…Eclipse: Whoever sees in a dream that the sun is eclipsed, then it happened to the greatest king, and if he sees that the moon has eclipsed, then it happened with the minister . It was said : The solar eclipse is the death of his wife or mother . And whoever sees a cloud covering the sun until its light is gone, then the king will get sick, and if he sees it moving in the clouds and not coming out of it, then he will die . Perhaps the sun was a world of scientists . And it was said : Whoever sees that the sun is obscured by a cloud, then the king of the town will lose his guardianship because of his oppression on his flock ….

…Darkness If you dreamed of darkness hanging over you on a trip, this is a warning of illness in exchange for any work you do, unless the sun shines through the darkness before you finish the journey, and then you will overcome mistakes . If you lose a friend or a child in the dark, this predicts several emotional outbursts . Try to stay under control after dreaming of the dark, because problems with work and love will bother you ….

…Saw If you used a hand saw in a dream, this foretells a happy and energetic family life, and it also predicts vitality in accomplishing your work . If you see a mechanical saw in a dream, this foretells that you will supervise a large company and you will reap huge profits from it . This dream foretells the woman that she will gain the respect of others who will come to her, asking for her advice and advice . If you see a broken or rusted saw, this predicts failure and painful accidents . If you lose a saw, this predicts that you will be involved in a project that will end in disaster . If you hear the sound of a saw, this foretells of blessing and prosperity in business . If you find a rusty saw, this foretells that you may recover your lost wealth . If you dreamed of a hacksaw on your back, you will have huge, but profitable responsibilities ….

…Cheating If you dream that you are the victim of fraud at work, you will meet cunning people who will seek to close the paths of wealth in your face . If young men dream that they have been cheated in games, then this foretells that they will lose their love due to quarrels and misunderstanding ….

…Milk Drinking milk in a dream indicates an abundant harvest for the farmer, joys at home, and a successful trip for the traveler . As for the woman, this dream is a good omen . Seeing large quantities of milk in a dream indicates wealth and wealth . As for a dream that you are involved in the milk business, it means an increase in your wealth . If you dreamed that you were distributing milk for free to others, then this means that you are good and zakat for the best of your wealth . If milk is spilled in a dream, this means that you will suffer a slight loss and temporary problems at the hands of your friends . But if you dream of dirty milk, this means that you will encounter simple problems . If the milk in the dream was sour, it means your preoccupation and your anxiety for the problems of friends . And if in a dream you are trying in vain to drink milk, this means that you are in danger of losing something valuable or you will lose the friendship of a high-ranking person . If you dream of hot milk, this means that you will enter into a struggle, at the end of which your desires and aspirations will be fulfilled . As for bathing with milk, it means the joy and company of good friends ….