…Dog barking, remorse from wrongdoing ….
Dreaming about dog biting me
(54 interpretations and meanings of dreams about dog biting me)…If he sees his head as the head of a dog, then he is dishonorable and treats his flock with fools ….
…And whoever sees that a dog leaps on his barge, then an enemy of a magi will follow his wife ….
…He felt that a dog barking on one it interpreted a man who speaks other bad but no longer associated with ) it ….
And whoever sees a leopard that bites him or cuts him with his claws, then this indicates that harm and enmity from the enemy has occurred to the extent of that surgery ….
And whoever sees that he bites the vagina of an unknown woman, then Faraj comes to him in his worldly matter ….
And whoever saw that he bitten his tongue, he will regret it ….
And whoever sees that a donkey has bitten him, it indicates that there has been a defect in his pride ….
And whoever sees that something of an animal bites him, whether it is marine, wild or bird, is not praiseworthy ….
And whoever sees that he has bitten his fingers, it indicates distress and distress in his religion ….
…Snake If you dream of seeing a snake biting, and a dead friend who appears to be lying down and breathing, then rises to a sitting position when the snake attacks him, and then the two of them disappear inside some nearby bushes, this indicates that you will grieve deeply over the misfortune of friends and the loss that threatens you yourself . If you see a girl with a snake, this foretells that a deceitful person will cause her trouble . If the snake escapes from it, it will be able to defend its character from attacks against it . If a woman dreams that a dead snake is biting her, then she will suffer from the intrigues of a false friend . If you dreamed of seeing snakes, then all the evil, misery and bad money can be interpreted . And if you dream of snakes fighting and falling over each other, its interpretation is a bitter struggle with bad luck, sadness and pain . If you kill a snake in flesh, its interpretation is that you will feel that you have used and taken advantage of every possible opportunity to achieve your interests or respect the interests of others . You will rejoice over your victory over the enemies . If you walked on snakes in the dream, then explain it to you that you will live in constant fear of disease, as selfish people will seek to compete with you for your position in society . If the snake bites you it means that you will surrender to the ropes of Satan and the enemies will cause you losses in your trade . If you dreamed that a speckled snake is approaching you outside a green jungle, but you jumps away from it when it jumped on you, and after you forget the incident, you see it again approaching and increasing in size as it approaches you and then appears in the form of a quiet snake in size, if after great effort you managed to escape from it, then it is Disappear from before you, all of this is explained by the fact that you imagine that others betrayed you and rebelled against you and that things will go from bad to worse . You will become increasingly obsessed with illness and anxiety, but after breaking free from fearful illusions and performing duties aggressively, you will feel satisfied and at peace . If you dream that a snake wraps itself around you and extends its tongue to you, its interpretation that you will occupy a position in which you will be powerless and playful in the hands of the enemies and you will be ill . If you see in a dream that the hair of the head has turned into snakes, its interpretation of the occurrence of accidents that cause you sadness and anxiety . If snakes in a dream take unnatural shapes, they will run into problems and dangers that will disappear if you do not pay them attention and confront them with will and self-control . If you dreamed that you stepped on or saw a snake picking flowers or bathing, its interpretation of getting into trouble at a time when you were expecting happy events . If you see the snake biting another person, his explanation is that you will attack some friends and harm them . If you see small snakes, his interpretation that you will honor someone and improve him, then he deliberately offends you, discredits you and harms you . If you see children playing with snakes, explain that you can no longer distinguish your friends from the enemies . If a woman dreams that a child has placed a snake behind her head and that she hears the snake’s rustle and breath, its interpretation is that she will be persuaded to give up some of what she possesses for her benefit, but she will discover later that she has fallen into a plot where the enemies harm her . And if you see snakes raising their head over your friend’s head, his interpretation is that you will discover a plot to harm you and your friend . If you see a woman in a dream and the snake has fallen asleep, its interpretation is that someone will usurp your rights, but the law and influential friends will protect you ….
…Le Barzoun : Grandfather of the man, so whoever sees that Barzouna is wallowing in dirt and dung, then his grandfather will rise and his money will grow . And it was said that the barzoon indicates the sub-wife, the slave and the servant, and indicates the grandfather, luck and livelihood, and the average pride between a horse and a donkey, and the blond of them is grief . And whoever rides with a barn from whom he is used to riding a mare, his stature will be revealed, his power diminished and his authority humiliated, and he may leave his wife and marry his mother . As for the one whose habit is to ride a donkey, he rides with a condom, the memory of which increases and his earnings increase, and his glory is high . This may indicate marriage to the free after the nation . And what is greater than the paradise, it is better in matters of the world, so whoever sees that his barbarism is in conflict with him, he is not able to hold him, then his wife will be in control of him, and whoever speaks to him the barzoon will get great money from his wife and his status will be elevated . If he sees that he is having a lair, then he will do a favor to his wife and not be thanked for it . Riding a peridot is also indicative of travel . And whoever sees that he is walking on the back of his barge, he will travel far and get good on the side of his wife, and whoever sees that he has rode and flew with him between heaven and earth, he travels with his wife and their status is elevated . If he sees that his wife is biting him, then his wife is betraying him . And the death of his wife’s death . And whoever stole his barge divorced his wife . The loss of the berths is the immorality of the woman . And whoever sees a dog that leaps on his barnacles, then a magical enemy will follow his wife . Likewise, if a monkey leaps on it, then a Jew follows his wife, and the bald eagle is in power, and the lions are money and saddle . And whoever saw that an unknown Birzoon entered his country without a tool, a non-Arab man entered that country . The female shrimp run the course of the female horse . And it was narrated that a woman came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw that two men entered Ali, one of them on a perdition, and the other on a bald eagle, and with the owner of the bald eagles a penis was pierced with it . Ibn Sirin said to her : Fear God and beware of the owner of the bald eagles. When the woman left from Ibn Sirin, a man followed her from Ibn Sirin, so she entered a house in which a woman was accused of being the owner of the bald eagle . Ibn Sirin said when the woman left him . Do you know who is the owner of the bald eagles? They said no . He said : So and so is the writer, do you see the bald eagles whitish in blackness, and as for the adham, so-and-so is the owner of the authority of the Emir of Basra and not a helpless one ….
…Apples : He is the man’s concern and what he tries, and he is as eager as the one he sees. If he is a king then seeing apples is his for him, and if he is a merchant then apples are his trade, and if he is a plowman then seeing apples he plows . Likewise, apples are the same for those who see their concern that interest him, and if he sees that he has struck an apple or has eaten it or owned it, then he will obtain from that energy as much as it has been described . It was said : Sweet apples are permissible sustenance, and sour is forbidden . And whoever the Sultan throws an apple, then he is a messenger in him . The apple tree is a believer, close to people, so whoever sees that he plants the apple tree, he raises an orphan . And whoever sees that he eats an apple, he eats what people do not look at, and if he picked it up, he would get money from an honest man with good praise . And apples are numbered dirhams, if he smelled an apple in a mosque, he gets married . Likewise, if a woman smells it in a gathering, then she is famous, and if she eats it in a well-known location, she will give birth to a good son . And biting apples get good, mnay and profit . It was narrated that Hisham bin Abd al-Malik saw before the caliphate as if he had struck nineteen and a half apples, then he recounted his visions on a crossing and said to him : You possess nineteen and a half years . Soon, the crown prince of the mentioned caliphate ….
…If you dreamed of fleas, this foretells that the machinations of some of those close to you will drive you to anger and revenge . If a woman dreams that fleas are biting her, this foretells that she will be a target for alleged friends . If fleas see over her lover, then this means repulsion ….
…Biting this dream portends misfortune . It includes the desire to nullify an act that falls beyond the scope of nullification . It is also possible to suffer losses from an enemy ….
…Hunger : it is money and eagerness to seek a pension . Satiety : collecting a pension and promises money . Eating : differs in its conditions . Some of them said hunger is better than satiety, and watering is better than thirst . And it was said that he who saw that he was hungry would be well, and be careful . And whoever sees that someone else invites him to lunch, his visions indicate a travel not far away, because God Almighty says : ~ We have seen from our journey this a rite .~ If he invites him to eat halfway through the day, he will be rested from fatigue . If he invites him to dinner, he is deceiving a man and deceiving him before he himself deceives him . And whoever sees that he has eaten food and has joined, he will strive to pursue his craft . And whoever sees that he ate the flesh of himself, he eats from the stored money and his treasures . If he eats the meat of someone else, then if he eats it raw he or one of his relatives will backbite him, and if he eats it cooked or grilled, then he eats someone else’s capital . If he sees as if he is biting the flesh of himself, cutting it and throwing it to the ground, then he is a man for a maz . And the woman eats the flesh of the woman who is oppressive or oppressive . And a woman eating the flesh of herself is evidence that she is fornication and consumes the hard work of her vagina . Eating a man’s flesh in interpretation is like eating a woman’s flesh, and eating a young man’s meat is stronger in interpretation than eating the flesh of the sheikh . If he sees that he is eating the flesh of his own tongue, he will gain a benefit from his tongue, and perhaps this vision indicates that its owner is accustomed to silence, restraining anger and melancholy ….
…He is in a dream the head of a people and values of a house, country or village . And one bull is one year in power . But it is for the Sultan, the merchant and the worker, a Sunni trade . And whoever sees that he has many bulls, then he assumes the state if he is qualified for that . If he saw that he rode a bull from it, good and fertile will be brought to him . And whoever saw that he ate the head of the bull would attain the mandate and authority, unless the bull was red . And if the seer was a merchant who would strike trade, and partners would be under his control . If it is vulgar, understand its actions . And the ox is a worker, so whoever sees that he rode a bull overcame a worker, and if the ox is carrying a load, then the worker will levy money to him according to the amount of the load . If the bull was red, his son’s illness or his family died . The bull is king or enemy . If a bull is slaughtered for food, its meat is a permissible livelihood . It felt that he had bought Thura it coaxing friends and the supervision of the people the words of Lin Hassan, said Ibn Sirin Almighty God ‘s mercy : bulls Ajam, and increased to fourteen in the cow it is a war, what was not so he is a feud, and the bull big man, to him as much and invincibility, and flesh And whoever saw a white bull that would gain good, if he gouged it with its horn indicated the wrath of God Almighty, and whoever ate the flesh of a bull in his sleep would be indispensable, and whoever rode it with a lift, if the ox’s knee in a dream or its spear died in his year, and whoever bitten it was hit by an illness or whoever gutted him God provides God Almighty good children . And whoever the ox falls on, he will travel far away . And whoever sees the bull while caged or sick and is in distress, he should get rid of it . And whoever sees the ox as if it were plowing for him, if he was cultivated or bored by his cultivation and increased its fertility, and if he was a merchant, he suffered a loss and his trade deteriorated, and if he was a jurist or a scholar more good . And whoever sees it as if the bull has struck it, then it is on the verge of perishing or dying from that illness in which it is . And the bull indicates severity, threat, and expulsion of someone who is of a higher rank than that of a person if the person who dreams is poor and a slave . And whoever saw a herd of cows, he would be severely affected in his affairs, and if the ox rode on his heights and became mentioned . If the bull spoke to him or the bull spoke, then between him and another man he became alienated . And whoever sees it as if a great bull came out of a small burrow, then the bull wanted to return to that burrow and was bored on it, for it is the great word coming out of the man’s mouth that he wants to turn it back, but he cannot . And whoever sees that he is a passenger on a black bull, and the ox is biting and threatening him and wanting the hated thing, then he is walking in the sea and it is struck by a grievous affliction, and he becomes strong with his ship until it almost sinks and then escapes from that . And whoever sees bulls that enter a city, it is enemies and oppressors, and thieves will enter it . And whoever sees a bull attracting it and removes it from its place, if he is a wali, he is removed . And it was said : The bull denotes a man who is in the dark, for he is killed or slaughtered, for the rebel and the perpetrator perish . And whoever sees that he rode a bull, he will be afflicted by an act of his authority, and he will obtain good in it . And whoever sees that he has ridden a black bull, he will gain money, and if he sees that he brought it into his house and is trusted with it, he will gain that year . If the bull has many horns, then they are years according to the few and the multitude . And the hornless ox is a despicable man, a poor spaniel, like a sheep, and in strength is like an isolated worker, and a poor chief . Perhaps the ox indicated marriage because it plowed too much, and perhaps it indicated the rebel because it stirs the earth and turns the top down . And perhaps he indicated the slave, the owner and the brother to help him in plowing and serve the people of the desert . Whoever owns a bull in a dream, and if it is a woman, her husband is humiliated for her, and if she is without a husband, she is married, and if she has the daughter of her wife, and if someone who has authority sees that, he will be victorious over him . He who slaughters a bull, if he is a sultan, kills a worker, and if he is a commoner, then he is a person who is victorious by those who fear him . And whoever rides a red or yellow ox without a riding machine, he will get sick . And perhaps the bull referred to the beautiful young man because it is one of his names, and his vision indicates the eruption of sedition or helping to overcome difficult matters, especially for the owners of plowing and agriculture . Perhaps his vision indicated dullness and amazement . And the black bull is joy and pleasure . And the black bull will rejuvenate and heal the patient ….
…It is the aid for the human being on his worldly industry . The finger in hermeneutics is children, husbands, fathers and mothers, money and a king . Whoever saw that his fingers increased a good addition, that indicates the increase in what we have mentioned, and its shortage is a decrease in those who indicated it . And perhaps it is cut off or its usefulness in a dream will be suspended due to the inability to benefit the fathers, mothers, or children, or if his money goes away, or his animals die, or his property is suspended, or his industry is exhausted . Fingers may refer to the king’s representatives, who differ in their ranks and benefits . And whoever sees that he bites his fingertips in a dream, if he is sick, he will die . And whoever saw that his fingers were cut off, or a blight of weakness descended on them in his soldiers, children, relatives, or acquaintances . Fingers may refer to the five daily prayers, so the thumb is for prayer, the forefinger is for the back, the middle is for afternoon, the ring finger is for Maghrib, the pinky is for dinner, and the middle is for the prayer because it is desirable for lengthening, the ring for the back, and the pinky for the afternoon because it is at the end of the day . If the fingers are money, then the nails are zakat, and if the fingers are a soldier, the nails are their weapon and their number . The knots of the fingers are the contract of money, and the fingers are days, months or years . Fingers may refer to the brother’s children, and the one who is shouldered is brother, and the fingers are like children, which is money . And whoever sees a person cuts a finger for him, he is offending him with his money . And what happened to the fingers of goodness or corruption is related to the obligatory prayers or to the brother . The length of the fingers indicates an increase in greed, and if he sees a finger that has increased with his fingers, it is an increase in his kinship or in his prayer or in his knowledge, and if he sees that one of his fingers has moved to another location, then he delays the prayer until the time of the other . And whoever saw that he intertwined his fingers together, he would gather his prayers at one time, and perhaps his relatives would gather in a matter for consultation and cooperation . And it was said : Interlacing the fingers without working with tight hand . And it was said : It indicates fellowship or intermarriage and contracting, and perhaps this indicates nullification of movements and distracting from prayer, and it was said : The fingers of the right hand are the five daily prayers, and their shortness indicates shortcomings and laziness in them, and their length indicates maintaining the prayers, and the fall of one of them indicates abandoning Prayer . And whoever saw as if he was biting a human being, this indicates the bad manners of the bitten . And whoever sees as if milk is coming out of his thumb from his thumb and blood on his forefinger while he is drinking from them, then he should approach the mother of his wife or her sister . The cracking of the fingers indicates the occurrence of ugly words from his relatives . If the imam sees an increase in his fingers, that indicates an increase in his greed, his oppression, and his lack of fairness . And the fingers of the left hand are the children of the brother and sister . The dyeing of men’s fingers with henna is evidence of a lot of praise, and the dyeing of a woman’s fingers with henna indicates her husband’s kindness to her ….
…Donkey If you dream that a donkey is biting in your face, this indicates that a corrupt and corrupt person will insult you socially . If you hear a distant brawl filling the space with sadness and gloom, then you will receive wealth and be freed from the hateful chains with the death of someone close to you . If you see yourself riding a donkey, you will visit strange countries and make discoveries in difficult places to cross . If you see others riding on donkeys, this indicates that they will receive a small legacy and their lives will be difficult . And if you dreamed that a number of old patriarchs were traveling on donkeys, then this indicates that the influence of Christianity will prevent you from recklessly pushing you to transcend human rights and duties towards man . If you drive a donkey, this indicates that you will devote all your energies and courage to facing the desperate attempt of your enemies to defeat you . But if you are in love, an evil woman will cause you trouble . If a donkey kicks you, this means that you are in forbidden prayers that worry you a lot, and you will be afraid of betrayal . If you dreamed that you were pulling a donkey from its collar, then this means that you will possess the reins of affairs and seduce women with your distinctive way of complimenting . If you see children riding on donkeys, this indicates that they will be healthy and obedient . If you fall from a donkey or a donkey meets you on the ground, then this indicates bad luck and disappointment in worldly matters, or the strife or separation of loved ones . If you see a dead donkey in your dream, then this indicates satisfying your desires by indulging in immorality and immorality . If you dream that you drink donkey milk, this indicates that a strange wish will be fulfilled even if at the expense of important duties . If in your dreams you see a strange donkey wandering between your pillars or on the land of your building, then you will inherit some valuable property . If you dreamed of owning a donkey, a gift or purchase came to you, then you will receive a promotion at the level of work or society, and if you are single, you will be associated with a suitable marriage . If you dream of a white donkey, this indicates permanent and certain wealth, which enables you to pursue pleasure or studies close to your heart . As for the woman, this indicates her entry into the society she always dreamed of . In her mental formation, a woman possesses the attributes of obedience and stubbornness, which applies perfectly to the qualities of the donkey, as they both grow from the same store, that is, from the mother nature, and accordingly they maintain this relationship . The ugliest form of donkey in her dream is nothing but a metaphor for the nature of the woman to remain silent when warning her, or vice versa when happiness is completely in front of her ….
…Al-Kirmani said: ~Whoever sees that he divides something without the consent of its owner, then his interpretation of good and evil turns to him, and biting on the thing has two sides, if it is like a conception of something that has no result, then it is not Mahmood, and if there is a result there is nothing wrong with it .~…
…Apples in a dream denote children, and beautiful faces, and apples as much as the one who sees him, if he is a ruler then apples are his property, and if he is a merchant then apples are his trade, and if he is a plowman, then apples are his . It was said : Sweet apples are halal sustenance, and sour apples are forbidden . The Sultan threw an apple it is the messenger of hope and denounced it . And the apple tree is a believing man who is close to people, so whoever sees that he plantes an apple tree raises an orphan . And whoever saw that he was eating an apple, he would have everything that people do not look at, and if he picked it he would get money from an honest man with good praise . Apples are numbered for a few dirhams . If he smelled an apple in a mosque, then he would marry, and if a woman smelled an apple in a debauchery gathering then he became well-known, and if she ate it in a well-known location, she would give birth to a good son . And biting apples Nawal is good and profit and profit . Apples are represented by friends and brothers, and it was said : Whoever sees that he eats apples, then an enemy appears for him . And a sour apple is a sign of distraction, harm, and clamor . And the apple tree indicates panic ….
…As for the fingers : a brother was born, according to what was said that the hand is a brother . And intertwine it without a tight hand . And engaging in the work of the household and the sons of the brothers, with a matter that they feared for themselves, and they pretended to pay it and its sufficiency . And it was said that the fingers of the right hand are the five daily prayers, the thumb is the Fajr prayer, the forefinger is the noon prayer, the middle finger is the afternoon prayer, the ring finger is the sunset prayer, the pinky is the dark prayer, and its shortness indicates shortcomings and laziness in it, and its length indicates his preserving the prayers, and the fall of one of them indicates abandoning That prayer . And whoever sees one of the fingers in the place of the other, he will pray that prayer at the time of the other . If he saw as if he was biting a human being, he indicates the bad manners of the bitten person, and the exaggeration of the bite in his discipline . If he sees milk coming out of his thumb, and blood from his index finger, while he is drinking from them, he should approach the mother of his wife or her sister . The cracking of the fingers indicates ugly words between his relatives . If the imam saw an increase in his fingers, that was an increase in his greed, his decency, and his lack of fairness . And it was narrated that Harun al-Rashid saw the angel of death, peace be upon him, had represented him, so he said to him : O king of death, how long have I left? He pointed to him with five fingers spread out from his palm, so he watched in horror, weeping at his visions, and he narrated them on a size that is described by the expression. He said : O Commander of the Faithful , he told you that five things he knew with God, which this verse brings together : “ God has the knowledge of the hour . ” The verse . Aaron and Farah laughed . The fingers of the left hand are the children of a brother and sister, and the nails are the ability of a man in this world, and the white of the nails indicates the speed of memorization and understanding, and seeing the nails in the amount of saladin and the world . And the treatment by it is evidence of fraud in collecting the world, its length with its goodness, money and clothing, and the preparation of an enemy weapon, or an argument or money, in order to avoid their evil . And its length, such that it is afraid of its breakage, is evidence of someone else taking charge of spoiling something in his hand, because he is overusing his ability . He pays zakat al-fitr, and if he sees it as though an old man has ordered his pen, then if he finds it, he orders him to make the commitment of himself and uphold his honor . Dyeing a man’s fingers with henna is evidence of a lot of armament, and dying a woman’s fingers with henna indicates her husband’s kindness to her . If he saw as if he had made her fall, she did not accept the pigmentation, then her husband did not show her love . If the man saw his palm faded by a monster, he would have toil in his pension, and if his right hand was pigmented by a monster, his visions indicated that he was killing a man . If he sees that his hands are dyed with henna, then he shows what is in his hand of good or evil, or of his money or of his earnings or his industry . If he sees his hands engraved with henna, he is trying a trick from the house, to spend some of the house furniture at his expense due to his lack of earnings, and his enemy insults him, and he gets humiliation . If a woman sees her hand engraved, he is deceiving her adornment in a matter that is right . If the inscription was clay, it indicated a large number of praise . If she saw the engravings of her hands mixed together, she would have injured her children . If she sees that her hand is cast with gold or engraved with it, then she pays her money to her husband or gives her joy from him, and if a man sees that he has been impregnated or engraved with gold, then he is deceiving a trick in which his money or his livelihood will go . The armpit hair : the length of proof of the need for Neil, the verse : ~ and Admm your hand to your wing white out of non – poor ~ and shows the religion of the owner and generosity . If he sees a lot of armpit hair, then he is a man who asks his executioner to collect money in knowledge, guardianship, trade and so on, and he does not return to the woman and religion . If there is much less, it indicates the large number of children ….
…And whoever sees a mare kicking or biting it indicates the need of his children for work ….
…As for the teeth : they are the people of the man’s house, so the upper ones are the men of the household, and the lower ones are the women, the fang is the master of his house, the right is the father, the left is the uncle, and if they are not two brothers or sons, if they are not then two brothers, the fourth is the cousin, the maidens, maternal and aunts And whoever takes their place in the advice, grandparents’ molars, young sons, the lower right-hand fold of the mother, and the left-hand aunt, if not there are two sisters or two daughters or their substitute, the lower quadrant is the daughters of the uncles and daughters of aunts, and the lower fangs are the daughters of the maternal and aunts And lower molars, the farthest from the man’s household, are women and young girls . The movement of some teeth is evidence of one who is interpreted in the disease, and his fall and loss is evidence of his death or his absence from him by the absence of someone who does not return to him, and if he struck him after losing it, then he returns, and his erosion is evidence of a calamity afflicting those who belong to him . Teeth chatter on an argument between his family . If he sees a scab in his teeth, then it is a defect in his household, he should return to it . Stinking teeth is the ugliness of praise for the household, and the weariness of the teeth is the weakness of the people of his household, and the purification of the teeth from the plaque indicates the financial expense in the denial of their worries . And the whiteness of the teeth, their length and their beauty, an increase in strength, money and prestige for the household . If he sees as if he grew up with his folds like it, then his household will increase . If he sees that growing up with her is harmful to her, then the extra in the household will be a disgrace and a scourge for him . If he saw as if he had pulled his teeth, his visions indicated that he had cut his womb, or that he would spend his money on disliking him . If he sees as if he is throwing his teeth with his tongue, the affairs of his household are spoiled by words he speaks . If he sees as if his teeth are of gold, and if he is from the people of knowledge and words, his visions are praised, otherwise they are not praised, because they indicate illness or fire in other than knowledge and his people, and if he sees as if they are of silver, it indicates a loss of money . If he sees it from glass or wood, it indicates death . If he sees the sockets of his teeth, they fall out, and they grow in another place, indicating that his affairs and measures have changed . And it was said that whoever saw his upper teeth fell into his hand, then it is money that becomes his . If he saw her fall in his lap, then he is a son, because God Almighty says : ~ And he speaks to people in the cradle .~ I mean in stone . If he saw her fall to the ground, it is death . If he saw as if he caught the fallen from his sheep and did not bury him, then he benefits instead of someone like him in compassion and advice, as well as interpretation in the rest of the members if a pest afflicted it and did not bury it . If he sees as if teeth have grown in his heart, then it indicates his death, and it was said that the falling of the teeth indicates an obstacle that hinders what he wants, and it was said that it is the evidence of paying off debts . If he sees as if all his teeth have fallen out, and he takes them in his sleeve or his stone, then he lives a long life until his teeth fall out, and the number of his household increases . And if he sees as if all his teeth have been cut off and gone from his sight, then his household will die before him, and that may have been the death of his own age . Of people, and his peers in age . And if he sees as if people are rubbing him with their molars or biting him, then he can humble people and not be humiliated, and it was said that he should make the mouth like the house, and the teeth are like the inhabitants, so what is in them on the right side indicates males, and what is from the left indicates females. All people except a little of them . And it was said that whoever saw his teeth break, he should spend his debt a little bit . If his teeth fall out without pain, this indicates actions that are invalidated . If he sees that it is falling without pain, it indicates that something in his house has gone . And if the teeth fell out, they prevented a person from doing anything that is done by speaking and saying . If there is still pain or blood or flesh coming out, then that nullifies or spoils the desired matter . As for the healthy, free and traveling, if all their teeth fall out, this indicates a long illness and falling into tuberculosis without dying, and that is that a person cannot obtain strong food without teeth, but he uses cups and juices, but rather does not die because the dead do not lose their teeth, and the thing that He does not offer the dead to the dead. He is a savior for the sick. For this reason, he became praiseworthy in illness . And if all their teeth fall out, then it indicates the speed of their survival from the disease, and as for the traveling merchants, it indicates the lightness of their pregnancy, especially if he sees that these teeth are moving, and if he sees as if some of his teeth have long and become more bone, then this indicates an argument and a quarrel in a house . And if his teeth were black, decayed and crooked, and he saw their fall, he would be saved from all adversity . If he sees as if his teeth are falling out while he takes them in his hand or with his beard and in his lap, this indicates that his children are cut off, so he is not born for him, and what he gives birth to is neither left nor raised . And he narrated that a man saw all his teeth fell out, and he was so sad, and he narrated his vision on a crossing, and he said : All your teeth will die before you, and it was so . And another saw as if he had taken three teeth from his mouth in his palm, and he attached his fingertips to them, so he told him that he had found a dirham and a half ….