And whoever sees that he is being tortured in a house, then there will be grace, goodness and grace ….

And whoever enters the imam’s house prostratingly, will be pardoned and ruled . If he disagreed at his door, he would gain victory over his enemies ….

And whoever sees that there is lamb in his house and does not know how to enter it, it is interpreted by contacting someone who knows him or benefiting brothers, he will be pleased with them. If he is fat, and if he is scant, the brothers are poor ….

Whoever thinks that he wants to increase the door of his house and not close, then he refrains from something that he is unable to do ….

And whoever sees in his house an answer on a tree in his classroom, it indicates that he has married a daughter ….

And whoever sees that he has entered a new house, then he will marry a woman and get money for him and get rich, and whoever sees that he has entered a house covered with plaster or whitening and does not know its owner, then he indicates that his life is near ….

Whoever saw that in his house a spring of water flowing through Abu Mizana is not rain, for it is weeping eyes on the death of the dear ones, and the wetness in the house is their grief, as well as the dirt and the symposium ….

…Achammlh said , Ibn Sirin is the server and all the spin sees the return on the server and color interpret server attributed to that color it has become a napkin it shows Salah servant but from Gazz it shows that it is humiliating her not to fulfill and eat no man ‘s land and if black , it shows Her unfaithfulness and heartbreak . Whoever saw that it was burned, it is his servant’s death, and if some of it were burned, then it indicates a disease ….

…If he saw that he sold or took away a garment in the winter, then that indicates his poverty and his need for people . He said Abu Said preacher clothing head of the man was probably his craft that he does and secure them from the poverty survey in which an error in the living and go wealth and expansion in free them and damage in winter favor ) and Almparty him if the inscription is indicated by a woman . Said Jafar Sadiq construed Paljarah or the boy whatever he saw it from Zain or Shin shall turn in them , and the subtraction of the clothes they devolve on aspects of it is felt that wearing something of which it is construed fine and benefit if they are from cotton , a clean and spacious and if Dd so Vtobeirh against him and if they are from Silk and nothing there is nothing wrong with it and the seller of it, for he chooses this world over his hereafter . Abu Sa’eed said the preacher ‘s vision coldness , whether detailed or not detailed , they show good narrated that Abu Bakr , may Allah be pleased with him said : O Messenger of Allah , I saw yesterday was on the papyrus petechia said : two sons Thabr them . And the ink is indicative of joy, happiness, and cold that is next to the course of snitching in expression, except that intimacy in the world is better than in religion, and it is in interpretation stronger than wool . It is felt that wearing Prada or mixed with cotton Bharir it without it even if it is haraam wealth silk and the decorations are clothed in the markets they are welcome and only in times of pleasure and omens as well as if they are in the role unless it kind of amusement . And whoever sees the sentence of the garment of the clothed person, it is interpreted in its entirety . And whoever sees that he wears summer clothes in the winter, it will increase the good and the benefit as much as the value of what he wears . He felt that he wears clothes women it increased money with them and fear, but its consequences are dire and survive if they saw a woman wearing clothes from the men it shows good and beneficial . Al-Karmani said: ~Whoever saw that he wore clothes less than his own, then it indicates the corruption of his affairs, and if they are more elegant than his clothes, then he indicates the order of his affairs .~ And whoever sees that he has the garments of the elders on him, then it indicates the height of the matter and the amount of it to which those clothes are attributed to him if he is a family for that, otherwise it is good and beneficial . And whoever sees that he has garments from the garments of corrupt people, he will have many sins and abounding sins . And whoever sees that he wears kings, it is interpreted on three aspects, drawing closer to them, obtaining goodness, benefit, and regularity of his affairs, and attaining the dignity and honor . It is felt that wearing clothes of scientists was Welcome to Salah it for science and charity world and the Hereafter .) He felt that he wears clothes from the wool it is interpreted to ensuring the money . It is felt that wearing clothes dhimmis or Aharbeyen or so , or Alrvdh it would be inclined to what he said Jafar Sadiq ‘s vision clothes never devolve on nine aspects of religion and wealth and prestige and benefit and live and work in favor of the justice of this and redress if it is not what you deny the expression and if the woman saw that she She wore what was mentioned of the praiseworthy clothes, and her interpretation made her right with her husband and the integrity of her affairs . And Daniel said a vision of the man’s clothes: If you put on clothes, you will be interpreted by gain, and if you see black garments, then the king has good and the parish is in distress . Al-Karmani said: ~Whoever sees that he wears black clothes, he will suffer from pain, distress and sorrows, unless he is one who wears them while awake and knows about them, and he will be troubled .~ Abu Sa’eed said the preacher black clothes for those who used to wear injury hated and was told is the patient proof of death because the people of calamities wear black clothes and clothes zero dieback disease only in Dibaj or twinge or silk , and these things are valid for women and men of the corruption of religion . Al-Karmani said: If the patient sees that he washes a yellow garment until its yellow is removed and its whiteness appears, then the garment is interpreted with a body and its yellowish is devolved by his sickness and its departure from him . It felt that disarming him a yellow dress it out Sagmh not happened hurt him what he hates in the yellow of tearing the dress or so unlike all worn in color and the clothes greens rejoiced and pleasure and Tawfiq Abu Sa’eed said the preacher clothes Greens neighborhood power of religion and an increase of worship and dead good case when God, who is the raiment of the people of Heaven, for His saying, Come, and wear green garments from Sundus and Abraq, and the wearing of greenness indicates to the living the injury of an inheritance, and to the dead that he came out of the world as a martyr . Al-Kirmani said: “Whoever sees that he wears green clothes, it is interpreted with honor and honor. As for the white clothes, they will be interpreted as the desired, especially if it is pure .” Abu Sa`id, the preacher, said that white garments are suitable for wearing them as a religion, and for those who are used to wearing them while awake, and as for the owners of crafts and crafts, they need to wear it for them . Al-Karmani said: “Whoever saw that he wears pure white clothes, it indicates the goodness of his religion and his good condition. ” And his worries went to his saying that he wears pure white clothes, and as for his blue clothes, he is clean . He said Kirmani saw that he wears clothes Zarka it ‘s religion is good and the clothes Rouge , they hated men only Almlhvh and Plinth bedding the blushes of these things indicate pleasure and are valid for women in Dnaahn was said to be wearing reddish shows fighting very severe dispute and was told snappers joy with punk In the world, as evidenced by the story of Qarun, and it was said that it indicates an abundance of money while preventing the rights of God in it . And whoever saw that he wore it on a feast or a group, he did not harm him . He said Kirmani saw that he wears clothes Hamra it cast fighting and dispute , although Welcome to the mandate he received perhaps the joy of the verse went out to his people in the finery and was clothed in garments Hamra and it was said the vision of blush , whether in clothes or other , they show goodness and perhaps the vision of erysipelas shown in the dress To pleasure . And whoever sees his clothes are burned, then he will receive him harmful effects as much as he was burned from that, and whoever sees that his clothes are torn, then he shall interpret the secret . It is felt that wearing clothes of wool or animal hair or hair or so The total that money if it was silk or so Fmal haram dress cobbled evidence of immorality and the clothes dirty , they devolve Bgham and sorrow , and the dresses Alkagd they devolve Baelchenaah not good in it , and the dresses skin accrue interest and benefit to the extent attributed to him that the skin dress you do not sew it in terms of wholesale of all varieties shows completely filled with religion and perhaps this was another old on the face and clothes of the treasury shall devolve Baezz and wealth . And whoever sees that he is wearing a lame dress, a woman will come in her anus . Jaber said the Moroccan expressing their attachment to things mundane Valbaad in clothes if it is clean as new , which attached to religion and the world and if the dirty vintage tight Vdd so perhaps Del dirt in the dress on the weakness in religion and was told if the woman saw that she wear a garment yellow it was her husband , it weakens though ) He was not for her, so he took a husband . And whoever sees that he opens a folded garment, it indicates travel, and whoever sees that he folds an open garment, it indicates the coming absent from his journey . Khaled al – Isfahani said the best clothes and what was cotton if it is not a thing of silkworm silk because it is pure it is a good religion and worldly dresses if the pattern , cotton or silk , they devolve money haram and the corruption of religion and carefree . He said Jafar Sadiq new dress white man a woman and a woman and the king of grace and the benefit of a pair , it saw that he took off his robe with him that he was in the king of the service it is from his service but not as well as it is called , and saw that he cut his clothes he interpreted obtaining good . And whoever sees that the thief strips his garment, it interferes with the occurrence of corruption among women . Abu Saeed, the preacher, said that the garment with two sides or two colors indicates politeness and guardianship for the people of religion and the world, and the new garment is good for the rich and the poor . It felt that magsuot clothes as new Vtmzkt is not able to repair like it fascinates even as much as on that it is alive and the child and the high value of the servants of the disease and the free grace increase dresses kind of renewed debt, the worn over his clothes showed the approval of his secret Alanath and perhaps the intention was good from the apparent and perhaps earned money Mdkhora and silk brocade is not fit to wear socks for the jurists for they Aaolan their request minimum and invite people to heresy and were probably valid for non – scholars , they interpret the work requires Paradise and infects with this principality also indicates marriages by a woman , honest or concubinage Bjarah Belle setting calls the crossing in the expression of all of that is from the case of the seer . The robe denotes its faces . Al-Kirmani said, “It is interpreted for the righteousness in religion, for the corrupt people with whips, and for others with smallpox infection in the body .” Abu Sa’eed said the preacher devolves penile state who was from her family , especially from the people of plowing and planting and the fertile year for those who have from her family , a women ‘s increasing pleasure and gave Xia received money from the point of the Persians and the people of disclosure and gambling , and may accrue whips . A permissible one who has a face with consequences, and no one is blamed for that, whether it is for men or women, unless something of the reprehensible type is mixed with him . As for the ink, it is interpreted with grace, and there is nothing in it except the best, especially for women, and it was said the vision of the garments of generosity is a grief . The saw that his two garments Khgayn Mottagtaan wearing one above the other is indicated by his death and torn clothes casually interpreted injury concerns and torn longer interpreted vulva and it serves as Alqaba and Duwaji if the woman saw her clothes habitus short lacked HTC concealed and eat the new dress eat money halal and eat the dress said Salmi saw that His clothes are wet on him while he puts them on. If he is on a journey, then he is not traveling, and if he intended something he would not have . And he who sees that he sells his clothes is good for him and there is no good for him who buys them, and if he sees them that he pushes them from himself, then this is the remission of his poverty . And whoever sees that he wears new clothes after he has taken a bath, then he declines with the loss of worry and distress, and he is spared from something wrongful . And whoever sees that he wears a forbidden garment or something attributed to women, he marries a woman who is forbidden, and as for the embroidered garments, they are worn by them, mines, and perhaps the fame of the women are broken . He felt that he wears women ‘s clothing, the had pregnant , they come to the female , although he did not have pregnant it affects harm or fear in the same money as much as Hnaatha was probably injured his time and the robe , which is placed on the shoulder , it interpreted the human religion who wears him in the neck and neck position of the Secretariat . It is felt that it robe Well he Salah Dinh and good faith , and if he saw the cloak that puts it on the Well shoulder it increased debt and the health of the religion is not good in thin .) The washing clothes he is to draw it felt that wash his clothes from dirt it shows his goodness and salvation of Gloom And sadness and his well-being and his debt will be repaid if he wears it, but if he does not wear it, it is without that . Al-Karmani said: “Washing clean clothes if dirt appears from it, then it is corruption in religion and committing sin .” Abu Saeed Al-Waseer said: Washing clothes from dirt is a repentance, washing it from semen is a repentance of fornication, and washing it from blood is a repentance from murder, and washing it from excuse as a repentance . Jaafar al-Sadiq said: Washing clothes with cold water means four aspects of repentance, wellness, salvation from Asir, and security from fear, and washing them with hot water, sorrow, grief and sickness . And it was said that whoever saw that he washes clean clothes, it is an increase in his piety and piety, and it was said that this was extravagant because it did not deserve to be washed, and others said, there is no harm in that and there is no harm in that ….

…Burning Burn symbolizes good news . If you burn your hand in a burning and clear fire, this means purity of purpose and the support of your friends . If you burned your foot while walking over coal or fireplaces, this means your ability to accomplish any work, no matter how impossible it is in the eyes of others . Your usual good health will remain with you, but if you are overcome by fire this symbolizes that your interests will suffer from the betrayal of so-called friends . If you were burned in a dream, this means that sad events will nullify all expected joys and delights ….

…Firewood is gossiping in a dream . And whoever sees two or three sticks of wood and puts them in the fire to kindle it, there will be coarse words that grow and increase . And everyone who kindles a fire in a wood is a person’s pursuit of a ruler, and perhaps the firewood was the one who carried it in a dream in painful words, and an insult to people’s honor . If he sees that he has firewood, that indicates livelihood and the fulfillment of needs, and the inheritance or money from the idle endowment . If the firewood was something that needed to be broken and spread, it was a source of fatigue or evil, and if it was equipped, it indicated proximity to the authority and ease of difficulty . And the wood may denote dullness or miserliness of the being, because it is said : So and so is Hatabah, if he is stingy or dull . And the bundle of firewood is money of various kinds . He who was hero and saw with him a bundle of wood served a great man . And the collection of woods for the patient, medicine and innocence . And every wood attributed to its fruit in a dream indicates the corruption of that fruit’s money . And whoever offers wood to the fire indicates closeness to his Lord, or the offering of his little one to a schoolmaster, or a rival to a ruler, or a sick person to a doctor, and if the wood is lit with fire before his sacrifice, his little one will succeed and prevail over his opponent . If he ate firewood in a dream, he ate prohibited money, or was struck with wood while awake . And whoever has a ship and sees in a dream that it was burned, or he has burned firewood that indicates the sinking of his ship . The stump of the wood is evidence of persistence and inaction . And the stump for grilling, shedding, welding and similar to them is evidence of interest and pension, if it is modified, and if it is not, it indicates the warping of the woman or the maker or the suspension of interest ….

…If the eggs are in a place or in a bowl, then it indicates women or neighborhood . Whoever sees that his chickens lay down, he will have a son . If he sees that he ate raw eggs, then he is eating forbidden money, or fornication, or they befall him . If he sees eggs in his hand, then his wife becomes like the dead . If he sees that his wife has ovulated, then she will give birth to an unbeliever son, and if he sees that he incubated a white chicken, then the chickens stand from him, then a dead matter lives for him, it may be difficult for him, and a believer son will be born to him . He may have more children than the number of chicks . If the eggs hit a blow and his wife is pregnant, he wants to marry his neighbor, but he cannot . If he sees that he has a lot of white, then he has money and belongings that he fears will spoil . And parrot eggs a pious maid . And whoever sees that he has boiled eggs in his hand, then a matter that has been long and difficult for him is suitable for him, and he will obtain money by fixing it, and a dead matter will live for him, and if he consumes the money of a woman or is extravagant with it, then if he eats it, he will marry a rich woman . And the eggs of cranes are poor children . And whoever sees that he gave an egg to him, he has an honorable son, and if the egg breaks, his child will die . And whoever sees that he eats egg shells, then he is a man who digs graves and robs the dead . And eggs are a lot for the single, married, and married children . Young girls are white, and adults are boys . And eggs denote gold and silver, for its whiteness is silver, and its yolk is gold . And eggs denote children, husbands and slaves, and may indicate graves . Perhaps the eggs indicated a meeting with family, relatives and loved ones . Perhaps it indicated the collection and saving of dirhams and dinars . And whoever sees eggs being burned in a place like dung is burned, it indicates the captivity of the women of that place ….

…As for the woman’s veil, her husband or her values ​​who conceal her, if he sees that her headscarf is wider, clapper and better than it is in it, then that is fine for the husband, and if she sees that her headscarf was taken from her and burned or gone from her, then her husband dies or divorces her. If some of it is burned, the husband will suffer harm and fear, and if she sees that she has put on her veil From her head in a gathering of people, so it is a matter of modesty that departs from her, and if she saw that she pursued without robes in the markets, then it is the death of her husband, and if a woman saw that she was wearing her head with an unusual veil, turban or something else, then she married a man, and if the man saw that his wife’s mask was on his head, then he would be exposed in his matter…

…Coal is in a dream a dangerous man . And it was said : It is forbidden money . And it was said : It is the livelihood of the Sultan . And whoever saw that coal was burned in it, then he is a tested man, and the Sultan wronged him and took his money as a punishment . And coal in the winter is money . And whoever sees that a man has given him a Nubian slave, a gift of sacks of charcoal will come to him . And it was said : Everything that is burned in the fire is evidence of immorality ….

…The sun is in a dream the greatest king, caliph, father, or prince . And whoever sees that he is transformed into the sun, he shall be cast as a king . And if he hits the sun hanging by a chain of guardian and justice in it . And if he sits in the sun and approaches it, then he will obtain from the king a blessing and money, and strength and support, and if he shines on its rays, he will be blessed with a flag that is mentioned in the two . If he saw her, Safia Munira and he was a governor who gained power in his mandate, and if she rose in his house he married, and if a woman saw her, she married, and if he saw her, a merchant would profit in his trade . And sunlight is the pride of the king and his justice . If he saw the sun hit the elevation of talk to him caliph, as well as the moon . And if he saw the sun rising on his head, then he would receive a serious matter, and if it rose on his feet he would have received a lot of cultivation, and if he saw that it had risen on his stomach, he would have leprosy, and if it appeared on his chest, he would be ill . And whoever sees that the sun has set while he is behind it, he will die . And if he sees the sun burning out of it, and the stars are burned around it, then the king will drive out his entourage . If he sees that the sun is red, then it is corruption in his kingdom, and if he sees that it is yellowing then he gets sick, and if it turns black, then he will prevail . If he sees that she is absent, the matter that he is asking for has passed . The treachery of the sun, it betray the king . And if the sun fell on the ground, his father would die . And if he sees that the sun has risen in the house, then he will attain honor, honor, and honor . And whoever sees that he swallowed the sun, he will die . If he sees the sun changed from its state, then sedition falls . If he sees that the sun is rising from sunset, that indicates the appearance of hidden things, and if he is sick then he is cured, and if he is on a journey then he will return . If a person sees that the sun is dark, then it is a bad sign for all people, indicating unemployment, illness, or distress . If he sees the sun descending in his bed and threatening him, then it indicates severe illness . And whoever sees that the sun has shed lights on him, he will accompany the Caliph . And if the sun became hot, it was hit by the Sultan . If he sees that he is fleeing the sun, then he is fleeing from his wife, from authority, or from harm . And if he saw clouds covering the sun, an accident happened to the king . If the sun rises on the ground, it is a sign of drought or burning . Perhaps the sun was a world to guide . And if he saw an eclipse in it, or the accumulation of dust or smoke on it, that would be evidence of an accident of sickness, worry, cloudiness, or distress . Perhaps her absence indicated that the prisoner was returned to prison after his release . And whoever sees a sun and moon in all directions, he will be struck by fear or defeat . And whoever sees that he has worshiped the sun or the moon, he is committing a grave sin . Perhaps the sun indicated sustenance, guidance, following the truth, and healing diseases, and perhaps it indicated travel . And perhaps the sun indicated its name like Shams al-Din, as the full moon indicates Badr al-Din . Seeing the sun, moon and stars is evidence of affliction, imprisonment, or envy from family . And seeing the sun indicates the lamp, because God Almighty said : ( And he made the sun a lamp ). The rising of the sun from its setting is a sign of fear and anxiety, and the authority of the Sultan over the parish, or the advent of the absent or apostasy from religion and the immorality of the penitents . And whoever saw that the sun burned agriculture or its heat harmed people, this indicates diseases, epidemics, and oppression from the elders . See also the moon ….

…Gripping fire : searching for a matter until it becomes clear to him, whoever sees it as if he has set fire to pray with it, a tough-hearted man who has authority, and a strong man of strength with severity of poverty and his use of it, sought help from them, for if they meet they establish the basis of the rulers of the Sultan, and they indicate it, because the stone is a cruel man Iron is a man of strength, and fire is power . And if the woman saw that she had set fire, then it burned and lit up with its blast, she gave birth to a boy, and if he saw that he knocked a stone on a stone, and slammed a fire from them, then two tough men fight hard and abduct them in their fight, because the spark with swords, and some said the trigger of his slamming indicates the marriage of the bachelor The fire is suspended, because the wife becomes pregnant and the child comes out between the spouses, and it may indicate evil between them or between two opponents or two partners, and the sparks are the words of evil between them, and if she burns a garment or body, that evil takes place in money, honor or body . And if you burned a Qur’an or a sight, that was a defect in religion ….

…Trigger The goblet in a dream is to search for an order until it is profitable and it is valid for it . Whoever saw that he had lit a fire to warm it, he sought help from a tough-hearted man of authority and a strong and mighty man . And if the woman saw that she lit a fire, then she gave birth to a son . And whoever sees that he has thrown a stone on a stone and a fire burned from it, then two cruel men will fight hard . And it was said : If the ulna indicates a bachelor’s marriage, if the fire breaks out, the wife becomes pregnant . If the fire burns a garment or an object, that is damage that is going on in that house with money, display, or body . If you burned a Koran, that was a defect in religion ….

…Seeing the Qur’an . As for seeing the Qur’an, it is interpreted by the king and the judge, and whoever relies on it with knowledge and wisdom. Whoever sees that the Qur’an is not, has been burned or washed, then a king, a judge, or a scholar dies. And if the Sultan sees that he is writing it, then he appears knowledge and justice, and if a merchant sees that he is writing it, he is earning money and whoever sees that he reads the Qur’an in the Qur’an or looks at it indicates the spread of his knowledge, wisdom and fairness in the creation, and he may get an inheritance and whoever sees that he bought a Qur’an he will agree with it in religion and whoever saw it That he burned a copy of the Qur’an, it indicates the corruption of his religion and his lack of mind. And whoever saw that he sold a copy was deprived of gaining knowledge and was despicable and humiliated. And whoever saw that he ate the papers of the Qur’an then he would be recited a lot. He lives only a little, or a judge sees that, then he is bribed in his judgment, and whoever sees that he tears his papers, he will be lazy in his prayer. Associate and whoever saw that he opened the Qur’an He does not find writing in it, because there is no good in it and he may want someone else to copy a copy for him and perhaps someone else knows if he is from his family and who sees that he accepted a copy of the Qur’an then he does good. And if he sees that he leans on it or puts it under his head, if he is one of the good people he is objecting to it and if not So he commits what is not permissible for him and whoever sees that his Qur’an has been lost, then he forgets knowledge and the Qur’an, and whoever sees that he has conceived a Qur’an, then he follows a mandate or takes on a trust and is a bearer of the Qur’an and it was said that the Qur’an was saved, security and maintenance. Evil and evil, and whoever sees that the Mushaf falls from his hand or is taken from him, and if it has a job, then he is isolated from it, and if it is not, then there is no good in it, and whoever sees that he puts the Qur’an behind his back then he becomes an innovator…

…He saw that it fueled a fire to cook a bit : the food it raises something that affects him the benefit of the people of the house of values . If there is no food in the pot, then it irritates a man who is the values ​​of the household with words, and leads him to an unpleasant matter . If he sees that the fire burned some of his body parts, then he will suffer as much damage as the burning, if some of the organs are burned . If the garment is all or all of his body, then it will suffer a calamity in what is attributed to it in the interpretation, or in part of itself, or in the one who is dear to it . If the fire is a flame or a tongue, then the harm that befalls him is at the hands of a ruler or in war . If it did not have a flame, then that would be diseases, plague and painter . If he saw it hit a fire in the pot or achieved : it is haram money, as if he saw his hand flame, it affects the people of the Sultan . And if it had a flame or smoke, then it would have in its power that war and horror, and God Almighty is the successor to the right thing ….

…The thunderbolt is a torment in a dream if it comes to a place, and the stun of death, and the thunderbolt indicates the diseases and thunderbolts of those who burned them, and if they burned something that has a benefit, it indicates depression . And the thunderbolt is a warning to those who committed sins, and the thunderbolt is fond of fine . The thunderbolts indicate the pandemics and calamities with which our Lord afflicts whomever He wills, such as locusts, hail, winds, sicknesses, swallows, smallpox, pestilence and fever, and may indicate a great matter that comes from the king in which there is destruction, fondness, or destruction . The thunderbolt indicates the arrival of an unjust sultan, and it may indicate some famous accidents such as gruesome death, fire, demolition and thieves . Whoever sees a lightning bolt that falls in his house and is sick, he will die, and if he is absent, he shall obey him, and the owner of the police prevails over him . And whoever sees lightning strikes falling in rounds, people may be abusers . And if lightning strikes fall in acres and orchards, then plagues and owners of tithes and tax collections, and injustice, corruption, and intense fear spread in that place . And whoever sees a thunderbolt that falls in a town and burns its land, then that is a power that descends in that country, and corruption and high cost will occur from it ….

…Hell : a sign of authority for its essence and authority over what is below it, with its harm and benefit, and perhaps it indicates Hell itself, and the punishment of God, and it may indicate sins, sins and forbidden, and everything that leads to it and brings it closer to it . From saying or doing . Perhaps it indicated guidance, Islam, knowledge and the Qur’an, because with it it is guided in the darkness, along with the words of Moses , peace be upon him : “ Or find guidance on fire, ” and he found and heard the words of God Almighty with guidance . Perhaps it indicates livelihood, benefits and wealth, because it contains goodness in the pension for the traveler and the present, as God Almighty said: “ We have made it a reminder and a pleasure for the faithful .” It is said to him who is poor or dies, his fire is extinguished . Because the Arabs were offered as gifts to Ibn al-Sabil and the discontinued guest, in order for her to be guided and sheltered to her, so that they would express with her presence generosity and wealth, and her inaction from miserliness and poverty . Perhaps it indicated the jinn because they were created from poisonous fire . And it may indicate the sword and sedition, if it has a sound, thunder, tongues, and smoke . Perhaps it indicated the torment of the authority, because it is the torment of God and he is the authority of the two worlds . Perhaps it indicated the barrenness and locusts . And it may indicate diseases, smallpox and plague . Whoever sees a fire falling from the sky in houses and shops, and if it has tongues and smoke, then it is sedition and a sword that dwells in that place, especially if it is in the homes of the rich and the poor, and a lover throws it on the people, especially if it is in the homes of the rich in particular, and if it is coals without tongues They are diseases, smallpox or epidemics, especially if they are general in mixing people . But if the going down of fire is in the dunes and feddans and places of cultivation and plants, then it is a barrenness that burns plants or locusts that burn and catch them . As for whoever kindles a fire on a path that is walking, or for people to be guided by it if he finds it when he needs it, then it is knowledge and guidance that he attains, or he broadcasts it and publishes it if he is worthy of that, otherwise he will gain authority, companionship and benefit, and the people benefit with him . If the fire is on a road other than the way, or it burns someone who passes by it or sparks it or harms him with its smoke, or it burns his garment or his body or harms his eyesight, then it is a heresy that he makes or oversees, or an unjust authority who takes refuge in him or is injustice to him according to the extent of his service to it or his escape Of them . But if it was a great fire that did not resemble the fire of this world, it was kindled for him to be thrown into it, then many of his enemies wanted to plague him, so he would gain victory over them and be superior to them, and if they threw him into it, he would have saved Ibrahim, peace be upon him . And all of that if those who committed it were his enemies, or the object in him was a righteous man . But if he sees her threatening him in particular, or those who took over the lighting of it are dating him, let God fear his Lord and take away from what he is from the deeds of the people of Hell before he comes to her, then he rebuked her because he feared her . As for the one who sees fire with him in a furnace, oven, canon, or the like of the places in which he is burnt, then it is riches and benefits that he attains, especially if his livelihood is for the sake of fire, especially if that is also in winter . And if he sees his fire extinguished or extinguished, or turned into ashes, or water or rain extinguished it, then he will lack and be suspended from his work and industry . And if someone who does not live on from it in such places to fit in with food, he would like money or livelihood to serve a ruler or to his authority and aid, or by litigation, stewardship, strife and brokerage, otherwise he will be attacked by words and evil and bad words . As for whoever sees it, it is burned with food, oil, or anything from sales, then he is exaggerating, and perhaps the Sultan will ask for him and the people will take his money with him . As for the death of eating fire, it is forbidden money and a pernicious livelihood that he eats, and perhaps it is from the money of orphans, because of what is in the Qur’an. If he saw fire speaking in a jar or a bag or a bowl of other vessels indicating both males and females, then what is attributed to that vessel will hit the jinn and its entrances , Until he speaks on his tongue . Some of them said : Fire is war if it has a flame and a sound, and if the place where you see it is not a land of war, then it is a plague, pain, smallpox, or death that occurs there . Abu Amr Al-Nakha’i said to the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him : I saw a fire that came out from the earth and turned between me and a son of mine, and I saw it saying : A flame of sight and a blind one, feed me that all of you eat your family and your money, so he said, peace be upon him : This is a trial that will happen at the end of time, killing people In front of them, then they quarrel with dishes and quarrel between his fingers, and the offender thinks that he is a philanthropist, and the blood of the believers is better for the believers than drinking water . And whoever blazes a fire in order to burn it, he rages an order to fill his poverty, because the cold is poverty . Ibn Sirin was asked about a man who saw a lamp on his thumb and said : This is a blind man led by some of his son . If I stir it up to roast meat with it, I enlighten something in which people are backbiting . If I hit the barbecue, I would have a little livelihood with sadness . If he stirred it up to cook a pot with food in it, he raised something that would benefit from the value of his home . If there is no food in the pot, then he should attack a man with words and make him do something unpleasant . Whatever hits the fire and burns from the body or clothing, it is harm and calamities . And whoever catches fire will hit forbidden money from Sultan . And whoever is hit by the glow of fire, people will backbite him ….

…The commentators said : If the tree indicates the work of its owner and his religion and himself, then its paper indicates his character, beauty and clothing, and its people to his lineage, brothers and beliefs . Her heart indicates his secrets and what he conceals from his deeds, its peel indicates his appearance, his skin and all that adorns him of his works, and its water indicates his faith, piety, kingdom and life for every human being to his destiny, and perhaps they arranged it contrary to this arrangement, and I mentioned him in the seas . Whoever sees himself above a tree or its possession in a dream, or this is seen by him, I look at his condition and the state of his tree, and if he is dead in the House of Truth, I look at the characteristic of the tree, and if the tree is large, beautiful and good, then the dead in Paradise and perhaps it is a tree of blessedness and goodness And if it is an ugly tree with thorns, blackness and stink, then it is in torment, and perhaps it is the Zaqqum tree that has become to it because of his disbelief or because of the corruption of his taste, and if he sees that patient, he moves to one of the two matters according to his destiny and the extent of his tree. A marriage seeker, or a woman for a husband, one of whom obtained a husband according to the condition of the tree and its appearance, if it was unknown, or on a print about its character, lineage and essence if it was known, and if the husband of each of them in waking life was ill, then I looked at the time at that time. That tree that he owned or saw himself on top of it at the turn of time, water has flowed in it, so the patient is peace, health has progressed in his body and signs of life have appeared on his body, and if he is in his management, then the patient is going to God Almighty and he is going to dust and destruction . And if he saw it in his shop or his living place, then it is an indication of his earnings and livelihood, and if it was in his demand, then he benefited . Although in his management, he lost and became poor . And if he sees it in a mosque, it is an indication of his religion and his prayers . If it is in the management of time, then he is oblivious to his religion, he is not from his prayers, and if it is in his desire, then the man is righteous and diligent, his workers have completed his obedience . As for the one who owns a lot of trees, he follows a group of guardians who are worthy of him, either an emirate, a district, a fatwa, or a leader of a mihrab, or a leader on his companionship, a captain on a ship, or a shop in a maker under his hand, and on this and the like . As for whoever sees her group in a house, it is men or women, or both of them meet there for good or evil, and if he sees its fruits on it and people eat from it, if its fruits indicate good and livelihood then it is a feast and those dining tables are in it, and if its fruits are disliked indicates grief, then it is a funeral They eat food in it, and likewise if there is a sick person in the house, and if its fruit is unknown, then I looked, and if that was in the coming of trees, its food was in joy, and if it was in its management it was a calamity, especially if there were clues in waking one of the two matters . As for whoever sees a tree that has fallen, cut down, burned, or broken by a strong wind, then he is a man or woman who will perish or be killed, and the destruction is inferred by her essence or location and by her vigilance from her evidence, and if she is in his home, the cause of it is a man or woman who is the dead or from his household And his kinship and brothers, or a prisoner of blood, a mujahid, or a traveler, and if she is in the mosque, then he is a famous man or woman who is killed or dies a famous death . If it is a palm tree, then he is a man of high masculinity with authority or knowledge, or a woman of a king, or the mother of a ruler, and if it is an olive tree, then a scholar, a preacher, a transient, a ruler, or a doctor, then in this way he crosses the rest of the trees according to the extent of their essence, benefit, harm, lineage, and character . And whoever saw that he planted a tree that was hung, he struck an honor or thought for himself a man according to its essence, because people say : So, if he planted it, if he made it . Likewise, if he sows a seed, then he hangs or does not, then it is they, and planting the vineyard will gain honor, and it was said that someone who saw in the winter a pregnant vine or a tree is considered a woman or a man whose money has gone, or he thinks they are rich ….

…Thunder : It may be indicative of the Sultan’s feast, threatening and threatening him, and from it it is said that it thunders and shines . Perhaps he indicated good promises and short orders, because he commands the King of the Clouds to rise and be generous to whomever they were sent to . Thunder also indicates the drums of crawling and rebirth, clouds on soldiers, lightning on arrowheads and colorful published items and flags, rain on spilling blood, and thunderbolts over death . Whoever sees thunder in the sky, they are commands that come from the Sultan, and if he sees that from his goodness in the rain and the people are in need of him, this indicates the rain or the promises of the good Sultan, and he may point to the two faces and preach the two things, even if the person with the vision is someone who will be harmed by the rain, such as the traveler, the minors and the washing And building and harvesting, and whoever runs their course, either rain harms him and does it and spoils what he has done, and they have authorized it before its dawn, so that they warn to take the gift and prepare for the rain, and either the Sultan’s orders, or a felony for that is harmful . How about if the rain at that time was as harmful as summer rain ? And if he sees thunder with lightning, then the significance of the promise is confirmed in what he indicates . And if the sun was prominent at that and there was no rain, then drumming and items coming out from the Sultan to open it came to him, and the good news was presented to him, or to lead the contract of some of his rulers, or to send him out or receive it from some of his pimps . And if there is rain, darkness, and thunderbolts, then either plagues from the sky, such as hail, wind, locusts, and bear, or plague and death, or strife or war if the country is a country of war, or people expect that from an enemy . Some of them said : Thunder without rain of fear. If he sees thunder, then he will pay off a debt, and if he is sick, he is innocent, and if he is imprisoned, he will be released . As for the thunder, lightning and rain, it is an honor for the traveler and greed for the resident . Thunder was the owner of a great police force . Some of them said : Thunder without lightning indicates assassination, deception, falsehood and lies, because it expects thunder after lightning . It was said the sound of thunder indicates quarrel and controversy . Lightning : denotes fear of the ruler, his threat and his promise, the blade of blades and the striking of the whips, and perhaps the authority indicated against that, the good promise, the laughter, the pleasure, the desire and the greed of desire and hope, because of what he has of torment, torment and stone, mercy and rain, Because from what the people of the news describe, the king of the clouds who is entrusted with her whip, and his voice thunder over it with the words of the Almighty : “The lightning shows you with fear and greed .” It was said out of fear of the traveler and greed for the resident, the farmer, because of the rain that would be with him . Whenever lightning indicates it, it is fast and urgent, due to the speed of its departure and the lack of its transmission . Whoever sees lightning without people, or sees its lights striking him or snatching his eyes, or entering his home, if he is traveling, he will be in a vacation, either by rain or by the command of a ruler, and if he is a farmer whose land has dried up and the thirst of planting it, he will preach to chastity and mercy, and if his master, father, or authority is indignant with him. , And laughed at him . And poets likened laughing to lightning, and crying with rain, because laughter among the Arabs is the display of hidden things and the appearance of concealments, so they are called pollens if they heal at the eyelid as laughter, and if there is rain with it, it indicates the ugliness of what appears to him than what he cries on, then it is either lightning . Words weeping, or a whip that cries him, and the rain will be his blood or a sword that takes his soul . And if he is sick, his eyesight shines and his eyes are tearful, and his family wept and said his persistence and the hastening of his death quickly, and whoever sees that he ate the lightning or struck it or its clouds, then a person urges him to do something righteous and good . And lightning indicates fear with benefit . And it was said lightning indicates the benefit from a far place . And whoever saw lightning burned his clothes, his wife would die if she was sick ….

…A rug in a dream is simple, dignified and subtle, especially if it is owned by the visionary . And whoever sees that he is on a rug, then he buys land, and if he is in war, then he is safe from it . The rug is inferior to its owner, who spread it to him . He saw the rug folded and his whole world folded from him . If the rug is new, spacious and well-crafted, it will have a long life and a wide life . And if he sees that an unknown rug is spread for him in an unknown place among unknown people, then he will gain a world in his exile and his distance from his country and his people . If the rug is thin or worn, then it is a world with little life . And whoever sees his rug folded upon himself, it turns from its position to an unknown location, and gets out of his possession and folds his world . If the rug was extended to him, his livelihood expanded and he was released . The rug indicates sitting with rulers and chiefs and everyone who treads his rug, so whoever folds his rug his rule will be suspended, or his travel is not possible, or his world is kept away from him . And if his rug was snatched from him or burned with fire, he would die, or it was impossible to travel, and if the rug was slain near his deadline and he was emaciated or near death . And the worn rug is disgrace . And the rug is the man who praises himself, praises it, and raises it, so it does not increase except with falsehood and falsehood ….

…Sole : they are cruel, as for travel slippers, whoever wears them travels or travels, someone who shares his vision with him, or travels with money, and that if he walks in them in a dream . But if he wears it and he has hoped to travel, it may be completed and it may not be completed if he does not walk in it, and if he ceases to wear it or takes it off, he resides from his travel and reason through him . And if she is a slipper of water, then she is a wife or a slave-girl who benefits from her or her intercourse . As for the slippers of Taif or what merchants dispose of in the markets, it is an indication of money, acquisition, and pension . It may indicate the wife also if he walked with her during the role, bought her, or was given to him . If it is new, it is early, free, or current, and if it is old, it is worn, then it is dampened . If the sand is cut off, his livelihood is disrupted, or his industry is stagnant or hindered without an obstacle, even if his wife became angry with him and her betrayal appeared to him . And if her anklets were cut off and she was sick and perished, or disobedient, she was divorced, unless in a dream he was treated to fix it, or he promised to do that, or he settled that in himself, then she is discharged after menopause, and he reviews her after divorce . If he sees that he wore well-worn sandals and walks in them on the intended path, then he is traveling . If he wears sandals and does not walk in them, then he befalls a woman or a maid . Likewise, if he saw that he gave a shoe in his hand and took it or owned it or kept it with him in a house or a container, then he possesses a woman of what she described . If the sole is not worn, then it affects a woman or a maid, a virgin, and likewise if she is dressed and not worn . If the sole was of cowhide, the woman was foreign in origin . And if it was from horse skins, it was from the Arabs or from the Arabs loyal . Likewise if it was from camel skins . If he saw that he walked in two sandals, one of them was pulled off his leg and he went with the other, then this is the parting of a brother who has a sister or partner on the back of a journey, because when he walked in it he became in the interpretation of travel, when one of them took off his brother on the back of a journey . And if he was not a brother or a peer, and he saw his sole lost or fallen into a well or someone overpowered him, that was a case in his wife . If the sole becomes invalid after that, then his wife gets sick and then becomes healthy, or the woman has abandoned him or retired, or what is exposed to women from the same, then returns to her first state . If he saw that the sole was stolen from him and someone else wore it, then she replied to it or did not know it, then that is not good for its owner, because he assassinated his wife or slave-girl who was wearing it . If he sees that the sole has been snatched or burned until he has nothing or something like that left, then it is the death of his wife or his maid . If he sees that he has patched his sole, then he is managing his wife’s situation or having intercourse with her . If someone else patches it, there is no good in it in the naked women . If it is a slipper that is attributed to travel, then that travel is not completed . If he sees a sole without the leather of a shoe, something similar to it is despicable, or is attributed in interpretation to something other than that of the sole with a family, then the woman who is wearing it is attributed to the essence of that sole, whether it is goodness or corruption . And if it is from the soles that are attributed to a travel, then I attribute that travel to the essence of that shoe, whether good or bad, as described . And if he saw her traps, which he holds worn out or broken off weak . The state of its owner when he travels that, or in a woman treading on it is as much as the essence of the traps, its beauty, its strength and its appearance ….

…Interpretation of the sky, air, night and day, winds, rains, torrents, eclipse, earthquakes, lightning, thunder, rainbows, mud, sun, moon, planets, clouds, hail, snow, and frost, the sky indicates itself, so whatever came down from it came its counterpart from God, there is no cause in it, such as that fire falls from it In the role, people are afflicted with disease, pain, smallpox, and death . And if a fire fell from it in the markets, glorified and exalted is what is sold with it from the sales . And if it fell in acres, scarce and plant places, you would harm people, and the plant burned and hit it with a hail or locust, and if evidence of fertility, livelihood and money descended from it, such as honey, oil, figs and barley, then people would rain beneficial rains, the thing that came down from the sky would be beneficial for it, and perhaps the sky indicated that The strength of the Sultan and himself, because of their superiority over creation and their inability to reach it, with their vision and their volatility in its power, and their weakness to come out from under it . What was seen from it and in it or descended in it and on it, indications of good and evil, and perhaps it indicated his palace, the house of his possession, his courtiers, and the house of his money, so whoever ascends to it by peace or reason, will attain the elevation with the king . And he has, and if he ascended to it without cause or peace, he would have experienced great fear of the Sultan, and he entered into a great deal of abundance in his encounter or in what he hoped for him or from him . If his conscience was eavesdropping, he spied on the Sultan or sneaked into his house of money and his palace to steal it . And if he reached the sky, he reached the goal of the matter, and if he returned to the earth, he would be saved from what he entered, and if he fell from his place, he was damaged in his condition, according to the extent of his command in his fall, and what his organs were broken for him, and if the one who reached the sky was ill while awake, Then he did not return to earth, perished from his cause, and his soul also ascended to heaven . And if he returns to the earth, the harm has reached his goal and his people despair of him and then they will be saved, God willing, unless it is also while he descends in a well or Hafir and then did not come out of it, for that is his grave in which he returns after his return, and this is a good news of death for Islam, because Infidels do not open the gates of heaven for them, and their souls do not ascend to it . As for seeing the doors, it may indicate that if you increase usury, if people are in some of its evidences, or in the vision there are flies, bees, birds, or the like, and the like, and if the people are in dryness, rain and rain, God Almighty said : “ So we opened the gates of the sky with pouring water. ~ in particular , the inn of which shows compassion, fertile, like dust and sand without dust and damage . But if people threw arrows from them, if they were in some evidence of the plague, then its doors were opened to them . And if the arrows injure everyone who has been struck and bleed, then it is a confiscation of authority over every human being with his arrow, and if their intent is to the ears and eyes, then it is a trial of the straying of their arrows, in which the debt of everyone whose hearing or sight will perish in it . And if they are harmed, then they collect them and pick them up, then spoils from God, such as locusts, and varieties of birds such as sparrows, cuttings and manna, spoils and arrows because of the authority in jihad and the like, or livelihoods and gifts for which he opens his money houses and boxes, and as for the proximity of heaven, it indicates closeness to God, and that is for the people of Obedience and good deeds . Perhaps this indicates the distressed person who is in need, the caller, who accepts his supplication and is answered, because when making supplication with the eye to the direction of the sky, and perhaps this indicates proximity and proximity to the imam, the world, the father, the husband and the master, and everyone who is above you by a degree, the credit is based on the determination of every person in his vigilance and demand and more His sleep, and what fell in his conscience . With regard to the fall of the sky on the earth if he is traveling, it may also be due to the authority of the dreamer and the heads above him, whether a father, husband, or master and the like, and it may indicate its fall on the arid land, or the people were trampling it with legs after its fall while they were Hamid, and they were picking up Some of them are indicative of livelihood, fertility and money, for they are beneficial rains of great significance, and Arabs call rain a sky, because it descends from it ….

…Al-Sarraj : He is the trustee of a house, so whoever sees that he has borrowed a lamp will gain knowledge and prestige . It felt that it turns off a lamp , it invalidated is a man to be on the right, but it does not invalidate, the verse : ~ they want to Atefaa the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah will light ~ , and saw like walking during the day in SE, it will be very religion straight way, he says : ~ And he will make for you a light that you can walk with . ~ If he sees as if he is walking in a lamp at night, then he should perform tahajjud if he is one of his family, otherwise he is guided to a matter in which he will be confused, because darkness is confused and light is guidance . And perhaps he is in sin, he will repent of it, and if he sees as if a lamp is blossoming from his fingers or from some of its members, then a vague matter becomes clear to him until he is certain of it with clear evidence, and if he sees that he has a lamp, inside him is a power or scholar or blessed provision, then if he sees as having a lamp, his light is The sun, for he preserves and interprets the Qur’an, and the lamp increases the light of the heart and strength in religion and attains what is desired . It was said that the Siraj was a pious scholar, a jurist, or a generous spending merchant . And whoever sees a lamp in his house, a boy will be born to him, Mubarak . And whoever sees that he has a lamp in his hand, or a candle, or a fire, then extinguish it, and if he is an isolated sultan, or a loser, a merchant, or an owner, his money is gone, because God Almighty says : “As the parable of the one who was burned by a fire, when it is lit what is around him, God will depart from their light and destroy them .” And the lamp in the house is for a single woman to marry, and for the patient a proof of wellness . If its fuel unlit . It indicates gloom . And the saddle all indicate the appearance of hidden things ….

…Wick : Kahramana serves people, and if he sees that it is all burned, then the Kahramana dies, and if a spark falls from it in cotton and burns, then it makes a mistake and removes a slip ….

…If he saw that he was burned . A Qur’an that corrupted his religion ….