…In a dream, it is the striving and pursuit of man, and the greatness of the two paradises was the best of worldly affairs . And it was said : the woman is the bardoon, so whoever sees that he is desperate, and he is not able to hold him, then his wife will be in control . If he spoke to him, he obtained from his wife great money and was elevated . If he sees that he is marrying a virgin, then he feigns favor with his wife and she does not thank him for that . And it was said : a barzoon is a journey, so whoever sees that he is walking on the back of his barzone, he will travel far and get good from his wife . If he saw that he was riding and flew between heaven and earth, he would travel with his wife, and his status would be elevated . If he sees that his barzone is wallowing in dirt and dung, then his struggle increases, and his money grows and increases . If he dies with his barge, then it is the death of his wife . And whoever stole his bargaining chip, he would divorce a woman . And whoever sees that his barzone is lost, he detonates his wife . And whoever sees that the dog leaps on his barnacles, then he has a magical enemy that follows his wife, and likewise if a monkey leaps on him, then he is a Jewish man, and the blond of the shoots indicates the grief of its owner . It is felt that the king of the king Brdhuna woman or a servant . And it was said : the barathon indicates a quarrel or indicates a foreign man . And whoever sees that he is riding a humiliated, humiliated, hurriedly, he will suffer good and happiness . And it was said : Whoever sees that he is riding a parachute and his habit is to ride a mare, then his stature falls and his value decreases, and he may leave his wife . And whoever used to ride a donkey, then he saw in a dream that he was riding with our permission, then his remembrance would rise, his earnings would increase and his glory would be higher . This may indicate free marriage after the nation . And the barathons shouted the immorality of the woman . The bald eagle is power, and the black is money and glory . And whoever sees as if an unknown barathon entered a town, then that country will be entered by a foreigner . The Albazhon Adham has authority ….
Dreaming about eagle feather
(32 interpretations and meanings of dreams about eagle feather)…The beak is in a dream denotes the elimination of the need, and help for the intended . Perhaps it indicated to travel involuntarily . And the beak is a man who does not heal him because of his greed . The beak is the proxy for its owner, and it may point to its slave, donkey, or mouth . And the bird’s eagle in a dream is glorified and wide for those who possess it ….