…A dog in a dream is a foolish man, so if he barks, then he is a foolish, outrageous nature . And whoever saw a dog that bitten him would get harm from his enemy . And whoever sees a dog who tears his clothes, a fool will backbite him, and if he does not hear his barking, then he is an enemy . The dog is a mean woman, and the dog puppy is a beloved boy. If he is white, then he is a believer, and if he is black, then his household prevails . It was said : A bastard puppy raised by a foolish man . A shepherd dog will benefit . The domestic dog is an unfair enemy . The Saluki dog indicates the validity of the seer for the Sultanate . And the Chinese dog indicates that the seer mixes with foreigners . And whoever saw that he took a dog, he would accompany a servant . And if he saw that a dog bitten him suffered misfortune and harm and distress from a friend or servant . If he sees that he is hunting with dogs, he will receive his wish . And if he sees that he kills dogs, then he will win over his enemy, and hunting dogs are good for all people, and if he sees them coming back from hunting, then it indicates the absence of panic and unemployment . If he sees a barking dog, it indicates harm . And the dog denotes a fever because of the planet called the dog, which is Sirius, which is the cause of fevers . And all types of dogs indicate humiliated people . And the dogs of play and chatting indicate joy and pleasure . And the water dog denotes a work that is not done and false hope . And whoever saw that he was transformed into a dog, God Almighty had taught him a great knowledge, and he was rebuffed, so God robbed him of it . The dog is a weak enemy or a stingy man . And whoever sees that a dog barks at him, he hears words from a person of little virility that he hates . And whoever sees that he eats the flesh of a dog, he will gain victory over his enemy and be hit with his money . And the dog indicates the guard . And drinking dog milk for fear . If a dog is cushioned, then the dog is a friend . The dog is a beggar and may indicate meanness, humiliation, and humiliation of the soul . Perhaps the dog guided the claim to the world while not saving . And the hunting dog, Ezz, Rifaa, and sustenance . A cattle dog is a good neighbor who is jealous of his family and neighbor . Perhaps endorsing the dog signifies a fine . And the company of the dog indicates the disappearance of the story of the people of the cave . The dog is a conservative woman for her husband who has many offspring . Perhaps the dog denoted disbelief and despair from the mercy of God Almighty . Seeing a caveman dog indicates fear, imprisonment or flight . And his vision in the country is evidence of the renewal of the mandate ….

…Al-Kalb : Its interpretation differed. Some of them said he is a slave, and it was said that he is a foolish tyrant who barks . And the lions are Arab, and he is a weak enemy with little chivalry, and the dog is a vile woman, so if his bite gets hated from her, and if a dog tears his clothes, then a mean man tears his display . And from eating the meat of a dog, it appeared on an enemy who struck from his money, and drank his milk with fear, and from a dog cushioning, so the dog at that time is a friend to seek help and seek help from it, and the dog points to the guard. And if he had an enemy or opponent who cursed him, or oppressed him, and if he had a slave who betrayed him, or a guard of his treachery, and if that was in the time of hunger he got something from him, then to the extent of the bite and its pain he would get it . And the dog is a vile woman of a bad people . Puppy : born lovable, black puppy Saddh on his family . And the white of his faith, and it was said that the dog’s pup is a bastard, a man whose people are foolish from fornication, and the dog is a fool, and a herding dog is money he receives from a chief, and the dog is an unjust enemy, and the well-defined dog supports its owner over his enemies, but he is sordid and has no chivalry . It was said that the owner of this vision attains power and sufficiency in living, and some of them said : In interpretation, dogs are indicative of harm, misery and disease . And the enemy, except in one place, and he is the one who takes toys and brash, for it indicates living in pleasure and pleasure, and the water dog is a false hope and something that is not fulfilled . And all types of dogs indicate a people of malice . And it was narrated that Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq, may God be pleased with him, saw in his sleep the year of the conquest between Makkah and Madinah, that the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, came from Makkah among his companions, so a dog came out over them, and when they approached her, she lay on her back, and when her doctors were littering with milk . He recounted his visions to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and he said : Their dog went, and he accepted a dirham, and they ask you for your relatives while you meet some of them, and if you meet Abu Sufyan bin Harb, do not kill him . And whoever turns a dog, God taught him a great knowledge and then stole it from it, for the Almighty said : “And tell them the news of Him who has come, and we will be separated from them .” It was narrated that a man saw that his wife’s vagina had two dogs being chafing, so he narrated his vision on a crossing and said : This is a woman who wanted to shave, so he excused the moose, so she slashed him with a pair of scissors, and the man came to his house and palpated his wife’s vagina, and he found the scissors trace ….

Dog If you dreamed of a wild dog, then this means enemies and constant misfortune . If you dream that a dog is wooing you, then this means abundant profit and loyal friends . If you dream of owning a dog with good qualities, this means that you will have wealth that is stable . If you dream that a police dog is following you, then it is possible that you will be exposed to a temptation that risks your collapse. If you dreamed of small dogs, this means that your basic thoughts and delights belong to a trivial kind . If you dream of dogs biting you, this foretells about a troublesome companion in marriage or at work . Lean and dirty dogs mean failure in business and also mean illness among children . If you dreamed of a dog fair, this means that luck will serve you many and varied services . If you hear dogs barking in a dream, this foretells news of a depressing nature, and that is more than just the possibility that the dream will be followed by difficulties . If you see dogs chasing foxes and other large prey, this means extraordinary activity in all cases . Seeing cute, spoiled dogs indicates a love of show, and that the dreamer is selfish and narrow-minded . As for girls, this dream foretells of the beloved’s insolence . If you feel terrified at seeing a huge guard dog, this means that you will suffer hardships due to efforts to rise above average . If a woman dreams of this, she will marry a wise and humane man . If you hear dogs roaring and roaring, this means that you are at the mercy of cunning people and will wish you in a disturbing home environment . If you hear a lonely barking from a dog, this foretells of death or a long separation from friends . If you hear dogs roaring and struggling, this foretells that enemies will overcome you and your life will be filled with despair . If you see dogs and cats on ostensible agreement, and suddenly each of them turns against the other, unfolding their fangs, and a public quarrel ensues, then you will face a calamity in love and in worldly delights unless you succeed in calming the situation . If you dreamed of a friendly white dog approaching him, this foretells of victorious work, whether on the career level or in love . For a girl, this dream heralds an early marriage . If you dream of a multi-headed dog, you will try to have many branches to operate at once . Success always comes by concentrating energies, and this dream should be a warning to a person who wishes to succeed in anything . If you dreamed of a rabid dog, your efforts will not bring you the results that are present, and a serious disease may erupt in your vital organs . If a mad dog bites you, it is an indication that you or someone you love is on the verge of insanity . A terrible tragedy may occur . If you dream that you are traveling alone and that a dog follows you, this foretells of loyal friends and successful projects . If you dream of dogs swimming, this means for you an easy extension to happiness and luck . If you dreamed that a dog killed a cat in your presence, this indicates profitable dealings and unexpected pleasure . If a dog kills a snake in your presence this heralds good luck ….

…What about seeing snakes and snakes , and does it have a specific meaning? Seeing snakes in general is very frightening, and they are the seventh of man, and man is seven, so fear him and fear them, and the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, permitted us to kill them in the solution and the forbidden in the hadith of five people who are killed in the solution and the forbidden, and he mentioned them in one of the narrations : the snake . For the writer of these lines, the meanings of seeing snakes vary, according to the time of the visions. In summer or winter, seeing it in the winter may be lighter, but it may be an indication of an improvement in the medical or pathological condition of the seeker, and everyone knows the link between the serpent and the medicine, and it may be an indication of healing from witchcraft, and the link between the serpent and magic is clear, and I mean the magic of magicians when The ropes became as if they were life, so Moses nullified their magic with a real serpent, and so let you know, O crossing, that seeing the serpent in the winter in particular may signify healing from magic ! And I know that you may be surprised by this talk, but this is the truth that I reached after consideration, analysis and study . Snakes in winter may be a sign of rain, and this deduction from their linguistic meaning, for they are alive and water, God made every living thing for us from it, and contemplate the word alive ! Seeing young snakes may have a pleasant meaning for a married woman, which is that she will become pregnant and then give birth, for small life is a metaphor for the existence of the soul or life of a new small being, which is this little newborn who will be born with the permission of God …. Here is a symbol like this, it may fear its owner, but And as you notice, its meaning is delightful . Long serpents in particular, may be a symbol of the intestine and the comfort or sickness that is going on in it, or it may be a symbol of relatives, and it may be the time of vision. Summer or winter is the biggest role for defining the meaning, whether it is good or bad, because the serpent is in summer and often has a bad meaning, and in winter it often has a good meaning, and it remains a matter of rendering the appropriate meaning to the vision, according to the information of its owner, on the crossing, and each and its subtlety . As for killing a snake , then it is Mahmoud in the summer , and it may indicate the fulfillment of a debt , or the end of the test and deliberation fights , and it may indicate the end of enmity with a relative , and it may be an indication of getting rid of forbidden treatment , or forbidden behavior , whether verbal or verbal , and it may be the disappearance A problem with one of the children , or of one of the children , and it may mean ending a beneficial treatment . And vice versa in the winter, killing her may have bad meanings in most cases , such as : cutting a womb and a quarrel between relatives , cutting a treatment program , interruption or cutting it , squandering money or spending , neglecting the dependents of a boy or wife , and it remains to say : that every vision has her circumstances , according to the rest of the symbols , and so it is quite different on the vision to another depending on these variables , and what matters this writer the lines not to link the vision of serpents , and the signs of alarming , such as : eye – catching or magic or disease , and other ….

As for the dog, it is a weak and sordid enemy, and whoever sees that a dog barks at him, he hears from a small person what he hates from affection, and whoever sees that a dog tears his clothes, then he tears his display or drowns his money or gets something hated according to the amount of shredding and whoever sees that a dog ate or bites it, he will get from that Above words, and if he sees that he kills a dog, then he is victorious after him, and if he sees that he bought a dog or gifted it to him, then some of his family contradicts him for some of his expense and then he returns it and whoever sees a dog or other animal on his bed or on his table or urinates in his knees or in a place he denies, then a mean man He contradicts with his family, and whoever sees a dog who tears a part of it or something like it, then he is an immoral man who abuses his son, daughter or boy

…Abu Saeed, the preacher, said : The dog is interpreted in two ways by a slave who owns it and an enemy who defends it, and the harmful dog is a man harmful to the one who has the vision, and the dog that is taken to play and bash, it indicates pleasure and pleasure and it was said that Abu Bakr al-Siddiq, may God be pleased with him, saw in his sleep on the road to Mecca and Medina, may God protect it, that a messenger God, peace and blessings of God be upon him, came from Mecca to his companions, so a dog that was thrown around came out upon them, and when they approached her, she rode on her back, and when she was dousing with milk, he recounted his visions to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and he said: Their dog went and accepted a dirham ….

…What is your position on those who ask you about the meaning of some symbols in dreams or dreams, as if someone asks about the meaning of : fire , for example , or jinn , or fruits , or snakes and so on? Do these things have a specific meaning? This happens from callers a lot . My answer is that this question is not valid, and I am not with someone who interprets dreams in this way. Because visions ( blocks ) may not be divided or separated between their symbols, and the vision may have a bad symbol, but it may be of good significance given the factor of the time in which the vision was seen. As fire, for example, seeing it is pleasant in the winter and blighted in the summer . The meaning of a bad symbol may also be distracted because of other symbols that have a good meaning in the vision . Thus you see that the question in this way is wrong, and a single symbol may have many connotations that differ from one person to another according to gender, occupation, marital status, or place of living; does he live in the seas or desert, for example, or in cities or villages .. … and so on ….

…What is the basis for it in the heart of the meaning in expression , such as crying expressing joy , and death in life? Which is common among expressions of methods of expression ; Expression in the heart of meaning , like crying crossing over with joy , and death expressing life , and this I see its use when there is a bad meaning , it turns optimism , and what I have found from evidence that supports this approach is what came in the saying of the Most High : ( If God shows them a little in your dream, and if he shows them a lot, you would fail and you would be detached in the matter But God blesses you, He is aware of the same breasts (43), and as he shows them when you met in your eyes for a little, and reduces you in their eyes, so that God decides a matter that was in effect, and to God matters will return (44) ( Al-Anfal : 43, 44). Mujahid said : God showed them life in a little sleep . he told the Prophet peace be upon him companions that was pinned to them . Sayyid Qutb said : the vision is sincere in real significance , a little prophet was following them and they are many numbers , but few their music , a little weight in the battle … etc. . As the parties face correspond to face repeated vision prophetic sincere in the macroscopic image of the two sides , so that the believers see the unbelievers a few , and sees the unbelievers the faithful few , so that both teams Aggrey to go to battle . the reason that the unbelievers see the faithful few ; as Razi said : not preparing unbelievers Ka ready , and Ajtraoa believers Depending on me I told them , Then the multitude surprised and confused them . . . Until he said : There is an opposition in minimizing the two parties known as meditation . If the unbelievers were in fact many , and the believers were few , and the vision of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, had a few in the vision , he came to great wisdom , which is that God dares the believers against the unbelievers in the battlefield , and this is what helped the believers achieve victory , and God knows best . And there is a picture close to this , so relatives sometimes act on behalf of each other in a dream , so we may see the uncle , and the meaning is another uncle , and we may see one of the brothers , and the meaning is spent on another brother , and so on ….

…Visions of sexual significance , and does it have any meaning? Talking about this kind of dreams goes on and on, and the meaning of a sexual dream varies in my opinion according to its opinion . There are many adolescents who see such sexual dreams, and these have a meaning that almost agrees between them and the most important meanings they have are : [ emptying their sex energy, misunderstanding their parents ] , and there are many brothers and sisters also see this type and these almost agree also in the meaning and meanings They have : [ enmity, strife, or extreme benefit ] and there are those who see sexual dreams about one of his parents, and these have many meanings as well, and the most important of them is [ the great righteousness of the parents, Umrah or Hajj, money that comes from them ….

…Cuddling dog If you dream of a lap dog, this foretells that friends will help you in an imminent trouble . If this dog is emaciated and poor in appearance, sad things will happen that reduce your capabilities ….

…As for the dog, it is interpreted as an enemy, whoever sees it, it is an enemy without vigor, but he has pity for his aggression and the female ) A woman without an opinion, the black dog is an enemy of the Arabs, and the white dog is an enemy of non-Arabs ….

…Al-Kirmani said: “Whoever sees that he refers a dog to a dog, then he refers an enemy from him to pay another enemy, and he gets. And whoever sees that he fed the dog bread, this indicates the breadth of his livelihood .”…

…** A vision of Umm Salamah in killing Hussein . On the authority of Razeen – who is Al – Juhani – he said : Salma – who is al – Bakriya – told me : She said : I went to Umm Salamah crying, so I said : What makes you cry? She said : I saw the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, meaning in a dream, and on his mind, his beard was dirt, so I said : “ Malik, Messenger of God?” He said : (I witnessed the killing of Hussain in the nose. ) And in a narration she said : I saw the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, in a dream crying with dirt on his head and beard . Has avenged the Almighty God of the killers of al – Hussein may Allah be pleased with him on Mukhtar ibn Abi hand slaves Althagafi liar Vtaatbahm and kill them saw popular in that vision narrated by Tabarani in ( great ) for the People said : I saw sleep as if men came down from heaven with bayonets trace the killers of Al – Hussein May God be pleased with him, as soon as the Mukhtar came down and inspired them . Al-Haythami said : Its chain of transmission is good ….

…Mad dog If you dream of seeing a mad dog, this indicates that the enemies will launch foolish attacks on you and your friends, but if you succeed in killing the dogs, you will overcome the hostile opinions and succeed to a large degree in the financial field ….

…And whoever sees a sleeping dog and puts a pillow under his head, then he relies on an enemy without concern and harm in his work, and the milk of the dog is fearful, terrified, and a quarrel with an enemy ….

…And whoever sees that his cloth has been cut by a dog, it indicates a decrease, and the meat of the dog devolves from the money of the enemy, especially if he eats from it, then he will gain victory for his enemy ….

…Ismail bin Al-Ash’ath said that the hunting dog, if it is seen that it is hunting with it, it is interpreted by obtaining a benefit from a world claiming to be hostility, and the meat of the hunting dog shall be interpreted by inheritance ….

…The vision of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, killing Al-Hussain The vision of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, Ibn Abbas and Umm Salamah – may God be pleased with them – regarding the killing of Hussein bin Ali – may God be pleased with them – as for the vision of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, for this it is on the authority of Umm Salamah – may God be pleased with her – The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, lay down one night to sleep, so I woke up confused, then lay down and fell asleep, then woke up perplexed, without what I saw the first time, then he lay down and woke up with a red soil in his hand, kissing it, so I said : What is this soil, Messenger of God? He said : ( Gabriel told me that this kills the land of Iraq to Hussein, so I said to Gabriel : Show me the soil of the land on which he is killed, for this is its soil .) And in a narration on the authority of al-Tabari that the Messenger of God, peace and blessings of God be upon him, lay down one day and woke up with a feeling of redness and with a red soil hand kissing it, so I said : What is this soil, Messenger of God? He said : ( Gabriel, peace be upon him, told me that this kills the land of Iraq to Hussein, so I said to Gabriel : Show me the soil of the land on which he is killed, for this is its soil .)…

…What does it mean to see the sea and drown in it ?? For some people there is a terrifying symbol ; And that is : the sea ​​and drowning in it !!! So why does this symbol signify , and is it fired ???? In fact, I repeat here and confirm that there is no single sign of a symbol , and that the vision must be heard in full with all its symbols , but as long as we talk now about this symbol , I say : The significance of the sea or of drowning in it is not always bad , it may indicate for example : To the student , Ali Increase in depth knowledge and specialization in a discipline . And for the merchant , the sea may be the market in which he works . And for the sinner and the sinner , it may be a drowning of repentance and contemplation of the Almighty saying : “ Even when drowning overtook him , he said, I believed that there is no god but the one who believed in him ” ( Bani Yasir : 90). The significance of swimming, immersion and drowning in the sea is good when seeing the sea in summer, and as for seeing it in winter, it may be a bad sign, but I repeat that it is necessary to look at the rest of the symbols of the vision, and from what is said about some of the bad connotations of swimming, diving, or drowning in the sea : 1 / Committing sins and major sins, and contemplate what God Almighty said : [ From what their sins they drowned and brought in fire and did not find their supporters besides God. ] Noah : 25 2 / immersion in the world and its pleasures . But the crossing must beware of it if he sees a vision or a dream that may have a bad meaning from it , so that he may distract from the crossing with him , this bad meaning, God willing ….

…He felt that a dog barking on one it interpreted a man who speaks other bad but no longer associated with ) it ….

If he sees his body as the body of a dog, then he works with foolishness and meanness

…And whoever sees that the dog is running away from him, his enemy will flee, and every caution warns him ….

…And whoever sees that a dog shoots a bird and the like, it shall interpret an immoral man with one of his children or one of his servants ….

…And whoever sees a dog barking at him indicates that he listens to the words without an enemy who is silly in origin without concern, so that he will be hated from that ….

…Jaafar Al-Sadiq said that the vision of the dog is interpreted in four ways as a vile enemy, a greedy king or a poor servant, and an ignorant man ….

…And whoever sees that a dog leaps on his barge, then an enemy of a magi will follow his wife ….

…It was said that if he saw that he bought a dog or donated it to him, some of his family would disagree with him for some expense and then return it to him ….

…If he sees his head as the head of a dog, then he is dishonorable and treats his flock with fools ….

…And whoever saw that a dog tore a jacket, he would seek the help of concern with his sword, and the black tunics are from the king, and the white and green are praiseworthy. All this if the cover is unknown or in an unknown location, and if it is known, then it is on two sides of them who said it is the same in interpretation and some of them said that it is not interpreted Perhaps the cover for feared security ….

…A dog If you dreamed that you had rabies, this means enemies and a change in business . If you see others infected with it, a death or separation will surprise you . If you dream that an animal infected with rabies has bitten you, your close friends will deceive you and a great scandal will come into being ….