…Month If the vision is in the month of Muharram, then it is correct and not mistaken . Seeing him in a dream indicates relief, salvation from prison and cure of illnesses . And if the seer had retired from his people or his country, he would return to them according to the story of Yunus, peace be upon him, for his departure in him from the whale’s belly . Perhaps he witnessed a great fitnah, such as the death of a just imam or the emergence of a scholar, because God Almighty created Adam and Eve in him, peace be upon them . And if the seer is disobedient, he will repent to God Almighty, because God Almighty has repented in him for Adam, peace be upon him . And if the seer was one of those who sought status and honor, that would happen to him because God Almighty raised Idris, peace be upon him, high in him . And if the traveler in the sea survived, he and his companion, because the ship was occupied in him by the Judi . And if the seer was hoping that the child would have a good son, because there was the son of Ibrahim and Jesus, peace be upon them both . And if the seer was in distress, he would be released from him or escaped from his enemy because God Almighty saved Abraham, peace be upon him, from the fire of Nimrod . And perhaps the seer will turn back from his heresy and misguidance and repent to God Almighty and give up his sins, because God Almighty has repented in him for David, peace be upon him . And if the seer was removed from his mandate, he returned to his position because God Almighty answered him to Solomon, peace be upon him, and if he was poor or sick, he was cured of his illness and God Almighty enriched him because God Almighty revealed in him the harm from Job, peace be upon him . Perhaps the seer sent messengers because God Almighty spoke about Moses, peace be upon him, and perhaps he opened a country for Muslims from the countries of unbelief . And if the vision is in the month of Safar, then it is not commendable . His vision for someone who is in distress or distress is not harmful, and if he is sick, his visions indicate healing and health . And the month of Rabi` al-Awwal, if the vision is in it, then he will profit in his trade and bless it and be pleased and rejoice . Perhaps he had a righteous son, and if the people were in distress, they were removed from them, and if they were oppressed, they would win, then in him . The Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, was born . Perhaps the people conquered a blessed raid, in which it was the conquest of Dumat al-Jandal . And the month of Rabi` al-Akhir, if his visions indicate goodness, will be slower, and if they indicate evil, hasten . And in it, a person conquers his enemy, or gives birth to a knowledgeable son, in which Imam Ali was born, may God grace him . And the month of Jumada al-Awwal, if the vision is in it, is not desirable to buy or sell . And whoever saw him lost his daughter or wife. Fatima al-Zahra, may God be pleased with her, died in it . And the month of Jumada al-Akhira, if his visions indicate goodness, will be slower . And whoever sees the month of Rajab in a dream indicates an elevated status, in which he ascends the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, to heaven . And the month of Sha`ban, if the vision in it is good, it will be valid, grow, and the good will multiply, and the rulers of affairs may be isolated . And during the month of Ramadan, the gates of hardship, immorality and miserliness are closed, and the vision of goodness hastens and does not slow down, and the vision indicates blessing, goodness, enjoining good and forbidding evil, and if he is seeking knowledge, it happened to him because in it the Noble Qur’an was revealed . If a patient with epilepsy wakes up from him, then the devils are chained up . The month of Shawwal in a dream indicates salvation from adversity, pleasure and joys, because it begins with a feast and joy, and it includes building the Kaaba and the battle of the trench . And the month of Dhul-Qi’dah, if the vision in it indicates travel, then he should not travel, and if it indicates them, then let him avoid it . And the month of Dhu al-Hijjah, if the vision in it indicates travel, then he should travel and spend time in matters, because it is a blessed month and it includes the Eid and sacrifice, and in it were the death of Omar bin Al-Khattab and Othman bin Affan, may God be pleased with them ….

…The doors : The doors open are the gates of livelihood, and the door of the house is its values, so what happened in it is in the values ​​of the house . If he sees a small door in the middle of his house, then it is disliked, because he enters the people of the shame, and he will enter that house to betray his wife . The meaning of the doors of houses falls on women, and if they are new they are virgins, and if they are free of closures, then they are virgin . And if he sees the door of a house fallen, torn out, burnt, or broken, that is a calamity for the values ​​of the house . If the door of his house is large or widened and strong, then it is the good condition of the values, and if he sees that he is asking for the door of his house, then he does not find it, then he is confused about a worldly matter . And whoever sees that he entered through a gate, and if he is in a quarrel, then he is victorious, because God Almighty says : “ Enter the door upon them, and if you enter it, you will be victorious .” If he sees doors that have been opened from known or unknown places, then the doors of this world are opened for him unless he exceeds his destiny, and if he goes beyond that, then he disrupts that house and ruins it . If the gates are to the road, then what gets from this world goes out to strangers and the common people . And if it was opened to a house in the house, it was given to the people of his house . If he sees that the door of his house has expanded beyond the number of the doors, then it is the entry of a people over him without permission in a calamity, and perhaps the demise of the door of the house from its location was the demise of the house owner on his creation and his change of the people of his house . If he sees that he went out from a narrow gate to a wide one, then he is his exit from narrow to wide, and those who are into a vagina . And if he sees that his house has two doors, then his wife is corrupt, and if he sees two rings in its pulp, then he owes a debt to himself, and if he sees that he pulled off his door ring, then he enters into heresy . And the blockage of the door of the house is a great misfortune for the people of the house . The threshold : a woman : It was narrated that Ibrahim al-Khalil, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said to his son Ismael’s woman : Tell him that he is not the threshold of your door, and she told him that, so he divorced her, and it was said that the threshold is the state, and the shroud is the woman, and the pillar is the head of the house and her values, so he uprooted her for the values ​​of the house after the glory and her absence From the sight the death of the values, just as the removal of the sins of the woman divorces . It was narrated that a woman came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw in a dream the upper lintel of my door fell on the lower one, and I saw the two doors fallen, and one fell outside the house and the other inside the house . He said to her : Do you have an absent husband and son? She said yes . He said: As for the fall of the upper sills, your husband will come quickly, and as for the shutter falling outside, your son marries a strange woman . Soon, until her husband and son presented a strange gathering ….

…And with regard to the beard : Whoever sees that it has grown too long, his visions indicate debt and distress . If it goes on until it falls to the ground, it indicates death, because God Almighty says : ~From it we created you, and in it we will return you .~ If it lasted until it stuck to his stomach, he struck money and the face with which he would tire as much as it was on his stomach . If he saw that her length was of a good measure, he would have earned money, dignity, and a good life . And it was said that if it was prolonged until it reached the navel, it indicated that it was not in obedience to God . If he saw that its sides were long without its waist, then he would get money that others would enjoy, and Ibn Sirin came to a man, and said : I saw my beard reached my navel, and I looked at it . He said : You are a muezzin looking at the neighbors ’role . The beard is not praised in the interpretation of the boy who is not an adult, and if he sees that he took a beard other than him in his hand and pulled it, then he inherits his money and eats it . The loss of the beard if it does not increase is evidence of ease and the elimination of debt and vagina . And if its decrease is greater, it indicates humiliation and money and prestige . If he sees as if a cushion is speaking to his wife, his matter is confused by his destiny, and he separates between him and his loved ones, because the devil, God cursed him, spoke to Eve in the form of a cosmetic . And the blackness of the beard’s hair indicates dispensing if it was dark, so if it was blackened to green, he would gain a lot of possession and money, but he would be a tyrant, because it is a characteristic of Pharaoh’s beard . Its yellowishness is a sign of poverty and scarcity, and the red one is a sign of piety . And if he saw that he took his beard and had her hair scattered in his hand . He grabbed it and did not throw it to him, because money goes from his hand and then returns to it. If he sees as if he threw it, money is gone from him and it is not returned to him . Increased mustache hair is detestable . And its incompleteness is praiseworthy, and the interpretation of plucking the beard for the rich man is his extravagance of his money, and for the poor indicates that two people meet him together, and indicates that he borrows from a person something and lends it to another . And shaving the beard, financial and prestige go . If he sees as if he has cut off his beard what is left over from his grasp, then he is paying zakat on his money . And gray hairs in the beard and dignity and prestige . And Hemoglobin : Lester, if Hb Balhina, indicated his commitment to the year . If he saw as if he had shaved his head without his beard, he would keep the secret of his boss . If he sees as if he afflicted them all, then he strives to hide his poverty, and he seeks fate with the people . And if poetry accepted its pigmentation, then it will return to its direction and not remain for much . If he sees as if he is dying with mud or plaster, then he is asking for shops and his matter is well known . A woman’s beard indicates that she never gives birth, and it was said that it indicates her illness. It was said that it was interpreted as the increase in her husband’s money and her son and the honor of her son, and it was said that if she was married, she indicated her husband’s backbiting . If she sees that she is pregnant, she will give birth to a son and his affairs are fulfilled . And it was said that he who has a long beard and a lot of hair will have a long life and more money . And it was said that something that occurs before its time indicates evil, such as when male boys see a beard or white in the feeling, and female young boys have a wedding or a son . Likewise, all that is outside his time except for speaking, for speaking is a good guide, because man is by nature a talking animal . If a young man who has not yet reached the dream sees that he has a beard, then he dies and does not reach the dream, and that is because the time has preceded when he should have had a beard . If the boy is not far from the time of the beard plant, then that is evidence that he is alone and doing his own thing . And it was narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin, and said : I saw as if my beard was getting longer and Sabalai did not grow long, so he said : You hit money that others can congratulate on . And the hook is the aid of the man who flaunts it and lives with it among the people, so what he saw in it happened so he interpreted it as you mentioned . And whoever sees half of his beard shaved, then he is lacking and he goes towards it, so if he shaved it an unknown young man, he went towards the hand of an enemy he knew, or his name or his counterpart . If a sheikh shaves it, then he goes with his estimated limit, and if it is unknown, then he goes in his direction by the hands of an oppressive exploiting chief, who has no basis, and if he sees that it is cut off, then he should be cut from his money and go from his side as much as he cut from his beard . If he sees that they have flown, then he is going to his family, and his ability is from his money . Shaving is easier than plucking, and plucking may be good for some of his affairs if the face is not suspicious, but that goodness is difficult for him ….

…Pebbles her vision in a dream indicates men and women, young people, dirhams, pilgrimage and throwing stones, harshness and distress, insults and slander . So whoever saw a bird descended from the sky and picked up a pebble and flew with it, and that was in a mosque from which a good man perished, and if the dreamer was sick, and he was one of the people of goodness or one who prays in this mosque, then the owner of the vision is dead . If he picked up the pebble from a church, the patient’s corruption was considered . And if he took it from his home or from an unknown place, then the person of the vision would have a son . As for the one who picked up a number of pebbles, then he covered them in his garment or swallowed them, and he picked them up from a mosque, a scholar’s ​​house, or someone’s remembrance of knowledge and the Qur’an, and he benefited from remembrance and clarification as much as the pebbles were picked up . If it is picked up from the market, then it is interest in this world, and dirhams for it consist of trade or charity . And if it is from behind the trees, then gifts from the Sultan if he serves him, or benefits from the sea if he trades in it, or knowledge he acquires from a world if that is a gift from a rich wife, if he has a son, and if he does not have a son, he will have a son . As for whoever throws pebbles into the sea, his money will be lost . If he throws it into a well, he gives money for marriage or wealth for a servant . And if he threw an animal such as a lion, a tiger, a monkey, a grasshopper, a crow and the like, and that was during the days of Hajj, he threw the stones, and the origin of the stones is that Gabriel, peace be upon him, commanded Adam, peace be upon him, to throw the Devil at them when he was exposed to him, then it became Sunnah, and if that was not during the days of Hajj, it was a pebble His supplication against an enemy or immoral person, or insulting, insulting, or testimony he witnesses against him . And if he threw it with other than these races, such as pigeons and Muslims among the people, the man would be cursing backwards, speaking about the righteous among the people and the fortified ones . And pebbles scholars people . And it was said : Repentance to the disobedient and guidance to the infidel, and perhaps pebbles indicated martyrdom, because he swam in the palm of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace . Pebbles may indicate disease, such as sand . And he may indicate to the pensioners what they commit adultery with or seek guidance, or what is done of it . Pebbles are harsh words, and much of it is a concern . And whoever sees that he has a pebble that has its citrus in his ear and throws it away, then he hears a harsh word, and his ear flatters it ….

As for the kiss, whoever sees that he kisses an adorned woman or has sex with her, then he marries a woman whose husband has died, and he benefits from her money and a son, and he gets good in that year and it was said that he wants the world. And whoever sees a man kissing and having sex with him and mixing with him is mixing with lust, then his interpretation is like an interpretation of marriage, and if not with desire, then he gets the effect good And whoever sees that he accepts a dead, then the course of the marriage proceeds in interpretation and some of them said whoever saw that he accepts a dead with desire, then he connects him with good, and whoever sees that the dead kisses him, he arrives to him from the money of that dead or from his deeds is better, and whoever sees that he is before someone’s hand, then he is humbled by him, as well as kissing the knee. And a man and whoever sees that someone is before the earth, then it is better and higher for the future for him and whoever sees that he is before the hand of his beloved, then he is subjection and humiliation to him

…If one of the stars is bigger than the other . As for the fall of the stars to the earth or in the sea, or their burning with fire, or the catching of the birds, this is an indication of death that occurs among people, or was killed according to the number of people and the few, and this may happen in a gender without sex, if the sex of the fallen is known from the planets, and from the king of the stars In his lap, or he was shepherding it in the sky, or turning it in the air, if he was worthy of the Sultan he would obtain it, and he was a ruler over the people, a judge, or a mufti . And if it was lower than that, perhaps he would consider astrology . As for it to fall on him or on his head, if he was sick he died . And if he was lied to by debts of astrologers, or he was a slave of offices, his stars fell and he was asked for what he owed . Likewise, if he saw his body he would return to stars . Or his head, and if the stars were astrologers for him over the people, they reached him and gathered for him, and likewise if he was picking them from the ground or from the sky, they would approach them from him . And if the star falls on the one who has absent he will give it to him, and if he falls on a pregnant woman, she will give birth to a boy named honorable, unless it is from the temporary stars such as the daughters of a coffin, the poets and the flower, so the master is a slave according to the mention of the star, its beauty and essence . It may indicate the death of the pregnant woman, if confirmed by a witness with him testifying of the death . As for seeing the planets during the day, this is evidence of scandals and slander, major accidents, misfortunes and misfortunes . And according to the extent of the vision, its general and specificity, and the abundance of stars and their fading, Al-Nabigha Al- Dhubiani mentioned a day of war : Its stars and the sun are rising … neither the light is light nor the darkness is darkness. Al Sarr . If it does not have light, then it is a calamity that unites the noblest of the people . If he sees that he is following the stars, then he is in the religion of the Messenger of God, peace be upon him and his companions, and on the truth . If he sees that he is stealing a star from the sky, then he is stealing something dangerous from the king and seeking an honorable man . And whoever sees that he has become a star, he will be afflicted with honor and prestige . And whoever saw that he had taken a planet, he would have a great honorable son . If he saw that he extended his hand to the sky and took the stars, he would attain authority and honor ….

…Whoever sees dates in a dream, they are a symbol of rain, and for whoever eats them a pure general livelihood that will be achieved by him, and no one will associate him with it . The buried dates are money saved, as well as the reeds and the sawn dates are dirhams that do not remain, and whoever eats wheatgrass he is from the dhimmah . And whoever sees that a date comes to him, money comes to him from men with dangers, and the agent of dates is a booty . And whoever reaps a date in his time, he will marry a wealthy, honorable woman, who has a lot of goodness and blessing, or that the man hits some honorable men with money without fatigue, and perhaps he will have knowledge . If the dates are not in time, then he hears knowledge and does not act upon it . If he spreads from a dry palm tree on himself, then he learns from a hypocrite man with knowledge, and if he is in a cloud or they are so far away from God for the story of Mary, peace be upon her : ( And he mocked you with the trunk of the date palm falling on you damp ) . If she sees that she eats dates with tar, then she takes an inheritance from Her husband, and she is divorced in secret, and inheritance is forbidden . If a person saw that he took a date and cut it and extracted its products from it, he would have a son . And whoever saw that he picked a black grape seed from a palm tree, then his wife gives birth to a son of a black kingship . Dates are explained by good and halal livelihood . And whoever sees that he eats good dates, he hears good words and obtains great benefit . And whoever saw that he was burying a date got money from the safes, or from the money of orphans, or stored money . And whoever saw that he was eating forty dates at the door of the Sultan, and that was not the time when the dates appeared, nor the time of their Istiha, he would hit forty whips . And whoever sees it as if he ate forty dates and was at the time of maturity, he will have forty thousand dirhams . And whoever sees baskets of brown dates fall from the stomachs of pigs, while he raises them and carries them to his home, he gets spoils from the money of the infidels, and whoever sees it as if he sucks a date and gives it to another and sucks it, then he will share with him a good favor . And whoever sees as if he has eaten dates, he will find the sweetness of faith . And whoever sees as if he split his date and discerns its intention from it, then he will have a son ….

…He is in a dream the man’s wife and son, his death and his life, his wealth and honor, his mother and his animal, and his secret. If his shop collapses in a dream, he divorces his wife, or his son is gone, or he dies if he is sick, or lost his money or sold his slave or died, or his secret appeared . And if he saw his shop fresh and smelling good, and if he was single, he married a good woman or had a son, and if he was sick, he would recover from his illness and prolonged his life, and he might increase his worth and widen his presence, or he bought a beautiful nation or a luxurious animal . Perhaps the store indicated the father and the mother, because they were the reason for finding and feeding him . What was known in his shop, whether an increase or a decrease, or a novelty or a demolition, is due to the person who pointed it to the store . And whoever saw that he sat in a store, he would benefit from good . And whoever saw that his shop was destroyed and his father, mother, or wife was in a state of illness, then the patient would die . The shop is the man’s livelihood and his marriage . And whoever wants to sweep his shop, he will move from it . And whoever sees that he breaks the door of his shop, he will turn away from it . If he sees the doors of the shops closed, the recession will spread, and if he sees their doors open, God will facilitate the paths of commerce ….

…About Wahab bin alarm that Nebuchadnezzar after the ruins of Jerusalem and argued the children of Israel in seven years , the opinion in a dream , a great vision of his aura gathered priests and Alhzar and asked them about his vision that , they said : to Iqsa king even tell him Ptooelha , he said : I have forgotten but did not tell me it to three days people who killed you for Akrkm went scared and Glenn from his festival heard that Daniel – peace be upon him – and is in prison , said the jailer : Go to him , tell him : that here a man who has knowledge of your vision and interpretation went to him told him Aftlbh when he entered it did not bow down to him and said to him : what prevented you from prostration Mine? He said : God gave me knowledge, taught me, and commanded me not to prostrate to anyone else , so he told him shortly : I love those who fulfill their covenants to their lords , so he told me about my vision , so Daniel said to him : I saw a great idol with his feet on the ground and his head in the sky , above it of gold, its middle of silver, and its bottom of copper And his leg of iron and his feet of clay, so while you were looking at him, you liked his beauty and the tightness of his making, God tossed him with a stone from the sky, and he fell on the top of his head until he crushed it and his gold, silver, copper and iron mixed in until you imagined that if people and jinn met to distinguish some of them from others they would not be able to do that To the stone that he was thrown, it was raised, magnified, and spread until it filled the whole earth , so that you saw nothing but the stone and the sky , so he said : The vision that I saw was true, so what is its interpretation? Daniel said : As for the idol, there are different nations at the beginning of time and in its midst and in its midst and at the end , and as for the stone with which an idol was thrown, it is a religion that God throws at these nations at the end of time, then he will show it to them, so God sends an illiterate prophet from the Arabs, so that the nations and religions will be thrown into it as I have seen the stone dizzying the types of idols And it appears on the religions and nations as I have seen the stone appeared all over the earth , so God examines the truth with it, the falsehood is lost with it, guides the people of misguidance by it, teaches the illiterate by it, strengthens the weak, strengthens the humiliation with it, and supports the weak . In another novel : about Wahab bin alarm , and in which that Nebuchadnezzar the opinion of a vision while he had liked what opinion as the opinion of something injury Vonsah who was called Daniel and Ananias and Azaria and Mahil of the strains of the prophets , he said : Tell me about the vision I saw and then I’ve become something Vonsaneha was I liked , what she ? They said to him : Tell us by Ptooelha let you know , he said : What did not mention them if you tell me to Ptooelha Onzaan Octavkm , they went out from him , they called God and Astgathua , and pray to him and asked him to teach them Voalmanm , who asked him Fjah they said to him : I saw a statue? He said : You are right . They said : His feet and legs are of clay, his knees and thighs of copper, his stomach of silver, his chest of gold, and his head and neck of iron? He said : You have believed . They said : While you are looking at him, he has liked you, and God sent a rock from the sky upon him, so he met him. He said : You are right , so what is its interpretation? They said : interpretation you saw the King of Kings was some Allen king of some , and some of them was the best king of some , and some were more king of some was the first king of pottery , a weakened and Olinh , then it was above the copper is the best of it and more , and then it was above the copper silver which is Better than that and better , then there was over silver, gold, which is better than silver and better , then iron was yours, because he was more powerful and dearer than he was before him , and the rock that you saw was God sent to him from heaven, so his accuracy was a prophet whom God sold him from heaven, so that all of it knocked and the matter came to him. . And in another narration : Daniel and his companions said to Bakhtasar : I saw such-and-such and they told it to him , so he said : You are right , they said : We cross it for you . As for the idol whose head you saw of gold, it is your possession as good as gold , and it possessed the whole earth , and the neck is similar to it. The king of your son after you owns, so his possession will be good and not like gold , and as for his chest that is of iron, it is the king of the people of Persia, who possesses after your son, so their possession will be strong like iron , and as for his humours, he goes to the king of the people of Persia and the people dispute the king in every village until the king will reign for the day and two days month and two months , and then kills do not people have the strength on it as it was not the strength of the fetish on the two men of pottery , while they are as well as God sent – the Almighty – a prophet of the land of the Arabs Vozarh on the rest of the people of Persia and the rest of the king of your son , and thy and destroyed and Ohlkh so as not to keep him anything as The rock came and destroyed the idol ….

…Palmistry If a girl dreams about palm reading, this predicts that she will become subject to suspicion and suspicion . If she resolves that someone read her hand, this foretells that she will take many friends of the opposite sex, as for the girls of her sex, he will despise her . If she dreamed that she read a person’s palm, she would become famous and gain the favor of her intelligence and endurance . If she dreams about reading the priest’s palm, this foretells that she will need friends who are equal to her level ….

…And whoever sees that he threw a pearl under his leg, then it indicates that he married his daughter to a different sex. If it is broken, and if he sees that he has hit a pearl, whether it was from a reed or something else, then it is considered that if it was struck, then it is interpreted by the girl, and if she is not bored, it is interpreted with the son ….

…Why do I sometimes ask about the time of the vision? This question is asked to me constantly, and it is very important for me to clarify what he has hidden in every question; So that everyone knows that we start from firm and solid starting points, and that we are talking – God willing – with knowledge, and there is no doubt that this science has a legitimate identity, and it differs from those who interpret visions or dreams from purely psychological terms, and it is a method that exists in abundance, especially among healers. Psychologists, may God help them and benefit them . And I say here : What was seen in the intensity of the heat differs from what was seen in the intensity of the cold because the fire in the first is blameworthy, and in the second it is praiseworthy, and likewise when it is expressed that fire is praiseworthy in winter, and reprehensible in summer mostly . And it is in winter that brings people together around her and becomes pleasant for them, while she is removed in the heat, so also the fruits, seeing them eaten at the time of their ripeness is very praiseworthy, and the expression is auspicious for the seeker, but if a vision is eaten at a time other than its ripening, the vision may have a bad connotation For the seeker, and it has been customary for eating fruits to be palatable and useful at the time they ripen, but he must know that the expression here may differ completely, depending on the situation of the seer, or his profession, sex, or age, for example, and so on who sees that he wears winter clothes in winter time The best expression is the one who sees that he wears it in a time of great heat, and whoever sees that he does Hajj at the time of Hajj, for example, differs from the one who sees that he does Hajj at a time other than his time . Thus you notice the reason for asking about the time of the vision for the crossing, but sometimes there is no reason in the vision that leads me to ask about its time, so I do not ask, or there is in the words of the vision a sign that enriches me from the question, so let this issue be learned…

…The donkey : the person finds it as he sees it fat or emaciated, and if the donkey is large then it raised it, and if it is well walked then it is the benefit of the world, and if it is beautiful then it is beauty for its owner, and if it is white then it is the religion of its owner and its splendor, and if it is scant then it is the poverty of its owner . And fat is the property of its owner, and if it is black, then it is its cypress and sovereignty, and it is king, honor, prestige and power . And green is devout and religion . Ibn Sirin preferred donkey over other animals, and chose lions from them . And the donkey saddle was born in the glory . And the length of his guilt, the survival of his state in his obstacle . And the death of a donkey indicates the death of its owner . And the donkey dug the basis of his money, and it was said that whoever dies his donkey his money will be gone, otherwise his connection is cut off or his riders fall or he left, or his servant who was serving him died, or his father or grandfather who was serving him died, or else his master who was under him died, sold him or traveled About . If it was a woman, her husband divorced her, died on her behalf, or traveled from her place . As for the donkey that does not know its Lord, if it is no longer on its head, then it is an ignorant man or an infidel, for his voice, because God Almighty says : “He denies the sounds .” And it also indicates the Jew, for the Almighty said : ~ Like a donkey carries books .~ If he bobbed over the mosque or on the minaret, then he called an unbeliever to his disbelief and innovated to his heresy . And if the call to prayer for Islam, then an unbeliever embraced Islam and called for the truth, and there was a sign and a lesson in it . And whoever sees that he has donkeys, then he will accompany an ignorant people, for the Almighty says : ~As if they were reddened ones .~ And whoever rides a donkey or walks with it, walking with good agreement, his grandfather agrees, is good . And whoever eats donkey meat, he will get money and grandmother . If he sees that his donkey does not walk except by being beaten, then he is deprived and is not fed except by supplication . And if his donkey enters his house revered, then he is his grandfather, and he will turn to him with goodness over the essence of what it bears . And whoever sees his donkey turned into a mule, then his sustenance shall be of authority . If he turns seven, then his grandfather and his livelihood are from an unjust ruler. If he turns into a ram, then his grandfather is from honor or discrimination . And whoever sees that he carried his donkey, then that is a power that God Almighty bestows upon his grandfather so that he may marvel at him . And whoever hears the hooves of animals falling during the round without seeing them, it is rain and a torrent . The donkey for the traveler is better with slowness, and his travel conditions will be as much as his donkey . And from collecting donkey dung, his money will increase . Whoever wrestled a donkey, some of its relatives died . Whoever marries a strong donkey against his grandfather . And whoever sees as if a donkey has sex with him, he has acquired wealth and beauty that cannot be described due to its abundance . The obedient donkey will wake up its owner for good, money and move . And whoever owns a donkey or tied it up and brought it into his house, God will lead to it all good and deliver it to those who are, and if it is revered, then good is better . And whoever slaughters his donkey is poor, and if the donkey is for someone else then he is cut off from it, it is cut off between it and its owner, its name or its counterpart . And whoever buys a donkey and pays a dirham for it, he will have better words . If he sees that he has a blindfolded donkey, then he has money that he does not know where it is . And nothing is hated by the donkey except its voice, and it is in the origin of man’s grandfather and his luck ….

…And whoever sees that he has sex in a place, then he gets married from there, whether permissible or forbidden ….

…Hoodie The hood denotes a lot of gossip and slanderous allusions against which a woman should defend herself . If a man sees a woman tied to her hood, this indicates hidden good luck lurking near him . And his friends will be loyal and loyal . If the girl’s hood in the dream is new and of any color except for black, then she is likely to engage in a pleasant and harmless flirtation . Black hoods denote false friends of the opposite sex . If a girl dreams that she is wearing a hood, this indicates that she will try to seduce a man and distract him from integrity and compulsory duty ….

…The pits : a sign of deceit, deception, nets, the role of adulterers, prisons, restrictions, observatories, and the like, and the origin of that is what is dug for usury in them to hunt if they fall into them, and the buried may indicate a pregnant, pregnant mother, the nanny, because the food of the child in his mother’s womb is hoarded like food in the landfill. It is accompanied by something after something, until it is empty or dispensed with something else . Perhaps the unknown signified the breadth of food that took place while the excavations were taking place in it, because it was a pit, and whoever saw a buried land collapsed or collapsed, if his mother was ill, she perished, and if he had a pregnant woman, she would be saved and her grave was buried, because the grave of the pregnant woman is open, unless there is what confirms her death in the vision. Then that would bury her . If none of that, see . If he had food in it while awake, he sold it, and the dirt and garbage that you poured into it was its replacement, and it is its price . And if he sees his particular food as scum or dirt, his price is cheap and his money is gone in it, and if he has no food in it and he sees it filled with dirt or dirt, then he fill it with food when it is allowed . And if she was full of food, her wife became pregnant if he was poor or his mother . If the landfill is unknown in a mosque or tablecloth, or it must have a group of people, and there is food in it while it is deficient, then the price will be reduced in the area to the extent that the landfill is lacking . And if it overflows and flows and people separate from it and not lack it, the price is cheap and the food is plenty . And if he saw a fire that fell in the food, it was in the food that contained a great high price, or an accident from the Sultan in the vastness, or locusts or a stone in the acres . If he sees dates or sugar in her food, then the price goes up and the sex she has in the food is exaggerated, according to the amount of sweetness it contains in the few and many . If it is like half of her food, then it is in half, otherwise, for this amount . As for whoever falls into a landfill or an unknown pit, according to the aforementioned, it is considered that a fall into a well is considered ….

…Religion If you dreamed that you discussed religion matters with some people and felt religious inclinations, then this foretells that you will get involved in follies that spoil your calm life and lead to your loss in business and trade . If a girl dreams that she is very religious, then she will make the person who loves her alienate her because of her claim of innocence and kindness . If she dreams that she is not religious and not sinful, then this indicates that she will be distinguished by honesty, kindness and consideration for others, which will make her gain the respect of others and the love of the opposite sex and the girls of her gender for her . But if it is wrong in the view of religion in the dream, then this means that it will find that there are moral laws that must be respected, otherwise you will lose people’s respect for them . She must pay attention to her behavior. If she dreams that she is crying and mourning for debt, this means that she will fail to fulfill the desires of the heart . If she is bold, but not wrong, then she will bear the burdens of her worries and burdens with courage and will courageously and steadfastly face the blame and censure of people . If you dreamed that you regretted, became sad, and blamed yourself during a religious sermon, this means that you will be forced to sacrifice yourself to make someone you love and appreciate . If you dream that religion has descended into decline and weakness, then this means that you will live your life in worship and harmony with the Creator more than before, and your thoughts and dispositions will not be sinful and wrong as before . If you dream that a priest told you in a meeting that he has left his job, this indicates that you will feel at peace and you will be overwhelmed with a wave of psychological comfort . But if you meet a priest in a community and he begins to blame you and reproach you, this foretells that the coming days will bring about sad and worrying events for you . These dreams may literally come true in practical life, and here they may not have any symbolic meaning. Religion is concerned with protecting people from vice, so when they intend within themselves to ignore his teachings, they are expected to see a priest or church in their dream as a harbinger of their evil deeds . If they live a godly and righteous life according to the teachings of the Church, they rarely dream of seeing the priest, the church, or the house of worship ….

…And it was said that if a woman sees that a dead man marries her, then she will strike a good from a place she does not hope for, just as the dead has no hope, and so is the marriage of a dead man . And whoever has sex with a woman in her rectum, he will try something without his face ….

…Whoever sees that he is marrying an unknown man and the unknown is young, then the perpetrator conquers an enemy . Likewise, if the afflicted is known, or there is a dispute, quarrel, or enmity between them, then the perpetrator obtains the object . And if the affliction is known and there is no conflict or enmity between them, then the object of it afflicts the perpetrator good, or his name if there is no worthy of that, or its counterpart or one of the causes of these . If the subject is an unknown sheikh, then the sheikh is his grandfather and whatever good comes to his grandfather, he improves his thinking and tolerance for it . Likewise, if he sees that he kisses a man or has sex with him or is mixing with him after that is from their desire, then it is according to what is described in the marriage except that it is less than him in strength and amount . If he sees that he accepts a man other than the kiss of desire, then the one who does the object attains good and accepts it as his acceptance . The man that he saw himself a lamb : increased Dniah . And if he saw that he was born to a boy, he was seriously injured, and if a slave girl was born to him, he would be well off, and so is buying the boy and the maid ….

…The monkey : a poor, deprived man whose grace was taken away. It was said that he was from metamorphosis, and he is a cunning and salivating man, and also indicates the Jew, and whoever saw that he fought a monkey and defeated him, he fell ill and was innocent of it, and if the monkey was the victor, he was not healed . If a monkey is given to him, it appears on his enemy . And whoever eats the flesh of a monkey, he is seriously ill or ill, and whoever becomes a monkey has a benefit on the part of the witches, and whoever has sex with a monkey commits an immorality, and whoever bites him a monkey has a quarrel and argument between him and a person . And it was said that the monkey is a man of the owners of major sins . And whoever saw that a monkey entered the bed of a well-known man, a Jew or an atheist would blow up his wife, and it was said that whoever ate monkey flesh would get new clothes . And it was narrated that one of the kings saw a monkey eating with him at his table, so he told it to a knowledgeable woman and she said : Pass your women and let them strip, so he ordered them to do so, and if there was a rebellious boy among them ….

…Does seeing dogs, cats, snakes and scorpions indicate something suspicious, disease or magic? The fact that this question is given a lot of questioners and Alsailat Here we must distinguish between two things .. it sees these things frequently repeated by these sex visions may be a foretaste of his disease or charm or eye of mixing Gelads is good, and Asthlal what God is deprived of dress and food And customs, as for whoever sees them only a little once or twice, they do not indicate anything in the first section, and it is a vision that is interpreted according to the condition of its owner, so the important thing is … not to understand of the gender of these visions one permanent thing, such as magic and the eye, and it is known that visions are immeasurable, so a person may see A vision that is expressed for him with a joyful matter, and another person sees it, and it expresses otherwise, each according to his condition and goodness ….

…Incest If you dream of having incestuous sex, this means that you will fall from the places of honor, and you will suffer loss at work . ~ Incest : is sexual contact between those who deny the law of marriage , including kin Kalokh and his sister , for example .~…

…Corns If you dreamed that your nails hurt your foot, then this means that some enemies are preparing to harm you, and you will get misfortune, but if you succeed in cleaning your foot from nails, you will inherit a large estate from an unknown source . If a girl dreams that she suffers from corns, then this means that she will suffer many great misfortunes, and the girls of her sex will treat her lukewarmly ….

…Discussion of the meanings of incest. Have you seen that you have intercourse with your mother? Or did you see that you are having intercourse with your father? Did you see that you Tjama daughter ? Or did you see that you are having intercourse with your brother, uncle, or uncle? Did some of you see that he is having intercourse with his brother? It is strange that we sometimes see the other party happy with what they do with it ! You may even see a person you never know, and you are having sex with him, so what is the explanation for this matter? Are these visions you see more or less? Do you tell about it or keep silent about it and fear it? Do you have anything to add to these themes, through personal experiences or specialized reading? Are there events associated with seeing such visions in you? And many other questions? This thing has no hope of repeating it, and therefore intercourse differs, it may be of a pleasant and joyful significance, and it may be the complete opposite, but I do not like fear and embarrassment from seeing such things, and this is the point of the horse, and this is what prompted me to write about it here . Some people have intercourse with incestuous people as righteousness and connection with them, and some are hostility and disagreement, and some are evidence of their marriage, and some are a gospel of visiting Mecca …. And so the meanings are not the same, and we find some who explain such dreams in an extreme explanation of pessimism , so Jeddah divorces a woman , or doubts about Unleashed , or doubts the honor of his sister ! And such people if it was said : How can we convince them to make them wrong? We convince them that the person is referring to knowledge and not ignorance , and by telling him : that visions do not break with them with a judgment , they are presumptive and not certainty of significance , and we also tell him that the significance of your vision is not necessarily as you understood it , as it may have a completely different meaning ….

…A ghost Seeing ghosts in a dream denotes the occurrence of unexpected problems . If the ghost is white, then this foretells that the disease will afflict a dear friend to you, or that you will lose some of your work . If he is dressed in black, beware of those around you because they deceive you and have fraud and bad intentions for you . If the ghost speaks, then evil and problems are just around the corner from you, and you can avoid that with wisdom by hearing the voice of reason in your behavior . If you hear ghosts knocking on doors or walls, this predicts painful events that will happen suddenly . If you see ghosts moving under a curtain of cloth or moving behind you, this is a call to you to control your feelings, as you are committing foolishness, you may face problems and quarrel with others . If you see the ghost of your friend hanging in your room, this foretells that you will face failure and disappointment, and you will be accompanied by a feeling of insecurity . If you hear ghost music, then this predicts sorrows and changes in the family environment . If you dream that a ghost is following you, this foretells that you will enter into strange and exciting events . If the ghost escapes from you, this indicates that the problems surrounding you will weaken and lessen their severity . Unnaturally beware of all those who depend on you . A disaster awaits you and awaits those who belong to you . Property and life together are at risk . Young men should be without hesitation upright in their communication with the opposite sex . You may treat the character in a way that reduces its importance ….

…Triumph is in the dream, if it is abundant, indicating the joy or hatred that necessitates that . And the victory is indicative of conquering the enemy from the animal . If single – sex Valqahr recessive, and mostly losers ….

…Visions of sexual significance , and does it have any meaning? Talking about this kind of dreams goes on and on, and the meaning of a sexual dream varies in my opinion according to its opinion . There are many adolescents who see such sexual dreams, and these have a meaning that almost agrees between them and the most important meanings they have are : [ emptying their sex energy, misunderstanding their parents ] , and there are many brothers and sisters also see this type and these almost agree also in the meaning and meanings They have : [ enmity, strife, or extreme benefit ] and there are those who see sexual dreams about one of his parents, and these have many meanings as well, and the most important of them is [ the great righteousness of the parents, Umrah or Hajj, money that comes from them ….

…This dream is a bad omen . You will see, if you are a farmer, your crop withered and your livestock lean and sick . For businessmen, it means debts that they cannot afford due to their accumulation . For young people, it means unsuccessful marriage and the death of loved ones . If you see your coffin in a dream, this indicates a defeat in the field of work and the possibility of family grief . If you dreamed of a coffin moving by itself, then this means illness and marriage between relatives . Sadness and pleasure intertwine . Death may be followed by this dream, but there will be good . If you see your body in a coffin, this indicates that courageous attempts will repel you with defeat and enmity . If you dream that you find yourself sitting on a coffin in a moving dead car, it means despair if it is not a chronic disease that afflicts you or afflicts someone who is allied with you . It may also indicate quarrels with the opposite sex . It will rethink your behavior towards a friend . If you see a coffin, this indicates a catastrophic loss and the early annihilation of a dear relative. If you see a coffin covered with flowers in a church, this indicates an unlucky marriage ….

…Explosion If you dreamed of explosions, this foretells that the reprehensible actions of those associated with you will cause you transient loss and resentment, and that the work will also bother you . If you dreamed that your face, or the faces of others, was blackened or disfigured, then this means that you will be accused of foolishness, and the accusation will be unfair even though circumstances may incriminate you . If you see the air crowded with smoke and debris, this indicates unusual discontent in business circles and a lot of social hostility . If you dreamed that you were surrounded by flames or a bird in the air as a result of an explosion that blew you, this foretells that unfaithful friends will violate the inviolability of your rights and abuse your trust . Girls should beware of colleagues of the opposite sex after such a dream ….