…Seeing the call to prayer Whoever sees that he calls the call to prayer in a well-known place then provides for the pilgrimage. If he is one of the righteous people, and if he sees that he is calling in an unknown place in which the call to prayer is not necessary, then it is makrooh and not praiseworthy. Obedience to God Almighty and whoever sees that he calls the call to prayer while he is asleep is underestimating his wife and his dependents, and whoever sees that he is giving the call to prayer at the door of his house or in the desert alone, or he calls the call to prayer, or in the middle of his home, then he dies his son or sister or on the roof of his neighbors, he thinks He thinks badly of one of the people of his neighbors or the market, as it indicates poverty and bankruptcy, and whoever sees that he calls the call to the people of his household, then it indicates the occurrence of a calamity, and likewise if the woman sees that she is giving the call to prayer and whoever sees that it increases or decreases in the call to prayer, then it is a behavior that is not the right and whoever sees that he calls the call to prayer in the bathroom is He is deficient in his religion and worldly life, and whoever sees that he calls the call to prayer in a company or a caravan they are walking, then he accuses a people of stealing from it and they are innocent, and whoever sees that he calls the call to the minaret, it is the height of a place or on the top of a mountain, then he speaks truthfully about the right of the majestic destiny or in the mihrab, indicating the travel and the return of safety and the arrival of the desired On a roof, he lusted because of his wife, and his punishment for that was to Khy So whoever sees that he calls the call to a people together, then he calls people to the truth and they are unjust, and whoever sees that he hears the call to prayer, then he is lazy in prayer, and whoever sees that he hears the sound of the iqama, he indicates success to do good, and whoever sees that he calls the call to prayer and does not preserve the takbeer and cheer, then he will be cursed by an enemy of him and whoever He saw a muezzin in the sky and the people answered him, so he calls people to good, so they answer him, and perhaps everyone who answers to him may perform Hajj…
Dreaming about white people under bridge
(76 interpretations and meanings of dreams about white people under bridge)…Pedestrian Bridge If you dream that you are crossing a pedestrian bridge over a stream of clear water, then this means a pleasant job and a profit . If the water is thick and muddy then this means loss and temporary inconvenience . For a woman, this dream means a quarrelsome husband or a husband with a pleasant mood and regular habits, depending on whether the water is muddy or clear . As for falling from a footbridge in clear water, this means short-term widowhood that ends in a good marriage . If the water is not clear, then this means existing signs ….
…And whoever saw that he was destroying a bridge against that, and it was said that the vision of the bridge depended on four aspects of a great man, benefit, goodness and preservation ….
…And whoever sees a white book with no writing in it that has been received from the absent, then it is not Mahmoud, and it was said that the white book was seen without writing, it is interpreted in two ways, asking for a need or not fulfilling it ….
…White lead compound If you dream of white lead compound, this indicates that children or relatives are at risk because of your recklessness . Success will be of little benefit ….
…Wearing white clothes : It is valid for a good religion and for those who return to wear them while awake . As for the professionals and craftsmen, it is a holiday for them if they do not wear white clothes when they work ….
…White carrots If you dreamed of seeing or eating white carrots, it means success in terms of business and trade, and retreat and failure in terms of affection with the one you love ….
…And whoever sees that his eyes are white, it indicates the length of his sadness, because God Almighty said, ~ And his eyes were white due to sadness .~…
…As for eggs : if they are seen in a bowl, they are indicated by the maidservants, because God Almighty says : ~As if they were created eggs .~ If he sees that his chickens have layered, he is giving birth to a son . And cooked eggs, distinguished from the peel, are a pleasant sustenance . If he sees it as if he ate it raw, then he is eating unlawful money, or they are struck by them, or he is committing an immoral act . And eating eggshells indicates that he is a grave digger . If he sees as if an egg came out from his wife, and she gave birth to an unbeliever child, because God Almighty said : ~And the dead will come out of the living .~ If he sees as if he put an egg under the hen and it cracks from the chicken, then he lives for him a dead matter and a believing son is born for him, because God Almighty says : “ The living will come out of the dead, ” and perhaps the number of each chicken will have a son . And if he puts eggs under a rooster, and he takes the chicks out, he brings a teacher there who teaches the boys . If he breaks an egg, he rests a firstborn, and if he cannot break it, he is unable to do so . If the egg strikes and his wife is pregnant, he orders her to fall . If someone sees someone else break an egg and return it to him, then his daughter will choose a man . And whoever treads his sleeve and an egg comes out of it, then he steps into his ummah and a slave girl is born from it . If he sees a lot of eggs with him, then he has much money and belongings that he fears will spoil . And all this in raw eggs . And whoever sees pure eggs, he is fit for something that has gone too far and is difficult, and by fixing it he will obtain money and live for him a dead matter, and if he eats it with its shell, then he is a scavenger . If it burps, he ate a woman’s money and wasted it . If he eats it, he will marry a woman who has money . The cranberry eggs are a poor boy . And the eggs of the parrot are a pious slave girl, and it was said that he who saw that he was given an egg had an honorable son . If the egg broke, the boy would die . And it was said : The eggs are for the decorated doctors, and for those whose pension is good evidence . As for the rest of the people . The little eggs, indicates the benefits, because they are eaten . And the many eggs, it indicates worries and worries, and repeatedly indicates hidden things . The adults were said to be white, boys . The children are girls, and a man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw it as if I was eating egg shells, so he said, “Fear God, you are plundering the dead.” He saw a single man as if he had found many eggs, so he recounted his vision on a crossing, so he said : There is a woman for the celibate, and the married man has children . A man saw that he was peeling cooked eggs, so he recounted a vision on a crossing, and he said : You get money from some of the loyalists . And Mamlouk saw as if he had taken a pure egg from his maid, so he threw it with its shell, and used its money, and his maid gave birth to a son, so the Mamluk took that one who was born in Europe by the order of the woman’s husband, and he became a reason for the pension of that owned ….
…Al-Wind : denotes the authority in itself for its power and authority over the creatures without them, with their benefit and harm . Perhaps it indicated the king of the Sultan, his soldiers, his orders, his accidents, his servants and his assistants, and she was a servant of Solomon, peace be upon him . Perhaps it indicated torment, pests, and pests because they occurred when they were raging, and the many trees that fell and drowned from ships in them, especially if it was a wasp, and because it was the wind that perished, it returned with it, and because it is a wind that does not pollinate . And perhaps the wind indicated fertility, livelihood, victory, victory and good news, because God Almighty sends them through the hands of His mercy and spares ships running by His command, so how about them if they are from pollen winds, when they return from them from the goodness of plants and fruits, which is boyhood and he, may God bless him and grant him peace, said. : ~I conquered youth and perished . He returned with the hornet .~ And the Arabs call boyhood acceptance because it corresponds to the wasp, and if acceptance and the hornet were not inferred except by its name, that is sufficient . Perhaps the wind indicates illnesses and illnesses and raging in people, such as colds and headaches, and among them is what people say at that this is a raging wind, because it is a disease created by God Almighty when a wind blows and air is changed or separated . Whoever sees a wind that carries it and carries it without fear, fear, darkness or fog, then he owns people if it is appropriate for him to do that, or he heads over them and they make fun of his service with glory, or he travels in the sea intact if he is from the people of that or who hopes him, or his industry is spent if It was sluggish . Or under him a wind that carries him and raises him, and provides sustenance if he is poor, and if he raises it up and goes with it, it is pulled away and he is afraid and terrible anxiety . Or it had darkness, dust, disturbance and sense, and if it was in a ship, it was damaged by it, and if it was in an illness it increased by it, otherwise it will be hit by earthquakes and accidents, or it will go out in it, or the command of the Sultan or the ruler ends in it to what he reached in a dream . If none of that was to be hit by a dusty sedition with winds and disturbing earthquakes . If he sees the wind in that case uprooting trees and destroying walls, or flying people, animals, or food, then it is a general affliction among people, either a plague, a sword, a sedition, a raid, a captivity, an affair, an injustice and the like . If the general wind was silent or it was from pollen winds, then if the people were in injustice, distress, epidemic, or besieged by an enemy, their conditions changed, their affairs moved and their concerns relieved . Poison wind is warm diseases . And the wind with yellow is a disease, and the wind with thunder is unjust power with strength . And whoever carried the wind from one place to another, he hit a ruler or traveled a journey from which he did not return, because God Almighty said : “ Or the wind will fall with it in a place far away .” The fall of the wind on a city or army, and if they were in a war, they perished, and the soft and clear wind is good and blessing, and the stormy wind is the oppression of the Sultan, and the wind with dust is a sign of war ….
…And whoever sees one of the volumes of people’s defects and their idiocy, and what has no benefit in it or read something from it, then he is offended by the people and is known among them for the disgraceful biography. An evil accident while awake is good in any case, and if something is denied, then it is not Mahmoud ….
…And he saw as if people were taking it with their hands, it is a science that he broadcasts to the people, and if there was blood on him, he mixed his knowledge with a lie ….
…And whoever sees his eyesight without what people think, or he sees words or weakness, and the people do not know that, then his secretness will be without his publicity ….
…And whoever sees that he has passed out and people wipe their faces from his urine, then a child will come to him with which people will be blessed from his goodness ….
…The same applies to the bridge and the arch, and the jogging on the horse or on the feet to agitate in the request of the world ….
…As for the white sulfur, it is devolved with mumbo, and yellow is destroyed by sickness and hardship from the stink of its smell and its hate to taste, it is not good, and sulfur is devolved with unlawful money ….
…And whoever sees with his eyes white, he will be sad and ill ….
…Ibn Sirin said that the white grapes in his time will descend by rain and dew, and eating them on time is evidence of permissible money ….
…Ibn Sirin said: If the white glass is made, it is interpreted according to the religion and the world, especially if his name is written on it, and if it is king, then it shall be interpreted as soon as it is due ….
…The new white robe : the brazen person is a man, his pride, religion, and faithfulness, and the gentle one is tenderness in religion . And it was said that the dress is a religious woman, and it was said that it is a matter of high masculinity and of little use . And the dye of the garment and the weariness of the creation is out of poverty, and the robe is the trust of the man, because its position is the two pages of the neck, and the neck is the place of trust . Ibn Sirin was asked about a man who saw that he had a new robe on him from the hail of a Yemeni whose edges were pierced, so he said : This is a man who had learned something from the Qur’an, then he forgot it ….
…And whoever sees a white dirham in his palm, it indicates that a child has happened ….
…White salt : dirhams, and eye . And good salt dirhams in them and monument ….
…And whoever sees that he ate white grapes in his due season, it will attain grace, goodness and benefit, and obtain what he hoped for, and if it was out of time and still saw what is praiseworthy, then it is good and money is permissible, and red grapes are similar to that ….
…And it was said whoever saw a white bull that got good, and that he butted it with its horn indicated the anger of God Almighty, and it was said that the bull was gored by good children, and whoever saw a bull that came on it, he would travel far away ….
…Abu Saeed, the preacher, said: White grapes are a wealth of wealth for those who eat them if they see them at the time, and if they see them at a later time, news hastens to him before the time that he hopes, and it was said that there is a forbidden wealth, and black grapes are a decent livelihood for those who eat it ….
…It was said that the vision of white grapes in his time is the freshness and goodness of the world, and in other than his time he will receive money due to the abundance of rain, day and night ….
…And picking the white roses from his garden is evidence of kissing a chaste woman ….
…If he sees knowledge in his dream, it indicates his conversion, because God Almighty says : ~ And it is knowledge for the hour, so do not rest with it .~ Knowledge of a woman is a husband . And the knowledge that is attributed to the ascetic world, if it is red then it is a relief and pleasure . And if it is black, then it is seen from it . And black flags were said to indicate general rain, white flags indicate rain, and red flags were war ….
…If it becomes white, it is a blessing and a gain is permissible ….
…And whoever sees that he has bought a white slave girl, then his trade is profitable and finds good, and whoever sees that he has bought a yellow slave girl, his need will be difficult for him, and it is said that he is sick ….