If you see or hear gunfire in a dream, then it is interpreted by disputes between spouses and lovers due to excessive selfishness . And its explanation is also : a depression in trade and business due to neglect ….

Al-Kirmani said: “Whoever saw that he threw a arrow and hit a mark, it happened that he wanted it, and it was said that he who saw that he threw an arrow and went crooked, then it is interpreted by sending Qasid to a place and he gets treachery from him, and the many shares devolve with much money .”…

If he sees as if a piercing meteor is following Satan, his visions indicate the validity of his religion

…A pistol A gun in a dream predicts bad luck in general, and if you own a gun, this predicts that your behavior will worsen . If you hear the sound of pistol shooting, some people will tell you information that will destroy your interests . If you dream that you are shooting at him, you will endure the envy and jealousy of an innocent, good person, and you will try your best to prove to him what he imagines about you to be wrong . If a person dreams that he saw his girlfriend carrying a gun, this foretells a serious quarrel with a friend and the matter may develop into his separation from his girlfriend ….

…If you dreamed of a falcon, this foretells that malicious people will deceive you in some way . If you dreamed that you were shooting a falcon, this foretells that you will overcome obstacles after a great struggle. If a girl dreams that she is keeping the falcons away from her chickens, this indicates that she is fulfilling her most reckless desires by taking serious care of her affairs . This dream also means that enemies are close to you and that they are ready to take advantage of your small mistakes . And if you manage to get a falcon away before it harms your birds, you will be lucky in your job . If you dream of seeing a dead falcon, this indicates that your enemies will be defeated . If you dream that you are shooting a falcon, then you will have a round with enemies, and it is possible that you will win it ….

…Arch Nut : , throwing him into the wild booty Halal money, and in the country lie and slander and absence, and aimed it at the door of the Sultan _mez . The throwing pigeon throws a woman, and whoever sees that he is throwing the bow of the nut with nobility, then he speaks words that are out of place, and if his throw hit him before him, and if he made a mistake, his speech would be a disaster for him . And it was narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw that I was shooting with the bow of a jailbreak and I was mistaken and was hit . He said : Fear God, for you backbite people ….

…Fire Arrow If you see in a dream a fiery arrow ascending in the sky, this predicts a sudden unexpected success and a carefree family life that you will be faithful to your duties . If you dream of a shooting arrow falling, you can expect unfortunate personal engagements ….

…If you see a wild bane fleeing from you in a dream, you will lose something valuable in a mysterious way . If you capture a hare you will be the victor in a competition . If you turn hares into your pets, you will have a balanced friend, but they will not be intelligent . And the dead wild rabbit predicts the death of a friend . It would be boring to be around . If you see dogs chasing wild rabbits, this indicates problems and conflicts between your friends and you will occupy yourself in establishing friendly relationships . If you dream that you are shooting a wild rabbit, then you will be forced to take violent measures to obtain your legitimate property ….

…Gunshot If you dreamed that you were injured by a gunshot and felt that you were dying, this foretells that you will encounter problems and you will be harmed by the envy and envy of your friends . But if you escaped death and walk away, you will quickly reconcile with them later on . If you dream that a preacher is shooting you, this foretells that you will be upset by a friend who attacks you with his ideas and accuses you of falsehood ….

…If you dreamed of a prey by shooting, killing, or any other means, then this means lucky projects, but it means selfish tendencies . If you fail to get prey on the hunt, that means bad management and loss ….