Rare alibi

Rarely, a man came to Ibn Sirin and said I saw honey from milk that was brought until it was put, then another honey was brought in, and he put it in it, spread it and poured foam on it, so I made me and my friends eat from that foam, then turned the head of a camel and made us eat from it also. Ibn Sirin said: It is miserable what I saw for you and your companions. As for the one who poured into it, expand it, what did not enter into the instinct of something, and as for you to eat its frustration, it is gone, and you do not benefit from it because the Almighty says. As for the butter, it goes dry. As for the camel, it is a Bedouin and its head is interpreted by the chief of the Arabs, and he is the Commander of the Faithful Omar bin Abdul Aziz, and you repented him, and honey is something you adorn with your words .