…Likewise, numbness in the legs or part of the body, as it is a failure of what that organ is attributed to ….

…Whoever sees that flies bite his body, then it indicates the envy of a foolish group who envy his household and relatives ….

…Pubic hair : its deficiency is valid in the Sunnah, and its vision is a power that befalls its owner who has no debt, and he is non-mahram, and his amount is as long as the pubic hair and its abundance until he pulls it through the ground . As for the rest of the body hair, its money . And whoever sees that he is an oven and shaves it with a flower, if he is rich, his money is gone . And if he was poor, he becomes rich and his poverty is gone ….

…And whoever sees that he is in water and he is strong in body, then he shall interpret his work in a difficult matter on the part of a king, and his saying is acceptable, especially if it is attributed to that matter ….

…And whoever sees many eyes in his body, this is an increase in debt, and this may indicate that damamels have sprouted and opened ….

…And some of the expressers said: He who saw in his body something of that came down with it, and it was said that his wife was injured among her relatives, and it was said that he was beaten with whips, and it was said that he eats people’s meat through backbiting and gossiping, and the sores may come out on their faces as he sees them ….

If he sees that he prays and leaves the mosque, then he will gain good and livelihood, because God Almighty says : “ If prayer is made up, then spread out on the earth and seek the grace of God, and remember God a lot, so that you may succeed .”…

…Role : The role, it is a function headed, what it came down from the demolition or narrow or capacity or good or evil, so he returned to her family and headed and its inhabitants . The walls are men, and the ceilings are women, because men are the protectors of women, because they are above them, and push them to the worst of them, so they are like strength, so what was confirmed its significance, he returned to him and worked on it . The man’s house denotes his body, his division, and himself, because he knows it and knows him. It is his glory, his memory, his name, and his family’s jacket, and it may indicate his money in which he is in shape, and perhaps it indicates his dress for his entry into it, and if it was his body, her door was his face, and if it was his wife, it was her door His relief, and if it was his world and his money, then her door was the door that he caused and his sustenance, and if it was his garment, then its door was his collar . If the door is alone, it may refer to the head of the house, and the individual who opens and closes, and the other individual may refer to it to his wife who embraces her at night, and turns away from her when entering and leaving during the day, and in which the male and the female are inferred in the form and closure, the one in which the closure is the male, and the one in it The lug is the female, his wife, because the lock inserted into the lug is male, and the total shape if it breaks apart is like a couple, and it may indicate the two sons of the owner of the house, a male and a female, and the two brothers and partners in the ownership of the house . As for the lintel of the door and its rounds, and everything that enters it with a tongue, that is for the wife and servant, and as for its lists, it may indicate male children or slaves, brothers and servants . As for his legs and the door ring, they indicate the permission of his owner, his eyebrow, and his servant, and whoever sees something of that, a decrease, an occurrence, an increase, or a novelty, this is used to the addendum by increasing the evidence and evidence of vigilance . As for the unknown house other than the known, it is the abode of the Hereafter, because God Almighty called it a house and said : “And that house is the Hereafter .” Likewise, if it is known to have a name that denotes the Hereafter, such as the abode of Uqba or the abode of peace, then whoever sees himself in it and was sick, leads to it in peace and is free from the temptation and evil of this world, and if he is not sick, then it is good news for him, according to the extent of his work, from Hajj or jihad Or asceticism, worship, knowledge, charity, connection, or patience over a calamity, inferring what he led to her, and for whose sake he preached increased vision and vigilant evidence, and if he saw with him in a dream books about which he learned, then his knowledge led him to it . And if there is a worshiper in it, then he attained his prayers, and if he had his horse and his sword, then his struggle reached it, then on the meaning, and as for awakening, he looks at the most famous of her deeds with himself and the closest in his sleep to the rest of his obedience, if they were many, then the good news was in a dream . As for the one who built a house other than his own in a known or unknown place, look at his condition, and if he is sick or has a sick person, then that is his grave, and if there is none of that, then it is a world that benefits it if it is in a known place, and if he built it with milk and clay, it was permissible and if It was made of bricks, plaster and lime, it was forbidden for the sake of the fire that kindled his work . And if he built the house in an unknown place and was not sick, if it was with milk then it is a good deed that he does for the hereafter, or he has done it . And if they are in remuneration, then they are reprehensible deeds that he regrets in the Hereafter, unless he returns to demolishing them in a dream, then he repents from them, and as for the house of unknown structure, soil, location, and individual families about the role, especially if he sees in it dead people who know them, then it is the abode of the Hereafter. His income, then he dies if he does not come out of it, and if he enters and leaves it, then he is on the verge of death and then escapes, and whoever sees that he entered a new house with complete facilities and was between the houses in a known location, if he is poor he becomes rich, and if he is rich then he becomes more rich, and if he is anxious Release him, and if he was disobedient, he repented, and according to her goodness and capacity, if he did not know her companion, if she had a companion, then it was for her owner, and if she was solid, that was permissible, and if she was plastered then that was forbidden . And the capacity of the house is the breadth and generosity of his world, its narrowness, the narrowness of his world and his miserliness, and it is found to renew his work, and to settle his religion, and as for its tightening, it is the precision of his management, and the purpose of it is his happiness, and the house is made of iron for the longevity of its owner and his state . And whoever leaves his home angry, he will be imprisoned, because God Almighty says : ~ And He has gone out of his house in anger .~ If he sees that he has entered his neighbor’s house, he enters his secret . If he is an immoral person, then he is betrayed by his wife and his livelihood . Building a house for a celibate is an elevated woman he marries, and whoever sees a house from afar attains a distant world, and if he entered it from a building and mud and was not separate from the houses and houses, then it is a world that befalls her . And whoever sees his leaving the buildings, oppressed or transformed, then he is leaving his world or what he possesses according to the extent of what is indicated by the face of his exodus . It was narrated that a man from the people of Yemen came to the crossing and said : I saw as if I was in an old house of mine, and it destroyed me . He said : You find an inheritance, and soon a relative died and inherited six thousand dirhams . And another saw as if he was sitting on the roof of a house of flasks, and he had fallen from him naked, so he recounted his vision on a crossing and said : A woman from the king’s house is beautiful, but she dies sooner, and it was so . The houses of the house are the women of its owner, the styles and the raggas are men, the balconies of the house are the honor of the world and the leadership, and its treasury is its custodian of his money from the people of his house, its health is in the midst of a worldly state, its surface is his name, its elevation, and the house of the Imam al-Adl is a gap from the holes of the Muslims, and the demolition of the strengthened King’s house is a lack of his authority . The fact that the man was on an unknown roof obtained a lift and sought the help of a high-ranking man, and he asked for help . The Christians said: “Whoever saw it as if he was sweeping his house, he was stricken with grief or died suddenly, and it was said that sweeping the house is going to go away, and God knows what is right ….

…Murder Whoever sees that he is killing himself repents sincerely . And whoever sees that he kills a person, he commits a grave sin, and the one killed will suffer good . But slaughter is wrong . And if he sees that he killed a soul, then he will be saved from distress, because God Almighty says : (And you killed a soul, we will save you from grief ). And if the servant sees that his master killed him, then he shall set him free . And whoever sees that he was killed, and does not know who killed him, then he is a person who is neglecting the Sharia . Whoever deliberately kills a soul is disobedient . And whoever confesses to killing a soul, he will be granted guardianship, because God Almighty said : (He said : Lord, I killed a soul from them, so I fear that they will be killed ). And it was said : Whoever saw that he was killed has denied prayer or neglected it . And whoever saw that he killed his son, he would have a livelihood . Whoever saw that he was killed in the cause of God indicates profit, trade, and the fulfillment of the promise . See also Slaughtering ….

The second type of visions of what would be self – talk , and the work of vigilance , and may help them psychological concern, , and stress intellectual . An example of this many occurrence especially in this era abounded in which concerns and overwhelmed the article sometimes , and the pressures of life at other times , we find some before sleep thinks business Besvqath and some think about a new career , and some Bamthanh early in the morning , do not forget the women who frequently overnight with this type also Vtjd Some of them think about their problem with their husbands before sleeping , for example , and so each of them sleeps, and then these thoughts and worries or hopes and pains within each one of them turn into dreams or visions and this is very likely , and then this follows the question of many of them about these visions , which As I mentioned, it is nothing more than pipe dreams . And pressure in the language , the singular of it : compression, which is all that was gathered and seized by collecting the palm and the like, and in the revelation : “ Take a pressure in your hand, and I will strike with it and not perjury. ” It is said : He brought us with pressures of news , that is , with mixed strokes of it . Confused dreams : What was confusing them confused difficult interpretation , and called for mixing Odgatha Vhbht Bodgat plant which is : the package , which takes man from the ground where the small green and the ground and the big and so (1). It can be through the previous offer to note that these Alodgat are not disciplined , but are mixed equivocal , and this also sees some scientists come behind me for one of two reasons ( physical ) or ( myself ) One can either be in a healthy position physical oblique , or in the mood myself troubled , this is reflected on the man and his visions Vtakhtl sputtering and be Odgato divided into two sections : section I : pipe special dreams ; Any private owner only these abound in some categories at certain times Kalmrdy and Kaltalbh and students , such as exam or before a personal interview with one of the educational institutions such as universities , for example , and Kalmqublan to marry the next two employees to upgrade , and so on , and Hola by asking them before crossing Subtle facilitates the discovery of the type Their visions and they are nothing more than pipe dreams . Sayyid Qutb said in the shadows of the Qur’an : Dreams are a mixture of troubled dreams and not a complete vision that bears interpretation , as it does not refer to anything . A . A simple behavior , (2) and her example is the companion who saw his head cut off , and as if he saw the angels ordering him to do something forbidden . . . And other examples (3). Section II : pipe General dreams , and I mean the common folk here are significant for the whole nation as though where – in thought its owner – Bishara general , or public alarm or public event , CA NEWS policy , budget, salaries , vacations , and wars especially if these events or one of them has dominated and accounted for the atmosphere , you will find visions abound about this , see , for example visions after the events of September atheist , and plentiful during the US campaign in Afghanistan and noted the power of the media dominant and path for this campaign, ask yourself : Do you impact on the strong human Sharp or easy? These events have dominated the arena, so there is no voice louder than her voice, so her power becomes permeable to the minds , so if she succumbed to sleep she transformed into visions whose owner may think that they are good news or good news , specific to him or general to the nation , and it is not hidden today for everyone who has the predominance of passion, ignorance and intolerance for opinion Or group and lack of piety, religion, and piety among many people , then the example of someone who sees these visions is looking for someone who will express them to him , and he may anticipate the event and send them before asking about it via his e-mail or his mobile phone , so it becomes the talk of the hour , and the fruit of the councils in a short time ! Here I am not against a class or a particular group, but I am against ignorance, yes ignorance that may go a group or sect or Ani individuals claiming visions , and sedition campus and broadcast some of the interviews and confessions of some of those involved by , in favor of what I said and they were under the dominion of illusions and dreams , This applies to some of the Sufis who have always inferred visions in which the Messenger of God came to them, commanded them and forbade them , or favored a deed for them , and thus they put it in the degree of revelation that the Companions lost with the death of the Messenger of God , and they found him , Ibn Hajar said in (4): If the sleeper saw the Prophet, pray May God be upon him and grant him peace, commanding him to do something , is he obliged to comply with it and must : or must he present it to the apparent Sharia , for the second is the approved one . There is a difference between the rich and the chandeliers , yes . Visions of which have missionaries to an individual or group , or even a nation , but this is conditional on two conditions : First : there is a reference reliable exposure it this Alrai also presented a group of companions visions about much of the night on the Messenger of Allah , he said : ~ I see your vision connived in the seven nights , it was Mthariha Flethrha in the nights of the seven , ~ agreed (5), was Bukhari titled in his Saheeh ( door : collusion on the vision ), and Hafiz Ibn Hajar said commenting on the hadeeth : it follows from the talk that the consensus group on the vision of one D on sincerity And its health , as the power of news benefits from reporting on news from a group . Of . (6) The second : is the fairness of the seer and sincerity and not being a Hui , or a goal , or reckless , lived a case or convinced of the idea , Vsitrt his thinking , Vtmthelt his vision in a dream , and here distinguish between visions before the event , and the visions of case or after , And it is no secret that it is in the event of the event or after it, or weaker and weaker than it before it – just as it is not hidden for everyone interested in this art , so there is no lesson in the vision of a passionate , just as there is no lesson in the expression of Hui as well , so where is the reference that approves the visions as the Messenger of God? Wayne of similar companions honored the pure? _________________________________________ (1 ) ( glossary Intermediate 540 material : Dgt ( a group of authors published Dar Al Dawa 1980 – Cairo . (2 ) Sayyid Qutb – op – (4 /1993 ), and Muhammad Qutb – op – p . 6 . (3 ) Ibn Hajar opening 354 \ 12, op . cit . (4 ) see Fath al – op – (12 /389 ). (5 ) Narrated by Bukhari as in the opening (4 / 256 ) in the book Taraweeh prayers door petition for much of the night – op – – Muslim , as in the nuclear (8 /58 ) in the book of fasting door preferred night of treachery and urge their request – a reference earlier . (6) see Ibn stone – op – (12 /380 ) ** quoting Dr. Fahad Al – Osaimi…

…Murder Whoever sees that he is killing himself repents sincerely . And whoever sees that he kills a person, he commits a grave sin, and the one killed will suffer good . But slaughter is wrong . And if he sees that he killed a soul, then he will be saved from distress, because God Almighty says : (And you killed a soul, we will save you from grief ). And if the servant sees that his master killed him, then he shall set him free . And whoever sees that he was killed, and does not know who killed him, then he is a person who is neglecting the Sharia . Whoever deliberately kills a soul is disobedient . And whoever confesses to killing a soul, he will be granted guardianship, because God Almighty said : (He said : Lord, I killed a soul from them, so I fear that they will be killed ). And it was said : Whoever saw that he was killed has denied prayer or neglected it . And whoever saw that he killed his son, he would have a livelihood . Whoever saw that he was killed in the cause of God indicates profit, trade, and the fulfillment of the promise . See also Slaughtering ….

…Leather is a man’s jacket, and I left him with his money in his life and death . And whoever sees in a dream as if his skin is flayed as a sheep is flayed, then it indicates his death if he was sick, and if he was free from diseases then it is poor and it is revealed . Fatness in the body is the strength of religion and faith . If he sees his body as a snake’s body, then he shows what conceals enmity . And the skin is a protection for humans and others, and a person is about his father and mother, his power and money, his home and his clothes, his wife and his land, his well-being and his sickness, his expression and his faith . The flogging of a person may refer to his enemy and his friend who sleeps over it, for he will testify against its owner on the Day of Resurrection . Perhaps the skin indicates patience and stubbornness in matters . Whoever sees his skin beautifully in a dream indicates goodness, comfort, and healing from diseases . If he is dead and his skin is seen fine, he indicates that he is in the bliss of Paradise, and if he sees it as thick or black, he indicates that he is in torment . And darkening of the skin in a dream indicates leaving religion . To whom is a gift a Nubian boy is given a lamb of charcoal . And whoever sees black women supervising him, the good that he oversees for seeing them is many honorable, but they are of the enemy . And blush . In interpretation, relevance and relief . And it was said : If it was white with the red, the owner would gain glory . And zero . Color is satisfactory . And whoever is black and sees in a dream that he is white, he will suffer weakness, humiliation and distress . If he sees that his body and face are red, then he will be long carefree . The skins of other animals are an inheritance . And it was said : Leather houses that belong to it . And if the king flakes the skins of people, then he oppresses them, and takes their money . And whoever strips the skin of a poet, he steals his hair from him ….

…If you dream that you are in the throes of misfortune, this indicates that you will wish continuous failures and bad prospects . If you see others in distress, then this foretells of a bleak environment, and that the illness of one of them will lead to grave fears for the successful course of plans . ~ The ancient dream books consider this an indication of a prosperity that has come, but this definition is incorrect . There are two forces at work in man, one within him and the other from outside . They are from two distinct worlds : the animal mind influenced by the personal world of bodily desires, and the spiritual mind from the cosmic realm of brotherhood.~ . they provide the motives of anti – conscious dream . If Tnasagt these two forces will find the spirit or intellectual image from the mind of a dream achievement in the dreamer ‘s life . the sensations of the body good cause spirit excruciating pain while enriching the body selfish leads to rob the ability of the influence of the spirit of self . often The trials of tribulation cause the soul to rejoice and the body’s mourning . If the sad soul remains on the dream’s mind, this may indicate a worldly progress for the dreamer, but the theory of magical powers does not contribute to the contents of this book ….

…It is in a dream on various faces, as white bread indicates good livelihood and well-being . And black bread indicates distress in living, and it was said : Every loaf indicates a contract of money, which is either a thousand, one hundred, or ten according to the status of the seer and what is appropriate for him . And bitter bread is a bitter bread . Sweet bread is more expensive if it is like honey or sugar . And whoever eats bread with excrement, he eats honey with his wax . The finest bread is the mature oven . It is indicative of Islam, because it is the pillar of religion, the strength of the soul and the life of the soul, and it may refer to life, and the money that is the strength of the soul . The loaf may indicate reproach and the issue, and perhaps the nanny mother with whom is Saladin and the preservation of the woman, and the bread purified from it indicates pure living, pure knowledge and the beautiful white woman . Whoever sees that he separates bread between people or the weak and he is a student of knowledge, then he will obtain from knowledge what he needs, and if he is a preacher, those are his preaching and commandments, unless the people who took his charity from him are above him, and charity is the dirt of the people . And whoever sees a dead person gives bread to him, because it is money or livelihood that comes to him from the hand of someone else . And whoever sees bread on the clouds, on the roofs, or on the tops of palm trees, then he is boiling, and so is all sales and food . If it is seen as if it is being trampled on the ground, then it is a great prosperity that leads to wretchedness . Whoever sees a dead person takes a loaf of bread for him, or he sees him fall from it in a fire, or in the open, or in tar, and he is idle, then he is a heresy to which he is called, and a temptation that people fall into, so the loaf is his debt, and if he had a sick woman, she perished, and if she was weak in debt, she is corrupted . And whoever sees that he bakes bread then he seeks to request a pension to request a permanent benefit. If bread quickly attains a state and gets money in his hand . And your saying is one loaf of fertility, blessing and livelihood, and others have sought it . And if he saw many loaves without eating them, he would find our brothers . If he has a barley loaf, then it is a grudging livelihood, and if he sees a crusty loaf, he is thinning his livelihood, and if he is given a piece of bread and he eats it, this indicates that his life is out and his life has expired. If he takes a morsel, then a man is greedy . And Largif for single wife . A clean, ripe loaf of the Sultan is his justice and fairness, and the maker has advice in making it . Corn bread and chickpeas are tight and expensive . And if he saw bread on the garbage, it is cheap . And a wide loaf is a broad bread and a long life . And bread indicates carefree gone . And barley bread for those who do not have a habit of eating it is narrow and expensive, because it is eaten at high prices . And hot bread is hypocrisy and livelihood in it suspicion, because the fire remains in it . And whoever sees a loaf hanging in his forehead, that is his poverty and his need . And the bread that is covered with garments is a lot of money, which does not benefit the owner and does not pay zakat on it . Bagel bread is narrow in the pension to eat because it is only baked by the needy . And whoever sees as if he eats bread without eating, he will get sick alone and die alone . And bread that is not cooked indicates a high fever . And the talkative bread for the poor is sick and missed what they hoped for : It was said : It indicates the boy . Eating fluffy bread is a livelihood, and it was said : The delicacy of bread is short-lived or little profit . And whoever sees that he has two chips in his hand, he eats from this and from this, then he joins the two sisters . And the loaf won a lot . Cakes and rusks are healthy for the body . Rotten bread is cheaper, and if it has wings, it boils . And broken bread, fertility, breadth, and a pleasant gain . And loaf of his wife or son or about a whole or dirham . And the dry part of the bread indicates the need as the fetus . Cake is a travel, and its entry to one who is unable to eat it is evidence of worry, bitter and distress . And the tenderness is a journey, and it may indicate ease of hard, and softness of it is glory, and everything is evil . And rotten bread is corruption in religion, an apostasy from Islam, and a corruption of the wife’s condition . The various fragments indicate profits from charity or hypocrisy . And the bread pulp is useful knowledge and sincerity in speech and action . The peels are hypocrisy, flattery and hypocrisy ….

…Al-Baker : The owner of words and riots in his livelihood, and every workmanship that is touched by fire is talk and quarrel . And it was said that the baker Sultan Adel, whoever saw in his dream that he was a baker, was blessed with goodness, fertility and wealth, if he saw as if he was baking an apostrophe, he would have a good life and he showed people a way in which they benefit from wealth and wealth . If he sees as if he bought bread from a baker without seeing the price, then he is afflicted with a good life in pleasure, and a donation for granted . If he sees as if the baker took a price from him, then he is talking about need . And whoever sees himself as a baker baking and selling bread in common people with broken dirhams, then he brings people together in corruption, and the baker and if people say that he is a just authority, then he has a bad morals, because fire is the origin of his work, and fire is a malicious power, and it is kindled with firewood . As for bread : it indicates knowledge and Islam, because it is the pillar of religion, the foundation of the soul, and the life of the soul . Perhaps it indicates life and money that contains the strength of the soul, and perhaps the loaf indicates the Book, the Sunnah, and the knot of money on the destiny of people, and perhaps the loaf indicates the mother who nurtures and nurtures, and the wife with whom is the goodness of religion and the preservation of one . And pure of it indicates pure living, pure knowledge, and a beautiful white woman . The gossip of it is against that, so whoever sees it as if he is separating bread among the people or the weak, if he is a student of knowledge, then he will obtain from knowledge what he needs . And if he was a preacher, those were his preaching and commandments, except that the people who took his charity over him or did not need what he had, then it is a favor on them and good deeds that he receives for their sake, and in that they are luckier because the upper hand is better than the lower hand, and charity is the dirtiest of the people . As for whoever sees a dead person who has given bread to him, it is money or livelihood that comes to him from the hand of someone else, and from a place that he did not leave, and as for whoever sees the bread above the clouds, or on the roofs, or on the tops of the palm trees, then he is boiling, as well as other varieties and foods. The earth is being trampled upon by the feet, for it is a great prosperity that bequeaths mourning and joy . As for whoever saw a dead person who took a loaf for him or saw him fall from him in the fire or in the open or in tar, then look at his condition, if he was a hero or that was in the time of a heresy to which people call, and a sedition in which people thirst, because the loaf loses his religion or corrupts him . And if there was none of that, and there was no evidence in the vision, and he had a sick woman who perished . And if it was weak in debt, it is corrupted . He who wears bread, he will marry a woman who is forbidden ….

…And the heart : the man’s courage, his eminence, his boldness, his solemnity, his generosity, his ruthlessness, his righteousness and corruption refer to the body, because he is the king of the body, and the one who manages it . And leaving the heart out of the abdomen is good in religion and sincerity, and releasing it is a conversion to the truth, and it was said that the heart indicates the woman of the visionary, for she is the organizer of his affairs. If he sees his heart being cut off, if he is sick, he is cured and relieved of his distress ….

…Homes : A man’s house is his hidden wife in the house to which he is staying, and from it it is said that so-and-so entered his house, if he gets married, so he takes it for her because she is in it, and his door is her vagina or her face, and the closet and closet are a virgin as his daughter or stepdaughter because she is veiled, and the man does not live with her . And perhaps he indicated his house to his body as well, the house of service his servant, the store of wheat his mother, who was the reason for him to live with milk for growth and education, and the cenef indicates the servant who made for sweeping and washing, and perhaps he indicated the wife who is alone with her to meet his needs, free of his son and the rest of his family . And looking at a person from the niches of his house indicates that his wife’s vagina was being watched or managed, and he returned to that in terms of deficiency, cultivation, demolition, or repair, he returned to what was attributed to him, such as saying : I saw as if I built a new house in my home, and if he was sick, he would wake up and his body was healthy. Likewise, if there is a patient in his home indicating his goodness, unless it is his habit, he burying the one who died for him in his home, then that will be the grave of the patient in the house, named if it was built in an impossible place, or it was nevertheless painted with white, or it was in The house at that blossom or two winds, or what is indicated by calamities, and if there is no patient, he married if he was single, or his daughter’s husband and brought her in with him if she was old, or he bought a secret according to the extent of the house and its danger . And whoever sees that he is demolishing a new house, he has been struck by them and evil, and whoever builds a house or buys it will suffer a great deal of good, and whoever sees that he is in a new stuccoed unknown house that is separate from the houses, and with that words indicating evil, it is his grave . And whoever saw that he was imprisoned in a house bound and closed with his door, and the house is in the middle of the houses, he will be well and well . And whoever saw that he had endured a house or a mast, he would take the provisions of a woman . If a house or a mast would bear it, a woman would bear his supplies . And the door of the house was a woman, as well as she shrouded it, and whoever saw that he was closing the door married a woman . And the doors open, the gates of livelihood . As for the vestibule, a servant on his hands performs the solution, the contract and the strong matter . And whoever sees that he enters a house and closes his door on himself, he will refrain from disobeying God Almighty, because God Almighty says : “And the doors are closed .” If he saw that he was bound by him, the doors were closed and the house was flat, he would be well and healthy . If he sees that his house is made of gold, a fire hits him in his house, and whoever sees that he is leaving a narrow house, he goes out of them . The house has no roof and the sun or moon has risen, a woman marries there . And whoever sees in his home a spacious house that is not in it, then she is a righteous woman who will add more to that house . If it is plastered or built with bricks, then it is a hypocritical and virulent woman . If there is a swarm under the house, then he is a cunning man . If it is of clay, then it is deceitful in religion . The dark house is a woman of bad character, of bad character, and if the woman sees it, then it is also a man . If he saw that he entered a sprinkled house, they would hit him from a woman as much as wetness and as much mud, then it would be removed and fixed . If he sees that his house is wider than it was, then the good and fertility will expand on him and he will be well received by a woman . And whoever sees that he is engraving a house or adorning it, there will be a dispute and commotion in the house . A bright house is a good guide and good morals for women . The Wall : A man, and perhaps the man’s state of his world is if he sees that he is standing on it, and if he falls from it, he will be removed from his state . If he saw that he had pushed a wall, then he threw it out, then he cast a man out of his rank and destroyed him . And the wall is an abstaining man who has debt, money and destiny, as much as the wall in its width, tightness, and height, and the architecture around it because of it . And whoever sees walls building a list in need of a pitcher, then he is a scholar or imam whose state has gone . If he sees people throwing them, then he has companions throwing his affairs . And whoever sees that he has fallen on a wall or something else, he has committed many sins and hastens his punishment . A crack in a wall, a tree, or a branch is the fate of one of his household, and two are like earrings and two nipples . And whoever sees walls of study, then he is a just imam, his companions and his family went . If he renewed it, they would renew and return to their first state in the country . If he sees that he is attached to a wall, then he is attached to a thin man, and his strength is as much as he can from the wall . And whoever looks at a wall and sees his example in it, he will die and be written on his grave ….

…Ibn Ishaq said : Rabi’a bin Nasr, king of Yemen, was among the fold of kings . Altbabah and saw the vision of his aura and Feza it did not let a priest nor a magician nor Aaiva nor an astrologer from the people of his kingdom , but raised him and said to them , I saw a vision Hltinay and Fezat them and they told me it and Ptooelha , they said to him : Aqssa we let you know Ptooelha , he said : I told you it did not reassure He told you about its interpretation, because he only knew its interpretation before he told him about it , and one of them said to him : If the king wants this, then he should send to me a flat one and he is not one of them who is more knowledgeable of them. They tell him about it . He asked about it , so he sent to them, and he came to him before he cut and said to him : I saw a vision that astonished me and was horrified by it, so he told me about it, because if I hit it, I would interpret it. He said : I do , I saw a lava that came out of darkness , and it fell into the ground of an accusation, and every person ate a skull from it , so the king said to him : What have I missed from it, O Satih, what do you have in its interpretation? He said : I swear by the Ahartin of Hanash to Thbtun land turkey , Vlimlkn between Abyan to Jerash , the king said to him : and my father Facet this to us turd object is hurtful when will , Avi Zamani this or after? He said : even after more than sixty or seventy Laken , Aamadan years , said : Ofedom from their king or cut off? He said : No, but it is cut off for a few seventy years , then they are killed and escaped from it . He said : And who comes after that who kills and expels them? He said : It is followed by Iram bin Dhi Yazan , who comes out of Aden , and he does not leave any of them with the oath . He said : Is that from his authority or is it cut off? He said : No, but it is cut off . He said : Who will cut it? He said : A clever prophet , to whom the revelation comes from the Most High. He said : Who is this Prophet? He said : A man from the son of Ghalib bin Fehr bin Malik bin Nadar , the king will be in his people until the end of the age . He said : Is there another age ? He said : Yes , on which collects Alolon and others , is happy where Improvers , and Ishqy it Abusers , said more deserving of what you tell me? He said : Yes , and twilight and dusk , and fractures if they are consistent . What I have told you is true . Then he presented a slit on him, and he said to him, as he said to Sateh and concealed it, what he said to see: Do they agree or disagree , and he said : Yes , I saw a lava that came out of darkness and fell between a meadow and a heap and every soul ate from it. He said : When he told him that, he knew that they agreed , because their saying is only one That Surface said : You fell on the ground of an accusation, and every body ate from it , and he said part : It fell between a kindergarten and a hill, and every soul ate, so the king said : I made a mistake, O part of it, what do you have in its interpretation? He said : I swear by the Ahartin of the human being , the land Anzln Sudan , Vlegbann on each child Banan , and possess between Abyan to Najran , the king said to him : and my father slit this to us , and when will turd hurtful object? On my time or after? He said : Who is this great matter? He said : A young man who is neither physical nor cities , takes them out of the house of someone who weighs , so he does not leave any of them in Yemen . He said : Is his dominion lasting or cut off? He said : but cut off the sender of the Messenger , comes right and justice , between the people of religion and the credit , be king in his people – to – day chapter , said : What day chapter? He said : a day when rewarded governors , and called it from heaven calls , heard of them living and the dead , in which people gather to Meeqaat , be it for those who fear win and good deeds , he said : deserving of what it says? He said : Yes, Lord of the heavens and the earth , and what is between them of raising and lowering , if what I have foretold you will follow what is in it . Ibn Ishaq said : He fell in the same Rabia ibn Nasr Maqla Fjhz his sons , and insulted his home to Iraq , including fix them and wrote them to the king of the kings of Persia told him Sabor bin Khrzad Vosknhm confusion , it is the rest of the born Rabia ibn Nasr al – Nu’man ibn al – Mundhir , he is from Yemen ratios and knowledge Numan Ibn Al-Mundhir Ibn Al-Nu`man Ibn Al-Mundhir Ibn Amr Ibn Uday Ibn Rabi`ah Ibn Nasr That king . Ibn Hisham said : An- Nu’man ibn al-Mundhir ibn al-Mundhir in which he told me Khalaf al-Ahmar . This story Ibn Hisham was mentioned in the biography and Ibn Jarir in its history and Obongam Asbahani in signs of prophecy and the son of many at the beginning and the end , all of them from the son of Isaac and increased by Ibn Jarir in the novel to him from Ibn Ishaq said : When Facet construction of Rabia Nasr said bin so making Rabia , his son and his family He did not make gold. He mentioned that in the Arabs and they spoke about it until he mentioned it and knew it in them . When Abyssinia came to Yemen, and the matter that they were talking about took place from the command of the priests . Al- Ashah said : I’sa bin Qais bin Tha’labah al-Bakri in some of what he says and he mentions what happened from the matter of those two priests Flat and prickly she looked with lips, as her look really, as the wolf said when he shrieked ….

…A cyst is in a dream the human body . So whoever sees it empty is evidence of the death of the owner of the bag . And whoever sees a bag in the middle of it, he has a lot of knowledge that he acquired during his lifetime, and if there are dirhams in it, then the knowledge is correct . And it was said : The bag is its owner’s secret, for he breaks what is in it and the secret appears . And whoever sees that his bag has ruptured, the bag is his body and money is his soul, this indicates his death . And whoever sees earth in his bag, which is the cycle of wood, this indicates his death, just as the jinn indicated the death of Solomon, peace be upon him, when his stick was cut down . Perhaps the sack pointed to its owner Fouad . See also Justice ….

…The dome : without al-Fustat, and al-Khakhba without the dome . And whoever thinks of the Sultan that he is leaving some of these things mentioned, indicates that he is leaving some of his authority . If he lost his power or lost his life . Perhaps the dome was a woman . It says that hitting a dome if it was built with its own family, and the principle of that is that the one inside with his family used to hit a dome on it the night he entered it, and everyone inside his family was told that he is with his family . Omar and bin Muadi Karb said . Didn’t the Yemeni lightning stop him … waving like a pan lamp…

…The sea indicates the sea in a dream about a powerful, formidable and fearless king, just Shafiq, whom people need, and the sea is for the merchant his luggage and the wage earner is his teacher . And perhaps indicated by purity from impurity, faith to the infidel, and repentance to the sinner . It indicates the oath, and that God Almighty has sworn to the sea, so he said : ( And the sea that is barred, the punishment of your Lord is a reality ). The sea may refer to the father and the mother, and it may refer to the man and the woman who have bad morals, and those who have intrigues and irritants . Perhaps it indicated prison to imprison the animal there, and perhaps it indicated the industry that has no boundaries and the city that has no walls . And his vision indicates leaving groups . If the sea increased in a dream a good increase, and the people needed rain, it would rain . And if a person sees the sea bursting with its waves crashing, then on his journey he will have fear and distress . He who wanders in the sea will reside on sins, and perhaps the sea indicates the world and its conditions and wonders . Demonstrate purity from impurity, faith to the unbeliever, and repentance to the sinner . It indicates the oath, and that God Almighty has sworn to the sea, so he said : ( And the sea that is barred, the punishment of your Lord is a reality ). The sea may refer to the father and the mother, and it may refer to the man and the woman who have bad morals, and those who have intrigues and irritants . Perhaps it indicated prison to imprison the animal there, and perhaps it indicated the industry that has no limits and the city that has no walls . And his vision indicates leaving groups . If the sea increased in a dream a good increase, and the people needed rain, it would rain . And if a person sees the sea bursting with its waves crashing, then on his journey he will have fear and distress . He who wanders in the sea will reside on sins, and perhaps the sea indicates the world and its conditions and wonders ….

Seeing Al-Madaen whoever sees that he is in an unknown city and does not know it, then this is a sign of the righteous, and he may have received what he asked. If it is known and its wakefulness has entered it, it must be returned to it. Perhaps it was safe from fear. It is better than the one without a fence, and some of them said I like entering cities and hate leaving them, and whoever sees that he is leaving a city, he is afraid

…The names of horses are the horses, one of which is the horse, the mare, the horse and the foal, and among them are the kaddish, the berth, and the stone . Whoever sees a horse with him in a dream indicates the breadth of his livelihood, and his victory over his enemies . If he saw that he was riding on a horse, and he was suitable for riding a horse, he received honor and money, and perhaps he befriended a man as a horse, and perhaps he traveled and that travel is derived from the Persians . If a horse was shielded from its enemy, and if it was a dowry, a beautiful boy was given, and if he was a barzone he lived neither rich nor poor, and if he was a stone he married, if he was a single wife with money and offspring, and the original is honorable to the non-purebred . Perhaps the Persians indicated the abode of construction . And the meteors are glorified and triumph over the enemies because they are among the horses of the angels, and the most important are worries, and the blond, veiled is knowledge, piety and religion, and whoever rides a dead person may drink wine because it is one of their names . And whoever rides a boat to someone else who has reached his status or the work of his year, especially if he is a well-known boat and is suitable for his rider . And the stone is his wife. Or, apply to the size of the second compound . And if he passed away when he was coming down, he was alienating her, walking, or wilting in the event that he came down on the ground with blood, then he is engaged in adultery with her . The stone denotes the knot of money and yields, and the demolished stone is a religious woman who is rich in reputation and remembrance . And the meeting woman is famous for beauty and money . And the blonde with joy and activity . And the meteor has a debt, and whoever sees that he rode it without a saddle or a bridle, he marries a woman without infallibility, and the bald eagles of the paradise and the mare of authority . The blond is a war, and whoever sees a saddled horse without riders, they are women who gather for a funeral or a wedding . A Persian in a dream is a man or a child of a knight, a merchant, or a worker who has a knight in his work and trade . And the mare is a partner, so whoever sees that he has a horse who died in his home is the man’s destruction . If he sees that he is a rider on a mare that lures a mujahid, and walks on him slowly in clothes suitable for riding, then he strikes honor, power, authority and chivalry among people, and the enemies do not reach him badly, and if he is a merchant, then he is a trustworthy and he is in a comfortable life . If he is Adham, then he is the greatest of fate and honor, because he is money, authority and stewardship . If it is dead, then it is more in entertainment and rapture, and more in fighting and bloodshed . And whoever sees that he has sold his horse, then he will leave his job by his own choosing . And whoever sees that he slaughters his horse and does not want to eat his meat, then he spoils his livelihood from authority . And whoever sees that an unknown mare enters a land or a house that does not know his owner, then an honest man enters that place, who has danger in people as much as the danger of the mare . And whoever sees that the unknown mare is leaving his position, he is leaving an old man with death or travel . And whoever sees that cavalry run around in the round, and also enter a land or a camp, it will be rain and torrential rains that hit that place . And whoever sees that he is a companion to a well-known man, then he will reach that man to what is required of a religious or worldly matter, or that man will have a follower, partner, or successor after him . If he is an unknown man, then he is an enemy after all . And whoever sees that a horse has trampled or walked on it, then he is isolated from his authority or his work, or he gets something wrong and humiliated, and people bite him with their tongues . And whoever rides a wheelbarrow, or owned it, or bought it, and was a single woman, married an honorable, blessed woman, if she had a dowry, then a son would be hit from her . If the man is married, or someone who is not waiting to marry, then he strikes a village or an estate, which will benefit him in his livelihood . And whoever sees that his wheel is dead, stolen or lost, then that event is with his wife . And whoever sees that his blessing is a result, he will generate his livelihood and increase his money . And whoever sees that he is drinking the milk of the raccoon, the Sultan will bring it closer to himself and obtain good from him . And whoever sees his horse’s hair a lot, his wealth and his children will increase, and if he is a ruler, his army will increase . A eunuch denotes a servant . And the bear without a shackle is an adulterous woman, because she walked however she wanted . And the postal horse is close to those who rode it in a dream . Weakness of the mare may indicate weakness of prestige ….

…Departure If you dream that you are leaving with your friends and companions, then this means minor problems and disputes in your life . If you dream that you are leaving with your enemies, this means success in terms of work and emotion ….

…And whoever sees that his ring is broken or fallen and is gone, then that translates into five ways of leaving his money, leaving his wife, approaching his life, the death of his son, and going in front of him, and if the woman sees that, then it is his counterpart, but the death of the people closest to her increases in that to the woman ….

…In a dream, it is indicative of returning deposits, or salvation of the patient from his illness, or the prisoner from his prison, and perhaps this indicates meeting with the absent . And death in a dream is a deficiency in religion, corruption in it, and a height in the world if it is accompanied by crying and screaming as long as it is not buried in the dirt, and if it is buried it does not hope Salah . And whoever saw that he died and there was no dead body, this indicates the demolition of a house from his home, and it was said : Rather, that is blind in his vision and long in his life . And it was said : Death is a journey or poverty . It was said : Death is absolutely marriage, because the dead person needs perfume and washing like a married one . And whoever sees that he died and is pregnant and not buried, he will defeat his enemies . And whoever sees that he lived after his death, he will be made rich after his poverty or repent of his sin . And whoever is dead told him that he has not died, he is in the shrine of martyrs . And whoever sees the dead person is sick, he is responsible for his religion . If the people of the graves go out and eat all the people’s food, then the price of the food goes up . What the dead person tells about himself or someone else in a dream is true and truthful . And whoever sees a dead person in good shape while laughing, this is so . And whoever sees that he prays for the dead, he preaches to a heartless man . And whoever sees that he is walking on the track of a dead, he should follow his path . And whoever saw that the imam died, the country would be ruined, and vice versa . Death is remorse from a great sin . And whoever sees that he died while naked, then he will be poor, and if he is on a rug, the world will be simplified for him . And whoever sees that his son has died, he will be saved from his enemy . And whoever saw that he had died and was buried, then a slave indicated that he had been freed, and if he was not married, he indicated that he had married, and if the patient saw that he had married, he would die . And death is a good guide for those who are afraid or sad, and the death of brothers indicates the death of the enemies . And whoever sees that he is among a people of the dead, then he is among a people of hypocrisy . And whoever sees that he accompanies a dead person, he will travel far away . And whoever sees that he is in the bath, his command will be exalted, and he will be saved from sins, worries and debts . And whoever sees a dead person that he is alive, he will live for him a dead matter . If he sees the dead person busy or tired, then that distracts him with what he is in, and if he is sick, he is responsible for his debt . And if he saw that his face was blackened, then he died on disbelief . And whoever sees that he has resurrected the dead, a Jew or Christian, or a heresy, greets them on his hands . If he sees that he brings the dead to life, then he is guiding a lost people . And whoever is seen alive gives the dead something that may be eaten or drunk, so it is harm that befalls him in his money . If he sees the dead person and gives him food, he will gain an honorable livelihood . If he sees that the dead person has taken his hand, then money will fall into his possession from a hopeless side . Talking with the dead is a long life, and taking from the dead is provision . And whoever sees that he speaks to the dead, then there will be denial between him and the people . And whoever sees that he accepts a well-known dead, he benefits from the deceased with knowledge or money he left behind . And it was said : Whoever sees that he receives a dead person and the person of the vision is sick, then it indicates his death . And whoever sees that he marries a dead woman and sees that she is alive, then the living will die . And whoever sees that the dead person gives him his worn or dirty shirt, then he will be poor . And whoever sees that the dead is struck alive, the living has brought corruption into his religion . And whoever sees a dead person beating him, he will get better from traveling . And whoever sees a dead person asleep, his sleep will rest in the Hereafter . And if he sees a living person sleeping with a dead person, his life will be long . And whoever sees that he is alive among the dead, he travels far away and corrupts his religion, and if he sees that he is with the dead while he is alive, then he mixes with people in their religion, corruption . And whoever sees the deceased among the infidels wearing old clothes, then he will be in poor condition in the Hereafter . And whoever sees a dead person and tells him that he never dies, then he is in the shrine of martyrs and he is blessed in the Hereafter . And whoever sees that his mother dies, then his world goes away and spoils his condition . And whoever sees that his brother has died and is ill, then he is his death . And whoever sees that his wife dies, his industry in which his livelihood becomes depleted . And whoever sees that he prays for the dead, he will intercede for a corrupt man . And whoever sees that a dead person drowns in a sea, then he is drowning in sins . And whoever saw that the dead came out of their graves, those in prison would be released . Perhaps death suddenly indicated the speed of wealth for the poor . The death of the prophets, peace be upon them, in a dream is a weakness in religion, and their lives are the opposite . Perhaps the death of the scientist indicated the emergence of a heresy in religion, the death of parents in short supply, the death of the wife is a world leaving, and the death of the child a male interruption . And the dead’s prayers for the dead are invalid acts . Seeing the dead polytheists in a dream are enemies ….

…The struggle of the sun goes out against the king, and the diminution of the sun’s rays will degrade the king’s prestige . If he sees the sun split in two halves, then half of it remains and the other is gone, then it comes out to the king outside, and if the remaining half follows the golden half and joins and returns to a healthy sun, then the outside takes the whole country, and if the going half returns to the remaining half and the sun returns as it used to be his king returned to him and he won the outside . If each of the two halves becomes the Sun on his own, then the outside possesses what is with the king from the king, and becomes his counterpart, and takes half of his kingdom . If he sees the sun fall, it is calamity for the values ​​of the earth or for the parents . If he saw as if the sun had risen in a house and lit up the whole house, the people of the house would have glory, dignity and sustenance . And whoever saw that he had swallowed the sun, he would live in a heavy life . If he saw that, the king would die . And whoever is hit by sunlight, God will give him great treasure and money . And whoever sees the sun descended on his bed, he will get sick and inflamed his body . If he sees as if he is doing good to him, he indicates fertility and left, and indicates in many people the health . And whoever the sun takes something from him or gives him something, it is not Mahmoud . One of the indications of good deeds is that a person sees the sun in its normal form and habit, and an increase or decrease in it may be harmful . And whoever finds the heat of the sun and takes refuge in the shade, he will be saved from grief . And whoever finds cold in the shade and sits in the sun, his poverty is gone, because the cold is poverty . And whoever is able to see the sun when it is black and muddled, the king is obliged to him in any matter . And it was narrated that the judge of Homs saw as if the sun and the moon were killed, and the planets separated, so it was split with the sun, and it was split with the moon . He recounted his visions on Omar bin Al-Khattab, may God be pleased with him . He said to him : Which one were you with? He said : With the moon . Umar read : “ So we erased the verse of the night and made us see the verse of the day .” And he diverted him from the work of Homs, so he ruled that he went with Muawiya to two rows, and he was killed . And whoever sees the sun, moon, and stars gathered in one place and their king, and they have light and rays, then the saying is acceptable to the king, the minister and the presidents . If it is not light, then there is no good in it for the visionary . If he sees the sun and moon looking down on him, his parents are satisfied with him . If they do not have a ray, they are angry with him . If he sees a sun and a moon on his right and left, in front of him or behind him, then he will be afflicted with fear or calamity and defeat, and he is forced to flee with it, because God Almighty says : “And the sun and the moon have gathered together, and the person shall say that which is the day of escape .” And the blackness of the sun, moon and stars and their rotation, change the blessings in this world . And a solar eclipse, happened with the king . And whoever sees clouds covering the sun until its light is gone, the king will get sick . If he sees it not moving in the clouds or coming out of it, then the king will die, and the sun may have been a scientist who knows how the clouds evacuated, then sadness will evacuate from him . Moon : Originally the minister of the greatest king, or a sultan without the greatest king, and the stars around him are soldiers . And his homes and dwellings, or his wives and maidservants . And perhaps he indicates the scholar and the jurist and all the evidence that he guides, because he is guided in the darkness and shines in the public . It indicates the boy, the husband and the master, and the wife and son, for his beauty and light, likening him to the beauty of women and men, so it is said as if the full moon was as if it were a lunar moon . Then his accidents are interpreted and practiced as similar to what was previously mentioned in the sun, and it may indicate an increase or decrease, because it increases and decreases, such as money, works and bodies, along with the previous pronouncement of traffic, such as a patient who sees at the beginning of the month has descended on him or brought him to him, then he will wake up from his problem He is spared from his illness . And if it is a month short, then its age is gone, and its deadline approaches the amount left of the month, it may be days, and it may be a collection, months, or years, with evidence added to that in a dream or in waking life . If he descends at the beginning of the month, or if he appears absent from his place, he has left his place and has come from his journey . And if that was at the end of the month, after traveling and leaving his homeland . And whoever sees him with him or in his lap or in his hand, he will marry a husband according to his light and light, whether he is a man or a woman . Aisha, may God be pleased with her, saw three moons that fell in her room. She recounted her vision to her father, may God be pleased with him, and said to her : If your vision is true, three are buried in your room, they are the best of the people of the earth ….

…What is the ruling on those who lie in the vision? A stern warning to those who lie came in a dream, holding Bukhari in his Saheeh door : lied in his dream, and a leg in which recent examples : First : the hadeeth of Ibn Abbas that the Prophet peace be upon him said : (( from the dream of a dream not seen assigned to take place between Sairtin and will not do , and listened to an interview with the people they have grudgingly or fleeing from him pouring into his ear Alank the day of Resurrection, and images image tortured and commissioned to blow it and not Bnafaj )) Narrated by Ahmad and Women from the novel Qatada , may Allah be pleased with him and came in another report from Abu Hurayrah : (( Who has lied about his visions )). The second : the hadith of Ibn Umar that the Messenger of God, peace and blessings be upon him, said : ((It is the most unfortunate of the furry that his eyes see what he did not see )) , and in the narration : (( what he did not see )) and the meaning : the furry is the greatest of lies, and the blame The Great Lie . And what it means : He who dreamed, that is, who was assigned this dream . And you notice from the two hadiths the severity of the torment of the liar in the dream. The reason for this is explained to us by Imam al-Tabari, who said : The warning has only intensified, although lying while awake may be more corrupt than it. As it may be testimony in killing, hudud, or taking money; Because lying in a dream lied to God that I see what has not seen, and lying to God more than lying on the creatures of the verse : { It is more unjust than he who invents a lie against Allah those offering to the Lord and say aloud those who lied to their Lord , not God’s curse on the oppressors } [ Hood : 18] Rather, lying in a dream was a lie to God because of the hadith : ((The vision is part of the prophethood )) , and what was part of the prophethood is from God, and I return to the word : (the ank ) ; And now that you are dissolved lead, it is poured into his ear because the reward is the same as the work, and here I have no luck that the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, in the hadith said : ((He who dreams of a dream )) and called it a dream and did not name him a vision because he claimed that he saw and did not see anything, so he was a liar and a lie. He is from Satan, and the Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said, “Pass by us : (The dream is from Satan )) , and whatever is from Satan is not true . Here , no luck similarity penalty photographer namely : (( Vlakhalqgua pill or create ritual …)) talk, punishment , which is lying in the dream which is : [ to be held between Sairtin ] and the meaning of the contract between the Alsairtin : to spin to each other, and this is usually impossible, and the similarity Here between the photographer and the liar in his dream : that the vision was created from the creation of God and it is a moral image, so he entered in his lie an image that did not occur, just as the photographer introduced into existence an image that is not a reality, because the true image is the one in which the soul is, so the owner of the gentle image – the dreamer – assigned something nice and it is The connection expressed by the contract between the two barley, and he assigned the owner of the dense image – the photographer – a severe matter, which is to complete what he created by his claim by blowing the soul, and he signed and promised each of them that he would be tortured until he did what he was entrusted with while he was not a doer, it is a metaphor for the torture of each of them always, Except that God have mercy on them, and this emphasis on the liar in his dream because he lied about the gender of prophethood, and the photographer disputed the Creator in his power…

…Al-Sarar: Whoever saw a man in a dream walked with a prince on his way, then that prince dies, and his path to him will destroy his soul because it happened to the owner of the throwing of the same pillar when he came to it, the king of death came to him in the form of a man who spoiled him and seized his soul ….

…** The vision of Khuzaymah bin Thabit on the authority of Umarah bin Khuzaymah bin Thabit that his father said : I saw in a dream that I was prostrating on the forehead of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, so I informed the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, and he said : ( The soul received the soul and convinced the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace. His head was like this, so he placed his forehead on the forehead of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace ….