…Thirst If you are thirsty in a dream, it predicts that you aspire to achieve things that are beyond your current capabilities . But if extinguishing your thirst with honor is possible, you will be able to fulfill your desires . If you see others thirsty and drinking to quench their thirst, then this means that you will get a lot of benefits from rich people ….
Dreaming about thirst
(23 interpretations and meanings of dreams about thirst)…Thirst is in a dream corruption in religion . And whoever sees that he is thirsty, and wants to drink from a river and does not drink, he will be saved from them . And whoever sees that he wants to drink and is not able to, this indicates that he is not attaining the need that he hopes . Thirst is indicative of the morals of the people of sedition . And whoever thinks that he is thirsty, he needs to get married . See also Thirst ….
…Thirst : In interpretation, it is an imbalance in religion. Whoever sees that he is thirsty and wants to drink from a river but does not drink, then he comes out of sadness because God Almighty said in the story of Taloot : “ God curses you with a river, so whoever drinks of it is not of me, and whoever is not of him .” Some of them said : Whoever wanted to drink but did not drink, did not gain his need, and from drinking cold water, he acquired permissible money . And if he sees that he is flowing from water, he indicates the correctness of his religion, his integrity, and his righteousness in it ….
…Thirst is in a dream indicative of the cessation of the state of people with children, real estate and agriculture . And perhaps it indicates poverty and the cessation of the state of earners and longing for the absent ….
…Abu Sa’eed said the preacher ‘s vision thirst devolve on the occurrence of an imbalance in religion and if thirsty and wanted to drink from the river did not drink it , it comes out of the sorrow of the verse ~ It did not feed it to me ~ and the irrigation it is better and grace unless it gets him Popping for one member ….
As for hunger, whoever thinks that he is hungry is guilty, and some of them said that hunger indicates eagerness. As for satiety, whoever sees that he is full, he is dispensing with people, but he is negligent in the matter of his religion. As for thirst, it indicates fatigue, hardship and corruption in religion and the world and perhaps he needs marriage and irrigation is better And a blessing and abundance, and some of them said that whoever saw that he was drinking cold water, then it is permissible to hit money, drinking from all kinds of water, and drinking from the seas, rivers, springs and wells, all of which are detailed in its chapter
…Al-Kirmani said: “Whoever sees that he is thirsty, he asks for something and does not realize it, so that the matter is not at all because the Almighty said, “ The thirsty will count him as water, ”and perhaps he needs marriage ….
…Hunger in a dream is indicative of mourning, fear, disbelief and misery . Hunger is the go of money, and eagerness to seek sustenance, craft and the world . And it was said : He who sees that he is hungry will have good and be careful . Some of them said : Hunger is better than satiety, and thirst is better than irrigation . And whoever sees that he has been hungry for a long time will receive a blessing after poverty . The hungry gets as much money as hunger . Hunger indicates the company of those who have no good, and the ascetic to fasting, and indicates the high price and poverty . Perhaps Del hunger piety and remembrance and thanksgiving and saw that he is hungry in the winter hit Mkhmsh ….
…Oysters If you dreamed that you ate oysters, this foretells that you will lose all sense of moral or scrupulous in your pursuit of your cheap pleasures and indulging in your intense thirst for profit and wealth . If you dreamed that you sold oysters, this foretells that you will rush with all your energies to win love or wealth . If you dreamed that you saw oysters, then this foretells good days, a sweet life, and many good children ….
…The vision of Al-Mobtan on the authority of Makhzum bin Hani Al-Makhzoumi on the authority of his father – and a hundred and fifty years have passed over him – he said : When the night on which the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, was born, a fractured iwan shook and fourteen balcony fell from it, and the fire of Persia was extinguished and did not quench a thousand years before that , and the lake descended. Saveh , and opinion Mobman Ebla difficulties leading the horses godfather was cut off the Tigris and spread in her country , when he became fractional horrified what opinion Vsber should encourage , and then view that does not conceal it from his ministers and Mrasbeth He put his crown and sat on his bed and putting them to him when they met him told them on him that sent them in it and invited them And while they are like that, when a book was mentioned to him in the dying out of the fire , he increased from his distress , and the apostates said : And I reformed God the king , I saw on this night – and told him the vision in camels – then he said : What is this Yamauban and he knew to himself about that – then he said : Accident It is from the Arabs , so he wrote at that : He who broke the king of kings to Nu’man ibn al-Mundhir , but after he directed to a man who knew what he wanted to ask him about , and he directed to him Abd al-Masih bin Amr bin Hayyan bin Baqila al-Ghassani. When he came to him, he said to him : Do you know what I want to ask you about it? He said : Let the king tell me if I have knowledge of him Otherwise, I told him who he knows . They tell you what the opinion , he said : aware of it for free I lived the outskirts of al – Sham said to him Facet , said : death ask him what I asked him and I missed his answer , he rode Abdul Christ camel even presented on Facet has overseen the death and greeted him and life did not Ihr Facet Gowaya he created Abdul Christ He says a deaf mother who hears the gathers of Yemen and mentioned seven verses of poetry . When Satih heard his hair, he raised his head and said : The servant of Christ on a camel falling to the roof and he has fulfilled the tomb. The valley of Ashawah and the lake of Sawa overflowed, and the fire of Persia was extinguished, so the Levant is not for the surface of Shama, from whom there are kings and queens according to the number of balconies and all that is coming. Then Satih spent his place, so Abd al-Masih went on a journey and he said – and he mentioned to him seven verses of poetry. When Abd al-Masih came to Kashri, I was told by saying Suatih said until he had fourteen kings among us, which were matters and matters. Ten of them ruled over four years, and the rest to the succession of Othman bin Affan – may God be pleased with him – and from the vision that took place what was ordered by Abdul-Muttalib bin Hashem, the grandfather of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, who dug Zamzam after Anders its location and pardoned its effect. Ibn Ishaq told me Yazid bin Abi Habib al-Masri, on the authority of Murthad bin Abdullah al-Yazni, on the authority of Abdullah bin Zaryer al-Ghafiqi, that he heard about Ibn Abi Talib – may God be pleased with him – the hadith of Zamzam occurs when he ordered Abdul Muttalib to dig it, so Abd al-Muttalib said that I sleep in When the stone came to me, he said : I dig good. He said : I said, What good? He said : Then he departed from me. When the next day I returned to my bed and slept in it, he came to me and said : Dig a well . He said : So I said : It is not right . He said : Then he left . When tomorrow was the day, I returned to my bed and slept in it , so he came to me and said : Dig the crazy , he said : So I said : What is the one who is insane? He said : Then he left me . When the next day I returned to my bed and slept in it, he came to me and said : Dig Zamzam , he said : I said : What is Zamzam? He said : Never bleed or mourn , the greatest pilgrims are watered , and it is between the grain and the blood , at the pit of the mighty crow , at the village of ants . Ibn Ishaq said : When between him that indicated by the place and knew that he had ratified tomorrow Bmaolh and his son Harith bin Abdul Muttalib not him that day was born other haf when he appeared to Abdul great demand folding Quraish knew that as he realized his need and they to him and they said : O Abdul Muttalib it well Our father Ishmael, and that we have a right in it . So we were with you in it . He said : I am not doing this matter. This matter was assigned to it without you and I gave it from among you . So they said to him, so do we do justice to him , for I do not leave you until we quarrel with you about it . He said : So make between me and you who you want, I judge you to him , they said : Priestess Bani Saad bin Hudhaim? He said : Yes , he said : And it was under the supervision of the Levant, so Abd al-Muttalib rode with a group of his father’s sons from Bani Abd Manaf and rode from every tribe from the Quraysh of Nafar. He said : And the land, then , is a contingent . He said : So they went out even if there were some of these shifts between the Hijaz and the Levant. The Muttalib and his companions were thirsty until they became certain of the death, so they sought from the Quraysh tribes with them, and they refused and said : We are in a metaphor and we fear for ourselves like what happened to you . When Abdul Muttalib saw what the people did and what he fears for himself and his companions, he said : What do you see? They said : We have seen nothing but follow your opinion, so we went through what you want . He said : I see that every man of you dig it for himself when you now have much strength. Whenever a man dies, his companions push him into his pit and then show him until the last of you is one man, the scandal of one man , a captive of a village he rode all together . They said : Yes, what I ordered . So each one of them arose, dug it, and then sat waiting for death of thirst . Moreover, Abd al-Muttalib said to his companions : By God, if we throw us into our hands, so is death. We do not strike on the ground and do not seek for ourselves due to powerlessness. Hopefully God will provide us with water in some countries. emitted by the burst of Takht Khvha was appointed fresh water magnify Abdul Muttalib and the size of his companions then came down and drank and drank his companions and drew even filled Osagathm then called the tribes of Quraish said : Come to the water God has given us to drink Vacherboa and Astqgua they came Fsharbwa and Astqgua then said : may God spent you to us , O Abdul Muttalib, by God, we never quarrel with you in Zamzam . The water which is given you to drink this in this wilderness , which is a given you to drink Zamzam refer to Sagaatk adult , and he came back and returned with him and did not reach the priestess and passed away between him and them . Ibn Ishaq said : This is the one who reached me from the hadith of Ali bin Abi Talib – may God be pleased with him – in Zamzam . In the novel Bayhaqi context is the context in which the foregoing and in which he said : haf even entrusted water Fajrgaha in the decision and then Tbhrha do not even bleed and then he built a swimming Vtefq he and his son Bntzaaan . They fill this basin this results in him Haj Vixrh people separately from the Quraish night Faisalha Abdul Muttalib when it becomes , when he ate his corruption called Abdul Muttalib Rabbo Vari in a dream that was said to him : Say : O Allah , I do not solve it for bather but is Sharp solution Lobel , then Kvihm , so he Abdul Muttalib when Quraish disagreed in the mosque cried with him that I then spend did not spoil his pelvis by one of the Quraish Except throwing a disease in his body until they left his pelvis and watering ….
…Al-Kamakh, Al-Sahna, and Mustard are understood : and whoever saw that it was spread with a saw, it struck a son, brother or sister . Hunger is better than satiety, watering is better than thirst, poverty is better than wealth, and crying is better than laughter but with a smile . Whoever sees that he is wronged, then he is better than seeing that he is unjust . And whoever sees that he possesses the wind, he will strike a great authority, as well as birds and jinn, and whoever sees that he is suspended by a rope from heaven to earth, and I have authority as much as he is above the earth . If he is cut off from him, that authority will disappear from him ….
…Satiety is pampering in a dream . So whoever sees that he is full, then his affairs change and fall from his condition in this world or his death . Satiety in a dream is to collect a pension, and the return of money . Some of them said : Hunger is better than satiety and watering is better than thirst ….
…Abu Saeed, the preacher, said satiety indicates pension and promises of money, and as for thirst, it indicates fatigue, hardship and corruption in religion and the world ….
…Hunger : it is money and eagerness to seek a pension . Satiety : collecting a pension and promises money . Eating : differs in its conditions . Some of them said hunger is better than satiety, and watering is better than thirst . And it was said that he who saw that he was hungry would be well, and be careful . And whoever sees that someone else invites him to lunch, his visions indicate a travel not far away, because God Almighty says : ~ We have seen from our journey this a rite .~ If he invites him to eat halfway through the day, he will be rested from fatigue . If he invites him to dinner, he is deceiving a man and deceiving him before he himself deceives him . And whoever sees that he has eaten food and has joined, he will strive to pursue his craft . And whoever sees that he ate the flesh of himself, he eats from the stored money and his treasures . If he eats the meat of someone else, then if he eats it raw he or one of his relatives will backbite him, and if he eats it cooked or grilled, then he eats someone else’s capital . If he sees as if he is biting the flesh of himself, cutting it and throwing it to the ground, then he is a man for a maz . And the woman eats the flesh of the woman who is oppressive or oppressive . And a woman eating the flesh of herself is evidence that she is fornication and consumes the hard work of her vagina . Eating a man’s flesh in interpretation is like eating a woman’s flesh, and eating a young man’s meat is stronger in interpretation than eating the flesh of the sheikh . If he sees that he is eating the flesh of his own tongue, he will gain a benefit from his tongue, and perhaps this vision indicates that its owner is accustomed to silence, restraining anger and melancholy ….
…Theft, theft, in a dream, indicates fornication and usury . If the thief is known, then he benefits from what was stolen from him as a science, craft, or word to benefit from . If he sees an unknown thief entering his house and stealing his thirst, his wife dies . And it was said : theft is commendable, and it is a good guide except for those who want to be deceived . And whoever saw that he was spying or stealing, thieves would be afraid of him . And whoever sees that he is stealing, he commits adultery or lies, because the adulterer disappears as the thief disappears ….
…The abdomen : He who is visible and from the inside, he is a mother, a boy, or a relative of his clan . If he sees that he is tender in the stomach and nothing detracts from his character, then his wealth or his son will be less if his emptiness is without hunger . And if he sees that he is hungry, then he will be anxious and hungry, and he will strike money according to the amount and strength of hunger . Satisfaction is his pleasure, thirst is bad in his religion, and irrigation is good in his religion . The stomach also indicates the store of a person and the location of his yields, for the combination of his food in it and his disposal of it for interests and expenses . Perhaps his stomach was his home or his home, his wife’s roundabout, his son’s liver, his father’s heart, his servant’s and daughter’s lungs, his paw his sack or his shop or his store, and his throat was his life, his nerve and his gang ….
…Al-Baker : The owner of words and riots in his livelihood, and every workmanship that is touched by fire is talk and quarrel . And it was said that the baker Sultan Adel, whoever saw in his dream that he was a baker, was blessed with goodness, fertility and wealth, if he saw as if he was baking an apostrophe, he would have a good life and he showed people a way in which they benefit from wealth and wealth . If he sees as if he bought bread from a baker without seeing the price, then he is afflicted with a good life in pleasure, and a donation for granted . If he sees as if the baker took a price from him, then he is talking about need . And whoever sees himself as a baker baking and selling bread in common people with broken dirhams, then he brings people together in corruption, and the baker and if people say that he is a just authority, then he has a bad morals, because fire is the origin of his work, and fire is a malicious power, and it is kindled with firewood . As for bread : it indicates knowledge and Islam, because it is the pillar of religion, the foundation of the soul, and the life of the soul . Perhaps it indicates life and money that contains the strength of the soul, and perhaps the loaf indicates the Book, the Sunnah, and the knot of money on the destiny of people, and perhaps the loaf indicates the mother who nurtures and nurtures, and the wife with whom is the goodness of religion and the preservation of one . And pure of it indicates pure living, pure knowledge, and a beautiful white woman . The gossip of it is against that, so whoever sees it as if he is separating bread among the people or the weak, if he is a student of knowledge, then he will obtain from knowledge what he needs . And if he was a preacher, those were his preaching and commandments, except that the people who took his charity over him or did not need what he had, then it is a favor on them and good deeds that he receives for their sake, and in that they are luckier because the upper hand is better than the lower hand, and charity is the dirtiest of the people . As for whoever sees a dead person who has given bread to him, it is money or livelihood that comes to him from the hand of someone else, and from a place that he did not leave, and as for whoever sees the bread above the clouds, or on the roofs, or on the tops of the palm trees, then he is boiling, as well as other varieties and foods. The earth is being trampled upon by the feet, for it is a great prosperity that bequeaths mourning and joy . As for whoever saw a dead person who took a loaf for him or saw him fall from him in the fire or in the open or in tar, then look at his condition, if he was a hero or that was in the time of a heresy to which people call, and a sedition in which people thirst, because the loaf loses his religion or corrupts him . And if there was none of that, and there was no evidence in the vision, and he had a sick woman who perished . And if it was weak in debt, it is corrupted . He who wears bread, he will marry a woman who is forbidden ….
…As for body hair : planting it for a man bore his wife . The abundance of body hair for the afflicted increases his distress, and his loss is the remission of his distress . And the abundance of body hair for the happy, the increase of pleasure and richness, and his loss the riches go . Increase the body hair for the rich is money, and the poor have a debt . And whoever is rich in an oven, his money is spent by stealing . And if he was poor, then he should spend his debt seriously, exhausted and demanding . If he sees his body hair white, then if he is rich, you lose his money, and he will oversee the death . And if he is poor, then it is a debt that he can pay off . As for the impossibility of his body hair, the hair of a beast or seven, this indicates his fall in adversity . Narrow chest delusion . If my dhimmi saw that his chest was tight, he would suffer a loss of his money . It was said that man’s chest is generosity, and his narrowness with his miserliness . The abundance of hair on the chest is a debt that he rides, and if he sees his chest turning into a stone, then he will be hard-hearted . Ibn Sirin came, a man said : I saw a lot of hair growing in my chest, and I was knotted . He said : I made a trust and I paid it . And the chest capacity also indicates the flag . As for the breasts, the man’s woman and his daughter, for his beauty is her beauty, and his corruption is her corruption . Whoever saw a woman hung by her breast, then she committed fornication and gave birth to a child of adultery, because the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said: “On the night of my captivity, I saw a woman hung by her breast, so I said, O Gabriel, who is this? He said that she was born from adultery . And it was narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw as if I had a great breast that had reached the forest, that you are committing adultery with a prohibited one . This is because the breast is from it and from its skin, and that is forbidden . Rather, the righteousness of this vision is a forbidden marriage . And it was said that if a man saw milk in his breasts, if he was celibate, he would marry and give birth to him, and if he was righteous, he indicated to his left, and if he was a young man, he indicated his longevity . As for the young woman, if she sees this, it indicates her pregnancy and childbirth, and as for the old woman, if she sees it, it indicates her poverty and the loss of her money, for a virgin if she sees it indicates her wedding, and the young woman if she sees it indicates her death . And the length of the man’s breast until they hit his chest, is evidence of a whim that is not satisfied by God Almighty, and it was said that it is evidence of a children’s voice . If he did not have a son, it indicates poverty and sadness . And the length of the woman’s breast is beyond the limit, evidence of the purpose of sadness . If women were afflicted with grief, they would pull and scratch their breasts . And whoever sees it as if he is nursing a woman, he will get sick, unless his wife is pregnant, then she will give birth to a son . If the visionary is a woman, then she will give birth to a girl . The belly : who is visible and from the inside of the man’s owner and his son, or a relative of his clan, or his closet and the shelter of his children . And the smallness of the few of these, and the large number of these . And his smallness without hunger is a lack of money, and if he sees that he is hungry, then he is careful, and he hits money equal to the amount of hunger from it . It was said that the belly bone ate usury, and walking on the stomach became accustomed to money . If he sees that his stomach has become small, then he will be a lot of baggage . Satiety is a wealth of money, and thirst is bad in his religion, and irrigation is good in his religion ….
…Irrigation If irrigation in a dream after thirst indicated ease after afternoon, relieving the need, wealth after poverty or repentance, healing the sick, and realizing what he missed in terms of knowledge or work . Irrigation is good in religion and uprightness in life ….
…Daniel said a vision of irrigation is better than thirst, and as for drinking from all kinds of waterways, with each type being put in his bowl, and drinking from seas, rivers, springs and wells, all of them are detailed in his chapter ….
…And whoever sees our Prophet Muhammad and was distressed, he will be released, or a prisoner is released from his prison, and if he is in high prices then he will be released, even if he was wronged, victory, or he is afraid of security . And his vision is a glad tidings for the seeker of the good outcome in his religion and world . If he sees him coming to him, or entrusting him with him in his prayer, feed him something good or dress him in a decent manner, and if he is a scholar who has done what he knows, and if he is a worshiper who has reached the homes of the people of dignity, and if he is a sinner he repents, and if he is an unbeliever, he is guided, because God Almighty says : ( So believe in God and His Messenger. The illiterate Prophet ). The vision of the Prophet indicates showing arguments, truthfulness of the article and fulfilling the promise, and perhaps enmity, envy and hatred occurred from his family and relatives, and perhaps his family parted and moved from his homeland to others, and perhaps the orphan from his parents caught him . His vision may indicate the display of dignities, because the fawn greeted him, and the camel kissed his feet, and he took him to the sky, and the arm spoke to him, and the trees walked to him . If the seer was one of the kohlins who treat the eyes, he reached a great amount in his making, because, upon him be peace, the response of Qatada’s eye . And if people are exhausted with thirst, this indicates the descent of rain because God bless him and grant him peace the spring of water between his fingers . And if a woman saw him who had attained great rank, good fame, chastity and honesty, and perhaps she was afflicted with calamities and gave birth to good offspring, even if she had money she spent in obeying God Almighty . To see him peace be upon him indicates patience to harm . Perhaps his vision indicated the victory of the believers and the destruction of the unbelievers, and if a debtor saw him, his debt was spent, and if he saw him a patient was cured by God Almighty. He tends to heresy, and if he visited his grave, he hit a great deal of money, and if he saw that he was the son of the Messenger, peace be upon him, he indicated that his faith was cleared and certainty . And whoever saw that he was transformed in his image, peace be upon him, and was a student of the king, he obtained him and the land was attached to him, and if he was in the humiliation of God Almighty, and if he sought knowledge, he obtained it, and if he was poor, or celibate, he married, or was in a place where he was beaten, then he lives with his blessing and whoever saw him, peace be upon him Call out in a place many fertile and his men . If she sees him pregnant or her husband sees him, the truth is words . And whoever sees him well is an increase in the religion of the seeker, and whoever sees his black beard will gain pleasure and fertility . And if he sees his neck thickened, then Imam Hafez is for the trust of the Muslims, and whoever sees him, peace be upon him, in a military camp with weapons on him while laughing, then the Muslim army shall be defeated . If he sees that he, peace be upon him, combing his head and beard, he indicates that they are gone . And whoever sees him make a brotherhood among the Companions, he will receive knowledge and jurisprudence . And whoever saw his grave, peace be upon him, and he was a merchant, who had profit in his trade . If he sees that he is the father of the Prophet on peace, then his religion is corrupted and his certainty weakened . If he sees one of the wives of the Prophet, peace be upon him, who is his mother, his faith increases . If he sees that he is walking after the Prophet, peace be upon him, then he follows the Sunnah . And whoever sees that he eats alone, the seeker forbids the liquid and does not give alms . And if he sees the Prophet, peace be upon him, without a shoe, then he neglects the prayer with the congregation, and whoever sees him wearing his invisibility, he commands him to strive for the sake of God Almighty . And whoever sees his blood mixed with the blood of the Prophet, peace be upon him, he will intermarriage with honor . If the Prophet gave him something that is desirable, such as wet and honey, then he would memorize the Qur’an and gain knowledge as much as he gave it . And whoever sees the Prophet, peace be upon him, in the image of a tall young man, there will be strife and murder among people. If he sees him while he is an old sheikh, then the people are healthy, and if he sees him as white, then he repents to God Almighty and improves his deeds . And whoever sees him admonishing him or arguing with him, this is a heresy that he has brought about in religion ….
…Thunder : It may be indicative of the Sultan’s feast, threatening and threatening him, and from it it is said that it thunders and shines . Perhaps he indicated good promises and short orders, because he commands the King of the Clouds to rise and be generous to whomever they were sent to . Thunder also indicates the drums of crawling and rebirth, clouds on soldiers, lightning on arrowheads and colorful published items and flags, rain on spilling blood, and thunderbolts over death . Whoever sees thunder in the sky, they are commands that come from the Sultan, and if he sees that from his goodness in the rain and the people are in need of him, this indicates the rain or the promises of the good Sultan, and he may point to the two faces and preach the two things, even if the person with the vision is someone who will be harmed by the rain, such as the traveler, the minors and the washing And building and harvesting, and whoever runs their course, either rain harms him and does it and spoils what he has done, and they have authorized it before its dawn, so that they warn to take the gift and prepare for the rain, and either the Sultan’s orders, or a felony for that is harmful . How about if the rain at that time was as harmful as summer rain ? And if he sees thunder with lightning, then the significance of the promise is confirmed in what he indicates . And if the sun was prominent at that and there was no rain, then drumming and items coming out from the Sultan to open it came to him, and the good news was presented to him, or to lead the contract of some of his rulers, or to send him out or receive it from some of his pimps . And if there is rain, darkness, and thunderbolts, then either plagues from the sky, such as hail, wind, locusts, and bear, or plague and death, or strife or war if the country is a country of war, or people expect that from an enemy . Some of them said : Thunder without rain of fear. If he sees thunder, then he will pay off a debt, and if he is sick, he is innocent, and if he is imprisoned, he will be released . As for the thunder, lightning and rain, it is an honor for the traveler and greed for the resident . Thunder was the owner of a great police force . Some of them said : Thunder without lightning indicates assassination, deception, falsehood and lies, because it expects thunder after lightning . It was said the sound of thunder indicates quarrel and controversy . Lightning : denotes fear of the ruler, his threat and his promise, the blade of blades and the striking of the whips, and perhaps the authority indicated against that, the good promise, the laughter, the pleasure, the desire and the greed of desire and hope, because of what he has of torment, torment and stone, mercy and rain, Because from what the people of the news describe, the king of the clouds who is entrusted with her whip, and his voice thunder over it with the words of the Almighty : “The lightning shows you with fear and greed .” It was said out of fear of the traveler and greed for the resident, the farmer, because of the rain that would be with him . Whenever lightning indicates it, it is fast and urgent, due to the speed of its departure and the lack of its transmission . Whoever sees lightning without people, or sees its lights striking him or snatching his eyes, or entering his home, if he is traveling, he will be in a vacation, either by rain or by the command of a ruler, and if he is a farmer whose land has dried up and the thirst of planting it, he will preach to chastity and mercy, and if his master, father, or authority is indignant with him. , And laughed at him . And poets likened laughing to lightning, and crying with rain, because laughter among the Arabs is the display of hidden things and the appearance of concealments, so they are called pollens if they heal at the eyelid as laughter, and if there is rain with it, it indicates the ugliness of what appears to him than what he cries on, then it is either lightning . Words weeping, or a whip that cries him, and the rain will be his blood or a sword that takes his soul . And if he is sick, his eyesight shines and his eyes are tearful, and his family wept and said his persistence and the hastening of his death quickly, and whoever sees that he ate the lightning or struck it or its clouds, then a person urges him to do something righteous and good . And lightning indicates fear with benefit . And it was said lightning indicates the benefit from a far place . And whoever saw lightning burned his clothes, his wife would die if she was sick ….
…Fever indicates in a dream the repayment of the debt because it is an expiation for sins, and perhaps it indicates a threat and a threat . If it indicates the debt, then the debt may be three hundred and sixty dirhams, and if one day spends expiation for a year, and the year is three hundred and sixty days . Perhaps it indicated the noble clothes if it was cold in the summer time, or it was hot in the winter time . A fever may be a sign of anxiety for spouses, children, or partners . Fever is the fulfillment of a promise, because it is the fortune of every believer from the fire . Whoever you see in a dream is overheated, he is engaging in something that spoils his religion . The fever is a messenger of the King of death and a harbinger of him, reconciling what is between him and God Almighty, and if he sees that he is curtailed every day, then he persists in sins . If the meat of a quarter has been punished and repented repeatedly . The shaker is complacency, and the crucifix hurries into falsehood . And whoever sees that he is feverish and has died or has been shrouded, then he insists on a sin, felony, or insult to God Almighty, so that is a precursor to him to repent . And whoever sees that he is feverish, his life will be prolonged, his body is healthy, his money will increase, and people will covet it, and resort to him . Perhaps a fever indicates a pigeon that the visionary enters, causing him to suffer anguish and thirst ….