Dirhams – dinars

Dirhams : A horse’s dirham is a religion, knowledge, and the fulfillment of a need or prayer, and the pure is the minimum of the visionary and his treatment of every Sunday for loyalty and the survival of earnings and trust . Al-Sahih and its confusion on a man hearing the words of good true . And their number is the numbers of acts of righteousness because it is written on it there is no god but God and Muhammad is the Messenger of God, and the deeds are not completed without the remembrance of God Almighty . If a person sees it, then the matter of religion and the world will be fulfilled for him. If he sees with him a wide and beautiful chapter, then it is a religion, and if he is one of the children of this world he will receive a wide world and a good livelihood . And if a pregnant woman gave birth to a good boy . And the many dirhams if he is afflicted with a testimony is much better than joy and pleasure, and if he sees that he has a good and healthy dirham on a person, then he has a right certificate, and if he asks him for it, then he is asking him for a testimony, so his return is a testimony of truth and health. Well, he advises ignorant people and does not accept him . The inflated dirhams is deceit, lies, disagreement and treachery in living, or committing major sins in which there is no inscription in words that do not contain piety . And which was engraved by Tire, heresy in religion and immorality, and the interrupted rivalry does not cease, and it was said that the article is cut off . Taking it is better than paying it because they paid it. If he steals a dirham and gives it in charity, then he narrates what he cannot hear . If he sees ten dirhams with him, then five becomes his money shortage, and if he sees five, it becomes ten, doubling his money . Some of them said the dirhams in the vision are evidence of evil, and all that was sealed with the rail, and the dirhams were said to indicate frequent words of noble things, and the dirhams were said words and arguments if they were prominent, and if the dirhams were given in a bundle or bag, they were secretly deposited . Perhaps one dirham was a child, and the money was bad and difficult, and the horse dirham was good words, and the bad dirhams were bad words. It was told that a man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw as if I had two dinars in it, so I was asking for them and he said : Look, I have lost something from your books . He said, and I looked, if I had lost two arguments . And it was narrated that a man came to the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and said : I saw as if I had hit twenty-four dinars, which were counted for all of them, and I found only four of them . He said : You pray alone and miss the congregations . And it was narrated that a man came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw as if I had hit a dirham as a kasrawi, so he said : You will obtain good, but he did not touch it until he benefited him . Then another came and said : I saw as if I had shot an Arab dirham . He told him you are hitting . So it was shown to him that he had hit a hundred knots . It was said to Ibn Sirin How do you know that? He said : The kasrawi has a king and a crown on him, and the Arab must hit this dirham . And another came and said : I saw as if I was hitting dirhams . He said, Are you feeling? He said yes . And he saw a man as if he had placed a dirham under his foot, so he recounted his visions on a crossing . He said, ~ You are – you will turn away from debt .~ The person of the vision was terrified and stood up, and he intended jihad to surrender his religion. When the two groups saw his infidels’ family, he was struck with the colors of torment until he apostatized from his religion, and the evidence for his apostasy is his stepping on the name of God Almighty . Another man came and said : It is as though I trampled the face of the Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, with my feet. Ibn Sirin said to him : “ Bit yesterday and fear you in your leg?” He said yes . He said, take it off . So he took it off, and a dirham fell from him, on which the name of God and the name of the Messenger of God .