindness and deafness . Love is a trial while awake, and it is famous that necessitates people’s sympathy for it, and indicates poverty and death for the sick and perhaps death in a dream indicates love and distance from the loved one . And life after death is a continuation of the lover with the beloved . Ironing and burning in a dream is a passion . Entering Paradise in a dream is a connection with the beloved, and a continuation of the lover with the beloved . Also entering fire in a dream is a band . Passion and love in a dream is negligence and a lack of religion . Love is a corruption in religion and a lack of money . Love of God Almighty in a dream is empowerment in religion, good certainty, and following the Sunnah of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace. . If he claims love or passion in a dream, he will stray after his guidance . And if the seer was a scientist, people would be bewitched by his motifs, and their rules of rationality violated him . And if the seer was insignificant, his status increased, his remembrance became famous, his argument appeared, and he became more certain, religious and worldly . Although it was a recent covenant with Islam, insight into his religion, and his faith was strong ….

…The jam is in a dream the man’s lover, and the best dessert is served . Whoever sees that he is presented to him as a coward, then he will see from his beloved a great love, and if he presents him with what he hates, such as bulrows, stools and cucumbers, then he will see from his beloved enmity, and he will feel hatred . The jam in the vision is expressed as a thousand dirhams or one hundred dirhams ….

…Honey is in a dream money from halal inheritance, or money from spoils or company . Honey for the people of the religion is the sweetness of religion, the recitation of the Qur’an and the deeds of righteousness, and for the people of this world it is a spoil injury without fatigue . Honey is a little livelihood from a face that is tired . If he saw that the sky rained honey, he indicates Saladin . Perhaps honey indicates the sweetness of a woman or a man, as it came in the hadith : until you taste his honey and he tastes yours. Perhaps honey indicates worry, bemoaning, envy, and guarding against the plots of envious ones, because honey collects flies, wasps and ants . Honey filtered with fire released after hardship, was born after the end of his months, and a wife after the end of her iddat, and money that may be inflated with zakat, knowledge that is saved from heresy and suspicion, and guidance that is not yet misguided . Pure honey is money . And it was said : It is money in fatigue . Honey is a cure for illness . And it was said : Eating honey indicates the hugging and kissing of a beloved . And whoever eats bread with honey, he will gain a living from the spoil ….

…The body The body is healthy and strong, the strength of religion and faith . If he sees his body as a living body, then he shows what conceals enmity . If he sees that he has a mechanism like a ram’s mechanism, then he has a marrowed son who lives from him . And whoever sees his body of iron or clay, he will die . If he sees an increase in his body without any harm, then it is an increase in the blessing for him . And whoever sees that he is scratching his body, he shall inspect the conditions with his kinship, and he will suffer from them fatigue . And if he saw that he had rubbed and the itch did not subside, he would get tired of his family, and if the itch subsided, he would receive great good . The weight of the body and its bones indicate an increase in wealth and pride . Wasting body indicates poverty and lack of money and knowledge, and it may indicate his meeting with those who hate him . And the body in a dream is evidence of what a person hides and embodies in him, such as clothing, the wife, the house, the beloved and the boy, and for those who take refuge in him from harm, such as the Sultan, the Master and the Guardian. On it . And if the body in the dream was fat and gorgeous, this indicates the height of fate and victory over the enemies ….

…And whoever sees Jacob, peace be upon him, he experiences great grief on the part of some of his children, then God Almighty reveals that about him and brings him to his beloved ….

…The dove : It is the righteous and beloved woman who does not seek a substitute for her husband, and Noah, peace be upon him, called for her, and indicates the urgent news, the Messenger and the book, because she relays the news in the book, and the origin of that is that Noah sent the raven to know the matter of water for him, and he found a corpse floating on the water, so he worked With it, he sent the dove and she brought him a green paper, and he called for it : it is for whoever is in distress or has absent good news if it falls on him or a plane comes to him, unless he is sick and falls on its head, for it is the pigeon of death, especially if it was from the dove and waved at his head in Sleep, and perhaps the dove was a girl . And the best green pigeon, and whoever sees that he owns something immeasurable from it, he will have spoil and goodness . Some of them are daughters and neighborhoods, and its tower is a compound of women, and its chicks are sons or neighborhoods . And whoever sees a human pigeon, then he is a beech man, and if he sows fodder for pigeons and calls them to him, then he leads . And the dove roar, blaming a man for a woman . Eggs are religion, vegetables are piety, blacks are masters of women and men, and balcks are owners of mixtures, and whoever is alienated by a dove and does not return to him, he divorces his wife or dies, and whoever has doves has women and slave women who do not spend on them . If the wing of a pigeon is cut, then he will swear to his wife not to go out, or to be born to him by his wife, or to become pregnant . The dove is an Arab man or woman, and whoever slaughters it will spoil a virgin woman, and whoever eats its meat will eat the woman’s money . And pigeons with their chicks, captivity with their children . And the attributed guiding dove, news that comes from afar . And if his wife was pregnant, she gave birth to a boy . It was narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw as if I had hit a white pigeon that liked me very much, as if one of her eyes was one of the best eyes of a dove, and the other eye in it around had been covered with yellow . Ibn Sirin laughed and said : You marry a beautiful woman that you like very much and it does not matter to you who you saw with her eye, because the defect is not in her eyesight, but is something in her clitoris, and it is bad in her character and harms you with it . So the person of the vision married a woman and saw from her a strong character ….

…Reunification in a dream denotes marriage, so whoever sees that he is sitting with someone he loves will marry, and likewise if the girl sees that she is sitting with her lover, she will marry . And whoever sees that he is included in the gathering and is able to get out of this world, his matter will be diminished and his condition will change . Whoever sees that his beloved has visited him, he will receive joy and pleasure ….

…Surat Al-Najm Ibn Sirin said whoever reads it, God opens the doors of goodness and mercy to him in his face . Al-Kirmani said he would conquer the enemy and vanquish them, and it was said that God Almighty would bless him with a good, good and beloved son, and Jaafar al-Sadiq said as well ….

…If you see a candle burning with a clear and steady flame, this means the bonding of those around you and wealth on solid ground . For a girl to dream that she is putting candles in a mold means that she will find an unexpected marriage proposal and a joyful visit to distant relatives . If she lights a candle, she will surreptitiously meet her beloved due to parental opposition . If you see a candle turning into a liquid, then there are enemies preparing reports against you . If a candle splits, it predicts sad news . Friends died or in distress ….

…And whoever thinks that his remembrance has become inanimate, then it is his death, and if he becomes an animal or a plant, if it is a beloved then there is nothing wrong with it, and if it is an abomination then it is not praiseworthy ….

…The face of this dream is very favorable if you see happy, radiant faces, but it portends trouble if the faces are deformed, bloody, or frowning in your face . If a young person dreams of a bloody face, then this predicts quarrels with the beloved . As for the lover, if he sees the face of the one he loves looks old, then this indicates separation and tearing of happy associations . If you see a strange and strange-looking face, this indicates that enemies and adversities surround you . If you dream that you see your own face, this indicates unhappiness . For married people, this dream threatens that divorce will occur . If in a dream you see your face in the mirror, this indicates that you are upset with yourself in not being able to implement your plans or improving yourself . You will also lose the esteem of your friends ….

…Parent If you dreamed of your father, this foretells that you are about to get involved in some difficulty and that you will need wise advice if you want to get rid of it . If it is dead this indicates that your business is going through difficulty and you will have to be careful in running it . If a girl dreams about her dead father, this foretells that her beloved is deceiving her or will deceive her ….

…Damask rose If you dreamed of seeing a branch of a damask rose lush and in full bloom, this means that a wedding will take place soon in your family, and great hopes will be fulfilled . If your beloved puts this flower in your hair, then this foretells that you will be a victim of deception . If a woman receives a bouquet of damask roses in the spring time, she will find a loyal lover . But if you receive it in the winter, you will search for faded hopes ….

…And whoever sees that he is before the hand of his beloved, that is submission and humiliation to him ….

…Spider Seeing a spider in a dream suggests prudence and vitality in managing your business . You will be lucky and you will accumulate a great fortune if you see a spider weaving its own tissue, this predicts family happiness . If you kill a spider, this predicts a quarrel with your beloved wife. If a spider bites you, then you will be a victim of the misfortunes and intrigues of the enemies in the vicinity of your work . If you see several spiders hanging in their tissues around you, this is a good omen and foretells of luck, wealth, good health, and loyal friends . If you see a big spider attacking you, you will quickly reach wealth unless the dangers impede you . If you see one very large and another small spider heading towards you, you will have good white days and you will feel mature in your life . If the big spider stings you, then this means the envy of your wealth steals, and if the small spider stings you, you will be annoyed with some small intrigues and minor problems . If you run away from a large spider you will lose quite a bit of money . If you killed a spider in the dream, your condition will eventually improve . If the spider comes back to life and catches you, you are threatened by disease and poverty . If a woman dreams of seeing a spider or golden spiders dancing around her, this predicts improvement in her family circumstances and more friendships ….

…And the young man : in interpretation the enemy of the man, if he is white, then he is a hidden enemy . If it is black, then it is a rich enemy, and if it is blond, then it is the enemy of an old man . If he was a Dilmun, then he is a faithful enemy . If he was a Rustaq, he is a rude enemy . If he is strong, then he is the intensity of his enmity, and if he is unknown, and if he is known, then he is his own . Whoever sees that a young man follows him, then he is an enemy that he will win . If he sees an elder who supervises him, he enables him to do good . And if he is a young man who supervises him, then he is an enemy capable of him, because he is above him . And if he saw an old man as if he had become a young man, then he differed in interpreting his vision, and some said that he had a renewed pleasure, and some said that he appears in his religion or his worldly deficiency, and some said that he was dying, and some said that his visions indicate his keenness, because the heart of the sheikh is young with concern and hope . If he sees an unknown young man and hates him, then he appears to him to have a hateful enemy to the people . If he loves him, he appears to him a beloved enemy ….

…Arafah Whoever sees in a dream that on the day of Arafah and he was absent, will return to him gladly, and if he quarrels a good person . Arafa indicates the Hajj, and perhaps Friday, and a market and a profitable trade . And whoever stood at Arafah in a dream, his rank moved from good to evil, or from evil to good, and perhaps he parted from a wife or honorable residence, and perhaps his enemy triumphed over him, even if in something of that he gained honor or honor, and he met with those who separated, and won Against his enemy, and if he was a sinner, his repentance was accepted, and if he had a hidden secret, it would appear . Perhaps standing in Arafah indicated a meeting with the beloved who was separated, for whoever stood there in the night before dawn realized what he wanted and needed, and whoever came after dawn did not realize what was wanted ….

…Whoever sees that he loves something like him, there is nothing wrong with that, and if he sees what he hates, he opposes that, and some of the expressers said that he who saw that he was waiting for something, then he would have long hope, and as for longing, it indicates alienation, and it may indicate a beloved parting because some of them say ….

…It is in a dream good news and warning, war and torment, power and imprisonment, loss and sins, and whoever sees fire and has sparks and has sound and commotion, it is a trial in which a world of people perishes . And whoever sees a fire in his heart, that is the love of the victor and the oppression of those who abandon his beloved . And whoever sees two fires, they are military . The higher the fire is with loud smoke, the greater the horror and torment . Whoever lights a fire in a dark night to guide people to the road will receive a flag that guides people, and whoever lights it without darkness, then he is a heresy . And it was said : If you see fire during the day, then it is a sign of war and sedition . And whoever sees that he worships fire, then he loves war, and perhaps he was obeying Satan in his disobedience . And whoever sees that he fires with fire in the winter, he will be rich . And whoever sees that he eats fire, he unjustly eats the money of orphans or eats forbidden money . And whoever sees that he has sold fire and bought a garden, then he sells pigeons and buys a garden, and vice versa . And whoever sees a person entering the fire and being tortured, then he loses his money or commits sins that necessitate the fire . And whoever was hit by the fire and did not burn him, keep his time . And whoever sees the fire burning something of the grain, its price is higher . And the burning fire is a calamity of Sultan . And whoever among the governors sees that he lights a fire while it is extinguished, he shall be isolated and his fire extinguished . And whoever sees a flame of fire on his door without smoke, it indicates Hajj . And the fire in the fingers indicates the injustice of the scribes . And fire in the palm is an injustice in workmanship . And whoever sees a fire that will eat all that has come . On him and it has a tremendous voice, because it is war, plague, smallpox, or death that occurs there . And if he saw that it ascended from a place to heaven, then the people of that place have fought God Almighty with sins . Whoever sees a fire burns some of his clothes or some of his organs, and calamity befalls him . And whoever sees that he is struck by a glow of fire, he will fall into the tongues of people and backfill . And the useful, shining fire is a security of the fearful and nearness to the Sultan . And whoever saw a fire emanating from his home would obtain a state or trade . And whoever saw that a ray of his fire shone from the east to the west, then he will know that he will be mentioned in the east and the west . And if he saw a fire shining from his head, and it had light and rays, and his wife was pregnant, she gave birth to a boy who would prevail and have a great male . And whoever sees that he lights a fire at the top of a mountain, he will draw close to God Almighty or fulfill his needs, and if he is absent, he will return safely . And whoever sees in his skirt a burning fire and is married, then his wife gets pregnant . And the fire in the desert is war . And if he takes a coal from the midst of the fire, then he hits forbidden money from the Sultan . And whoever sets fire to people, I will cause enmity and distaste among them . And whoever has a fire shining from his head, he will be seriously ill . And whoever sees that he is in the midst of the fire and does not find its freedom, then he will obtain truthfulness, certainty, and victory over his enemies . And whoever sees fire is extinguished, and discord dwells . If the fire is in a country, then it is the death of its ruler or its scholar, and if it is extinguished in its garden, then it is his death . And the fire may be indicative of the reckoning because they were created from the fire of poisons, and perhaps it indicated drought and locusts . And whoever saw fire talking in a jar or near it, he would be struck by a jinn . Harmful fire indicates unjust authority, and if people benefit from it, it indicates just authority . And the fire in winter denotes the fruit, as they say : Fire is the winter fruit . Eating fire indicates eating and drinking in forbidden vessels, such as gold and silver . Perhaps she indicated her worshiper . As well as light and darkness ….

Surat Al-Najm indicates closeness to God Almighty by doing something that He accepts or opens the doors of good deeds and mercy to the seeker, or conquers his enemies, or God blesses him with a righteous and beloved son

…Sometimes this dream denotes an opposite meaning for the lover . If he dreamed that he failed to ask for the hand, then this symbolizes that he does not need more dexterity and ability in his daring, as he enjoys the love and appreciation of his beloved . Reverse dreams are those dreams in which the dreamer experiences fear and not harm . If a girl dreams that her life will lead to failure, this indicates that she is using the opportunities available to her in a beneficial way . If a businessman dreams that he has failed, then this foreshadows loss and bad management that must be corrected, or it portends that failure threatens to turn into an actual reality . Bad management that must be corrected, or a warning that failure threatens to turn into an actual reality ….

…Bridge If you see a long bridge that is dilapidated and tends to mysteriously black, depression will prevail due to the loss of your most valuable possessions, and sad conditions will descend upon you . For young people and lovers, the most cherished safety in their hearts will wish for disappointment, as if the beloved was below the level of your dreams . If you crossed the bridge safely, this means a final victory over the difficulties, even though the methods hardly appear to be safe when used . Any delay or obstacle means that calamity will resolve . If you see a bridge collapsing in front of you, be aware of fraudulent and fake fans . If the water is clear, then this means wealth . You will suffer the sad consequences of your best efforts if you look at or come into contact with muddy or cloudy water in your dreams ….

…Catastrophe If you dream that you are in a catastrophe caused by a means of public transport, then you are in danger of losing property or that an infectious disease will prevent you from working . If a girl dreams of a calamity she is participating in, this foretells that she will mourn the loss of her beloved, either through death, Abu through desertion . If a sailor dreamed of a calamity at sea, this means misery and loss of profit . As for others, this dream indicates loss due to death . If you dream that you survived, you will fall into difficult situations, but you will get out of them without harm . If you dreamed of a disaster on a railway and you did not have a hand in this calamity, then you will be interested in the end in an accident because a friend or relative who was hurt by Abu will meet a problem of a functional nature ….

…Salt Seeing salt in a dream predicts quarrels and problems in your surroundings, and after you dream about salt, you will find that everything will fade away and go away, and quarrels and quarrels will prevail in the family surroundings . If you dreamed that you salted meat, this foretells that you will be burdened by debts and stakes . If a girl eats salt, this foretells the desertion of the beloved and his marriage to another beautiful and more attractive girl, which will cause her deep grief and sadness ….

…Pregnancy If you dream of lambs frolicking in green pastures, this foretells of pure friendships and innocent pleasures . And it predicts abundant crops for farmers . And increase property of others . If you see a dead lamb, this symbolizes sadness and grief . Seeing blood on a white lamb’s wool symbolizes that the innocent will suffer deception caused by the wrongful behavior of others . A lost load indicates that naughty people will be under your control and you have to be careful with your behavior . Seeing lambs’ skins indicates comfort and pleasure that you reap from others . Slaughtering a lamb for household use symbolizes success by sacrificing pleasure and contentment . As for eating lamb chops, it indicates a disease and great concern for the benefit of the children . Seeing lambs receiving nourishment from their mothers indicates the happiness of cheerful and intelligent housemates, as well as beautiful and beloved children . If you dreamed that dogs or wolves were consuming lambs, then this indicates that innocent people will suffer at the hands of insidious and cunning bastards . If you hear the bleating of the lambs, people will be crying out for your magnanimity . If you see lambs in a winter storm or in danger, this indicates disappointment in the hopes and bitterness of fortune . If you have a lamb in your dreams, this symbolizes that your surroundings will be joyful and profitable . If you carry a lamb in your arms, you will be overwhelmed by happy interests, on which you will dispel a wealth of dedication, and you will not regret any expense when you respond to the motives of your passion . If you shear lambs’ wool, this predicts that you will be careless and greedy . You will be honest, but you will be tough-hearted . If a woman dreamed that she had skinned a lamb, and she discovered while she was doing that, that it was her own child, this indicates that she will cause grief for others, and this sadness will return to her, causing her grief and loss ….

…Standing at Arafah : It may indicate fasting, because what is required of it is to stand watching when the sun sets and dawn breaks, and is paid from it if the sun sets . If dawn breaks on it and does not stand there, then he misses the Hajj, like the fasting person, with his fasting, he sees the coma of the sun . If he is absent, it is permissible for him to eat and drink . And eating is the cause of life and movement that is paid by the one standing in Arafah . Perhaps standing in Arafah indicated the meeting with the beloved of the sepulchers, and the thousand foreigners . Because Adam, peace be upon him , met Eve after separation with Arafah, and that is why it was called Arafah, because they got to know each other . Whoever stands with it during the coming of the night until dawn comes from those seeking needs with the kings and others, he will realize what is required . I got it . And whoever comes to it during the coming of the day, he will not receive what he hopes and forbidden what he is asking for, especially since the word Euphrates is in the name Arafat . And Arafa may indicate the market season and the time of sale . If he stood by it at nightfall he would profit and benefit in buying and selling it . And if he stood by the daytime turnout, he lost in that . The day of Arafah may indicate Friday, because they agree on the merit, the meeting of creation and the obligation of imposition . It may indicate a war break day . May indicate the position of the crowd in the upside down and God knows best…

…Pearl If you dreamed of seeing pearls, this foretells of success and progress in work, trade and your social relationships . If a girl dreams that her beloved has sent her a gift of pearls, he will smile for her. Note and she will live happy days and holidays with a loving, compassionate and loyal person who does not feel destructive murderous jealousy . If you lose or break its pearls, you will experience great sadness and regret due to a misunderstanding between her and her loved one . If she dreams that she is in love with pearls, then she will long for love and possession and dream about them, but her intention will be sound ….