…Oiled cloth If you dream of seeing oiled cloth, this foretells that you will become vulnerable to betrayal and treachery from others . But if you dream that you are selling oiled cloth, this predicts confusion and anxiety ….

Cloth splitting the cloth in a dream indicates divorce . And istehlal without second intercourse from another husband ….

…The cloth market is evidence of the store of the jacket and the pomp ….

Cloth market is good and beneficial ….

…And if he saw that he washed and put on a cloth, then he would get rid of that confusion and reach his goal, and if he did not wash completely, he would not have achieved what he wanted ….

…And whoever sees that his cloth has been cut by a dog, it indicates a decrease, and the meat of the dog devolves from the money of the enemy, especially if he eats from it, then he will gain victory for his enemy ….

…Colored cloth If you see colored cloth in a dream, this foretells that you will live a rich and luxurious life . If this fabric is new and not worn, this foretells that you will be able to fulfill your desires . If a girl dreams that her room is decorated with this fabric, she will soon marry a wealthy person and a class above her level ….

…And whoever sees that he is wrapped in a shroud like the dead are wrapped in a cloth tied at his head and feet, then it indicates his death if he is tied like the body of the dead, otherwise it is evidence of the corruption of a matter, and the smaller the shroud is closer to repentance, and if it increases, it is further ….

…And it was said that whoever sees saddled horses that are clamped with the sentence of cloth and equipment, they are interpreted as a gathering of women unless there are passengers on them, and the gathering of these women may be in a joy or a wedding .)…

…And whoever sees his cloth being contaminated by the saliva of his mouth, it indicates what he heard from the enemies, and it hurts and hurts him ….

…Rarely, some of the expressers said, I saw as if a man was standing with his eye tied with a blue rag, so I asked him about my father and he told me that he had died and he brought me to his grave. expression of the grave, crying and yelling narrated a few feet , and my father safely Varafna that sidekick , who through it if he put it back was surprised that then traveled gpt for when I came back I passed soil for us and if the door is the list of a woman and her eye strapped blue cloth Vastvhmt of them about ) conditions for being soil value and mark our affairs replied You have longevity, your father has died, so I came to the grave and I embraced him and cried with a shout like I saw without extra, and the vision did not come out as it was passed on to me by that friend, as he had no hand in that ….

…Oh Ahmed, take the first navigator 68 – Ibn al-Jawzi narrated on the authority of some of the servants of al-Mu’tadid who said : Al-Mu’tadid was asleep at the time of saying (2) As we turned his bed, he woke up in panic, then he shouted at us, so we came to him and said : And judge, go to the Tigris, and the first ship you find is empty and descending, so bring me its navigator and keep the ship . So we went quickly and found a navigator in Samaria (3) empty and sloping, so the Caliph brought him a great shout, and the spirit of the navigator almost went out, so the Caliph said to him : Woe to you, you cursed, believe me about your story with the woman you killed today, otherwise it struck your neck. He said : So sinned then he said : Yes, Commander of the Faithful, you were Today is magic in my so-and-so law, so I went to a woman like her, wearing luxurious clothes and many jewelry and essence, so I looked at her and occupied her and tightened her mouth and drowned and took all the jewelry and cloth that she had on her, and I was afraid that I would return him to my house so that her news would become known, so I wanted to go with him to Wasit, so they met me. The servants took me . He said : Where is her jewelery? He said : In the chest of the ship under the moorings . The caliph then ordered to bring jewelery, so he brought it, and if there is a lot of jewelery worth a lot of money, then the caliph ordered the navigator to drown in the place where the woman drowned, and he ordered that he call upon the woman’s family to come until they receive the woman’s money . So he called for that for three days in the markets of Baghdad and its alleys, and they came after three days, so he paid them what was from jewelry and other things that were for the woman, and nothing went from it . His servants said to him : O Commander of the Faithful, where did you know this? He said : I saw in my sleep that hour a white-headed, beard and dressed old man calling : Oh Ahmed, take the first navigator to descend the stalk and arrest him and decide on the news of the woman he killed today and robbed her, then set the limit on him and it was what you saw ….

…Takht, his vision in a dream indicates the wife, the animal and the position . If it was wood, then the evidence for it is great . And if it was dry, it was mean . Takhtat cloth indicates pride and sublime, goodness and good speech, goodness, new clothing, familiarity and meeting . And the clothes were covered with glad tidings and joy that would reach those who saw him within days ….

…A ghost Seeing ghosts in a dream denotes the occurrence of unexpected problems . If the ghost is white, then this foretells that the disease will afflict a dear friend to you, or that you will lose some of your work . If he is dressed in black, beware of those around you because they deceive you and have fraud and bad intentions for you . If the ghost speaks, then evil and problems are just around the corner from you, and you can avoid that with wisdom by hearing the voice of reason in your behavior . If you hear ghosts knocking on doors or walls, this predicts painful events that will happen suddenly . If you see ghosts moving under a curtain of cloth or moving behind you, this is a call to you to control your feelings, as you are committing foolishness, you may face problems and quarrel with others . If you see the ghost of your friend hanging in your room, this foretells that you will face failure and disappointment, and you will be accompanied by a feeling of insecurity . If you hear ghost music, then this predicts sorrows and changes in the family environment . If you dream that a ghost is following you, this foretells that you will enter into strange and exciting events . If the ghost escapes from you, this indicates that the problems surrounding you will weaken and lessen their severity . Unnaturally beware of all those who depend on you . A disaster awaits you and awaits those who belong to you . Property and life together are at risk . Young men should be without hesitation upright in their communication with the opposite sex . You may treat the character in a way that reduces its importance ….

…Kisaa Dreams of clothing indicate that projects will lead to success or failure as the clothing appears to be safe and clean or dirty and inherited . If you see beautiful but outdated clothing this foretells that you will have wealth but that you will disdain progressive ideas . If you discard the old-fashioned clothing, you will dispense with the current environment and enter into new relationships, new projects and new love relationships, and these will transform you into a different person . If you see yourself or others in white clothing, this indicates intense changes, and you will almost always find the change bearing sadness . If you walk with a person who wears white, then this indicates someone’s illness or grief, unless the person you saw in the dream is a girl or a child, and then you will have a pleasant surroundings for a season of the year, at least . If you see yourself or others in black clothing, this foretells of quarrels, disappointments, and grim health . If the dream refers to work, then the work will come below expectations . If you see yellow clothing, this foretells of imminent pleasure, and financial progress . If yellow is seen as a spectrum waning in unnatural light, the opposite can be expected . You will be lucky if you dreamed of yellow cloth . If you dream of a blue garment, this predicts that your ambitions will be pushed towards victory through persistent and energetic efforts . Friends will sincerely support you . If you dream of a scarlet clothe, this predicts that your ambitions will be pushed towards victory through persistent and energetic efforts . Friends will sincerely support you . If you dream of a scarlet clothe, this foretells that you will escape from square enemies by changing your public intention in time . If you see green clothing, this is a symbol of good prosperity and happiness . If you see a multi-colored covering, this predicts rapid changes and an intertwining of bad and good influences in your future . If you dreamed of disproportionate clothing, this implies conflicts in your emotions and that you will likely make a mistake in a project . If you see adults or young men in appropriate clothing, then this indicates that you undertake a work that you do not have any inclination towards, and it will lead to the emergence of many worries . If a woman sees that she is upset about her cloak, this foretells that she will encounter competitions that arouse her anger in connection with her search for some social discrimination . The admiration for others’ clothes indicates that she will be vulnerable to fears of jealousy from her friends . Dreaming of losing any piece of clothing indicates disturbances in your work and in matters of love . If a girl dreams that she is clad in black, this foretells that she will suffer from purification sadness and disappointment . If a girl dreamed that she met another, wearing a scarlet dress with a mourning veil on her face made of crepe fabric, this foretells that one who hardly considers her equal will surpass her and will arouse her disappointment against women in general . The dreamer interpreting the dream about clothe should be careful in noticing whether things appear normal . If the faces are distorted and the light is not related to the globe even though the colors are bright, be careful, because mismanaging a worthwhile plan will cause you harm . There are few dreams from which the element of evil disappears, just as there are few projects in the waking world in which the element of luck is avoided ….

…Al-Kirmani said: ~Whoever sees that he throwing fire at people, it indicates that enmity is cast among the people, and if a merchant sees that the fire has been set ablaze in his shop, his cloth and his belongings, then he indicates his sale, which is equal to one dirham for three dirhams, and he has no pity on a creature .~…

…Friend If you dreamed of pleasant and happy friends, then this means good news about them, or that you will see them soon or see their relatives . If you see your friend tired or exhausted, this indicates that illness or misfortune has followed him . If you see your dark-colored friends, this means an unusual illness for you or them . If you see them taking on animal shapes, this means that the enemies will separate you from your closest relatives . If you see your friend wearing dark colors with red flames, this foretells that abominable things will happen to you, causing you anxiety if not a loss and that your friends will be concerned with that . If you dreamed that you saw your friend standing like a statue on a hill, then this means that you will advance in your current situation, but you will restore previous impressions of justice and knowledge, searching for them through every change that occurs . If the boyfriend statue is low, you will ignore the old friends when things get better in the future . If the statue is above a plain or at a level where you are away from it, you will force yourself to search for change despite ties of friendship or self-love . If you dreamed that you saw a friend with a white cloth tied over his face, then this means that you will be hurt by someone who will try to preserve the friendship with you . If you dreamed that you shook hands with a friend who had offended you and that he left you and he seemed sad for him, then this foretells that you will face a quarrel with a raised friend, and a reconciliation may follow . You sure are about to lose someone ….

…Examples of visions : This part I will talk about the examples of some of the visions of the Prophet peace be upon him and some of the visions of the companions may Allah be pleased with them , and I begin . Visions of the Prophet peace be upon him : ( a ) the visions of the Prophet peace be upon him : I note here to the agreed Aisha narrated by Bukhari in his Saheeh said : ( the first is the start of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him from the revelation of the true In sleep, he did not see a vision unless it came to him, like the morning leg. ) (1) The novel came in another good vision , and the sincere and good sense for one of the matters of the Hereafter in the right of the prophets . As for the minimum of things , Valsalehh differ from sincere ; As good single out , Fraaa prophets are all honest , may be valid and is the most , may not be valid for a minimum also signed on a vision when he saw a vision and through the killing of the owners . And likened Pflq waxing without the other , because the sun of prophecy was the vision Mpadi lights, there is still that light can accommodate even the sun shone , it was inwardly Noria was in the ratification Bakraa Ka my firstborn , and was inwardly dark was in disbelief Khvacha as Abu ignorance , and the rest of the people between These two statuses each of them as much as was given light . (2) Examples of visions of the Prophet peace be upon him the following example : ( a – 1) from Anas , may Allah be pleased with him from the Prophet peace be upon him , he said : ~ Paradise Fright entered a palace of gold . I said : For whom is this . They said : For a young man from Quraysh , I thought I was him. They said : To Omar bin Al-Khattab . (3) This talk came in the novel by another : ~ While I was sleeping , saw me in paradise ~ and said : ~ They said : Omar , ~ saying : Jibril and his Mullah Ikh ~ came in the correct from the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah , may Allah be pleased with him said : The Messenger God, may God bless him and grant him peace : “ While I was asleep, you saw me in Heaven , and there was a woman doing ablution next to my palace , so I said , Who is this for? They said Omar stated his jealousy Follette foul play . ~ Cried Omar may Allah be pleased with him and said : You attacked O Messenger of Allah , peace be upon him? In the novel when Imam Ahmad : Abu Hurayrah said : Cried Omar We are all in this Council with the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him Omar said : father of you , O Messenger of Allah , Oalik attacked? and ablution here Alaudhaeh which is cleanliness and Hassan as the paradise is not a house assignment , has son said stone (4) that the woman who watched the Apostle next to the palace is a sound or was in alive then he saw her Prophet peace be upon him in paradise along with short life shall he put it from the people of Paradise because the seer is the Messenger of Allah , peace be upon him , and being along with short life is subject to indicate that it is aware of his succession and it was so . ( a – 2 ) On the authority of Abdullah bin Omar, on the authority of the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, he said : “ While I was asleep, when I saw a cup with milk in it , I drank it so that I could see that my irrigation was running in my nails. ” Then I gave my favor Omar bin Al-Khattab . They said : What did you interpret that, O Messenger of God? He said, ~ Science .~ (5) Here Wa’el the Prophet peace be upon him milk science Some scientists link between milk and science by saying : milk Rizk created by God ‘s good between the slags of blood Vrt such as science light shown by God in the darkness of ignorance , Vdob proverbial in a dream as those who concluded milk Out of blood and blood, he is able to create knowledge from out of doubt and ignorance, and to preserve work from negligence and misstep . In the talk that the science of the Prophet peace be upon him in God it does not reach a degree in it , because he drank until he saw irrigation out of the limbs , and while giving him preferred age is subject to a reference to what happened to the age of God , so that he Aeachzh in God to blame . (6) ( a – 3 ) and Aisha , may Allah be pleased with her : The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him ~ Aritk in a dream three nights, I received your king in the theft of silk says : This Amrotk . Vokhv from your face . If you are , I say : That this is from God, it will be passed on . Agreed upon word of the steam ). (7) and the meaning of : theft of silk : dress or white cloth of silk . It is noted in the first example , the third example of the visions of the Prophet peace be upon him that the Prophet peace be upon him not Aabarhama Omar and Aisha , Understanding if they are of visions in which the vision is on her face and face value does not need to express and interpret , was son said a stone in His explanation of the hadith of Ibn Omar and his vision of fire that some visions need no expression . (8) The vision of Abdullah bin Omar was through the Prophet peace be upon him the vision when the first drink Omar ibn al – Khattab may Allah be pleased with him milk science —————– (1 ) agreed upon Aisha . Narrated by Bukhari in the book to express the door of the first is the start of the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him true dreams (351 \ 12 ) , and directed by a Muslim as in the nuclear explained in the book of faith in the door of Leptis revelation to the Messenger of Allah , peace be upon him (2 /197 ) – previous reference . (2 ) See Fath al – op – (355/12 ). (3 ) Narrated by Bukhari in the book of expression , the palace door in a dream (416 \ 12 ) – op – narrated by Ahmad in his Musnad in the palm Anas bin Malik, see explanation eg Thiat Ahmed Saffarini (739 \ 1 ). Previous reference . And Tirmidhi narrated in Sahih Sunan al – Tirmidhi in the book character and the door of the virtues of Omar ibn al – Khattab may Allah be pleased with him – published Dar revive Arab heritage – Beirut . (4 ) Fath al – Bari • op – (12 /416 ). (5 ) Narrated by Bukhari as in the opening (12 /393) _ op – Muslim as in the nuclear (15/16 ) op . (6 ) Fath al – Bari (12 /41 0 ) – op -, Mohamed Abdelaziz Halawi : Visions of the Prophet peace be upon him and dreams of the companions , published Dar Vanguard , Cairo : 1412 of R 5 . (7) It was included by Al-Bukhari as in Al-Fath (12/399), previous reference and (7/223), and it was narrated by Muslim as in Al-Nawawi (15/202) in the Book of the Virtues of the Companions and in the virtue of Aisha, may God be pleased with her, previous reference . (8) Ibn Hajar – Fath Al-Bari – previous reference (12/419). ** Quoted by Dr. Fahd Al-Osaimi…

…And whoever sees that scorpions come out of his mouth or enter his cloth, then he indicates an enemy in his house while he is standing, and whoever sees that a scorpion in his clothing indicates corruption of his enemy in his religion .)…

…The ground : an employee, neighbor, or servant of a thief who steals home cloth a little bit ….

…Clarification patch If you dream of a clarification patch, this foretells that you will let an enemy see an outsider of your private affairs, and you will suffer from neglect . The clarification patch : it is a sheet of paper or cloth … etc … which is affixed to something to indicate its contents or its owner, the father of the party to which it is sent ….

…Dirt : denotes people, the earth, and has the consistency of the livelihood of creation, and the Arabs say : A man will be dusted if he is rich . And perhaps indicated by poverty, death and the grave, because it is the bed of the dead . And the Arabs say : A man is raised if he is poor . He says : ~ or needy The dusty ~ it is digging the ground and mined soil, it was sick or has a sick, that his grave, though he was traveling, he dug his travel, and soil earned him and his money and interest, because the beating in the ground travel, the verse : ~ and others They strike on the ground . ~ And if he is a woman seeking marriage, then the land is his wife, the digging is deforestation, the male pickaxe, and the dirt is the woman’s money or the blood of her excuse . And if he is a fisherman, then his digging is his betrayal for hunting, and his soil is his gain and what benefits him, otherwise his digging is required in his pursuit and gain, deceit or trick . The basic principle of digging is that which is dug for a seventh of the foam in order to fall into it, so deceitful digging is required for that . As for the one who has dirtied his hands from dirt, or his garment from dust, or with it on the ground, if he is rich, his money is lost and he is in need of humiliation and need, and if he has a debt or has a deposit, he returns that to his family and removes all of it from his hand, and needs after him, even if it is Sick, his hand diminished the benefits of this world, stripped of his money and caught up with dirt . And hitting the land with dirt, indicates speculation with profit, and hitting it with a belt or stick, indicates a fine travel, and some of them said : walking in the dirt, seeking money, and if he collects or eats it, he collects money and money gets on his hands, and if the land is for someone else, then the money is for someone else. If he carries something of dirt, he will be in a benefit as much as he carried, and if he sweeps his house and collects dirt from it, then he is cheating until he takes money from his wife, and if he collects it from his shop, he accumulates money from his livelihood . And whoever sees that dirt is drained, it is money that befalls him, because dirt is yours and money, and if he sees that he swept dust on the roof of his house and took it out, then it is the departure of his wife’s money, and if the sky rains dirt, then it is good that it is not often . And whoever collapses his house and struck him from its dirt and dust, he struck money from his inheritance, and if he put dirt on his head, he would hit money from disfigurement and weakness . And whoever sees as if a person is stirring dirt in his eye, then the Hittite spends money on the Hittite to wear something on him or obtain from him what is intended . If he sees as if the sky rained a lot of dirt, then he is torment, and whoever sweeps his shop and takes out the dirt with a cloth, he turns from place to place ….

…The patches: Seeing a worn patch of cloth in a dream denotes flattery and tinkering . Perhaps his vision indicated permanent poverty ….

…The mother or the human being in a dream is more important to him in terms of interpretation than his father . If he saw his mother gave birth and was sick, he indicated his death, and that the dead was wrapped in a cloth like a small child . And if he is poor, increase his expenses because the little one has more expenses than others ….

…Allpagh which wears wrapped in cloth it stability in religion and smartness in matters especially if the green if it was something from the kinds of fur it Altjie to a man Jalil equally little religion said , although wool or cotton devolve on four aspects of Ziad in religion and performance of the Secretariat and Salah is religion And the world is good and it is a benefit ….

…Dust is in a dream denotes people because they were created from it . And perhaps he indicated cattle and beasts or the world and their people, because dust is from the earth, and it contains the consistency of the livelihood of creation, and the Arabs say : A man is dusted if he is rich . Perhaps dirt indicates poverty, the dead, or the grave. So whoever digs a ground and extracts its dirt, if he is sick or sick, then this is his grave, and if he is traveling, his dust is his earnings, money and interest, and beating on the earth is his travel, and if he is seeking marriage, the earth is a wife, and the digging is a dissolution, And the pickaxe is a male, dirt is a woman’s money . And if he was a fisherman, then he dug it for hunting, and his soil is his gain and what he benefits, otherwise his digging is required in his pursuit and he earns it deceit or trick . As for the one who shed his hand from the dirt, or shed a garment of dust, if he was rich, his money was lost, and he was afflicted with humiliation and need, and if he had a debt, or he had a deposit, he would return that to his family, and he removed all of it from his hand and needed after him, and if he was sick, then he shed his hand From the gains of the world, and stripped of his money . Hitting the hand with dirt is evidence of speculation and gain, and hitting it with a belt or stick indicates a good travel . Some of them said : Walking through dirt is seeking money, and if one collects or eats it, he collects money, and the money flows on his hands, and if the land is for someone else, then the money is for someone else, and if he carries something from the dirt, he will benefit as much as he carried . If he sweeps his house and collects dirt from it, then he is tricked into taking money from his wife, and if he collected it from his store, he collected money from his livelihood . And whoever sees as if he is blowing dust, then it is money that befalls him, and that dirt is money and their dirhams, and if he sees it as sweeping dust in a house and taking it out, then his wife’s money is gone . If the sky rains with dust, then it is good if it is not often . And whoever collapses his house and is struck by some of its dirt and dust, then he will get money from his inheritance . If he puts dirt on his head, he struck a wealth of weakening and weakening . And whoever sees it as if a person is pushing dirt on his head and eyes, then the one who pushes dirt spends on the one who is urged to wear an order on him, and obtain something intended . If he sees as if the sky rained much dust, then he is torment . And whoever sweeps his shop, and takes out dirt with cloth, he is transformed from place to place . The man walked in the dirt, seeking money . Whenever the dust on his head strikes him, they do not refer to God Almighty in it . Dust is the age and life of man . And dirt indicates livelihood, agriculture, satiety and hunger . And whoever saw that he sat on clean, good dirt, indicates happiness and victory, and perhaps even a doubt about religion . And perhaps he indicated the soil of the man from which he was created, or the soil to which he returns . And dirt with a woman in a dream is a doubtful lamb . Perhaps dirt refers to water, fire or wind because it is one of the elements . And it indicates the arduous travel in which there is a need for ablution . If someone goes to a point of dust, he praises the people with his poetry and disappointed his intention . Perhaps the dirt indicates the bad fortune . Perhaps dirt indicates the debt that dishonors the debtor . Dirt indicates the speed of relieving the need and the fulfillment of the promise, because it is dusted with it . And whoever has goods, Barthes, especially if he sees dirt with it or on it, even if the dirt is reversed ….