
Le Barzoun : Grandfather of the man, so whoever sees that Barzouna is wallowing in dirt and dung, then his grandfather will rise and his money will grow . And it was said that the barzoon indicates the sub-wife, the slave and the servant, and indicates the grandfather, luck and livelihood, and the average pride between a horse and a donkey, and the blond of them is grief . And whoever rides with a barn from whom he is used to riding a mare, his stature will be revealed, his power diminished and his authority humiliated, and he may leave his wife and marry his mother . As for the one whose habit is to ride a donkey, he rides with a condom, the memory of which increases and his earnings increase, and his glory is high . This may indicate marriage to the free after the nation . And what is greater than the paradise, it is better in matters of the world, so whoever sees that his barbarism is in conflict with him, he is not able to hold him, then his wife will be in control of him, and whoever speaks to him the barzoon will get great money from his wife and his status will be elevated . If he sees that he is having a lair, then he will do a favor to his wife and not be thanked for it . Riding a peridot is also indicative of travel . And whoever sees that he is walking on the back of his barge, he will travel far and get good on the side of his wife, and whoever sees that he has rode and flew with him between heaven and earth, he travels with his wife and their status is elevated . If he sees that his wife is biting him, then his wife is betraying him . And the death of his wife’s death . And whoever stole his barge divorced his wife . The loss of the berths is the immorality of the woman . And whoever sees a dog that leaps on his barnacles, then a magical enemy will follow his wife . Likewise, if a monkey leaps on it, then a Jew follows his wife, and the bald eagle is in power, and the lions are money and saddle . And whoever saw that an unknown Birzoon entered his country without a tool, a non-Arab man entered that country . The female shrimp run the course of the female horse . And it was narrated that a woman came to Ibn Sirin and said : I saw that two men entered Ali, one of them on a perdition, and the other on a bald eagle, and with the owner of the bald eagles a penis was pierced with it . Ibn Sirin said to her : Fear God and beware of the owner of the bald eagles. When the woman left from Ibn Sirin, a man followed her from Ibn Sirin, so she entered a house in which a woman was accused of being the owner of the bald eagle . Ibn Sirin said when the woman left him . Do you know who is the owner of the bald eagles? They said no . He said : So and so is the writer, do you see the bald eagles whitish in blackness, and as for the adham, so-and-so is the owner of the authority of the Emir of Basra and not a helpless one .