…In a dream, he is a foreign king who is fearful, dull-hearted, carrying heavyweights, and knows of war and fighting . So whoever rides an elephant in a dream, or his king, contacted Sultan, and attained a high status, and lived for a long time in glory and prestige . And whoever rides an elephant during the day divorces his wife, and perhaps treachery and deceit, and returns his treachery and coercion against him, because God Almighty says : ( Did you not see how your Lord did to the owners of the elephant ). And an elephant in a dream is a cursed man . He who rides an elephant at night will surmount a huge, pale king and overpower him . And if he saw that he was riding in a saddle while he was obeying him, then he would marry the daughter of a huge non-Arab man, and if he was a merchant, his business would be greater . If he sees that he is milking the elephant, then he is plotting a huge king and obtaining permissible money from him . And it was said : The elephant is a king of great grace and generosity, generosity and patience, politeness and softness . If he saw that he had hit him with his hose, he would be rewarded . And if he installed it, he received a ministry and a state . The elephant indicates righteous people, scholars, and noble people, and indicates distress, misery and fatigue . If he saw that the elephant was killed in a town, then the king would die or be killed . And whoever sees that the elephant threatens him, then this indicates a disease, and if he throws it under him and falls, then the person who dreams will die . If a woman sees it, then it is not a good guide however she sees it . And whoever saw that he spoke to the elephant, he got a lot of good from the king, and if he saw that the elephant followed him running, he got harm from his king . And whoever sees that he rode an elephant in war, he shall perish . And whoever sees that he ate the meat of an elephant, he will have money from Sultan, and likewise if he took from his organs, skin, or bones . There is no good in seeing the elephant for people of righteousness and piety . If the elephant is seen emerging from a country that has a plague, it is removed from them . And whoever saw that he had killed an elephant defeated a foreign man . And whoever saw people riding elephants and were in war, they were defeated . Perhaps riding an elephant indicated injustice and lies . And whoever sees an elephant coming from one town to another, he is a ruler who moves from one town to another ….
Dreaming about meet king on bead sleep and wake him for greet
(128 interpretations and meanings of dreams about meet king on bead sleep and wake him for greet)As for sleep, whoever sees that he is asleep, then it is corruption in his religion, and perhaps he is oblivious to the interests of himself. And whoever sees that he is covered with sleepiness, then he is safe, and whoever sees that he was sleeping and woke up, he finds something he was oblivious to, and whoever saw that he woke up asleep guides him to the path of truth and whoever sees that someone Wake him up for that
…What is the difference between sunnah, nap and sleep : Perhaps this subtle issue deserves to be included in the book , and from what has been said about the difference between them : that the vapors are constantly rising from the body to the brain . Whenever she encountered lukewarm or fatigue, she seized it . It is the mineral of sensation and movement, and it is a sunnah . The seizure of the sense of sight is a nap . And if the whole body is an independent sleep . Ah . See : “ Al-Qarafi fi Al Dhakhira ” (1/227):…
…What is the reason for those who say that I do not dream ?? I often have a meeting or a conversation with someone who tells me : I do not dream … and you see him annoyed sometimes ! And you see him say this sarcastically sometimes ! And a state tongue; I am not someone who cares about your major ! By analyzing a number of personalities who live in this phenomenon, we can say that this phenomenon exists in the beginning, and it has appeared to me that the most important reasons behind it are the following : 1 / Forgetfulness . Many who dream or see a vision may forget it, or forget it, and this is the wisdom of the Mighty and Mighty One . Therefore, there may be someone who suddenly remembers a dream he saw, or a sincere vision that he saw . 2 / The severity of falling asleep for someone who suffers such a phenomenon, and so he who takes too much sleep in his sleep resembles the dead, and this kind little remembers what he sees in his sleep . 3 / Whoever works sometimes during the day and sometimes at night, and sometimes at night and at other times during the day, and so forth, and these people often do not remember their dreams or visions, and I reached this last category recently and after extensive investigation and examination, and I published it here for the first time. The reason behind not remembering their visions or dreams is that they are not as comfortable in their sleep as those who have a fixed sleep regime at night, and those who sleep at night, are the ones who get the greatest benefits of sleep . 4 / He who has personal attitudes against this knowledge because of some of the commentators, and whether the reason is correct or wrong, then he sees him hostile to this knowledge by this means, and he says that he does not dream or does not see the vision . 5 / He’s really poor vision . These are some of the reasons for this phenomenon, and God knows best ….
…Can visions be interpreted in sleep? It was mentioned in some authentic hadiths on the authority of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, that he saw some of the visions and was satisfied with their interpretation that was mentioned in the dream. His example is, for example, but not limited to : his visions of Umm Haram and that they are with those who invade the sea, and his visions of Aisha :: when I show them before I He marries her, and his visions : In the Antichrist, and Ibn Hajar mentioned in al-Fath on the authority of Ibn Battal indicating that this is possible. Ibn Battal said when he spoke about the hadith of Ibn Umar when he saw Hell and that it was folded like a well : In this hadith that some of the vision does not need an expression And that what is interpreted in sleep is its interpretation in waking, because the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, did not elaborate more on what the king interpreted, and God knows best ….
…What do we Muslims believe in the reality of sleep? Sleep is a sign of God ‘s miracle function perfection ability and resurrection of the dead, and God made him rest for the body and spirit together, as he says : [ and mercy make you day and night to repose in it , and you may seek from the bounty of the meaning ] stories 73. The Almighty says [ God who made the night find repose in the day – sighted ] Ghafir 61 says the Almighty [ who is a God comes to you at night , you live in it ..] stories 72 and say grateful , including the creation of verses including the night [ unconformity Alabbah make night accommodation, sun and moon thunderbolt ] cattle 96 , he said the Almighty [ and Halna Nomkm repose and made us night clothes and made the day a pension ] news 9 11 If God made in the night verse indicates his ability and then worship and monotheism to him, and make at night serenity, tranquility and security, and progress and said : [ as Agshekm sleepy safe from him ] Anfal 11…
…Benefit in knowing the reality of sleep. The wise men said: Sleep comes from a moderate vapor that rises to the brain after eating food, and there are two benefits from it in the body, the first is the rest of the organs and the prey, and the second is the digestion of food ….
…Astronomy: Whoever sees in his dream that it is the first astronomy, then he will be accompanied by an unjust prince or a false minister . The second sphere is the king’s writer . And whoever sees that he is in the third ark, he gets married . And whoever sees the fourth ark, then he accompanies the caliph or a great king, and if he is not qualified for that then he will marry a beautiful woman . And whoever sees the fifth ark, he sees the king’s war owner or a pious man . And whoever saw the sixth astronomy gained knowledge and merit and was firm . And whoever sees the seventh ark, he will meet the king’s owner . And whoever sees the eighth ark, he will be accompanied by a great king . And whoever sees the ninth ark is a companion of a glorious man . And whoever sees the tenth orbit, which is the surrounding sphere, he sees the greatest caliph or the greatest king . And if he sees the entire ark, then he will be close to God Almighty and will receive a face or accompany the greatest kings of the earth . If a woman sees that she is under the lower sphere, she will marry the prince’s clerk or some of his employees ….
…Whoever sees one of the angels in a place, then his family will suffer good, victory, and relief from them or grief, and if he sees a group of angels, it may indicate a military force, and it may be a plague and war, and some of them said the king would pass by the king or with his intention ….
…King’s wreath, a proof of extra money, knowledge and a boy . And the crown for a woman is a foreign man . And if a merchant sees that he has put a wreath on his head, his money is gone . If his status is authoritative, he will make a mistake in his religion . And if the king sees that his crown or crown has been lifted from his head, his possession will cease ….
…And he saw a man as if kicking the king with his foot, so he hit as he was walking a dinar with the king’s image on it . It was narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw as if there was a lot of hair on my legs, and he said : Dean rides him and dies in prison . He told you I saw her . So he took back Ibn Sirin, then he died in prison owing to forty thousand dirhams, and he spent it on his behalf after his death, and he saw a man as if he was handicapped, and he crossed it for him and said : You become an adulterer . Then he was taken with a woman . And Ibn Sirin came to a man and said : I saw as if my finger was on a coals, and if I put it on it as a fire extinguisher, and if I lifted it from it, it returned as it was, and he said : This is a person of passion, and he said : He is not a fan of passion, but he speaks in fate . He said : What is more severe than fate? . A woman saw as if the thumb of her man had been cut off, so she narrated her vision to Ibn Sirin, and he said : You pray a people that you have cut off ….
…The sea : As for the sea, it refers to everyone who has authority over creation, such as kings, sultans, collectors, rulers, scholars, masters, and spirits for his power and great danger, and his taking and giving and his money and his knowledge of his water, and directing his men or his powers or his arguments and commands, his fish are his subjects, his men are his livelihoods and his money or his matters and his leadership, and his livestock His assistants and students, his ships, his soldiers, his dwellings, his women, his trustees, his trade, shops, books, Qur’ans, and jurisprudence . And the sea may point to the world and its horrors that one cherishes and finances, and impoverishes another and kills him, and possesses it today and kills him tomorrow, prepares it for today and destroys it after it . Its ships, their markets, their seasons, and their current travels, enrich people and impoverish others . And its winds are its livelihoods, its numbers, its accidents, its Touaregs, its residents, its fish, its livelihood, its animals and its livestock, its pests, its Touaregs, its kings and its thieves, and its worries and its sedition . He has power if that is in the summer and in this sea, or he floats in knowledge and mixes with scholars, or he expands in money and trade to the extent of his praise in the sea and his power over the water, and if he sinks in his condition and does not die in his drowning, nor is he struck, or in a state of agony, sailing while he is in it. And from their saying that so-and-so drowned in this world and drowned in bliss and knowledge, and with the authority, and if something dies, he drowns, corrupts his debt and his intention is wrong for what is required, to meet the birth and drowning . But if he entered or swam in it in the winter and cold, or while he was shaking, a calamity befell him from the Sultan, either imprisonment or torment, or sickness, wateriness and harmful winds, or he would get into fatal sedition . If he drowned at the time, he was killed in his camp or his debt was corrupted in a fitnah . And whoever takes from his water, drinks it or acquires it, he collects money from a power like him, or he gains from this world towards him . And whoever enters the sea and strikes it from its bottom, mud or mud, they are from the greatest king or from the authority of that place . And whoever cuts across a sea or river to the other side, he will cut off in a whisper and a horror or out of fear, and he will be delivered from it . And some of them said : He who saw the sea hit something he was hoping for, and whoever saw that he fought the sea, then he enters into the king’s work and is deceitful from it, so if he drinks all of his water, he owns the world and extends his life, and he hits like the king’s money or his power, or his counterpart is in his possession . If he drank it until it was narrated from it, then he receives from the king money with which he finances with his long life and strength, and if he draws from it, he seeks from the king a job and gets it as much as he derives from it. If he poured it into a vessel, he would make a lot of money from a king or God Almighty would give him a state in which he collects money. The state is stronger, wider and more durable than the sea, because it is the gift of God . And whoever bathes from the sea, his sins will be atone for him and his concern for the king will be removed . And he who wanders in the sea, he resides on sins . And whoever sees the sea from afar, he sees horror, and it was said that something will come near to him that he hopes . It is better to see the sea calmly than to have turbulent waves ….
…The sun is in a dream the greatest king, caliph, father, or prince . And whoever sees that he is transformed into the sun, he shall be cast as a king . And if he hits the sun hanging by a chain of guardian and justice in it . And if he sits in the sun and approaches it, then he will obtain from the king a blessing and money, and strength and support, and if he shines on its rays, he will be blessed with a flag that is mentioned in the two . If he saw her, Safia Munira and he was a governor who gained power in his mandate, and if she rose in his house he married, and if a woman saw her, she married, and if he saw her, a merchant would profit in his trade . And sunlight is the pride of the king and his justice . If he saw the sun hit the elevation of talk to him caliph, as well as the moon . And if he saw the sun rising on his head, then he would receive a serious matter, and if it rose on his feet he would have received a lot of cultivation, and if he saw that it had risen on his stomach, he would have leprosy, and if it appeared on his chest, he would be ill . And whoever sees that the sun has set while he is behind it, he will die . And if he sees the sun burning out of it, and the stars are burned around it, then the king will drive out his entourage . If he sees that the sun is red, then it is corruption in his kingdom, and if he sees that it is yellowing then he gets sick, and if it turns black, then he will prevail . If he sees that she is absent, the matter that he is asking for has passed . The treachery of the sun, it betray the king . And if the sun fell on the ground, his father would die . And if he sees that the sun has risen in the house, then he will attain honor, honor, and honor . And whoever sees that he swallowed the sun, he will die . If he sees the sun changed from its state, then sedition falls . If he sees that the sun is rising from sunset, that indicates the appearance of hidden things, and if he is sick then he is cured, and if he is on a journey then he will return . If a person sees that the sun is dark, then it is a bad sign for all people, indicating unemployment, illness, or distress . If he sees the sun descending in his bed and threatening him, then it indicates severe illness . And whoever sees that the sun has shed lights on him, he will accompany the Caliph . And if the sun became hot, it was hit by the Sultan . If he sees that he is fleeing the sun, then he is fleeing from his wife, from authority, or from harm . And if he saw clouds covering the sun, an accident happened to the king . If the sun rises on the ground, it is a sign of drought or burning . Perhaps the sun was a world to guide . And if he saw an eclipse in it, or the accumulation of dust or smoke on it, that would be evidence of an accident of sickness, worry, cloudiness, or distress . Perhaps her absence indicated that the prisoner was returned to prison after his release . And whoever sees a sun and moon in all directions, he will be struck by fear or defeat . And whoever sees that he has worshiped the sun or the moon, he is committing a grave sin . Perhaps the sun indicated sustenance, guidance, following the truth, and healing diseases, and perhaps it indicated travel . And perhaps the sun indicated its name like Shams al-Din, as the full moon indicates Badr al-Din . Seeing the sun, moon and stars is evidence of affliction, imprisonment, or envy from family . And seeing the sun indicates the lamp, because God Almighty said : ( And he made the sun a lamp ). The rising of the sun from its setting is a sign of fear and anxiety, and the authority of the Sultan over the parish, or the advent of the absent or apostasy from religion and the immorality of the penitents . And whoever saw that the sun burned agriculture or its heat harmed people, this indicates diseases, epidemics, and oppression from the elders . See also the moon ….
…Can I know that the vision is from the Most Gracious or from the Devil? This can be demonstrated in several ways, namely : 1 / That what was in agreement with the pleasure of God, and in agreement with what His Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, brought; He is from the king – by opening the meme and the lam – , and what was not in agreement with his pleasure is from the casting of the Devil . 2 / That what yields a turn to God, a turn to Him, a mention of Him and an increase in energy, is from the casting of the king . And what is fruitful against that is from casting Satan . 3 / Whatever bequeathed men and light in the heart, and a bifurcation in the chest, it is from the king, and what is inherited against that, it is from Satan . 4 / That what is bequeathed peace and tranquility is from the king . Whatever bequeathed anxiety, annoyance and turmoil is from Satan . Royal inspiration abounds in the pure, pure, believing hearts, for the king has a connection with it, and between him and her is an occasion, for he is pure goodness, and he is adjacent to only a heart that suits him, so the king’s wig with this heart is more than the wig of the devil . As for the dark heart that has blackened with the smoke of desires and suspicions, the devil throws and blamed him with more than the blame of the king, and who made the heart dark, and sins and sins are not hidden from the reader, and this is evidenced by his saying, may God bless him and grant him peace : If a servant sinned, he jokes in his heart. Black joke …. Hadith, and is indicated by the Almighty’s saying : “ No, but what they won in their hearts rang” . See : Al- Rooh by Ibn Al-Qayyim : 380 p ….
…It is rare that he narrated that a king saw a group who entered him with what he was terrifying and wanted to arrest him, so he woke up ( terrified and did not tell his visions to anyone, and the king of his counterpart was in a place, so he did what he saw for himself, so he knew that what he saw had gone out in his counterpart, so he recounted his visions on a crossing and knew how to do it, so he told him the matter as I said ….
…And whoever saw that he was transformed into a king from the kings or the sultans, he attained a grandmother in this world with corruption of religion, and it was said that he who saw that and was not worthy of him died quickly, and likewise if he was ill indicates his death, because whoever dies does not have authority over people, just as the king does not Authority on him . If he saw that, a slave was freed ….
…Some kings unjust mighty, and he saw a man of this righteous king nastiness, Lord and his face on his anus, and he stopped and cut off his hands and feet, and heard Thalia read : ~ Have you not seen how your Lord did Aad . Iram of the Pillars .~ He recounted his vision on a crossing, and he said : The king will perish, just as your family will return . After twenty days, his property and money were gone, and God Almighty destroyed it, and people ceased his evil ….
…And whoever thinks that the king’s house is a running ruin, then the king is unfair in his judgment so that no one can approach him from his oppression. It was said about that the house of the oppressor is a ruin, even after a while ….
…And whoever sees that the king’s canopy has fallen, then the demise of his possession and its burning indicates his death, and as for carrying it in the air, it is glory and grace for another king in that place where he is ….
…The bead of the serpent is devolved by a woman or a maid of origin from among the people of the calligraphy muezzins ….
…And whoever sees that the angels greet him, God will give him insight into his life and seal him with good . It was narrated that Shmuel, the Jew, a merchant, saw in his sleep and was in a travel, as if angels were praying on him, so he asked a passer, and said that you enter into the religion of God and the law of His Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, because God Almighty said : “ He is the one who prays on you and his angels to bring you out of the darkness .” So he embraced Islam, and God guided him, and the reason for his conversion to Islam was that he saw a poor man owed by a foe he was seeking ….
…Q : What about nightmares , or what about Jathoom? How can they get rid of them , and what do those who are afflicted with something of this do? The nightmare and some call it Bama : Jathoom . It is a kind of nagging dreams Ka grew something perched on the chest of the dreamer and narrow himself . It was said in his interpretation : that desire unwanted out of the dream in the form of creatures Haihh weigh on the dreamer and disturbed sleep . . . The nightmare is : the dream of bearing anxiety and fear experience , followed by a detailed retrieval severe dream of the content of these dreams experienced by the individual in his sleep , and include a threat to his life or his sense of security and self – respect . The nightmare causes severe inconvenience to the person and it usually increases with psychological pressure or physical stress . Speaking spells Elka Boss usually during periods of sleep accompanied by rapid eye movement can occur at any time . Increases near the end of sleep plus the presence of activity in the autonomic nervous system , and rarely observe body movements during the seizure . Upon waking up from the nightmare quickly becomes a person guided and vigilant and can give details of the dream , whether or when you wake up in the morning , may find it difficult to go back to sleep . We say : It ‘s a problem when the frequency of their occurrence in times close . ** Quoted by Dr. Fahd Al-Osaimi…
…Did you meet a dead person , and did he invite you to visit him? There are many concepts that are taken for granted by some in the field of this science , and I will talk about one of these matters , and the significance is very frightening . And that is seeing the dead , for many people when they see the dead , they may not be bothered by just seeing them , and some rejoice when they see the dead in a good condition , and this is good while we are together , and the evangelization that we followed in the expression of visions and dreams is compatible . But the symbol that freaks out whatever frightens him , and almost everyone unites him ; Seeing one of the dead calling you , or taking you with him !! Does this take the meaning of death ?? Some say : Yes , and unfortunately you find some of the expressers or expressions have ridden this wave of intimidation , so he asked the owners of this type of vision to work well and prepare for the departure , but some people who were asked about similar visions did not cross them , and were silent for a while , then he said to the owner of it : Fear God and watch out for your hereafter !! And leaving the person of the vision in a state that only God knows , so he does not pass it on to good , nor does he command you to guard against it as stated . One time a senior employee in a very large newspaper called me , and he told me that he saw in a dream that he asked a man in a dream about the time of his death , and the official was silent and did not speak , and the questioner says that he explained the vision to him soon , and here I say : Why do not we beware From the horrific visions and we are silent about them , after we bring the precautions mentioned in the Sunnah , and let us remember the consequence of that from the saying of the Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him : ~For it does not harm .~ I would like to emphasize here , that there is no conclusive indication and one of the vision , and knows that the vision is not measured , it read the expression interpreted a vision of the near – term , for example , the first two , and as much as him to see the same vision or similar to her ; Their meaning is not the same , because the circumstances of each of the two visions are different , so let him be reassured of the opinion of such a vision , so he saw a dead person calling or taking a hand , or telling him that he misses him , for example , that he does not understand death from it only , and I assure me one last thing not to leave some dark thinking of you , Or from some of the expressions that turn your life on you , or push you to isolation and sadness, all of this is from the actions of the accursed Satan , and it has been proven on the authority of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, that he said : “ None of you would say : If you did such-and-such, it was such-and-such , and let him say : God decreed and what He willed he did , Van if you open the work of the devil , ~ and the work of the devil is whispering and Althuzein and despair . And I whisper into the ear of some elders or old men, for example, who passes through to children or passes to her children , or who passes through to people, for example, or private neighbors through practice and not expressing knowledge , that the expression will not be generalized , so that it measures the connotations of some visions on each other , so they always have a ready answer for whoever saw A dead person calls out or takes a hand to a place , and the answer is : May God reward you yourself !! May God have mercy on you . . . ! Or say to people : He will die soon !! And I say : Fear God, O crossers !! Do not terrorize people , and I say to those who saw a vision of this kind, to beware if he is afraid of seeing him , or to look for a loved one to pass it through to him , or a scholar or counselor . For this reason , the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said to us : “ Do not tell the vision except for a scholar or counselor. ~. And in a novel : ~ Or Ali Wade …~….
…And some of the expressors said I love to cry in sleep as long as there is no screaming in it, and I have tried that nothing more than a thousand times, and I have seen nothing but constant goodness and laughter, and as for laughter, it is them and grief, and if it was with giggling, it was more because God Almighty said: ~ Let them laugh a little and cry a lot .~…
…As for crying : It was narrated on the authority of Ibn Sirin that she said : Crying in sleep is the apple of an eye, and if it is accompanied by crying, mourning and dancing, it is not praised ….
…What about seeing the dead, does this have a practical explanation, and can the spirits of the living and the souls of the dead converge? A : The scholars have proven this type of vision, and some of them considered it a kind of a righteous or correct vision. Ibn al-Qayyim said (Al- Ruwah _ p. 63) The correct vision has sections : One of them is : an inspiration that God, glory be to Him, casts into the heart of a servant, and among them : the encounter of the sleeper’s soul with the souls of the dead from his family And his relatives, companions and others, including : the ascension of his soul to God, glory be to Him, and her speech to Him, including : His soul entering Paradise and witnessing it, and so on. The meeting of living and dead spirits is one of the types of true visions that people have of the same kind of sensual ones . Proof of this verse : ( God die selves when her death and that have not been in her dream by examining that spent by the death and sent the other to indefinitely in that are signs for those who reflect ..) [ cliques : 42] This is the meaning of the verse, that God ends The lives of the servants by taking their souls at the end of their life (and the one who did not die in her sleep ) i.e. the time of sleep keeps it from acting as if it were a seized thing, so the one who was sentenced to death while sleeping takes it while sleeping, and he sends the other that was not sentenced to death, so its owner lives until the end of his life . Ibn Abbas and other commentators said : The souls of the living and the dead meet in a dream, so they get acquainted with what God wills of them. If all of them want to return to the bodies, God seized the souls of the dead with Him and sends souls to their bodies . ( Abu Bakr Al-Jazaery – p. 1124) So real death is called a major death, and a sleep death is called a minor death, and the Messenger, peace and blessings of God be upon him, when he woke up from his sleep would say : ( Praise be to God, who sometimes after he killed us and to him is resurrection ) , so he called sleep death . And he witnessed this from the Sunnah, I mean, soul holding what the two sheikhs made from the hadith of supplication before going to sleep. He, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said : (( If one of you goes to his bed, let him shake off his bed inside his veil, then he does not know what he left him behind, then he says : In your name my Lord I placed my side and with you I raise it if I held myself, so have mercy on her, and if I send her, I will preserve it with what you preserve your righteous servants )). And the witness in capturing the soul in a dream and sending it, and because something is mentioned, he was one of those who was famous for obedience, prayer, fasting and charity always complaining about his lack of vision of his deceased father, with his great reputation for seeing the dead and their conditions, and many of those close to him were asked about their dead, and he was astonished at not seeing him To his father, and one time I met him with joy, rapturous and happy, and say what good qualities you want about his condition, and before I ask him about his happiness, he rushed me as if he revealed my question by saying, I saw my father yesterday, I saw my father yesterday, and he told me his visions, so I said to him : Good, I saw evil cuvette God willing, thank God this vision is better for you, and may God benefit your father God Verwah to your status, so Nhspk God Hsepk we do not recommend to the one God, ( it was agreed the Sunnis that the dead benefit from seeking neighborhoods, Bdaaihm and Astgfaarham them, charity, fasting , and reading Koran and other works, this chapter speak in explaining the doctrine Tahhaawi mark Ibn Abi Ezz Hanafi p . 115 et seq . ) wept much Hamad God and ask forgiveness, has proved that the souls of the dead in varying Mstqrha in the isthmus greatest disparity, the mismatch : the lives of the highest Illiyun spirits Alonbea A, including : spirits in the crops of green birds like some of the martyrs, and some of them are imprisoned at the gate of Heaven, and some of them are locked in their graves, and some of them are the headquarters of the Gate of Heaven, and some of them are locked in the earth whose soul has not risen to the Most High, and in the Book of the Spirit Ibn al-Qayyim took care of such investigations…
…What do you think of someone who saw a vision , then woke up , then went back to sleep and saw its completion? I see that the first vision is true and true , provided that it is not preceded by thinking about it , and as for the last vision that has become a complement to it , it is a pipe dream ….
…And whoever sees that he is praying in his sleep, it indicates neglect of something ….
…Does a person sin if he does not implement what he sees in his sleep? The average person does not sin if he does not carry out what came in a dream, this matter is specific to the messengers because God Almighty says : “ O father, do what is commanded, and you will find me, God willing, from the patient. ” Al-Saffat 102 The difference is that all the prophets’ dreams are truthfulness, truth, and revelation from God, and as for humans, they may be what they saw True visions or dreams from the devil or pipe dreams, and unfortunately some ignorant people have slipped into this chute and have done things their evidence for in a dream they saw, and God is our helper…
…Snoring in sleep : denotes the dreamer’s negligence and deceived those who deceived him . And as for raising the voice, it rises loudly against a people in an objectionable manner, based on what God Almighty says : ~And lower your voice .~ And if he sees as if he hears a good, clear voice, he is attaining the mandate . And whoever sees it as if a person hears insulting, she gets hurt and then conquers it and is victorious over it, and it was said that it is a right for the slanderer who is insulting, just as any slanderer has to limit him . And if the insulting is the property, then the one who is insulted is better than the one who is insulted, because he is the one who is blasphemous, and the one who is blamed is Mansour . And whoever sees that he is shouting alone, his strength is weak . If he raises his voice above a scholar, then he is committing a sin because God Almighty says : “ Do not raise your voice above that of the Prophet .” Scholars are the heirs of the prophets ….