…The tree Trees denote women and men of different morals . Seeing trees is a sign of quarrels, and unknown trees are a sign of worry and distress, especially if he sees them in a dream at night . If it is a heresy, then it is ceased, or if he is an infidel, he becomes Muslim . If the seer is an unbeliever, he becomes Muslim or a sinner, he repents . Whatever trees are specific to mashmum, such as henna and rose trees, indicates the masters of goodness and knowledge without action or saying without action . Seeing what is specific to mashmum and lemon juice, such as orange and lemon, is specific to mashmoum, and the restaurant, such as orange and lemon, and action, and word and deed . Seeing what is specific to the mutam, not to the mothmoum, such as the palm and walnuts, indicates the gentlemen who do not take what they have except by exerting effort and fatigue . Seeing what is not a restaurant or sniff, such as poplar and cypress, indicates stinginess and stinginess . Every tree that its leaves fall from indicates poverty and wealth, conservation and forgetfulness, joys and sorrows . And every tree that does not drop its leaves is a sign of longevity, perpetual livelihood, wealth, and steadfastness in religion . And whoever saw that he lay on trees, his children increased . And whoever plants a tree that is hung, then he intermarriages with a people and befalls honor . And a tree that has no fruit denotes hard, huge men, who have neither wealth nor good . And the tree with the thorns is a difficult man . And whoever saw that he cut down a tree his wife died, and if a tree dried up, a sick person would die there . And tree bark is a pond . And whoever sees that he is planting trees in a grove, he will have children . And whoever saw that trees surrounded a mountain, the descendants of that town would multiply . And the tree in front of the house indicates the loyal . The tree with which God Almighty spoke to Moses, peace be upon him, indicates closeness to God Almighty . The tree indicates the grace of God Almighty, and the dry tree is guidance and sustenance . Sitting under a tree with people is evidence of God Almighty’s approval. If the seeker is an unbeliever, a Muslim or a disobedient, he will repent, and a blessed tree in a dream indicates a good return, and a good tree like a palm tree is a good word, and a wicked tree is like a melon, a malicious word . And whoever sees that he reaps from a tree other than its fruit, then he takes money without a solution . It was said : Tree cutting is a disease that affects the cutter and its people ….
Dreaming about papaya tree
(30 interpretations and meanings of dreams about papaya tree)…The commentators said : If the tree indicates the work of its owner and his religion and himself, then its paper indicates his character, beauty and clothing, and its people to his lineage, brothers and beliefs . Her heart indicates his secrets and what he conceals from his deeds, its peel indicates his appearance, his skin and all that adorns him of his works, and its water indicates his faith, piety, kingdom and life for every human being to his destiny, and perhaps they arranged it contrary to this arrangement, and I mentioned him in the seas . Whoever sees himself above a tree or its possession in a dream, or this is seen by him, I look at his condition and the state of his tree, and if he is dead in the House of Truth, I look at the characteristic of the tree, and if the tree is large, beautiful and good, then the dead in Paradise and perhaps it is a tree of blessedness and goodness And if it is an ugly tree with thorns, blackness and stink, then it is in torment, and perhaps it is the Zaqqum tree that has become to it because of his disbelief or because of the corruption of his taste, and if he sees that patient, he moves to one of the two matters according to his destiny and the extent of his tree. A marriage seeker, or a woman for a husband, one of whom obtained a husband according to the condition of the tree and its appearance, if it was unknown, or on a print about its character, lineage and essence if it was known, and if the husband of each of them in waking life was ill, then I looked at the time at that time. That tree that he owned or saw himself on top of it at the turn of time, water has flowed in it, so the patient is peace, health has progressed in his body and signs of life have appeared on his body, and if he is in his management, then the patient is going to God Almighty and he is going to dust and destruction . And if he saw it in his shop or his living place, then it is an indication of his earnings and livelihood, and if it was in his demand, then he benefited . Although in his management, he lost and became poor . And if he sees it in a mosque, it is an indication of his religion and his prayers . If it is in the management of time, then he is oblivious to his religion, he is not from his prayers, and if it is in his desire, then the man is righteous and diligent, his workers have completed his obedience . As for the one who owns a lot of trees, he follows a group of guardians who are worthy of him, either an emirate, a district, a fatwa, or a leader of a mihrab, or a leader on his companionship, a captain on a ship, or a shop in a maker under his hand, and on this and the like . As for whoever sees her group in a house, it is men or women, or both of them meet there for good or evil, and if he sees its fruits on it and people eat from it, if its fruits indicate good and livelihood then it is a feast and those dining tables are in it, and if its fruits are disliked indicates grief, then it is a funeral They eat food in it, and likewise if there is a sick person in the house, and if its fruit is unknown, then I looked, and if that was in the coming of trees, its food was in joy, and if it was in its management it was a calamity, especially if there were clues in waking one of the two matters . As for whoever sees a tree that has fallen, cut down, burned, or broken by a strong wind, then he is a man or woman who will perish or be killed, and the destruction is inferred by her essence or location and by her vigilance from her evidence, and if she is in his home, the cause of it is a man or woman who is the dead or from his household And his kinship and brothers, or a prisoner of blood, a mujahid, or a traveler, and if she is in the mosque, then he is a famous man or woman who is killed or dies a famous death . If it is a palm tree, then he is a man of high masculinity with authority or knowledge, or a woman of a king, or the mother of a ruler, and if it is an olive tree, then a scholar, a preacher, a transient, a ruler, or a doctor, then in this way he crosses the rest of the trees according to the extent of their essence, benefit, harm, lineage, and character . And whoever saw that he planted a tree that was hung, he struck an honor or thought for himself a man according to its essence, because people say : So, if he planted it, if he made it . Likewise, if he sows a seed, then he hangs or does not, then it is they, and planting the vineyard will gain honor, and it was said that someone who saw in the winter a pregnant vine or a tree is considered a woman or a man whose money has gone, or he thinks they are rich ….
…And whoever sees that he has given nuts or almonds, he will strike money to the extent of that, and the pomegranate is a large, honorable man who has been fertilized, and the fig is a present money that does not lie, and nothing of the fruits can be amended, and the olive tree is a blessed man. If it is sweet, or a sum of money, or a boy that befalls him, or it is better for a son, perhaps it is a woman, whoever sees that he owned a pomegranate and ate from it, then he must be a slave girl. His possession, he receives from that vigor as much as he possessed of it, and it was said that whoever saw that he had hit a lot of apples, he hit money according to what he saw from its number, and who saw that he had struck an apple that he smelled, then he has a son who smells it, and bananas have money for the owner of this world and a debt for the owner of the debt and a lot of money and debt is the equivalent of bananas And if it is one, two or three trees, they are many children, and the vineyard is a generous man. If he sees that he is the king of a vineyard, then he is with a generous man, and it was said that he who saw that he planted a vineyard, then he would be afflicted with splendor and pleasure, and the white grapes in his time are the freshness and goodness of the world and in other than his time he will receive money before the time that he He was begging him in it and it might be what There is no forbidden, raisins at all times, money in any case, and eating a yellow fruit in a dream, such as quince, pears, peaches, wet, watermelon, and the like is a disease, and what was green thereof is not a disease, and every acid of the fruits is a concern and sadness except for lemon, apples, and buckthorn, and every sweet fruit other than what was mentioned above is sustenance And money and goodness, and whoever sees that a large tree has a lot to carry it with its abundance of teeth, he will suffer a power and a nail, and his life will be prolonged. Whoever sees that he is picking the fruits from the roots of the trees, he quarrels with an honorable man and is victorious in his quarrel, and whoever sees that he is on a tall tree, he clings to a huge man or escapes from what he fears and warns. If he is celibate, then he marries a woman and whoever sees that he fell from a tree or fell from it, nothing between him has been completed. And between those who intend to be attached to him and whoever sees that he fell from a tree and dies, then he perishes at the hand of an old man, and if it is broken by him, that man perishes. And whoever sees that he owned a number of trees, then he follows a group in a state of leadership, honor, leadership, or so on, and whoever sees an unknown tree, naked From paper, he will be afflicted with sorrows and sorrows, and whoever sees a large, withered tree Because there is no good in his house and whoever sees in his house a tree that grows and lengthens, then his memory rises and his reputation rises, and if he sees that he has a tree that has fruit and has no paper, then the owner of it has religion except for good manners, and if it has paper and has no fruit, then its owner is of good manners and has no religion. A tree is uprooted, cut down, or withered, then he becomes severely ill or dies and may indicate the death of some of his family in his place. If the tree is for someone else, then a man falls out of his livelihood or kills him, and whoever sees inside or outside his home or its lower or higher in which there are types of trees growing and in which the two winds are in That house is a misfortune where women gather to cry and grief, and whoever sees that he eats gum from trees, he eats a connection of a man’s money as much as gum…
…Whoever sees a tree of unknown essence in a house, then fire will gather there or there will be a house of fire, because God Almighty says : “He has made for you the green tree as fire .” Perhaps the tree was in the house or in the market, a quarrel between people, if the tree was unknown, because God Almighty said : “They will judge you as to what trees are between them .” As for bone trees that do not bear fruit, such as cypress and plush, they are huge, hardy men who have no good, and none of the trees have a good wind, so praise for the man to whom that tree is attributed is like the wind of that tree and every tree has fruit, so the man who is attributed to it is fertile As much as it bears fruit, it hastens its perception and benefits . The trees that have thorns are a difficult man, and he who takes water from a tree will benefit money from a man that is attributed to the type of that tree, and whoever sees that he planted trees in his garden, he has children born to him, whose ages are as long and short as the age of those trees, and if he sees sprouting trees and through them Two blowing winds, for they are men who enter that place to weep, worry and misfortune ….
…The fig tree is a rich, large, wholesome man whose enemies turn to, because the fig tree is the shelter of serpents, and it may indicate sadness, and the olive tree is blessed, and perhaps it indicates knowledge and blessing, and perhaps the benefit of relatives, and perhaps the olive tree provides a blessing for those who have goodness because of the Almighty saying: “ And olives and palm trees ~….
…Tree Fence If you dream of an evergreen tree fence, then this means pleasure and benefit, and a bare tree fence predicts misfortune and reckless business dealings . If a girl dreams of walking by a green tree fence with her lover, this foretells that her marriage is about to take place . If you dream that you are trapped in a barbed fence, your work will be hindered by delicate partners or people working under you . For lovers, this dream indicates jealousy and quarrels ….
…Genealogical tree If you dreamed of your genealogical tree, this means that you will suffer greatly under the weight of family concerns, or that you will find more pleasure in the fields of others than you find in your fields . If you see others studying the genealogy tree , this foretells that you will give up your rights to others . If any of the branches of the genealogical tree are missing, some of your friends will be ignored due to their modified circumstances ….
…Tree If you dreamed of trees whose leaves are fresh and green, this foretells a happy ending and the fulfillment of dreams and aspirations . As for seeing dead trees, it predicts grief and losses . If you climbed a tree, this indicates your promotion and your rapid rise to the highest positions . If you cut a tree or uprooted it from the roots, this predicts wasting energy and money in vain, as for your vision of newly cut green trees indicates that unhappy events will happen suddenly and destroy your happiness and success ….
…Tree trunk Your vision of tree trunks in a dream indicates that living will narrow you and you will change your usual lifestyle . If you see fields that are all tree trunks, then this means that you are unable to defend yourself against dangers and adversities . If you dig and remove these stems from the ground, then this means that you will be liberated from the atmosphere of poverty if you take off the garment of passion and pride and face the demands of life with determination to face the problems that you encounter ….
…Christmas tree If you dreamed of a Christmas tree, this means a joyful occasion and abundant wealth . If you see a Christmas tree, then this foretells a painful event that will come after festive occasions ….
…Daniel said every tree that people have dear, because it indicates an honorable man of great destiny, and every tree that people have a despicable one, it indicates a despicable man, and every tree that is heaped upon dates, it reverts to a rich man, and every tree that does not bear fruit, it reverts to a poor man. And every tree that is in the lands of the Arabs, it is taken over by men from the Arabs, and every tree that is in the homes of the non- Arabs, it is taken over by the men of the Persians, and every tree that is not known while it is in a mosque or prayer, it indicates the religion, and every tree that is known, it affects the people as much The trees that he saw ….
…Al-Kirmani said: The red rose on the tree indicates leadership, happiness and the enforcement of the matter, and the yellow rose on the tree indicates a woman merchant who is a judge of people’s needs, and the white rose on the tree indicates state, pride and honor ….
…Some may expressers Albasagh good flowering tree showed a good word, and the tree that it Dd malicious word of the verse , ~ God gave the example of a good word ~ verse ~ like the word malicious malicious tree ~ verse ….
…A walnut tree, for he is a blind, scarce, miserable man, and likewise its fruit, is money that does not come out except with labor and swindling. Likewise, if the moon of its owner is able to gain what he requested, and the origin of all that is forbidden and corrupt, if he sees that it is on a walnut tree, then it is related to a huge blind man, and if he descends from it, what is between him and that man will not be completed . If he falls from it or dies, then it is killed by a huge man or a king, and if it is broken by it, that huge man perishes, and the fallen perishes if he saw that he died when he fell, and if he did not die when he fell, then he will survive . Likewise, if he sees that his hands or feet are broken at that, then he is on the verge of perdition and attains a great affliction, but he survives after that . Likewise, every great tree runs the course of walnuts, and ascribes in their essence like walnuts to lexis ….
…The olive tree : A blessed man is beneficial to his family, and its fruits are their grief and grief for those who have afflicted him, or his possession or eating it. Perhaps it indicated religions and sects, because God Almighty likened a good word to a kind tree, which is the date palm, and the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, gave it to the Muslim man, and the first tree that he held in a dream, with the prayer that he held on his ummah ….
…Daniel said he who saw a tree standing in a place that does not deny it is not wrong with it, and if it is different from it then its expression is against him and perhaps the tree is devolved on two sides to the righteous people seeing who is corrupt of religion and the people of corruption with hypocrisy in religion ….
…And whoever sees that there is water in that to irrigate his tree or green tree, then it indicates his closeness to the king of that place and his disposition of the affairs of his kingdom if he is worthy of that, and if he is not qualified, then he is a blessing in every case ….
…And whoever sees that he is the king of an apple tree, he will receive what they have been with, and perhaps the vision of the apple tree indicates the strength of his energy ….
…And whoever sees that he planted a tree, he will be afflicted with honor, or he will accompany an honorable man as far as the essence of the tree ….
…It felt that a single tree sprout in his house , and it Arjun but green it is interpreted obtaining born to the verse ~ and Talh plantains , ~ a banana tree ….
…As for the jujube tree, it indicates the attainment of a mandate and the enforcement of an order, because God Almighty said: “He made for you from the green tree a fire . ” The verse ….
…The pomegranate tree : a man who has a religious and a world, and its thorns prevent him from sin, and cutting the pomegranate tree cutting the uterus . And it was narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw saying : If you want me to be well from your illness, take neither, nor eat it , so Ibn Sirin said : Rather, this indicates eating olives, because God Almighty said : “ Olives are neither oriental nor western .”…
…As for the apple tree, it denotes a believing man who is close to people and planting it indicates raising an orphan in which good arises, and perhaps it indicates a good-looking, light-hearted man who gets benefit to people in his company, while the apple tree indicates the concern of the person who matters to him ….
…And whoever sees a branch of a dry tree, it indicates the destruction of one of his relatives, and if it is a branch from a tree other than another, then it is devoted to its owner from good or evil ….
…And whoever sees that he uprooted a tree, cut it down, or dried up, then he becomes seriously ill and dies and his memory is cut off, and perhaps one of his family dies, and if the tree is for someone else, then he falls a man for a living, his reasoning or something like that, and it was said a vision of cutting fruit trees is between him and a generous man or a woman Gracious County ….
…And whoever sees a tree growing in a place in which no tree is required to grow, he shall interpret a strange man who entered that place for a marriage or company or the like ….
…And whoever sees that he has planted a tree in his house, and it grows fruit on it, then it is interpreted by intermarriage with a person whose character and character will be like the fruit of that tree in taste and smell ….
…Christmas tree If you dreamed of a Christmas tree, this foretells that your joyful predictions will be fulfilled by your attending large celebrations ….
…Bananas : As for bananas, the seeker of this world has a livelihood that he receives according to his grooming, and the one who seeks religion in it according to his will has power in his worship . The tree bananas indicate a rich man believer good manners, and its plant in Dar evidence of the birth of a son, God Almighty said : ~ The Talh plantains ~ , a banana, not hurt him , color and acidity nor premature, a money total . His tree is one of the most generous trees, and its leaves are the best and broadest of paper, and the interpretation of that is good for the person to whom his tree is attributed . And every sweet fruit except what has been described, which has a yellowish color or is sour, was not realized in its known time, for it is provision, money and goodness . Its survival is as long as that fruit remains with the fruits, and the lightness of its supply and the hastening of its emergence and its benefit to its people, except for black grapes and figs, for there is no good in them anyway . And whoever thinks that he has struck something from the fruit, then there is nothing wrong with it in his time if it contains what is desirable from the kinds of goodness described, such as livelihood, religion and knowledge . If his conscience is that these fruits are among the fruits of Paradise, then it is a science and religion that is beyond doubt. Otherwise, according to what the venerable tree has been described, a man of abundance . And whoever is plucked from a tree while sitting, it is money that befalls him without hard work or fatigue . His word, the tree, was what he agreed with, and what was said about that was a wondrous matter that people marveled at . It was said that the tree is a woman, if she has something similar to a woman, and that woman should be the mother of a king, a woman, a daughter of a king, or a servant of a king ….
…If you see a rose tree that is not flowering, then that foretells that you are surrounded by an atmosphere of fragrance and fragrant with happiness and goodness . If you see a dead rose tree, this predicts misfortune and disease for you and your relatives together ….