…Snow, ice, and hail : All these things are indicative of accidents, sickness, smallpox, and paints, and of torment and afflictions descending in that place in which he sees that, and in the country in which he descended, as well as stones and fire, because they spoil plants, trees and fruits, rationalize ships, harm the poor and destroy him in rust and cold And it gets worse at times, and it may indicate war, locusts and types of pandemics, and perhaps it indicates fertility, richness, abundance of food in the rarities, and the flow of torrents between trees . If someone saw snow that came down from the sky and spread to the earth, and if that was in the places of planting and the times of its use, this indicates the abundance of light and blessings of the earth and the abundance of fertility, so that it fills those places with food and germination, as it is filled with snow, but if that is in them at times when the land is useless And its vegetation, this is evidence of the injustice of the Sultan and the pursuit of the owners of the mouths . Likewise, if the snow is at a time of benefit or something else, often on the dwellings, trees and people, then it is an injustice that befalls them and a scourge that afflicts their group, or a plague on their money, to the extent of the increase in the vision and its evidences . Likewise, if he sees in civilization, and in a place other than snow, such as houses and shops, then this is a torment, affliction and sickness, or death or love thrown at them and descended on them, and perhaps indicates the siege and the lack of travel and the request for a pension . Likewise, snow : because there is no good in it, and that may be the skin of Satan, or a king or someone else. As for the cold : if it is in the places of cultivation and plants and does not spoil anything or harm anyone, then it is fertile and good, and it may indicate aphids and locusts that do not harm, and the cat. And the bird, how about if people at that time picked it up in the containers, and gathered it in the waterways ? Likewise snow or ice, for they are benefits, yields, fruits, spoils, and egg dirhams, and if the cold harms plants or people, or it is on houses and shops, then it is pandemics and crimes thrown on people, or smallpox, grains and sores that collect and dissolve, either from carrying the cold in a sieve or a garment, or in what He does not carry water in it, if he is rich, his earnings will melt, and if he has goods in the sea he is afraid of it, and if he is poor then all that he earns and benefits him will not remain with him, and nothing is saved for his time, and some of them said : Snow overwhelmingly tortures the Sultan to his flock, and his words are ugly to them And whoever saw snow falling on it, he traveled far away with a goat . The snow is only if it is a little snow that is not predominant in its side and in the place in which the place is snowy, and in the place where snow is not denied, and if it is so, then the snow is fertile for the people of that place, and if it is too much, often it cannot be wiped, then there is a torment that occurs in that Place . And whoever catches the cold of snow in winter and summer, he will be afflicted with poverty, and whoever buys snow in the summer, he will strike what he does not rest for, and he rests from a cloud with good words, or praying for the place of snow, and if the snow melts quickly, then he is tired while he goes quickly. That the land is cultivated with dry land and snow, it is like rain, and it is mercy and fertility . It is snow and it has protection from snow, because it is not difficult for him, because he was covered and protected, and he is a firm man and he is not intimidated by that . And whoever catches a countless thing from the cold, he will catch money and pearls . And it was said : the cold comes down from the sky, torture from the Sultan to the people, and taking their money . Sleeping on snow indicates adherence, and whoever sees as if snow is above it, worries are high, and if the snow melts, worry is removed . As for the origin of Al-Qar, it is poverty . And ice is they and torment, unless a person sees that he made water in a bowl and froze with it, then this indicates the injury of remaining money . And the frozen house of the king’s money and others ….

…If the hail descended from the sky, it is evidence of the king’s torture of people, the loss of their money and the pain of some of them . If a person sees that the sky is raining hail or snow at a time other than that, then the seeker becomes ill with a minor disease and is cured of it . If he sees that the cold has fallen from the sky on his body, some of his money will be gone . And the cold in its time indicates the departure of worries and victory over the enemies and the envious, because in it the cooling of the earth from which snakes and scorpions appear . If the cold was too much, it spoiled the places and prevented the path, and indicated that the situation had stopped and that travel was not possible . It is a sign of evil, and if there is no harm from it, then it is good and sustenance . And whoever sees the cold that has fallen on his land, then it is a mercy from God Almighty, and if it spoils, then it will be torment in that place . The cold may refer to locusts, and if the cold harms crops and people, then it is fines imposed on people, or smallpox disease or insanity, and who carries the cold in a sieve or clothing or in what does not carry water in it, and if he is rich, his earnings will melt or his money will disappear, and if he has goods in The sea was afraid for her, and if he was poor, all that he needs and wears he will not stay with him, and nothing is left for his life ….

…Interpretation of the sky, air, night and day, winds, rains, torrents, eclipse, earthquakes, lightning, thunder, rainbows, mud, sun, moon, planets, clouds, hail, snow, and frost, the sky indicates itself, so whatever came down from it came its counterpart from God, there is no cause in it, such as that fire falls from it In the role, people are afflicted with disease, pain, smallpox, and death . And if a fire fell from it in the markets, glorified and exalted is what is sold with it from the sales . And if it fell in acres, scarce and plant places, you would harm people, and the plant burned and hit it with a hail or locust, and if evidence of fertility, livelihood and money descended from it, such as honey, oil, figs and barley, then people would rain beneficial rains, the thing that came down from the sky would be beneficial for it, and perhaps the sky indicated that The strength of the Sultan and himself, because of their superiority over creation and their inability to reach it, with their vision and their volatility in its power, and their weakness to come out from under it . What was seen from it and in it or descended in it and on it, indications of good and evil, and perhaps it indicated his palace, the house of his possession, his courtiers, and the house of his money, so whoever ascends to it by peace or reason, will attain the elevation with the king . And he has, and if he ascended to it without cause or peace, he would have experienced great fear of the Sultan, and he entered into a great deal of abundance in his encounter or in what he hoped for him or from him . If his conscience was eavesdropping, he spied on the Sultan or sneaked into his house of money and his palace to steal it . And if he reached the sky, he reached the goal of the matter, and if he returned to the earth, he would be saved from what he entered, and if he fell from his place, he was damaged in his condition, according to the extent of his command in his fall, and what his organs were broken for him, and if the one who reached the sky was ill while awake, Then he did not return to earth, perished from his cause, and his soul also ascended to heaven . And if he returns to the earth, the harm has reached his goal and his people despair of him and then they will be saved, God willing, unless it is also while he descends in a well or Hafir and then did not come out of it, for that is his grave in which he returns after his return, and this is a good news of death for Islam, because Infidels do not open the gates of heaven for them, and their souls do not ascend to it . As for seeing the doors, it may indicate that if you increase usury, if people are in some of its evidences, or in the vision there are flies, bees, birds, or the like, and the like, and if the people are in dryness, rain and rain, God Almighty said : “ So we opened the gates of the sky with pouring water. ~ in particular , the inn of which shows compassion, fertile, like dust and sand without dust and damage . But if people threw arrows from them, if they were in some evidence of the plague, then its doors were opened to them . And if the arrows injure everyone who has been struck and bleed, then it is a confiscation of authority over every human being with his arrow, and if their intent is to the ears and eyes, then it is a trial of the straying of their arrows, in which the debt of everyone whose hearing or sight will perish in it . And if they are harmed, then they collect them and pick them up, then spoils from God, such as locusts, and varieties of birds such as sparrows, cuttings and manna, spoils and arrows because of the authority in jihad and the like, or livelihoods and gifts for which he opens his money houses and boxes, and as for the proximity of heaven, it indicates closeness to God, and that is for the people of Obedience and good deeds . Perhaps this indicates the distressed person who is in need, the caller, who accepts his supplication and is answered, because when making supplication with the eye to the direction of the sky, and perhaps this indicates proximity and proximity to the imam, the world, the father, the husband and the master, and everyone who is above you by a degree, the credit is based on the determination of every person in his vigilance and demand and more His sleep, and what fell in his conscience . With regard to the fall of the sky on the earth if he is traveling, it may also be due to the authority of the dreamer and the heads above him, whether a father, husband, or master and the like, and it may indicate its fall on the arid land, or the people were trampling it with legs after its fall while they were Hamid, and they were picking up Some of them are indicative of livelihood, fertility and money, for they are beneficial rains of great significance, and Arabs call rain a sky, because it descends from it ….

…An earthquake is in a dream a fear of authority . And it was said : An earthquake is an accident that occurs by the greatest king, and if it is general, then the accident is general . If the sight of a mountain shook or shook, or removed from its place, and then settled in its place, then it is the dominion of that place . And whoever sees a land that has shaken and one sect is devastated in it and another group is delivered up, then the sultan would descend that land and torture its people . It was said : It indicates severe disease . And if the earthquake strikes a land, the king oppresses his subjects . And whoever sees the earth shook, and the sky is disturbed, then the people of that town will be punished with authority, and they will suffer sickness and disease in themselves and their wealth . And if a person sees that the earth is moving in a dream, then it indicates the movement and life of the visionary . And whoever sees that the earth has shaken, then that is a calamity that affects that land from its authority, or that the region is exposed to locusts, hail, drought, or great fear . And if you see an earthquake in a dream, it indicates panic, fear, and disturbing news . And if a pregnant woman saw her, she gave birth . The earthquake may indicate that people are disturbed, and if the walls are collapsed, a real death will occur, and it may indicate that the seeker is dying . And the vibration of the arid land is evidence of its recommendation and growth by cultivation . Perhaps it indicated the revival of the dead . The earthquake indicates travel at sea, or dance and joy, or disruption of travel at sea . Perhaps the earthquake indicated the distress of the husbands . If the earthquake was in an orchard, that indicated the abundance of plants and the abundance of summer fruits, and it indicated the sedition of the people of the villages . If he saw her in a dream, and the vision was in May, that indicates a fight that takes place between people and continuous strife . And if he saw it in a dream, and the vision was in June, that was evidence of the destruction of the wicked, and if it was daytime, that indicated the renewal of the positions of scholars . If he saw her and that was in July, that indicated the death of a great man . And if he saw it and that was in August, it indicated an enemy coming to that land . And if he saw it and that was in September, then it indicates a strange man who comes to that land, and he gets pains that will be followed by death . If he saw her and that was in October, then it indicates the disease and the safety of pregnant women . If he saw her and that was in November, then it indicates the fall of pregnant women . If he saw it, and that was in December, it indicated the occurrence of severe illness, and death with security from the enemy . If he saw her, and that was in January, it indicated the death of the youth . If he saw her and that was in February, that indicated hunger and the fall of pregnant women . And if he saw it and that was in March, that was evidence of prosperity ….

…The relief after distress and distress 99 – – On the authority of Khalid bin Yazid Al-Azdi, Abdullah bin Yaqoub bin Dawood told me, he said : My father said that the Mahdi locked me in a well and built a dome over it, and I stayed there for fifteen pilgrims until the succession of al-Rasheed passed, and every day a loaf and a cup of water were given to me He instructed the times for prayer. When the head of the head of thirteen pilgrims came to me in my sleep and said : We are on Joseph, Lord, so he brought him out from the bottom of a hollow and a cloud around him. He said : I thanked God and said : The vagina has come. He said : I stayed around and I did not see anything, so when the head of the year came, that came. The next one said to me : May God bring him to Faraj that he has something every day in his creation. He said : Then I set up a circle and I see nothing. Then came that coming after the year and said : May the distress in which I have gone will be a relative relief, so he is afraid, and the stranger comes. : when he became Naudet , I thought that I Oozn pray Vdly Li black rope and told me : I will harden his midst , and I did Vokhrgeony when I met the light syncope optical Vantlgulwa Pei introducing a complimentary on good and was told : peace on the Commander of the faithful, I said : Hail to the Commander of the faithful and God ‘s mercy and blessings be upon you , Mahdi said : I am not in it. I said : Peace be upon you, Commander of the Faithful, and God’s mercy and blessings be upon you Oh, Al-Hadi said : I am not with him. I said : Peace be upon you, the Leader of the Faithful, and the mercy and blessings of God. He said : Al-Rasheed, so I said : Al-Rasheed. He said, Ya Jacob, the son of David, God did not intercede for anyone, except that I carried a girl for me on my neck tonight, and I mentioned carrying me on Your neck and I fell for you from the place I was in and I brought you out. He said : Honored me and approached my seat. He said : Then Yahya bin Khaled disguised me as if he feared that he overcame the Commander of the Faithful without him, so I feared him, so I asked for the Hajj, so he gave me permission, and he was still residing in Mecca until he died there (1) ….

…He is in a dream a strong, cursed enemy, desperate when troublesome, and he says and does not fulfill what he says . If a person saw that he rode a pig, he had a lot of money . If he sees that he is eating his meat, he will eat something forbidden while he knows . If he ate cooked meat, he would gain money in his trade that was not sweetened, and likewise if it was grilled . And whoever saw that he was walking like a pig would soon hit a apple . And wild boar indicates rain and severe hail for those who were traveling . And indicates in the people of the villages on the distress and severity they suffer . And someone who implants an implant indicates that it is not what it should be, and whoever wants to marry a woman will not agree with him . And pork in a dream is good for all people . And whoever sees that there is a pig in his bed, and it indicates a Jewish woman . And the pig children are the worries of those who saw it . The domestic pig is fertile for those who see it and relieve itself . And whoever sees a pig in a dream, and I have a guardian over a people of Jews and Christians . And whoever resolves to quarrel with his wife and sees a pig or pig in his sleep, he will divorce her . And the pig may cross a man from the Jews or the Christians . Seeing a pig indicates evil, anguish, patience, and forbidden money . His females indicate that there is a lot of washing, and if something harms him in a dream, he may be distressed by a Christian . And whoever saw God struck a pig, he was able to strike a man with a strong thorn . It is the king of pigs he owns group money . And whoever saw that he had become a pig, he obtained money and fertility with insignificance and weakness in religion . The pig is a huge, influential man, corrupt, and sinister debt . He who rides a pig will hit a Sultan and triumph over his enemy . And whoever sees that he is fighting a pig, he conquers an unjust enemy . And whoever sees that he eats pork, then he hits purely forbidden money or commits a sin . And whoever sees little pigs that enter him in his house or his house, the Sultan’s service will take him to beware . And whoever sees that he expels pigs from his home, he leaves the Sultan’s work ….

…He is in a dream, if there is no harm from him, then it is good, sustenance and mercy . Perhaps the rain indicated the life of man and the earth, or the accomplishment of what man promised . If the rain is specific to a known place, it indicates the grief of its people, or they are exposed to the viewer . If the rain is a harmful year, such as if it rains blood or stones in the sky, then it indicates sins and sins . And if the seer is traveling, his travel may be suspended . The beneficial rain may indicate reconciliation with enemies, or the relief of the distressed . And rain is a camel caravan just as a camel caravan is rain . And whoever sees a public rain for him, a dead matter lives for him, and receives good, grace and blessing, and if he is overwhelmed or in debt, he will be released . And it rained Faraj and Ghayath in that year . And whoever sees rain in his home, especially without people, will gain benefit, goodness and dignity . And whoever sees a rain pouring out from all sides and uprooting trees, it is sedition and destruction on the part of the Sultan . If the earth rains blood then it is torment . If a farmer sees rain, then he is good news and fertility . And it was said : If the rain is dirt without dust, then it is fertile . If the rain is honey, then it is good for all people, and likewise if it is fat, milk, oil, and the like . And the rain indicates God’s mercy, religion, relief and help . Perhaps the plagues descending from the sky, such as locusts, hail and wind, were indicated, especially if there was fire and the water was hot . Perhaps it indicates the temptation and the blood that is being shed, and perhaps it indicates illness and sickness if it was not in its time . And if the rain was on time, that would prevent him from traveling or from his work, or for the sake of his sick, or because of his poverty, or he was imprisoned . And if he bathed in the rain from impurity . Or he was purified with it for prayer, or he was washed with impurity in his body or clothes, and if he was an unbeliever, he became Muslim, if he was a sinner, he repented, and if he was poor, God Almighty would enrich him, and if he had a need with the authority, I would make it up for him . And whoever saw that the sky rained swords, the people would be afflicted with argument and quarrel . And whoever saw that he was drinking rainwater, if he was purified, then he would be well off, and if he was bad, he would become ill with what he drank of water . See also the thunder, and see the sky ….

…The village is in a dream injustice and destruction, because God Almighty said : ( They said : We are the destroyers of the people of this village, because its people were unjust .) And whoever sees that he has entered a fortified village, he shall fight or kill someone else . And whoever sees that he is crossing his country to a village, he chooses something humble over a fine matter . If he sees that he has entered a village, then he will follow authority or enter into a work of righteousness . And if he goes out of a village, he will escape from distress . If he sees a destroyed village, it is a misfortune for its owners, and its vision is full of Salahuddin . The well-known village indicates itself, its people, and what comes from it . Perhaps the village signified the abode of injustice, abuse and corruption . The village may refer to the ants ‘house, and the ants’ house indicates the village . For whoever demolishes a village or spoils it, or has gone by the torrent, or it was burned with fire and it was known that the Sultan is running for it, and this may indicate locusts, hail, pandemics and an epidemic . And whoever sees that he is leaving a village is good for him in religion . And whoever sees that he is moving from village to city, he will move from fatigue to rest, from fear to security, and vice versa . See also the village ….

…The new white robe : the brazen person is a man, his pride, religion, and faithfulness, and the gentle one is tenderness in religion . And it was said that the dress is a religious woman, and it was said that it is a matter of high masculinity and of little use . And the dye of the garment and the weariness of the creation is out of poverty, and the robe is the trust of the man, because its position is the two pages of the neck, and the neck is the place of trust . Ibn Sirin was asked about a man who saw that he had a new robe on him from the hail of a Yemeni whose edges were pierced, so he said : This is a man who had learned something from the Qur’an, then he forgot it ….

…And whoever sees a hat of colored or not colored brocade on his head, it indicates the isolation of the world and the corruption of religion, and the hail cap and the scarf signify the goodness of the world and religion, and the cap that is under the turban, then he does something and hides something from the people ….

…Dead rocks : The cut rocks lying on the ground, perhaps indicating the dead because they are cut off from the living mountains, the rosary, and denotes the people of cruelty, negligence and ignorance, and God Almighty likened it to the hearts of the infidels, and the wise men likened the ignorant to stone. He saw as if he owned a stone or bought for him or stood on it, he won a man for his name, or he married a woman in his likeness according to what he has of the state of wakefulness . And whoever turned and became a stone, he hardened his heart, disobeyed his Lord, and corrupted his debt, and if he was sick, his life was gone and his death would be hastened, otherwise he struck, then his movements would be suspended from him . As for the fall of the stone from heaven to earth on the world or in the mosques, then he is a cruel man, a ruler or a tax collector, whom the authority throws at the people of that place, unless they expect a fight, for it is an occurrence in which the circle and distress is upon the people of that place, so how if the stone is broken Its breaking lobes flew to the houses and houses, for it is an indication of the separation of the stakes in that event and that calamity, so everyone who entered his house from it fell into a calamity from it, and if the people in poverty feared its permanence and feared its consequences, the stone was a severity that descended in the place, according to the extent and severity of the stone And his condition, how if his fall was in the rare or in the breadth of food . And if they were great stones that people might throw from the sky, then torment would descend from the sky in the place, because God Almighty killed the owners of the elephant when the birds threw them with them, either an epidemic or locusts or hail or wind or smitten or raid and plunder, and the like, according to the extent of the vision and evidence Alertness ….

…The thunderbolt is a torment in a dream if it comes to a place, and the stun of death, and the thunderbolt indicates the diseases and thunderbolts of those who burned them, and if they burned something that has a benefit, it indicates depression . And the thunderbolt is a warning to those who committed sins, and the thunderbolt is fond of fine . The thunderbolts indicate the pandemics and calamities with which our Lord afflicts whomever He wills, such as locusts, hail, winds, sicknesses, swallows, smallpox, pestilence and fever, and may indicate a great matter that comes from the king in which there is destruction, fondness, or destruction . The thunderbolt indicates the arrival of an unjust sultan, and it may indicate some famous accidents such as gruesome death, fire, demolition and thieves . Whoever sees a lightning bolt that falls in his house and is sick, he will die, and if he is absent, he shall obey him, and the owner of the police prevails over him . And whoever sees lightning strikes falling in rounds, people may be abusers . And if lightning strikes fall in acres and orchards, then plagues and owners of tithes and tax collections, and injustice, corruption, and intense fear spread in that place . And whoever sees a thunderbolt that falls in a town and burns its land, then that is a power that descends in that country, and corruption and high cost will occur from it ….

…Stone is in a dream denotes the dead, and may denote people of cruelty, negligence, ignorance and unemployment . And the wise people liken the ignorant to stone . And whoever sees that he has a stone who will win a man or marry a woman . And whoever sees that he has become a stone, he disobeyed his Lord, hardened his heart, and corrupted his debt, and if he was sick, he died, or else he was struck by a hemorrhagic . The fall of the stone from heaven to earth over the whole world or on the mosques indicates a man who is far from the heart. If the stone is broken and its fragments flew into the houses and houses, this indicates that the calamities are dispersed in that town, so whoever entered his home from it a shrapnel fell into it . If the people were in poverty and fear its continuation and fear its consequences, the stone was a force that descended on the place according to the strength and weight of the stone . If there are many stones with which the people were thrown, then torment descends from the sky, for it is an epidemic, locusts, hail, wind, raid, and the like . And whoever sees that he is transporting stones or mountains, he tries a difficult thing . And whoever saw that he was riding a stone and was single, he would marry . And whoever sees that he has hung a stone on his neck, and he shall be afflicted with distress and evil . And whoever saw that he struck a stone with a stick and water exploded from it, and he was poor, then he will be rich, and if he is rich, he has grown richer, and perhaps he was a happy livelihood . Perhaps the stones refer to the worshipers, ascetics, and the lords of humble hearts . If the king sees that he has a stone, it indicates that he has a large amount of money . If the worshiper sees that he has a stone, his dignity will appear in his country . If in a dream he strikes a stone and he is accused of being innocent, especially if the stone escapes while following him . A stone is a stone for a person who prevents him from acting . And perhaps the stone indicated a vermin ….

…Thunder : It may be indicative of the Sultan’s feast, threatening and threatening him, and from it it is said that it thunders and shines . Perhaps he indicated good promises and short orders, because he commands the King of the Clouds to rise and be generous to whomever they were sent to . Thunder also indicates the drums of crawling and rebirth, clouds on soldiers, lightning on arrowheads and colorful published items and flags, rain on spilling blood, and thunderbolts over death . Whoever sees thunder in the sky, they are commands that come from the Sultan, and if he sees that from his goodness in the rain and the people are in need of him, this indicates the rain or the promises of the good Sultan, and he may point to the two faces and preach the two things, even if the person with the vision is someone who will be harmed by the rain, such as the traveler, the minors and the washing And building and harvesting, and whoever runs their course, either rain harms him and does it and spoils what he has done, and they have authorized it before its dawn, so that they warn to take the gift and prepare for the rain, and either the Sultan’s orders, or a felony for that is harmful . How about if the rain at that time was as harmful as summer rain ? And if he sees thunder with lightning, then the significance of the promise is confirmed in what he indicates . And if the sun was prominent at that and there was no rain, then drumming and items coming out from the Sultan to open it came to him, and the good news was presented to him, or to lead the contract of some of his rulers, or to send him out or receive it from some of his pimps . And if there is rain, darkness, and thunderbolts, then either plagues from the sky, such as hail, wind, locusts, and bear, or plague and death, or strife or war if the country is a country of war, or people expect that from an enemy . Some of them said : Thunder without rain of fear. If he sees thunder, then he will pay off a debt, and if he is sick, he is innocent, and if he is imprisoned, he will be released . As for the thunder, lightning and rain, it is an honor for the traveler and greed for the resident . Thunder was the owner of a great police force . Some of them said : Thunder without lightning indicates assassination, deception, falsehood and lies, because it expects thunder after lightning . It was said the sound of thunder indicates quarrel and controversy . Lightning : denotes fear of the ruler, his threat and his promise, the blade of blades and the striking of the whips, and perhaps the authority indicated against that, the good promise, the laughter, the pleasure, the desire and the greed of desire and hope, because of what he has of torment, torment and stone, mercy and rain, Because from what the people of the news describe, the king of the clouds who is entrusted with her whip, and his voice thunder over it with the words of the Almighty : “The lightning shows you with fear and greed .” It was said out of fear of the traveler and greed for the resident, the farmer, because of the rain that would be with him . Whenever lightning indicates it, it is fast and urgent, due to the speed of its departure and the lack of its transmission . Whoever sees lightning without people, or sees its lights striking him or snatching his eyes, or entering his home, if he is traveling, he will be in a vacation, either by rain or by the command of a ruler, and if he is a farmer whose land has dried up and the thirst of planting it, he will preach to chastity and mercy, and if his master, father, or authority is indignant with him. , And laughed at him . And poets likened laughing to lightning, and crying with rain, because laughter among the Arabs is the display of hidden things and the appearance of concealments, so they are called pollens if they heal at the eyelid as laughter, and if there is rain with it, it indicates the ugliness of what appears to him than what he cries on, then it is either lightning . Words weeping, or a whip that cries him, and the rain will be his blood or a sword that takes his soul . And if he is sick, his eyesight shines and his eyes are tearful, and his family wept and said his persistence and the hastening of his death quickly, and whoever sees that he ate the lightning or struck it or its clouds, then a person urges him to do something righteous and good . And lightning indicates fear with benefit . And it was said lightning indicates the benefit from a far place . And whoever saw lightning burned his clothes, his wife would die if she was sick ….

…Thunderbolts : denotes the needs and calamities that our Lord afflicts with whom He wills and disperses them from whom He wills . Such as locusts, hail, winds, thunderbolts, sickles, brambles, smallpox, plague, and fever, because people are terrified of them, and their vibration with them and their yellowing of their sense, while spoiling and destroying them when they encounter them . It may indicate great health and a great command, which comes from the king, in which there is destruction, fondness, or destruction . It may indicate the advent of an unjust ruler, and his descent on the land in which it fell . It may indicate other than that from the well-known incidents and Tuaregs mentioned, which people seek to locate and test their condition, such as gruesome death, fire, demolition and thieves . Whoever saw a thunderbolt that fell in his home, if he was sick, he died, and if he was absent from it, he gave his obituary, and if there was suspicion and corruption, a worker would descend it and a police owner guarded it, and if its owner roamed the Sultan, he carried out his order, otherwise a thief knocked on him, or a fire happened to him. Or demolishing, to the extent of increasing the vision, and what God Almighty will help him to pass through . And if he sees lightning strikes falling in the rounds, then maybe there are people among the people who give in the absence of the pilgrims or the Mujahideen, or a fond of people being thrown at me . And if it falls in acres and orchards, then the mosques of the owners of tithes and collections, and that place is covered with injustice and corruption ….

…Rain : indicates God’s mercy, religion, relief, and help, knowledge, the Qur’an, and wisdom, because water is the life of creation and the goodness of the earth, and with its loss the destruction of people and cattle and the corruption of the matter on land and the sea, so how about if its water is milk, honey, or fat . It indicates fertility, prosperity, cheap prices and wealth . Because he is the reason for all of this, and he appears, and how, if it is wheat, barley, oil, dates, raisins, or dust without dust, and so on, which indicates money and livelihood, and it may indicate the needs coming down from the sky such as locusts, hail or wind, especially if it is in it Fire or its water was hot, because God, glory be to Him, expressed in His book what He had revealed to the nations of His torment with rain, such as the Almighty saying : “And we rained on them, so the rain of the warning ones .” And perhaps indicated by sedition and blood being shed, especially if its water was blood . And perhaps the ills and illnesses are indicated by smallpox and the drawing, if it is not at its time and while it is harmful to its cold and its good point, and everything that harms the earth and its vegetation from it is harmful to the bodies who were also created from it and grew in it, so what if the rain was especially in an unknown house, village or locality, and perhaps it indicated On the affliction and torment of the Sultan, such as adversaries and orders, especially if it was raining with lives, and so on . Among the evidence of torment, and perhaps evidence of medicine, reason, prevention, and vacation for travelers, craftsmen, and everyone who works under open air, because God Almighty says : ~ If there is harm in you from rain .~ Whoever saw a public rain in the country, if the people were in poor fertility, their price was cheap, either with rain as he saw it, or for its kindness, or ships that offered food . And if they were in oppression, torment and sickness, then let that go away from them if the rain was beneficial at that time, and if it was harmful or there was a stone or fire in it, multiplying what they are in, and the frequency with them according to the strength and weakness of the rain . If it was spraying, then the matter is light in evidence . And whoever sees himself in the rain or trapped under a roof or a wall, then he orders harm through speech and harm . And either he struck as much as the rain hit him, or he was hit by a drainer if he was sick, or that was his time, or the place was his place . As for what is forbidden under the wall, either he is absent from his work or from his travel or because of his illness or the cause of his poverty, or he is imprisoned in prison according to what is inferred in each aspect of it in the place in which he saw himself, and with an increase in his vision, and what is in his wakefulness, unless he has washed In the rain from impurity, or purification from it for prayer, or washing his face with its water, so his eyesight is correct, or he was washed with impurity that was on his body or his clothes, if he was an infidel, he became Muslim, and if he was an innovator or a sinner he repented, and if he was poor, God enriched him, and if he hoped A need with the Sultan or someone like him succeeded him, and he allowed him what he might need . And every kind is desirable for his kind, for he is praiseworthy, and every kind who hates his kind is hated . And Ibn Sirin said : There is no relief in the book of God Almighty if the name of rain comes, it is cloudiness, as the Almighty said : “And we rained on them with rain .” And he said : ~ And we showered stones on them .~ If it is not named Faraj rain the general public, for the verse : ~ and we went down from heaven , blessed water ~ , and said some of them : rain shows a convoy of camels, and the caravan camels show rain . And the general rain is absurd, and if he sees that the sky has rained swords, then people are afflicted with arguments and quarrels, and if it rains watermelons, they get sick, and if it rains without clouds, then he does not deny that, because the rain descends from the sky . And it was said that he was a relief from a place where there is no hope, and a livelihood from a place that does not count . The word rain and water falling and the like, is more correct in interpretation than the word rain ….

…Cold If you dreamed that you were suffering from a cold, this is a warning so that you can look carefully at your conditions . There are enemies who seek to destroy you . Your health is also threatened . Cold If you dream that you are in a gust of hail, you will meet with little success in any undertaking . If you watch the hailstones falling through the sunshine and rain, you will be weary of worries for a while, but luck will soon smile at you . As for the girl, this dream indicates love after many underestimations . Hearing cold pills hitting the house indicates distressing situations ….