The whip

The Whip : Sultan, and his interruption in beating the Sultan goes, and his defection the Sultan’s defection . And hitting an animal with a whip indicates that its owner is praying to God Almighty in a matter . If he hits a man with the whip that is not controlled and the hands are not extended, he exhorts and advises him . If it hurts him, he accepts the preaching . If he does not hurt him, he will not learn . If blood flows from him when beating it is evidence of injustice . If not, it is evidence of truth . If the battered person struck from his blood, then it fell on the one who was struck with forbidden money . And the warp of the whip when beating indicates the distortion of the matter in which it is, or the foolishness that is used by him in his command . And if he was hit by the whip, it indicates the help of a non-Arab man connected to the Sultan who accepts his words . If he sees as if a whip descended on him from heaven and on the people of his country, then God Almighty exerts unjust authority over him or over them with a sin that they have acquired, because God Almighty says : “ Then your Lord poured a whip of torment on them .”