…And whoever saw that a little child was calling, then it was false words against his parents ….

Whoever sees that he wastes something from it, then he wastes something like that for people ….

And whoever sees that a building is ravaged by the land and then turned around so that he hardly sees anything of that, then it indicates that a great decay has occurred, the most senior people go until they no longer have a trace, and likewise if it is lavished with trees and palms, and God Almighty knows the right thing ….

And whoever sees that his nail has returned to a mess or ours, then he is superior to his enemies and opponents ….

And whoever sees that he has strayed from the path or deviated from it, then he is straying from the truth and the method of rightness in his religion or his worldly life as much as he strayed from the path ….

…Seeing a young girl in a dream indicates fertility and pride, and happiness after hardships that grows and increases . The breastfeeding child is the best, and it has good praise, and the best it is hoped for . And whoever saw a little girl or that he carried her or gave birth to him and was a prisoner, debtor, or poor, God would grant relief from him and remove his worry, and if none of that was done, then the child is grief and sadness . The boy and the girl are inferior to those who saw her . If a pregnant woman sees that she is a child, she is carrying a slave girl who looks like her . And whoever saw that he had given birth to a boy, and his wife was pregnant, she would give birth to a maid . And whoever saw that he was carrying a girl, then he guessed that he was carrying a boy . And whoever saw that he was a child and was in a prison swaddle or sickness, and if he was poor, he lived to the lowest of life ….

…Eid al-Fitr Whoever thinks that during Eid al-Fitr, he is relieved of worries and happiness and ease return to him, and his repentance is accepted, even if he has money he lost . God Almighty compensated him for it . Eid in a dream is joy and pleasure . And whoever has lost something and sees that on Eid he will return to what he lost . And the feast capacity in living and indicates the large amount of spending ….

…Whoever sees in a dream that he has entered a city from Al-Madaen is safe from what he fears . And Ibn Sirin, may God Almighty have mercy on him, loved to enter cities, and he did not like to leave them, because God Almighty said : ( So he went out from them in fear and waited. He said : Lord, save me from the unjust people ). And it was said : The city ​​is expressed by a man of knowledge , for he, peace be upon him, said : ( I am the city of knowledge and I am at its gate ). And whoever enters a city and finds it in ruins, the scholars have lost it . And it was said : The city ​​is the death of its king or his oppression in it . In any city that is seen and there is no authority in it, food is overpriced in it . The known city is the world and the unknown is the hereafter . And whoever saw a city destroyed, the religion of its people has gone . The city of man that is attributed to his father is expressed by his father, so whoever saw that a city was ruined by earthquakes, his father died by murder . And whoever sees that he is in the country of Upper Egypt, his livelihood will be troubled and miserable, or his trust will increase . And whoever saw that in the country of Nubia he would have a blessing . And who saw that in Abyssinia, his prestige decreased . And whoever sees that he is in Egypt, God blesses his life and prolongs his life . And whoever sees that he is in the country of El-Arish, the good will be abundant . And whoever saw that in Constantinople he lost his money . And whoever sees that he is in the land of Jerusalem and Mount Tur Sinai, this is a year ahead for him . Whoever sees that he is in Bethlehem, his solidity will increase and his religion will be strengthened . And whoever saw that he was in the countries of the East, he would get good . Whoever saw that he supervised Baghdad came to the ruler because Baghdad was the home of the Imam . And whoever sees that he is in Jordan, he will receive a travel or humiliation . And whoever sees that he is in Damascus, God will provide for him . Whoever thinks that he is in the country of the Romans, then he has confidence in God Almighty, as well as the countries of Armenians . And whoever sees that he is in the countries of the Franks, his heart becomes blind . And whoever sees that he is in the land of the non-Arabs, he learns rudeness . Whoever sees that he is in the land of India and conquers his enemies and conquers his envy . And whoever sees that he is in ruins, he will be afflicted with a people who have no power over them . And whoever sees that he is in salted or sulfurous land, he will get sick . And the country is an oath, because God Almighty says : ( I do not swear by this country ). The country is safe from fear . Perhaps the country in a dream indicated repentance and forgiveness . The region may refer to his ruler, authority, ruler, or scholar . If a person owned a country in a dream he attained a king or guardianship, and if he was celibate, he married, or a sick person was cured of his illness, or an adulterer who repented, or a lost man, he was guided . And seeing the dead in a dream in a city may have been in heaven, just as if he was seen in a village indicates that he is in Hell, for its people to suffer and their misery . If the city has a name for Saleh, such as Sana’a, which denotes the fabrication, or Dhofar from the victory of the enemy, and the secret of whoever sees is of pleasure . And whoever leaves a sinner, he will be saved from a sinner . And the gates of the well-known city are its governors, rulers and guards . And whoever sees that he is in an unknown city, that is the sign of the righteous . And whoever saw the city wall demolished, its worker died or was dismissed from his work . And whoever saw that he had a notch in the city wall, until a lion, torrent, or thief entered Medina, weakening the command of Islam in it, or blocking the market of knowledge . See also The Village ….

…The hand is in a dream the man’s benevolence, his back and his support . Whoever sees that his hand is long and strong, and he is a ruler, then he will be victorious with his enemies, and the power of his aides and his pimps . And whoever sees that his hands are spread out is a generous man who spends all that he has . And whoever sees that he is walking on his hands, then he depends on something he asks for on his brother, son, or partner . And if he sees that his right hand is made of gold, then his earnings and his oppression will be gone . If he sees that his left hand is his word, then his brothers deny him or his wife or partner deny him . And if he saw that his hand brought it under his armpit and then took it out, and it had a light, and he was a student of knowledge who won a leadership in his knowledge, even if he was a merchant who won a presidency and a male . If water comes out of his hand, he will get money . And the hands indicate the rank and the two sons and the state, and they indicate the good deeds of the one who takes and gives with his hands . The right hand indicates a son, father, friend, or whoever takes the right place for you . And the left hand denotes the woman, mother, sister, daughter and slave girl . If he sees that he has lost one of his hands, that indicates that he has lost some of the people that this hand pointed to . And whoever sees his hand cut off indicates the death of his brother, friend, or writer, or the intimacy between them has fallen . And whoever sees a length in his hand, he will be too long for people . With thanks, grace, generosity and generosity . And whoever sees a ruler who cuts off his hands and feet without controversy, then he repents . And whoever sees that he has no hand, then he is a lover . And whoever saw from the governors that his hands and feet were cut off . It is isolated . And whoever saw that his hands were clenched indicated his stinginess . And whoever saw that he was walking on his hands, he used them for his pension . And whoever sees that he cuts his hands with a knife, he will marvel at something, because God Almighty says : ( When they saw him, they made him grow up and cut their hands .) And whoever saw that his oath was paralyzed, his livelihood would cease, or he committed a grave sin . And whoever sees his hand becoming gold indicates that what is in his hand has gone . And whoever sees that his hand has become the hand of a prophet, then God Almighty guides a people on his hands and drives goodness and blessing to him . And if he saw that he had cut his hand in a bowl of blood, then he would be at the risk of sedition . And whoever sees that he eats his hand or part of it, then he does something that he regrets, or it is unjust, because God Almighty says : (And on the day the oppressor bites on his hands ). The hand engraved with henna is a humiliation, need, or necessity . And whoever sees his oath being cut off, he will swear an immoral oath, and it may indicate theft, and whoever has his hands and feet cut off, he will die, and perhaps imprisonment, restriction or severe illness, and it may be poverty or need . And whoever has a hand so long that it has become like a spear, then he is unjust, he challenges people’s honor . And whoever has his hand cut off, he is absent from his family, or he turns away from his work, or is cut off from his womb, and he may stop incest and sin . The strange thing is, if he saw his hand cut off and blood flowed from it, he hit money and returned to his country . And whoever sees that his hands are raised, then he is poor from money or a lack of money from a son or brother or knowledge or news, and the hand indicates the industry that is issued by it, the pledge of allegiance, and the covenant . Perhaps losing a hand indicates the need for the question . And perhaps a good hand indicated victory over the enemies . Whoever saw that he was shaking his hands indicated a void of work and a boycott . The wealth in the hand is evidence of the corruption of religion . And whoever has lost his hands and is one of the people of obedience, his trust in God Almighty is good . And if his hands increased, he indicated his greed for the world and his interest in winning it . And whoever has the hand of seven, misses the prayer and follows the desires . And whoever becomes left-handed, it is benefit and livelihood, because after hardship is ease . See also the palm ….

…Breastfeeding If a woman dreams that she is breastfeeding her child, this is a good omen . If a girl dreams that she is breastfeeding a child, she will gain favor, rise in positions and have the confidence of those around her . If a man dreams that he sees his wife breastfeeding their child, then this means harmony in family relations . If you dreamed of seeing young children breastfeeding, this indicates satisfaction, calm and conditions that favor your success ….

…Water : denotes Islam and knowledge, and life, fertility, and prosperity, because it contains the life of everything, as God Almighty said : “ Let us give them water that is pouring out of it in order to entangle them in it .” And perhaps he indicated the sperm, because God Almighty called it water, and the Arabs call a lot of water a semen, and it indicates money because he earns with it, so whoever drank pure pure water from a well or a watering water and did not absorb the last of it, if he was sick, he would recover from his illness and his life did not precipitate his death. He was not sick and married if he was celibate, to have the pleasure of drinking and the flow of water from above to his mention, and if he was married and did not marry his family on a night he met with her and enjoyed her . And if none of that, then he embraced Islam if he was a disbeliever, and he obtained knowledge if he was good, and knowledge was a student, otherwise he obtained a permissible debt if he was a merchant, unless something spoiled the water, which indicates his forbidden and sin, such as drinking it from the role of the dhimmis. Either science is corrupt or bad or malicious money . If the water is brownish, bitter, or stinky, then it becomes sick, spoils his earnings, continues his livelihood, or changes his doctrine, for each person according to his destiny and what is appropriate for him and the place he drank from and the vessel in which he was . As for the one who carried water in a bowl, if he was poor, he would benefit from money, and if he was a single he married, and if he was married, his wife or mother carried him from him, if he was the one who emptied the water in the container or his wife or servant from his well or his minister or relative . As for the flow of water in homes and its entry into the dwelling, there is no good in it, and if that was a year in which people entered into temptation, fondness, captivity, sickness, or plagues, and if that was in a private house, I looked into its matter, and if there was a patient in it who died, then the people sought him in his obituary. Crying and tears . Likewise, if gutters flowed in the house or eyes exploded in it, they are weeping eyes at the death of the patient, or when the traveler farewell, or about evil and speculation among its inhabitants, afflictions that befall him from the disease of Sultan . Likewise, the flow of water or its stagnation heralds a gathering of people . Its flow in places of plants signals fertility, and its abundance and predominance over the dwellings and houses from the eyes of the earth or its flow is an affliction from God Almighty upon the people of that place, either a sweeping plague or an exterminating sword if the dwellings are destroyed and people drown in it, otherwise it will be a torment from the Sultan or a pandemic of pandemics . If he saw that he gave water in a mug, that indicates the boy, and if he drank pure water in a mug, he got good from his son or wife, because the glass is the essence of women and water is fetus . Some of them said : Whoever saw it as if he was drinking hot water, he became clouded, and if he saw that he was thrown into clear water, a surprise . And it was said that the spring of water for the people of righteousness is good and a blessing, because God Almighty says : ~ Two eyes flow from them .~ And for those who are not righteous calamity . And the explosion of water from a wall of grief from men, such as a brother, son-in-law, or friend, and if he sees that the water has burst and left the house, then it comes out of all worries, and if it does not come out of it, it is a permanent concern . If that place is pure, then it is sadness in the health of a body . And all of this is in Al-Ain as she was not a maid, and if she was a maid, then he is the best neighbor for his owner, alive and dead, until Judgment Day . And some of them said that if he saw that there was a running water in his house, he would buy a maid . And if he sees as if the eyes have exploded, he gets money in a reprimand . And pure water is cheap and fair, and whoever sees it as if he drank too much water than his habit of awake, his life will be long . It was said that drinking water is a safety from the enemy, and chewing it is a treatment for fatigue and distress in living . And spread the hand in the water stirring money and spend it . And stagnant water is weaker than running water in any case, and it was said that stagnant water is confinement, and whoever sees that he has fallen into stagnant water is in confinement and distress, and salty water is cloudy, and as for lions if he drains from the well, then she is a woman who marries her and there is no good in her . It was said that seeing black water ruined the role, and drinking it went away . And stale water is an agonizing life, and stinking water is forbidden money, and yellow water is a disease, and the depth of water is isolation, humiliation, and the disappearance of grace, for God Almighty says : “ Say : If your waters become depressed, then who brings you certain water ”. The hot, very hot water, if he saw that he used it at night or during the day, was severely struck by the Sultan, and if he saw as if he had used it at night, he would be frightened by the jinn . Water chagrin is hard and tired, and drinking it is disease . Water froth is no good money . And whoever drinks from the sea water when it is brownish, they will be struck by them from the king . And whoever sees it as if he looks in clear water and sees his face in it as he sees it in the mirror, he will obtain much good . If he sees his face in it well, then he is doing good to his household . And pouring water is to spend money in other than his conditions, such as a bundle or a robe of evidence of the valley, because he thinks that he has achieved it and not . And ablution from water is not disliked, whether it is clear or dark, hot or cold after it is clean, it is permissible to perform ablution, because ablution is stronger in interpretation than the outlets and differences of water . And hated from the eyes of water chagrin did not run . And walking over water is vanity and risk, and if he gets out of it, his needs are fulfilled . And whoever sees that he is in a lot of deep water and falls into it and does not reach its bottom, then he afflicts a great world and gets tired, and it is said that it falls into the matter of a great man . Washing with cold water is a repentance and a cure for sickness, a release from imprisonment, the elimination of debt and security from fear . And whoever sees it as if he drank plenty of fresh water, it was a long life and a good life. If he drank it from the sea, he obtained money from the king, and if he drank it from the river, he obtained it from a man, like that of a river in rivers, and if he drew it from a well, he hit money with trick and deceit . And whoever sees that he draws water and irrigates an orchard and cultivation with it, he will benefit from money from a woman, so if the orchard or seedlings bear fruit, he will give that woman money and a child, and water the orchard and the planting, intercourse with his wife . And the water is in a boy’s glass mug, if the mug is broken and the water remains, the mother will die and the child remains, and if the water is gone and the mug remains, the child will die and the mother remains . Ibn Sirin was asked about a woman who had a vision that she was drinking water, so he said : Let this woman fear God and not seek lying among people . A man came to him and said : I saw as if I was drinking from the rags of my garment, delicious, cold water, and he said : Fear God and do not be alone with a woman who is not permissible for you, so he said : She is a woman whom I proposed to myself ….

…And whoever sees that he eats a child, then he eats ill-gotten money, and if a woman sees that she is eating a child, then it indicates that she is pregnant, because pregnant women would desire the child and eat it ….

…The Cow : A year, and Ibn Sirin used to say that the cow’s quail is to the one who owned it, dearer to me than the Mahazel, because the quail is fertile years, and the mazel are years of fertility, according to the story of Joseph, peace be upon him . It was said that the cow is high and has money, the fat one is a wealthy woman, the meager is poor, the cow is good and useful, and the horned woman is an outcast woman . Whoever thinks that he wanted to milk her and she forbids him with her horn, she is angry about him . If he saw that someone else milked her and did not prevent him, then the ureter betrayed him in his wife . And her pile is worthless money . His wife’s conception of her, and her loss indicates the woman’s corruption . Some of them said that the foreclosure in the face of a cow is a hardship at the beginning of the year, and it is bad for it in the middle of the year, and its miracle is severity at the end of the year, and the slaughtered of the cows is a calamity among relatives, and half of the slaughtered is a calamity for a sister or daughter, because God Almighty says : “ And if it is one, then it has Half ~. A quarter of the flesh is a calamity for a woman, and a small portion of it is a calamity occurring elsewhere . Some of them said that eating beef is halal money in the year, because the cow is Sunnah . Cow horns were said to be fertile years . Whoever buys a fat cow will strike the wilaya of the town of Amra if he is qualified for that . And it was said that whoever hit a cow hit an estate from a great man, and if he was a celibate, he married a blessed woman, and whoever saw it as if he had ridden a cow and entered his home and tied it, he would gain wealth, pleasure and relief from worries . And if he sees her slashing him with her horn, he indicates a loss, and his family and relatives are not safe . And if he saw that he had intercourse with her, he would have become a fertile year without her face . If the colors of the cow are what is attributed to women, then they are like the colors of the horse . Likewise, if it is attributed to years, and if he sees in a draa a cow sucking milk from her calf, then it is a woman who leads over her daughter . And if he sees a slave milking a cow of his master, then he marries the wife of his master, and whoever sees that he has scratched a cow or a bull, he will get sickness as much as it is scratched . And whoever has a cow or an ox against him, he will receive hardship and punishment and I fear being killed . And the cow was said to be a good sign of the ball, and whoever saw it together indicated a disturbance . As for the cows entering the city, if some of them follow one another and their number is understandable, then they are years that enter the people, if they are fat then they are prosperity, and if they are lean then they are hardships, and if they differ in that, then the advanced is fat, the prosperity progresses, and if he is lean, the distress progresses, and if They came together or uneven, and the city was a city of the sea, and that was during the journey and ships were presented according to their number and condition, otherwise it was a synonymous temptation, as if they were the faces of cows as well as in goodness resembling each other, except that they are all zero, because they are diseases that enter people . If the horns are of different colors, or they are averse to it, or if fire or smoke comes out of their mouths or noses, then it is a military, raid, or enemy that strikes them and descends on their yard . A pregnant cow is a fertile year . And whoever sees that he milks a cow and drinks its milk, he will be rich if he is poor, and he will be proud of his status, and if he is rich, his wealth and pride will increase . And whoever gives him a small calf or heifer, he struck a child . And every minor of the races, the chief of which is attributed in interpretation to a man and a woman, then a child is a child . And beef is money, as well as meat . It was narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw as if I were slaughtering a cow or an ox . He said : I am afraid that you will cattle a man, and if you see blood that came out, it is more severe. I fear that it will reach the dead . If you do not see blood, it is easier . Aisha said : I saw as if I was on a hill around me, slaughtering cows, so Stolq told her : If you believe your vision, there will be an epic around you . It was so ….

…As for the dirhams, they are devolved on faces according to the difference of temperament, because many people, if they see dirhams in a dream, get to him in wakefulness as much as he saw . And some of them said that if he sees dirhams, he hears good words or unification of God Almighty, especially if the dirhams are new white and if they are black and they have pictures, they indicate war and rivalry ) and the correct dirhams indicates the true news and broken of them indicates lying . And whoever sees that he has given him a dirham in a bag or a pouch or in a bundle, then he speaks with him hidden words and keeps his secret. As for the small dirhams, they indicate the young child, and if he sees that he lost that small dirham from him, then he will get sadness and hardship because of that child. Sadness, if he does not find it, then the child departs from the world, and the fraudulent dirhams indicate gossip ….

…If things are transformed from their usual norms, such as the church that has turned into a mosque or the dry tree that has become fruitful, then this indicates a change in the rulers of positions, or the different conditions of the world from evil to good, and from good to evil, as well as the transition of prey from their jewels and people from their forms, so whoever sees He is praised, and was not like that, for that is goodness in his religion, reverence for him and an increase in his honor . And whoever sees that he is a boy there is no good in him anyway, then he aspires and acts in ignorance . If a woman sees that she is old or half, and she is not like that, then this is good for her in her religion and this world . And whoever sees an elderly person in a dream has become a young man, and if he is poor, he becomes indispensable, and if he is one of those who have arranged his life, he will return to him, and if he is sick, his ailment is cured . And whoever sees that it has become a beautiful soft branch, it will die quickly . And whoever sees that he is prolonged in a dream, his life will be prolonged and he will have money and children, and whoever sees that he is shortening his house or his livestock, or any of the benefits he has, may fear death for him . And whoever sees a decrease in some of his creation, that is a decrease in his worldly life . And whoever sees that he is in the form of a woman and her adornment, he will be afflicted with humiliation and affliction within himself, unless he sees that he has returned to his state . And it was said : If he is in a quarrel, let him reconcile with his opponent, for the argument is against him, for his favor is victorious by his need . If the woman saw that she had become a man, and she had an absent son, she contacted him, and if she was pregnant she would bring a boy, and if she was not pregnant then she would never give birth to a child, and if she gave birth to a child the boy died before reaching his age, and perhaps the interpretation devoted to her values ​​or owner, and he had a mention in People, and honor as much as the male bone . And whoever turns his body in a dream to the body of an animal, and if he is seven, he will dominate over him without him with his money or his authority and the severity of his grief or his cunning and deceit . If it is to an animal that can be eaten, it indicates its goodness or humiliation . And whoever sees himself as a feather or a wing, that is leadership and goodness that befalls him . If he sees that he is flying with his wing, then he travels in authority as far as he is on the ground . And whoever sees that his body is made of clay, he will not stay . And whoever sees that he has become of iron, his life will be long . And whoever sees that he has become a bridge or a bridge over which people cross, then he becomes a sultan, or the owner of the authority, or the equivalent of the sultan, or a scholar among the scholars, with whom people can reach in their affairs . And whoever sees that he has turned a stick, there is no good in it, for he is corrupt in his religion and in his world, except that he is tired in this world . If he sees that it has become a mace, then it is so, except that he does not obtain from him what he asks for the integrity of his command or his request . If he sees a sick child who has become a bird, it is evidence of his death . And whoever sees that he is deformed or likened to a monkey, that is the vanish of the grace of God Almighty . And whoever sees that he has been transformed into a camel or an animal or a seventh and the like, there is no good in him in religion, especially in any case . If he sees that he has turned into a bird, then he will be a car on the earth who travels, and his life in this world will be similar to that of that bird . Whoever sees that he has become a monster, he will leave the Muslim community and isolate them . And whoever sees that he has turned into a deer, he will have pleasure in living with women . And whoever sees that he has turned into a pig, his livelihood is fertile and humiliated in himself . And whoever sees that he is a spider, then he becomes a repentant worshiper of many sins ….

…The breast is in a dream the woman of a man or his daughter, so her beauty is her beauty, her corruption is her corruption . And whoever sees a woman hanging from her breast, she commits adultery, and gives birth to a child other than her husband . If a man sees milk in his breast, then if he is poor he is rich, and if he is not married, he indicates that he will have children . And if a young woman sees that, it indicates that she will become pregnant and that her pregnancy will take place, even if she is a rich garment that lacks and spoils her money . And if she was an aware virgin, that indicates her wedding . If she was young, far from the time of marriage, that indicated her death . And whoever sees that he is nursing a woman who knows him and does not know her, this indicates that he will become ill for a long time, unless he has a pregnant woman, then that indicates that he has a son . And if a woman saw this vision, she would give birth to a girl . If he sees that his breasts have grown in moderation and look good, then they are indicating to his children and things that he owns . And if he sees them fallen, then it is evidence of the death of his children . And whoever saw that and did not have children, this indicates his lack and his sadness, especially with regard to women . In breastfeeding women, it indicates the horizons of the person breastfeeding . A large breast indicates what is indicated by a breast that has been bone . And indicates in women immorality . And whoever saw that his breasts were striking his chest, this indicates that he is very old, that bad news is coming to him from someone who knows him . If men and women are young, that indicates love . And whoever sees as if he has one large breast and has reached the pubic area, he commits adultery with a forbidden marriage, or has a forbidden marriage, and the breasts in a dream are girls, so what happened in them is interpreted in girls . And whoever sees that a breast has grown for him along with his breasts, that is more than a girl . And whoever sees that he has a lack of a breast, that is the death of his daughter . And milk in the breast is an increase in money and it refers to the child, so whoever sees that there is milk in his breasts, he is honored to have a minimum increase that brings him or whoever owns it . Likewise, in women, if the milk produced by a person is breastfed, then he is locked up, and a door is closed over it, and there is no harm in it for the nursing infant, then it is humiliation and grief . And it was said : If a man saw that there was milk in his breast, then if he was celibate, he married and had a son . If he was poor, he indicated Bishara, and if he was a young man, that indicated his long life . And the young woman, if she sees that, indicates her pregnancy and childbirth, and the length of a man’s breast until they hit his chest is evidence of a whim that is not satisfied by God Almighty . And before : It is evidence of the death of children, and if he did not have a child, it indicates poverty and sadness . The length of a woman’s breasts beyond the limit is evidence of the purpose of grief . A man’s breast indicates his quality, position, health and sickness . And a man’s breast may refer to brothers, companions, children and husbands who are of no use to them . A woman’s breast is evidence to the contrary, given the provision of God Almighty . If he sees that his breasts are like a woman’s breast, and milk is dripping from it, he indicates that he is standing on his children, and that he begins to do what the women need in their labor, and this may indicate religion, or he has a disease in which he is ashamed of people, then he saw him famous for that . And if . The breasts became copper or iron, indicating the loss of children and the failure of causes or pregnancy . The breast on the beast is a husband, and the breast on the infertile woman was born after despair from him . And perhaps the breast of the virgin referred to the jihad, clothing, or money adorned with . And the baby or girl has ailments, diseases and sores . A single breast for a single woman is a marriage, so if water or milk comes out of it, she loses her son or sister . And the breast is an adulterous woman . He crossed the breast with ostrich eggs or Altrj . They may be owned by breasts, and were told : they were father and mother . And the breast is indicative of a bottle of wine if it contains milk . It was said : The breast is a generous man ….

…And whoever saw that his remembrance became a relief, he was incapacitated after strength . If he sees his wife as a male like a man’s, if she has a son or in her womb, then he reaches and prevails over his family . And if she does not have a child or a child in her womb, then she will never give birth to a child . And if I was born, the boy died before he reached puberty . Perhaps the interpretation deviated from it to its values ​​or its owner . So he has a mention in the people and an honor as much as dhikr ….

…The female is the place of the hair plant . The two females may refer to the spouses, the parents, or the eyebrows at the door . Perhaps it indicates the money bag, or the guardians who are not valid to marry except with them . Perhaps the testis indicated the pomegranate . And whoever sees that his testicles have been severed, or that he is disliked in them, then his enemies will gain victory over him as much as he has obtained from his testicles . And it was said : Only males are born to him . And it was said : He inherits money from blood money . And whoever sees that his testicles have grown large for him, he will be preserved, so that his enemies will not reach him badly . And it was said : There are many female offspring . And whoever sees that his testicles are in the hands of his enemies, his enemies will reach him as much . The testicles may indicate female relatives, such as two sisters, two daughters, two wives, or a mother and aunt, so what happened in them is an accident in one of them . If he saw his testicles severed, if he had two patients, she died, and if he had two wives, they died or left them . The testicles may indicate the money, and if he sees them cut off, then he is required with money that he took from him two thousand or two hundred or two dinars, and if he did not have any of that, his offspring would be cut off, and his livelihood was not possible, and the blessing of God was taken from him . And whoever sees his left testicle extracted from him, his child will die, and no child has been born to him, and if he sees that he gave it with goodness from him, then a child will be born to him . And the testicles may indicate pursuit and movements . The testicle indicates what a person sleeps on from his bed or pillow from under his head . If the woman sees that she has two females, she may have conceived twins . And if a man sees that his testicles have been cut off from a disease with lion or fox disease, and perhaps he divorced his wife, sold his slave girl, lost his children, split his out, his sack, or his bag and lost his money, and if he was outrageous, his weight would cease ….

…Urination is in a dream, spending his money on something that is not permissible for him, or having intercourse with something that is not suitable for him . And diuresis in a dream is evidence of generating livelihood . And holding the urine and its hardness may indicate his urgency in matters and lack of rightness, and that the injector does not settle for a decision until he pays what he has frozen from it . And urinating in a dream is forbidden money . And whoever sees as if he is in an unknown place will marry a woman in that place . And it was said : Whoever sees it as if he is urinating, he spends an alimony that goes back to him . And whoever sees himself as worn out in a well, he will spend from the money that is permissible earnings . And whoever sees that he has worn out on a commodity, he will lose that commodity . Pal in a niche gives birth to a scientist son . And whoever sees as if he has worn out on the Qur’an, one of his children will memorize the Holy Qur’an . And whoever sees himself as if he pours some and confines some, if he is rich, some of his money will be gone, and if he is upset, some of his distress will be gone . If he sees it as if another person is urinating with him, then their urine is mixed up, and they fall into a continuation and affinity . If he sees that he is an injector, he will get angry with his wife . If the urine is strong on him, and he cannot find a place for that, he wants to bury money and cannot find a burial ground . If he sees that he has urinated in the place of urine, then he will be released if he is poor, and if he is rich, he loses his money . If he saw people wiping his urine, a boy would be born to him, and the people would follow him . If he sees a person known to be bad about him, then he humiliates him by spending his money on him . If a man sees that he is urinating milk, then he will lose his instinct. If a known person drinks it, then he spends on him lawful money in his world . And whoever sees that he urinates blood, he will come to a divorced woman, or a woman with a mahram, and he does not know that . If he sees that he urinates Zaafarana, he will have a sick son . If he sees that he has no juice, then he spends his money . If he sees as if he does not have dirt or mud, then he is a man who does not improve ablution . For the fire was born to him a son of authority . The pale trifle committed an indecency with his family . If vomit comes out instead of urine, that indicates a forbidden child . And if a bird comes out, a child will be born that fits the essence of that bird in goodness and corruption . And whoever wanders standing then spends his money out of ignorance . He who wears his shirt will have a son, and if he does not have a wife, he will marry . If he sees that he urinates in his nose, then he comes forbidden . And whoever sees that he urinates in one of the market places, he will be considered an account of the market . Saw the father of Ardashir son of Sasan was a shepherd like a pal and exalted him steam uncle of the whole sky, he asked Babak the crossing, he said : Do not Oabbarha you even attributed to a son Bold you, Vuadh this, he said : born to you Ghulam have prospects was well . And whoever sees that he has lost his life in a people’s home, community’s neighborhood, or a people’s mosque, country, or village, then he throws his sperm in a marriage with them . And whoever sees that he urinates in a flask or a basin, or a jar, a well, or a ruined one, then he will marry a woman . It is felt that in mind the sea to come out money to the Sultan in ten or zakat and other . And whoever saw that he thought his children would be spread out . And whoever sees that a penis comes out of his genitals, then a child is born for him who participates in all knowledge, because the pen preserves all knowledge . And if he sees that a pill has come out of his body, then a boy is born for him, and he will have an enemy . And whoever sees that he has urinated much, contrary to habit, or contaminated it, or that it smells foul, or that he has urinated while people look at him, that is evidence of malice or the manifestation of evil that is exposed . And drinking urine indicates suspicion of gains or forbidden money ….

…A child’s rattle If you see a rattle in a child’s hand in a dream, this is a good omen, peace and understanding within the family. It will also bring you success in your business and profit . For a girl, this dream means a soon, happy and happy marriage . If you give a child a rattle, this means that you will take on a job that you fail ….

What is the seat of a person and his machine, so he earned money and worked a benefit, and whoever saw that something disgraceful or adorned, then he crossed it. As for the male, he is a child, money, remembrance and reputation. And whoever sees that he has two or more males, he is more than that. If a child sees him weak and I say his strength, then it is not with Mahmoud, and whoever sees that he has grown up and huge, then he is an increase in his power, money and his son, and whoever sees that a person dreams about his remembrance or bows him, he obtains from him a benefit and whoever sees that someone strikes his remembrance there is no good in him for the striker and whoever sees that his mention is tied, he conceals testimony and He saw that something came out of his mention, then he is a boy, and if he was loved, the boy was good or hated, then he would have it, and whoever saw in his remembrance surgery, then it is a word that is said about him and whoever saw that he was circumcised is good in his religion and whoever saw that his remembrance spread and became erect, then the need that he sought is fulfilled and said some of them the movement of the male And his erection indicates an increase in money, a large number of children, and whoever thinks that he is a tumor, so the equivalent of that is if there is no pain in it

…A castij is a child in a dream, and whoever sees that there is a shed in his waist, he will be pious and support the religion of God Almighty . And if he sees the Castij with new clothes, he will have a righteous son . And if he sees him cut off, then his child will die . If he sees Alkastij under the clothes, it indicates the corruption of the religion and the world ….

…Alemsrjh : House values for his Beslaham, and perhaps showed his wife, and the OS on her husband, and perhaps the lamp ‘s wife and the wick of her husband, and perhaps outside of her child from her belly, and perhaps Del OS on both guiding and Astdhae his light from the eye and others, he saw a lamp switch off, A scholar, philanthropist, or child who indicates him died, or his friend was blinded, or he was afflicted with his religion due to his destiny and the increase of his benefits . If he saw a lit lamp in his house, his wife or son would be a good man ….

…Testicles : The nakedness of the enemies with which they reach him, and if he sees his testicles cut off without any dislocation or harm to them, then his enemies will win as much as he gets from his testicles, and if he sees that his testicles are great or have strength beyond their destiny, then he is impregnable that his enemies will not reach him badly . Perhaps their interruption was the interruption of females from the boy, if there was evidence in the vision of good . Because the testicles are the two females, and the left egg is the boy, and if he sees that it was taken from him, his son died, and he was not born after him . If he saw that he gave her to others with the kindness of a soul from him, and she was from him, then a child is born to him without maturity and the child is attributed to someone else . If he sees that his testicles are in the hand of a well-known man, that man will gain it . If the man is a young man then he is his enemy, and if he sees that he is a lord, he will hit money that his enemies cannot secure . And he saw a man as if he had ten males and had no testicle, so he told his vision on a crossing and said to him : You will have ten sons, and no female is born to you . As for the pubic area : its decrease is valid in the Sunnah, and the increase in it is money and power obtained from the side of a non-Arab man . If he saw as if he had looked at his pubic hair and he did not see hair on it as if it had never sprouted, he indicated a stone on him in the money or two losses he would have . If he has a lot of hair to pull it through the ground, then he will gain a lot of money with corruption in debt, and a waste of years and chivalry ….

And whoever sees that he was given a ring to be sealed with, then he possesses something that he has never owned, and whoever sees that it is sealed with a white silver ring, then a righteous child will be born to him, and if he is red, his child is corrupt, and if he is black, he will prove to be humiliating and humiliating, and if he sees that he has hit a ring while he is in a mosque, prayer or worship He owns a woman, and if he is powerful, then he hits a high, or a merchant, he will make a profit. And whoever sees that he was given a gold ring, then he is like gold, some of what he owns will go away from him or a ruler will be angry with him. Aquamarine, he lives long, and whoever sees that his ring has been taken away from him, then his authority is removed from him, and if he sees that he is lost, then what he hates enters upon him, and if he sees that it is broken or fallen, then it indicates that his status has fallen or his money is gone or he leaves his wife with death or life or near his deadline or death His son, and if the woman sees that, then it is the death of her husband, and whoever sees that the clove of his ring has fallen, then the face of his authority and his presence shall be removed

…Sickness is hypocrisy in a dream, for God Almighty says : ( In their hearts is a disease, so God increased disease for them ). And whoever saw that he was sick, his religion was deficient and his body correct . And whoever saw that his wife was sick, her religion was deficient and her body healthy . If the patient sees that he is riding a pig, camel, or ox, he is afraid of death . A sick child, if cured of his illness, will die . And whoever saw that he was sick, he defeated his enemies, and obtained great money, long life, and happiness . And whoever is in distress and sees that he is sick, he will survive . And if the patient sees that he set free a slave, then he dies because the dead has no ownership . If an unknown man sees that he is sick, then the disease belongs to the visionary . Sickness is the spending of money, repentance, supplication and supplication, and sickness is love, and love is also a disease . And it was said : He who sees that he is sick will have health . And whoever saw that his two sons were sick, his eyes turned black . And whoever sees that his father is sick, he will have a headache, because the head is instead of the father . And whoever sees that he is sick, then he is a lot of falsehood and corruption . And it was said : He who sees that he is sick whose illness has prolonged and his sins fallen will die . And it was said : the sickness afflicts him as much as his illness . And whoever sees that the Sultan is sick, then he will fall ill in his religion, otherwise he will die that year . And sick man isolated him from his wife . Scholars ’disease is a weakness in religion . The polite’s disease is a dispersion and separation of his boys from him, and the child’s illness is evidence of the worry and distress of his parents . And the disease that Faraj wishes his death . And general illness in the people is evidence of drought and pension depression . See also Epidemic ….

…And whoever saw that a king pulled a sword on his waist, then he interpreted the obtaining of the power and the enforcement of an order from the kings, and if he gave him a sword, then it indicates the obtaining of the power and the penetration of an order from the kings, and whoever saw that a king pulled a sword on his waist, then he interpreted to obtain power and victory and may give birth to a child and whoever sees that His sword shines, and Abu Sa`id, the preacher, said: “Qibiya of the sword shall be interpreted as a child ….

…Epistaxis is in a dream a forbidden money that the nose bleeds if it is a lot and thin . If it is thick, then it is a child who has miscarried, because the child is a leech after the sperm . And whoever sees that his nose is nosebleed, and he thinks that the nosebleed is good for him, then he will be hit by his boss with good that he will be financed and congratulated with, and if he thinks that the nosebleed is harmful to him, then he will have good for his boss, then he will be a pain on him, and he will suffer after harm . If he is the head, then he sees good in his body as much as he saw strength and weakness, and the abundance of blood and its shortness, so if he threw a drop or two, then it is a benefit . If his strength is gone after the blood comes out, then he is lacking, because weakness is poverty, and if he is strong, then he is rich because strength is the wealth of a man, and if his clothes are stained with his blood, then he strikes from that wealth that is hated and sinful, and if he does not get stained, then his owner is out of sin . If he sees that nosebleeds dripping on the road, then he should pay zakat and give it in charity on the street . And it was said : Whoever saw his nose twitching would get a great treasure and money . And it was said : Nosebleed is better that comes to you from your boss . And it was said : nosebleed is evidence of worry and distress in a way that does not count . If the visionary finds the rest of his branch, evidence of cladding and fame . It was said : The nosebleed is a treasure hit ….

…The cup : denotes the women, and if he saw it as if he was watering in a cup or a glass mug, his visions indicated a fetus in his wife’s womb . If he sees that the cup is broken and there is still water, then the woman will die and the fetus will live . It was narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw as if I drew water, so I brought a cup of water and put it on my hand, so the mug broke and the water remained in my hands . He said to him : Do you have a woman? He said : Yes . He said : Is there a rope? He said : Yes . He said : She gives birth, then she dies, and the child remains on your hand . It was as he said . If he sees as if the water is poured out and the cup remains healthy, then the mother is delivered and the child dies . It was said, perhaps, if the cup was broken, the waterman died ….

And whoever sees that he has worn in a place that requires him to be in his place, then he is relieved of them and grief, and whoever sees that he has no blood, he will have an imperfect child, and whoever sees that he has worn out on the Qur’an, a child will come to him who is a keeper who seeks knowledge. People are blessed with him from his goodness, and whoever sees that he has urinated in a mosque, he saves his money or a son comes to him who is the leader of the people, and whoever sees that he urinates in an unknown place, he marries an unknown woman, and whoever sees that he urinates and another also urinates, their urine is mixed between them, continuing and intermarriage, and whoever sees that a person urinates against him He realizes that he is spending his money on him, and if he sees that he is urinating in a bottle or a bowl, he will marry a woman