Striking the necks of the parish

If he sees that a king has struck the necks of his flock, he pardons the sinners and frees their necks . And hit the neck in the Mamelukes, indicates emancipation . And it was said that he who saw that his neck was beaten, either by the ruling of the ruler, or by cutting off the road, or in war or anything else, because that is blameworthy for those whose parents were left, and he had a son, and that the head resembles the parents, because they are the cause of life, and it is also similar to the children for the sake of the image . If he sees that he is afraid, or whoever is sentenced to death, then he is praiseworthy, because calamity afflicts a person once, not afflicting him a second time . As for the money changers and owners of capital, this indicates that their capital has gone . And it indicates the travelers, on their return, and in the litigants, the victory . Because if the body is cut off, it will not heal .