…Abu Sa’eed said the preacher one day a woman came to the crossing Ahwani she said to him : I saw as if my husband handed me Nrjdzisa and handed Dharta Asa said , and clings to divorce you Bdhartk heard the words of the poet : not for the Nargis era … but the Covenant to Las…

…Ibn Sirin said that if a woman saw that she had killed her husband, she would carry a sin on him and he was innocent ….

…As for the woman’s veil, her husband or her values ​​who conceal her, if he sees that her headscarf is wider, clapper and better than it is in it, then that is fine for the husband, and if she sees that her headscarf was taken from her and burned or gone from her, then her husband dies or divorces her. If some of it is burned, the husband will suffer harm and fear, and if she sees that she has put on her veil From her head in a gathering of people, so it is a matter of modesty that departs from her, and if she saw that she pursued without robes in the markets, then it is the death of her husband, and if a woman saw that she was wearing her head with an unusual veil, turban or something else, then she married a man, and if the man saw that his wife’s mask was on his head, then he would be exposed in his matter…

…The flight of a wife or lover in a dream about eloping for love is not favorable . For married women, this indicates that you occupy a position that you do not deserve, and if you do not correct your methods or your method, your reputation will be on the verge of imp . For unmarried women, this foretells disappointment in love and insincerity of men . If you dream that your sweetheart has run away with another person, this indicates that she is not sincere or loyal . If you dreamed that one of your friends ran away with one that you do not agree with, then this indicates that you will soon hear that they entered into an abhorrent marriage ….

…And whoever sees that he has intercourse with his neighbor’s wife, there is no good in him as stated in the well-known hadith ….

…And whoever sees that he has intercourse with his wife according to his habit, then he connects her with righteousness and goodness, and if his intercourse with her is in the back passage then he is asking for an order that involves heresy and he does not have a result in his demand and he is not conservative with the Sunnah ….

…And whoever sees that his wife has died, then he will get rich and benefit from a solution ….

…And whoever sees that his wife died, his industry will be depleted, of which his reason is ….

…And whoever sees that he gave his wife a sword in his cover, he comes to him with a daughter, and whoever sees that she gave him likewise, his expression is his counterpart, and the vision of the wood sword indicates a hypocrite boy who is disobedient, and if he was of lead, he was effeminate, and if it was of zero he would be rich and if it was of iron he was brave ….

…And whoever sees that he and his wife died during the waiting period, then he divorces her, and it is said that whoever sees that he has died and was celibate, he will marry ….

…And whoever sees that his wife is pregnant, he hopes for something from the worldview, and pregnancy is good for men and women in any case ….

…And whoever sees that his wife carries him, then he will receive wealth and goodness ….

…If he sees that he touched his wife’s vagina and was silent from zero, then he is asking her for a relief and despairing of her ….

…And whoever sees that his wife is with someone else, his money or honor is gone, and he is not good in his religion, and it was said that he is rich and a world wide ….

…And whoever sees that his wife is an ascetic and worshiper, then he is good and there is nothing wrong with him ….

…And whoever sees that his wife calls a man, if she is pregnant, she brings a boy, and if she is not pregnant, then this is a benefit and goodness ….

…And whoever sees that his wife has become a perpetrator of immoral matters or something wrong, then she will be against that ….

…And it was said that whoever saw that a person marries his wife, he will obtain the marriage if it is known from his trade that he will receive it ….

Jaafar al-Sadiq said that the vision of the qiblah depended on four aspects of goodness, benefit, fulfillment of a need, victory, and good news ….

Al-Kirmani said, ~Whoever sees that he accepts a dead with lust, he will connect him with good .~…

If he thinks that he accepts the Qur’an, then he does not fail to fulfill his duties ….

…A woman’s veil : her husband, her and her chief’s concealment, his broadness, his compassion, his wealth, his whiteness, his religion and his prestige . If she sees that she has put her veil off her head among the people, her modesty is gone . The lesion in the khimar is misfortune for her husband if she is married, and for her wealth if she does not have a husband . If she sees her veil as worn out black, it indicates her husband’s foolishness and coercion, and if a woman sees her wearing a rainy veil, she indicates the deception of the woman’s enemies with her, and they reproach her image with her husband ….

…It is in a dream a covering and a covering . And the pigmentation in the beard is evidence of hypocrisy and dishonesty . And the depressing of the one who is worthy of him is pretending to be blessings and forcing the enemies, and evidence of security from fear, and for those who do not fit him, evidence of distress and distress, debts and abandonment of loved ones . And the ruling on the pigmentation of the woman’s head is the same as the rule of pigmentation of the hair of the beard . And the darkening of gray hair is strength, brutality and prestige, and if he sees that he dyed it with henna, then it is Sunnah according to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace . If he shakes his head without his beard, it conceals his boss’s money . If he betrayed them all, then he conceals his poverty and asks for a face among the people . If before poetry the pigment, it is beautified with contentment and then is revealed . If he saw that he was dyed with henna, and before the pigmentation, then he is an ignorant man, but he repents and turns away from his error . And if a man sees that his fingers have been pigmented with henna, then he increases praise, and if he sees his palm being shaved, he will gain bliss in his livelihood, then he sees that his right hand has been cast, then he kills a man. From his money, or from his earnings . If he sees that his hands are engraved with henna, then he is trying a trick from the house due to necessity or lack of gain, and his enemy is insulted by it, and perhaps he is almost famous for his gaining of his hands, and he attains humiliation . If a woman sees that her hand is engraved, then she is deceiving her adornment in a matter that is true, and if the engraving is of gold, then it is a politely acquired trick . And if the inscription is of clay, then it is praise to God Almighty, and if she sees that she was doused with henna, then her husband is good to it, and if she sees that she has applied it and she does not accept the pigment, then her husband does not show her love . If she sees that her hands are engraved with each other, then she will be infected with her children . If a man’s hand is engraved with gold, he is deceiving, and his money or his livelihood is lost in it . If a woman sees that her hand is cast with gold, then she pays her money to her husband so that he can eat it and receive from her husband joy, strength and state . And whoever saw that his legs were shaved, and he had engraved them, then he would hit his family, and if a woman saw that, she would be injured by her husband . The piggy hand is a grim living . And whoever dies his hand in a carcass, he will attain sedition . And whoever sees his hands pigmented has overlooked the destruction of what is in his hand . And whoever sees a pigment in his hand with a taut rag, he is defeated in the quarrel and is incapable of his enemy . And pigmentation is a decoration and joy for women and men, unless they go beyond the ordinary . And depigmentation indicates concealing deeds and obedience, concealing poverty from people’s eyes, and perhaps indicating hypocrisy and hypocrisy if it is dyed in contrast to Muslims . And the feathers of the hands and the feet decorate his house, his slaves, and his money, in a way that is not appropriate for him to wear silk and gold for the children, and for women it is pleasure, good clothes and joy, because it is one of their adornment at wedding . And the hemoglobin may be located in the hands and feet, like the action of women. He was very afraid of his money or his companion, as far as hemoglobin . And whoever sees that it is dyed without henna, what he hates will happen to him . The blackening of the hair indicates the misfortune and corruption of business, because it is said : The first to be blackened is Pharaoh ….

…The crown The crown in a dream denotes knowledge, the Qur’an, and the king . Perhaps wearing it indicated the renewal of the country, or the coercion of the enemy . If a woman sees the crown on her head, she will marry a thin, rich or powerful man . And if she was pregnant, she gave birth to a boy . And if a man sees a crown on his head, then he will gain foreign power, and if something that fixes him enters the peace of his religion, otherwise there is something in it that spoils, because wearing gold is disliked in Sharia for men . The crown may be a wife, who is high in power, rich and affluent . And whoever saw that and was a prisoner in the Sultan’s prison, he would go out and honor his command just as the command of Joseph, peace be upon him, was with the king, unless he had an absent child, then he would not die until he saw him and he would be his crown . The crown studded with substance is better than a gilded crown alone . And the crown is the king of the Persians or Sultan . And if a woman saw that on her head was a crown of gold, studded with jewels, and if she had ever married a man who had worldly and wealth, and was only worthy, little sickness was foreign, if he was of gold only then he was the husband of an elderly sheikh, and if she had a husband then she would give birth to a son who would dominate the people of his household . If Sultan sees that he wore a gold crown and then disbelieved or prostituted, then his sight is lost . If he wears a crown of gold and essence, he will gain foreign authority and lose his religion . And it was said : Whoever sees that he has a crown on his head and is qualified for that, then the leadership he attains over his people . If a woman sees that her crown has been kidnapped and her husband is sick, then her husband is dying ….

…If he saw the moon gone, then the matter that he sought from good or evil has passed and passed away . If he sees it, then the matter is at its beginning . And whoever sees the full moon shining in its place in the sky, the king’s minister will benefit the people of that place . And whoever looks at the moon and sees an example of his face in it, he will die . And whoever saw it as if he was clinging to the moon, he would receive the Sultan well . And whoever sees as if the moon is darker and the seeker is king, his flock will harm him and deny his command . And whoever sees the moon becomes the sun, for the seeker will be afflicted with good, honor and money on the part of his mother or his wife . He who sees the moon agrees with the moon, and he indicates the travelers, the navigator, and the astrologer because of its moisture and movement, and because the astrologer knows what the moon needs . It was narrated that Ibn Abbas, may God be pleased with him, saw in a dream as if a moon had risen from the earth to the sky with two strands, so he told it to the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and he said : That is your cousin, he means himself to him the best of prayer and the best greetings . And it was narrated that a woman came to Ibn Sirin while he was fed, and said : I saw as if the moon had entered the chandeliers, and a caller was calling out to come Ibn Sirin, so tell him your vision . Then he grabbed his hand from the food and said to her : Woe to you, how did you see? Then she returned to him, and he turned his color, and he rose while he was taking his stomach, and his sister said Malik? Then he said, I claimed that I was dead to seven days, so he died on the seventh . And a man saw as if he had looked at the sky and looked at the moon, but he did not see it, and he looked at the earth and saw the moon had faded . He recounted his vision on a crossing and said : If the person who had this vision was a man, then he had chemistry and gold, so his money would be lost, and if he was poor, he would fall into ruin . And if a woman saw that, her husband would be killed . And Ibn Sirin came and said : I saw as if the moon was in our house . He said : The Sultan descends in your Egypt . And the occultation of the moon in the veil runs in the course of the sun . Crescent : also denotes the king, the captive, the leader, the presenter, and the newborn emerging from the womb that begins with the screaming and the urgent news, the next conquest from the side from which it emerged, and the rebel and the outside if it rises from outside his place, or there is darkness with him, and it rains with blood or gutters that flow without rain . And upon the advent of the absent, and upon the rise of the muezzin over the minaret, 262 of the writers have reduced their men, and if it is a bride then the stars are her wives . Whoever sees two moons fighting in the sky with each one of them stars, that is a difference or a war between two kings or two ministers or two great men, and the absent one of them is defeated, it is evidenced by his side in the horizon and his place in the sky, so it is added to the king of that king on earth . Likewise, if he sees two planets fighting with stars that follow each one of them . If there are no stars with them, and he sees that in his character or in his house, and he has two wives or partners, the difference between them is by tongue or hand . And if a woman or a slave sees that, or if he sees them fighting over his head or falls, the husband or the master also fights over them with his brother or with an honorable man of his kind . This may indicate in the servant a quarrel that takes place between his seller and his buyer, and it may indicate in a woman an evil that is going on between her two sons or between her two daughters or between her father and her husband, or between her husband and her son…

…Visions in terms of the definition of the term ** First : the definition of visions when Muslim scholars : Muslim scholars set out in the definition of the vision of a special legitimacy of those texts that Vq Guet between vision and other than man sees in his dream and E of these texts , which began scientists in their definitions through which modern Abu Qatada agreed upon : ( true dreams of God and the dream of the devil ) (1) and the doctrine of the year in that vision : a set of beliefs and INSERTED Cat God delivered in the heart of the slave at the hands of a king or a demon . Either by their names any truth . Either we intend it, or it is wrong . Ibn al- Arabi said : This is similar in the case of vigilance contained thoughts on the human heart and thought it E ) T on the format . Ie on one system . Otherwise, it may come in an uncollected extract . And defined forward , she said al-maziri : the doctrine of the Sunnis in the truth of Revelation . That God Almighty creates beliefs in the heart of the sleeping person just as He creates them in the heart of the awakened, and He, Glory be to Him, does what He wills that does not prevent him from sleep or awakening, so if He created these beliefs it is as if He made them a science on other things He creates them in the second case, or He created them . And I knew that they are : beliefs that God creates in the heart of the sleeper – just as He creates them in the heart of the awakened, so if he creates them, it is as if he made them a flag on other things, then he creates them in the second case, and those beliefs sometimes fall in the presence of the king, then what is easy falls after . And sometimes the devil is in the presence of falls beyond what hurts . (2) In fact , the meditator in tariff notice that they are similar to a large extent as observed signal to differentiate between the two types of what man sees in his dreams . Which I will talk about in the next paragraph . Anne Alhadit also noticed Acar by saying : ( true dreams of God , and the dream of the devil ) that God creates the vision and beliefs that make them pleased to note that without the presence of the devil . And he creates what is knowledge on what harms the presence of Satan, so he attributes a reward to Satan for his presence with her, even if he has no real action . This is the meaning of saying ( peace be upon him ) (( Revelation of God and the dream of the devil )) is not on the devil to do something . Some scientists : that the devil has done and the impact of direct evidence of the hadeeth Jaber may Allah be pleased with him said : A man came to the Prophet , peace be upon him , said : (( I saw as if my neck hit, he said : ( one of you Btalb the devil did not happen? ) Narrated by Muslim and Imam Ahmed, and this term of Imam Ahmad . in the word when Imam Muslim : he said : O Messenger of God : I saw in a dream as if my head hit Vtdhrj Vachtddt on its impact . the Messenger of God inflectional : ( not speaking people Btalb the devil to go to sleep ) Jabir said : I heard the Prophet peace be upon him after a sermon he said : Hala making a one of you Btalb the devil in his sleep . (3) Imam Muhammad Safaareeni mercy of God said : to be Btalb the devil that he sees in his dreams what saddens him . it enters worry and anger and confuse him in his vision . he manipulated 0 said to each action that does not work it useful : but you are a player . he said in an interview , istinja said , peace be upon him ( that Satan plays the seats in the sons of Adam ) (4) ie it attends ‘s locations , istinja and monitors hurt and corruption? because it places deserted where Allah reveals where he commanded awrahs Bstrha and to refrain from exposure to the eyes of viewers and Mohab the wind and Rchata urine . all this Satan played and this opinion is correct, so the dream from Satan becomes reality . He is the one who portrays him as a reality, not a reward . This is from his permanent and declared hostility to humans . The act of the devil if Napata fact . No metaphor . Sayyid Qutb , may Allah have mercy on him , he said : above all . We decide that knowing its nature or not knowing it has nothing to do with proving its existence and the veracity of some of it . . . Until he said . . . We perceive the nature of these visions in this way that the barriers of time and space are what prevent this human creature from seeing what we call the past and the future . Or the hidden present . And that what we call the past or the future is obscured by the factor of time . The distant present also obscures the place factor . And that the sense of what is in a person, we do not know its nature, is awakened or strengthened, so it overcomes the barrier of time and sees what is behind it in an ambiguous form . Not a science, but a trace . Etc. his words . Then he said : And I can lie everything before I lie, an accident that occurred to me while I was in America and my family in Cairo . And I saw when the sleeper saw the son of a sister to me as a young man, with blood in his eye that kept her from seeing . So I wrote to my family inquiring about his own eye . The response came to me that his eye had internal bleeding and that he was being treated . It is noticed that the internal bleeding is not seen from the outside . It was a sample view of those seen by the naked eye normal sight, but was hidden from sight of internal bleeding at the bottom, either vision has revealed that Mahjoub blood inside (5) ** Second : the definition of visions when scientists non – Muslims : For scientists , non – Muslims , they have There are many reprehensible stories on this subject, and the reason for this is that they tried to find facts that are not aware of the mind to which they appeal in this and many other aspects . They also do not believe or believe in revelation or hearing, and therefore their words were disturbed . Whoever belongs to medicine attributes all the vision to the four mixtures, which are phlegm, bile, blood, and black, for example : They say that whoever is overwhelmed by sputum sees that he is swimming in water, because of the water’s suitability for the nature of the sputum, and whoever is overcome by yellow sees the flames, and this is not evidenced by it nor is it usually done. And what they said is a type of vision and the vision is not limited to it , for we know that some of it is from the soul , some of which is from Satan and some of it is from the Most Merciful . And philosophers claim that the pictures of what is going on in the earth is the world’s top Kalnicoh what adjoin some of them Antakec in the heart of the sleeping , and this Plato ‘s theory known as the theory of the ideals that most opinion corrupt than its predecessor , because Alantqash of the qualities of objects and what is going on in the upper symptoms of the world , and symptoms Do not discuss it . Some non – Muslim scholars have to try to unravel the mystery of dreams and access through which to judge the human psyche, motives and tendencies and trends and even held . He has published the world of Sigmund Freud named author ( analysis of dreams ) in 1899 AD , and sees that as the ( ego ) in the event of vigilance is the one who controls the strength of the movement, this function disrupted during sleep , and then fades a large censorship imposed on the part The ( is ) or subconscious said : The withdrawal of psychological shipments that the function of control or weaken it allows some freedom now seems . Intended dream state • Harmless . It has been used ‘ Freud ‘ analysis of dreams as a means to reach the depths of the unconscious and Akoshvh for his secrets . Freud ‘s Anne is dreams as a ~ Royal Road ~ ( to the Subconscious containing the contract and the motives and repressed desires . And cared scientist ~ Karen Horney ~ analysis of dreams . They see that dreams increase insight about the situation and reveal some trends of the patient towards the world . It is believed ~ Aaark from ~ that dreams reflect the reasonable elements and elements unreasonable personal at the same time (6). It is noticeable from this brief presentation to their point of view these include : _ focus on the use of dreams as a means to enter the patient ‘s world and find out the cause of his illness , or condition . . they focus only on the so – called Bodgat dreams , which thinks about the man before his sleep and then see after his sleep , or focus on something that has nothing to do with dreams , but is what they do with patients in psychiatric clinics after making it relax in the clinic and leaves talking about himself and for his work and his wife and those around him , and the doctor to monitor this talk , and enter through this personal patient , and this is quite different from the visions that man sees in a dream by the king of vision . Sayyid Qutb says : says a school of psychoanalysis about the nature of vision : it Photo Dreams breathe in pent-up desires in the absence of awareness, and this represents a part of dreams . But not all represented . And Freud himself . On all his unscientific control over his theory, he decides that there are prophetic dreams . (7) says Mohammed Ali Qutb supporter of Sayyid Qutb : I have adopted ~ Ofroed ~ in more analysis and conclusions on Alrai and then sat through which the rules and the foundations on which he built his theories in psychology , but • unfortunately – it was heading in the symbols and meanings direction physically, or It is a decadent animal, so the person does not do justice to his humanity , and the vision – no doubt – is partial in a person’s daily life , but it is in a framework of the occult from the world of revelation, life coexistence and sensory practice , a vision that is not a vision but an insight , and a movement that is not with the limbs and organs, but only in the emotional sense . (8) Perhaps the best of us to explain the reason for this shortcoming of the psychologists in understanding the visions and give it the right of Imam al – Qurtubi said : cause confusion illegal reluctance of what came prophets from the straight path and enough remarks in response (9). ________________________________________ (1 ) Agreed , Al – Bukhari narrated as Fath al – Bari (369 \ 12 ) forward Ibn Hajar . Riyadh published a modern Muslim library as in the nuclear explanation (17 \ 15 ) published the Egyptian printing press and Stationers (2 ) Mohammed Safaareeni . Explanation of triplets Musnad Ahmad (1 /169 ) to achieve Zuhair Shawish i : Office of Islam 1392 e . (3 ) Narrated mm as in the nuclear explanation (15 /27 ) in the Book of Revelation – op . Cit . ) And narrated by Ahmad in the rest of the palm Almktherin 0 in the palm Jaber bin Abdullah may Allah be pleased with him published Cordoba Foundation in Egypt . (4 ) Narrated by Abu Dawood in the Book of Purity . Bab occultation of the open publication of Dar thought the achievement of Muhammad Muhyiddin Abdul Hamid . And prizes in the book Purity and Sunnahs door Alarataad of urine and faeces . Publishing House of Thought . Achieve Mohamed Fouad Abdul Baki and Ahmed in the rest of the palm Almktherin in the palm Jaber bin Abdullah – op – and see the words of Imam Safaareeni to explain trios Imam Ahmad • op • (170 \ 1 (5) Sayyid Qutb – in the shadows of the Koran – published Dar Sunrise i 1402 e (4/1972) (6 ) expansion see : Dr . Hamed Zahran . Mental Health and psychotherapy . (7) Sayyid Qutb op (4/1972) (8) Mohammad Ali Qutb – Hieran guide in interpreting Dreams – Published by the Quran Library – Cairo, p. 5 (9) Ibn Hajar – Fath Al-Bari – previous reference ) (12/353) * Quoted from Dr. Fahd Al-Usaimi ….

…If a fire falls from the sky, people will suffer diseases, smallpox, and death, or high prices, or the plant will strike locusts . And the sky may indicate the Sultan or his palace . Whoever ascends to it by ladder or rope, he will receive a lift from the king, and if he ascends without a ladder or a rope, he will have fear of the authority and within him is vanity . And if he reached heaven he reached the goal of the matter, and if he was ill while awake and then did not return to earth, he would perish from his illness . As for the proximity to Heaven, it indicates closeness to God Almighty, for the people of obedience and righteous deeds, and perhaps this indicates closeness to the Imam, the Sultan, the world, the father, the husband, and the master . Perhaps the fall from heaven to earth indicated the destruction of the Sultan if he was ill . And the fall of the sky may indicate the arid land . And the Arabs call the rain sky because it came from the sky . And if the sky fell on a person, and he was ill in waking life, he died, and whoever ascended to heaven and entered it would receive martyrdom and won the honor of God . The lower sky is the location of the moon, and the moon is in the minister’s interpretation . If he saw that in the second sky he attained manners, intelligence and leadership, and that the second sky was for Mercury . And if he saw that in the third heaven he had received a blessing, my maid, a sweetness of joy, and that the third heaven was for Venus . If he saw that he was in the fourth sky, he attained a king, authority and prestige, and that the fourth sky was the sun . And if he sees that he is in the fifth sky, he attained the police mandate or a fight, and that the fifth sky is for Mars . And if he sees that he is in the sixth heaven, then he is blessed with jurisprudence, judgment, asceticism and worship, and he is firm, and the sixth heaven is for Jupiter . And whoever sees that he is in the seventh heaven, he will obtain property and farmers, and the seventh heaven is Saturn . If he sees that he is above the seventh heaven, then he will receive a great elevation, but he will perish . If the sky is green, the crops will increase, and if the sky is yellow, the disease will increase in it . If sheep come out from heaven, it is a spoil, and if seven go out, they will be cursed with the oppression of power . If the gates of the sky were opened, the rain would increase . If a person sees that he has stolen the sky and hid it, then he will steal a Qur’an and pay it to his wife . If he sees that he is turning in the sky and then descending from it, then he learns the science of the stars and becomes mentioned . And whoever sees that he is suspended by a rope from heaven, then he follows authority in religion, and if he sees that the rope is cut off, his authority will be removed from him . And whoever sees the heavens, he is adopted in his presence, then he testified falsehood, for the Almighty said : (You have not witnessed the creation of the heavens and the earth ). And whoever sees that he has fallen from heaven to earth, he commits a grave sin . And whoever saw that the sky had a light emanating from it indicated the guidance of the people of that place, and if darkness came out, it indicated their delusion . And the sky is a sign of the country, the fortress, the home and the wife, the son and the mother, the teacher, and places that are intended for benefit . And the sky indicates the oath to the one who looks at it in a dream, because God Almighty says : (And the sky is woven ). And the Almighty said : (And the sky is with the zodiac ) , and his saying : ( And the sky and the Tariq ) , and perhaps it indicated a wonderful building, and perhaps the sky indicated the sea with its sting, and because of the creation in it of God Almighty . In a dream, the sky indicates all that is above the head, such as a hood and a roof, and what enemies like the Sultan are keen on . Perhaps the rise to the sky indicated controversy and angry people with envy and enemies . Perhaps the sky indicated the prison, and the ascent to it is evidence of raising the mettle ….

…The stranglehold : for men the strangler, and the woman has an adornment and a son from a substantial husband, and if it is from zero, then it is from a non-mahram husband, and if it is of beads, then it is from a vile husband, and if it is detailed of essence, pearls and peridot, then she marries a thin husband and gives birth to two daughters from him and finds her in him ….

…If a woman sees that her hair is shaved off, her husband takes it off, or she dies . If she saw that her husband shaved her head, or cut her hair in the Haram, then her vision indicated the fulfillment of her religion and the performance of her trust . And if she saw that her husband shaved her head outside the sanctuary, her vision indicated that he was locking her in his house, because the bird would remain in its nest if it cut off its wing . And it was said that shaving her, indicates the breach of her veil . And if she saw that a person called her to cut her hair, then he invites her husband to other women secretly from her, and between her and that person there is enmity and distress . And it was said that he who saw the coyotes of a severed woman, that she never gives birth to a child ….

…If he sees that he has twisted a thread and puts it in the neck of a person and pulls or pulls it, then he calls for corruption, and likewise if he sees that he has slaughtered a camel with a thread . As for the intricate strings, they indicate magic . And whoever sees that he is twisting a rope or string or twisting it on himself or on a reed or a stick or other things, then it is a journey in any case . If he sees that he is spinning wool, hair, or goat, which men spin like him, then he will have good in his travel . If he sees that he is spinning cotton, linen or silk, and in that he is imitating women, then he attains that and does a lawful work that is not recommended for men, so if a woman sees that she is spinning something from that, then if he is absent from her, then he is presented from a journey . If she saw that she had hit a spindle, if she was pregnant, she gave birth to a slave girl, otherwise she would hit a sister, and if there was in the spindle her daughter or sister got married, then if the spindle wire was cut off, the traveler stayed on her, and if she saw her headscarf removed from her or all of it, then her husband would die or divorce her . Some of it is burned . The husband was hurt and feared Sultan . Likewise, if she saw her spine fell from her spindle, her daughter divorced her or her sister . If her veil was stolen from her, and the khimar is attributed in interpretation to a man or a woman, then a person assassinates her husband in himself, his money, or some of his family . If the thief is attributed to a woman, then her husband strikes another woman, whether permissible or forbidden, and likewise the course of falaka 0…