As for seeing whales and water beasts, whoever sees that he has caught a fish or the like, he will be hit with money, spoils, and goodness in abundance and greatness, and if the whales are young, then they are worries and sorrows that afflict him in seeking his livelihood, and if they are old and young, then it is the same as for adults and whoever sees that he hunted a fresh whale of clear water So he ate of it, then it hit a corn of an eye, and if the water was dark and sad, he was struck by them and sadness, and if he hunted young people from what people hate, then between him and his in-laws there would be a stiff rivalry, and catching a large fish from a deep river is best for its owner, and whoever sees that he has hit one or two fish, then it affects a woman or two, and whoever sees He struck a salty whale, so it was befallen by the kings, and there is no good in the salt whale. And if he saw that he asked for a whale in a pool or a pond, and it escaped from him, let his opponent take the initiative, he wants to deny his money, and whoever sees a big whale and vacates his mouth, then he is imprisoned for him and whoever sees that he has hit the belly of a pearl fish Or two or more pearls, it strikes a woman who takes it as a boy or two boys or more, according to the amount of pearls, and if he strikes a ring in her stomach, then it is a state of honor for the visionary, and whoever sees a fish that comes out of his urethra, he will have a maid

…Perhaps this dream is positive and means purity and deep friendship for young people, and calm and newborn for married couples . If you kill a heel, this means that you will be a target for the enemies . If farmers or businessmen dream of catching a caribou, then this means failure in their important business ….

…Hunting in a dream denotes the spoil, so whoever sees that he has hunted a deer, heifer, rabbit or donkey beast, he will receive money and a prize . If he saw it . He throws a bird or cow other than hunting, as it throws a woman or a maid . And whoever sees that hunting dogs go out to hunting, then it is better for all people, and if he sees them coming back from hunting, then it indicates that the panic has gone, and if he sees them entering the city, then it indicates unemployment . If he saw that he was catching a soft and sweet fish from the sea, he indicates the permissible reason and striving for it . Hunting for a man indicates his fraud in his opinion and effort. If he is celibate, he marries, and if he is married he will have a male son . The slave’s hunting is evidence of what he takes from his master’s money . The catch of the young is evidence of what he preserves from the knowledge or industry or what he inherits from his parents . And fishing polytheism in a dream is deceit and deceit, and whoever sees that he falls into a trap will fall into deception . And whoever sets a trap and catches a beast or a bird, he will gain sustenance through trick and deception . See also sniping ….

…What about seeing snakes and snakes , and does it have a specific meaning? Seeing snakes in general is very frightening, and they are the seventh of man, and man is seven, so fear him and fear them, and the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, permitted us to kill them in the solution and the forbidden in the hadith of five people who are killed in the solution and the forbidden, and he mentioned them in one of the narrations : the snake . For the writer of these lines, the meanings of seeing snakes vary, according to the time of the visions. In summer or winter, seeing it in the winter may be lighter, but it may be an indication of an improvement in the medical or pathological condition of the seeker, and everyone knows the link between the serpent and the medicine, and it may be an indication of healing from witchcraft, and the link between the serpent and magic is clear, and I mean the magic of magicians when The ropes became as if they were life, so Moses nullified their magic with a real serpent, and so let you know, O crossing, that seeing the serpent in the winter in particular may signify healing from magic ! And I know that you may be surprised by this talk, but this is the truth that I reached after consideration, analysis and study . Snakes in winter may be a sign of rain, and this deduction from their linguistic meaning, for they are alive and water, God made every living thing for us from it, and contemplate the word alive ! Seeing young snakes may have a pleasant meaning for a married woman, which is that she will become pregnant and then give birth, for small life is a metaphor for the existence of the soul or life of a new small being, which is this little newborn who will be born with the permission of God …. Here is a symbol like this, it may fear its owner, but And as you notice, its meaning is delightful . Long serpents in particular, may be a symbol of the intestine and the comfort or sickness that is going on in it, or it may be a symbol of relatives, and it may be the time of vision. Summer or winter is the biggest role for defining the meaning, whether it is good or bad, because the serpent is in summer and often has a bad meaning, and in winter it often has a good meaning, and it remains a matter of rendering the appropriate meaning to the vision, according to the information of its owner, on the crossing, and each and its subtlety . As for killing a snake , then it is Mahmoud in the summer , and it may indicate the fulfillment of a debt , or the end of the test and deliberation fights , and it may indicate the end of enmity with a relative , and it may be an indication of getting rid of forbidden treatment , or forbidden behavior , whether verbal or verbal , and it may be the disappearance A problem with one of the children , or of one of the children , and it may mean ending a beneficial treatment . And vice versa in the winter, killing her may have bad meanings in most cases , such as : cutting a womb and a quarrel between relatives , cutting a treatment program , interruption or cutting it , squandering money or spending , neglecting the dependents of a boy or wife , and it remains to say : that every vision has her circumstances , according to the rest of the symbols , and so it is quite different on the vision to another depending on these variables , and what matters this writer the lines not to link the vision of serpents , and the signs of alarming , such as : eye – catching or magic or disease , and other ….

…Frog If you dream of catching frogs, this means negligence in monitoring your health, which may cause a small misfortune among your family members . If you see frogs among the weeds, then this means that you will have a pleasant and suitable friend who will be your focus and advice . Seeing a male frog for a woman means marriage to a rich widower, but he will be the father of children who will be concerned with him . If you see frogs in swampy and stinky places, this predicts a problem, but you will overcome it with the kindness of others . If you dreamed of eating frogs, this means fleeting pleasure and a small profit from the company of some people . If you hear frogs, this foretells that you will pay a visit, which will prove to you in the end that they were fruitless and without good . Seeing tadpoles in a dream indicates that uncertain expectations regarding work will cause you anxiety and confusion . If a woman saw her in clear water, she would have an affair with a rich but immoral person ….

…The Sultan planted the thing with his hand indicating its cost, and the ears collected in his hand or in a well or a bowl of catching money from someone else’s gain or a science he learns, and picking up the seedlings if they were wasted by others, and they were hit by money separated from his companions ….

…Fish If you dreamed that you saw fish in clear rivers, then this means that you will be loved by the rich and powerful . A dead fish foretells a loss of wealth and power due to a terrible catastrophe . If a girl dreams that she saw a fish, this foretells that she will have a handsome and talented lover . If you dreamed that you caught a catfish, this means that the evil strands of enemies will confuse you, but your luck and mental presence will help you to safely overcome troubles . If you went into the water to catch fish, then this means that you will have a fortune that you get because of your efforts and your work . If you dream of fishing, then this means energy and economy, but if you do not succeed in catching any fish, then your efforts to achieve honor and wealth will be in vain . Eating fish in a dream indicates warm and lasting associations ….

…If one of the stars is bigger than the other . As for the fall of the stars to the earth or in the sea, or their burning with fire, or the catching of the birds, this is an indication of death that occurs among people, or was killed according to the number of people and the few, and this may happen in a gender without sex, if the sex of the fallen is known from the planets, and from the king of the stars In his lap, or he was shepherding it in the sky, or turning it in the air, if he was worthy of the Sultan he would obtain it, and he was a ruler over the people, a judge, or a mufti . And if it was lower than that, perhaps he would consider astrology . As for it to fall on him or on his head, if he was sick he died . And if he was lied to by debts of astrologers, or he was a slave of offices, his stars fell and he was asked for what he owed . Likewise, if he saw his body he would return to stars . Or his head, and if the stars were astrologers for him over the people, they reached him and gathered for him, and likewise if he was picking them from the ground or from the sky, they would approach them from him . And if the star falls on the one who has absent he will give it to him, and if he falls on a pregnant woman, she will give birth to a boy named honorable, unless it is from the temporary stars such as the daughters of a coffin, the poets and the flower, so the master is a slave according to the mention of the star, its beauty and essence . It may indicate the death of the pregnant woman, if confirmed by a witness with him testifying of the death . As for seeing the planets during the day, this is evidence of scandals and slander, major accidents, misfortunes and misfortunes . And according to the extent of the vision, its general and specificity, and the abundance of stars and their fading, Al-Nabigha Al- Dhubiani mentioned a day of war : Its stars and the sun are rising … neither the light is light nor the darkness is darkness. Al Sarr . If it does not have light, then it is a calamity that unites the noblest of the people . If he sees that he is following the stars, then he is in the religion of the Messenger of God, peace be upon him and his companions, and on the truth . If he sees that he is stealing a star from the sky, then he is stealing something dangerous from the king and seeking an honorable man . And whoever sees that he has become a star, he will be afflicted with honor and prestige . And whoever saw that he had taken a planet, he would have a great honorable son . If he saw that he extended his hand to the sky and took the stars, he would attain authority and honor ….