Stumpy nose and perforation of the eye

As for the stump of the nose, and the percussion of the eye, they indicate that the one who is the one who is the one who is lucky and the judge is serving a debt for the one who is poor and the one who is poor, and they reward a people for the work they did before . For God Almighty says : ~And the ear is with the ear .~ If he saw as if an unknown old man cut his ears, then he befalls Dettin . And whoever sees as if he, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, stump a man’s ear, then he is betraying him in his family or his son, and indicates the demise of his state . Some of them said : Whoever sees as if his ears are stump and has a pregnant woman, she will die . If he does not have a woman, then a woman from his household will die .