…Skiing in a dream means failure and sadness in terms of work . For lovers, it means discord and abandonment . If you dream that you are skiing, this means that you will face the risk of losing your job or losing valuable possessions . If you dream that you dig cracks in the ice while you are skiing, then this means that you lack friends worthy of advice or assistance . If you see others skiing, this means that disrespectful people will associate your name in a scandal with the name of another person who loves you . As for seeing sledges, it means problems with friends . If you see young people skiing on roller skates, this means that you will enjoy good health and you will be enthusiastic and excited to please others ….

…Accident If you dream of an accident, this is a warning to avoid any way to travel for a short period, as you are at risk of losing life . If the accident occurred in a normal manner, this indicates that you will strive with all your strength to achieve a goal, and then you will see a friend losing his possessions something of the same value in his assistance to you in your case ….

…Mine Seeing mines in a dream suggests that your enemy will seek to destroy you by spreading your past scandals . If you stood next to a mine in a dream, this foretells that you will undertake a failed trip . If you dream that you are looking for a mine, this foretells that you will engage in a failed, losing trade ….

…Larch : Fmal of discount they are , and it losing raw disease ….

…Bookcase If you see a bookcase in your dreams, this symbolizes that you will accompany knowledge in your work and pleasure . Empty bookcases imply that you will be bothered due to losing means or dexterity ….

…If he sees a well-known judge who is unfair in his ruling, the people of that place are losing their balance and their weights . If a man comes to the judge, then do justice to him, because the person who dreams will do justice to an opponent . If he is concerned, he will be released from him, and if the judge is running in his ruling, if there is a dispute between him and a person, then he will not be treated with justice ….

…If you dreamed of seeing a messianic person, you should refrain from any relationship of friendship or association with a strange woman, because that would result in losing your money and shaking your reputation . Al- Khalasi : He is a person who descends from two parents, one of whom is black and the other white ….

…Milk Drinking milk in a dream indicates an abundant harvest for the farmer, joys at home, and a successful trip for the traveler . As for the woman, this dream is a good omen . Seeing large quantities of milk in a dream indicates wealth and wealth . As for a dream that you are involved in the milk business, it means an increase in your wealth . If you dreamed that you were distributing milk for free to others, then this means that you are good and zakat for the best of your wealth . If milk is spilled in a dream, this means that you will suffer a slight loss and temporary problems at the hands of your friends . But if you dream of dirty milk, this means that you will encounter simple problems . If the milk in the dream was sour, it means your preoccupation and your anxiety for the problems of friends . And if in a dream you are trying in vain to drink milk, this means that you are in danger of losing something valuable or you will lose the friendship of a high-ranking person . If you dream of hot milk, this means that you will enter into a struggle, at the end of which your desires and aspirations will be fulfilled . As for bathing with milk, it means the joy and company of good friends ….

…And some of the expressors said that hiccups indicate the commission of an order in which there is a heresy, and the one who intends it intends to reverse that. As for whistling, it is not praiseworthy, as it indicates the forbidden and cutting off the road and for the rich to worry and distress, and it may be committing something that is not necessary, and as for singing, if it is a good voice, it indicates a profitable business if it is not A good voice is a losing business ….

…If you dreamed of seeing a whale approaching a ship, then this indicates that you will wish for a struggle between duties and you will be threatened with losing possessions . If the whale is destroyed, you will happily separate right from perversion and you will experience a delightful success . If you see a whale overturning a ship, you will fall into a spiral of misfortune ….

…If you dreamed of Adam and Eve, this foretells that an eventful event will steal from you hope for success in your affairs . To see them in heaven while Adam covered his nakedness with a fig leaf while Eve was completely naked except for an oriental colored snake adorning its waist and stomach, this symbolizes that treachery and false faith will unite to topple your luck . As for seeing or hearing Eve chatting with a snake, this foretells that shrewd women will lead you to a dream about losing your fortune and your reputation ….

…Catastrophe If you dream that you are in a catastrophe caused by a means of public transport, then you are in danger of losing property or that an infectious disease will prevent you from working . If a girl dreams of a calamity she is participating in, this foretells that she will mourn the loss of her beloved, either through death, Abu through desertion . If a sailor dreamed of a calamity at sea, this means misery and loss of profit . As for others, this dream indicates loss due to death . If you dream that you survived, you will fall into difficult situations, but you will get out of them without harm . If you dreamed of a disaster on a railway and you did not have a hand in this calamity, then you will be interested in the end in an accident because a friend or relative who was hurt by Abu will meet a problem of a functional nature ….

…Aging A dream about old age denotes failures of any kind of undertakings . If you dreamed of your own old age, then this indicates that foolishness in opinion will draw the resentment of relatives on you . If a girl dreamed that she was accused of being older than she was, this indicates that she will go through bad company, and her denial of certain things will arouse ridicule . If she sees herself looking old, then this indicates possible illness or unsatisfactory risks, but if she sees her lover old, she is at risk of losing him ….

…Turning over a person on his face in a dream indicates polytheism with God Almighty, losing the world and the hereafter, and if he turns from his face to his back, he repents to God Almighty, and indicates his confrontation with people . Piping on the face indicates diseases of the cavity . And if the seer was a woman, she refused her husband ….

…Masih If you dreamed of seeing Christ as a young child worshiped by wise men, then this means many happy days, full of wealth and knowledge, abundant with joy and satisfaction . If Christ is in the garden of ~ Gethsemane ~, a sad calamity will fill your soul with sorrow, and you will feel great desires for change by losing the motives of love . If you see him in the temple harshly criticizing the merchants, this means that evil enemies will be defeated and honorable deeds will triumph . ~ Gethsemane : is the garden where Christ was arrested outside Jerusalem .~…

…Seeing a jug in a dream is interpreted as a good mood, peace of mind and success in work . A broken pitcher means losing friends . If you dreamed of jugs full of thinning liquids, then someone thinks about your interests in addition to you . Several friends will unite to make you happy and benefit you . If the jug is empty, your behavior will distance you from friends and social position . Broken jugs indicate illness and failure to function . If you drink wine from a jug, you will enjoy strong health and find pleasure in all areas . You will have optimistic views . If you take a disgusting dose from a pitcher, disappointment and disgust will follow the joyful pretensions ….

…Kiss If you dream that you see children kissing, then this means a happy family reunion and a convincing act . If you dream that you accept your mother, you will be successful in your projects, and your friends will respect you and love you . If you accept a brother or sister, this means a lot of pleasure and good in your fellowships . If you kiss your sweetheart in the dark, this means dangers and immoral connections . If you accept it in the light, then this indicates honorable intentions that always occupy your mind regarding women . If a stranger kisses a woman, this means a loss of morality and a loss of integrity . If you dream about kissing a criminal, this means dangerous entertainment . The indulgence of low emotion leads to tragedy in stable homes . If you see your rival kissing your girlfriend, you risk losing her respect . If married people dream that they kiss each other, then this means that harmony is appreciated in domestic life . If you dream about kissing someone on the neck, then this means emotional tendencies and a lack of self-control . If you dream that you accept an enemy, you will make progress in calming an angry friend . If a girl dreams that someone has seen her kissing her lover, this indicates that a false friend harbors envy full of hatred . If she sees her lover kissing another, her marriage hopes will be disappointed ….

…Does the blind see and see his dreams? Speech on this issue varies; Whoever was born sighted, then lost his sight during one of his life stages, he will see in a dream clearly all that he had previously seen . As for the persons, or things, which he recognizes after losing his sight, he does not see them. Like someone who was born without seeing, but sometimes some people have a strong imagination, with which he can draw a picture of whoever speaks in front of him, or a picture of what surrounds him; And then he sees her in a dream in the same way that he drew in his imagination, and it is noticeable here that the degree of vision, strength and weakness varies according to the degree of his imagination in reality . As for the colors, he will see everything that he was able to keep in his memory, and if he is able to keep it and forgets it, he will not be able to see it, and it depends on the age of the person, the importance of those colors to him, the accuracy of his observations, the events related to those colors, the strength of his memory, and it falls It is all for those who had leftovers from birth and lost them later . As for a person born with complete eyesight, he is never able to see during a dream, and his vision depends on his feeling and the sounds around him . And there are some cases in which she hears voices in a dream that she does not know what they are, guiding her to what she would like to know and the truth of God who says in the writing of the Noble : ( And what is equal to the blind and the visionary (19)) ( Fatir : 19)….

…Note Writing notes in a dream indicates that you will be engaging in a losing trade that will cause you pain . If you see others writing notes in a dream, this foretells that they will exhaust you with their requests for help . If you lost your notes in the dream, expect that you will suffer a slight loss in your trade . If you find a diary in your dream, this foretells that you will assume new responsibilities that will cause happiness to others ….

…Greenhouse If you see a greenhouse, this foretells that you may be harmed by listening to adulation . If a girl dreams that she is living in a greenhouse, this confirms that troubles will come to her and threatens her with losing her reputation . ~ Greenhouse : a glass house for the cultivation of the license or preventable plants .~…

…If you see yourself in the theater, you will find your happiness in the company of new friends and your affairs will go for the better . If you are one of the actors, this predicts that your happiness will not last long . If you attend a comedy play, this foretells that you are at risk of losing your property as a result of your insanity and tampering . If the play is in a house, it will succeed in fulfilling your desires and dreams . If you clap and cheer in the theater, you’ll sacrifice your duties for fun . If you see that you are trying to escape from the theater when there is a fire or a dangerous accident, this foretells that you will engage in a project that is dangerous for you ….

…Seeing a parrot talking in a dream indicates the occurrence of trivial rumors and problems between friends . And if you see silent parrot, this means calm and the cessation of family quarrels . If a girl dreams that she has a parrot, it means that her lover believes that she is a troublemaker and loves gossip . If you dream that you know a parrot, this means your own problems . Dead parrot losing friends ….

…Hat If you dream of losing your hat, you can expect unsatisfactory business and people failing to maintain important engagements . If a man dreams that he is wearing a new hat, this predicts a change in place and work, and this will be in his favor . If a woman dreams that she is wearing a new and beautiful hat, then this means obtaining wealth, and that she will be the object of great admiration . And if the wind blows your hat away, this means sudden changes in trade affairs for the worse to some extent . If a woman dreams of seeing a hat, she will be invited to participate in some celebration . And if a girl dreamed of seeing her lover wearing a hat, this means that she will be ashamed and shy in his presence . If you see a prisoner’s hat, this means that your bravery is betraying you in time of danger . If you see a miner hat, you will inherit a sufficient amount of money ….

…Abandonment If you dreamed that you were deserted, this indicates that you will have difficulty setting your plans for success in the future . If you desert others, you will encounter unpleasant situations cramming around you leaving you with little hope of overcoming them . But if you dream that you abandoned a house, it will lead to failure in your experiences with luck . If you desert a loved one, you will fail to regain a lost valuable thing and the friends around you will be shaken off . If she leaves a mistress, she will receive a huge legacy without expecting it . If it is religion that you abandoned, it will mean failure in your attack on prominent people . If you abandon children, this means that you will lose your fortune by losing calm and opinion . If you quit your job, this means uncomfortable conditions punctuated by quarrels and suspicion . This dream may literally come true if it imprinted on your conscious mind, whether if you deserted a person or that person deserted you, or it may indicate other fears as indicated . If you see yourself or a friend abandon a ship, this suggests your potential involvement in some career failure, but if you succeed in escaping to the shore, your interests will remain safe ….

As for singing, if it is a good voice, it indicates a profitable trade, and if it is not a good voice, then it is a losing trade. Some of them said that singing in the market for the rich is an exposition, and for the poor the loss of mind, and singing in the bathroom is accused speech and whoever sees that he is singing in a place there is lies or deception that separates loved ones

…As for the individual, he interpreted false things that are harmful and deceitful, and Abu Saeed, the preacher, said playing with dice, engaging in sins and losing in trade, and fighting in a tour, and his judgment in his playing is like the referee of chess ….

…The hand is in a dream the man’s benevolence, his back and his support . Whoever sees that his hand is long and strong, and he is a ruler, then he will be victorious with his enemies, and the power of his aides and his pimps . And whoever sees that his hands are spread out is a generous man who spends all that he has . And whoever sees that he is walking on his hands, then he depends on something he asks for on his brother, son, or partner . And if he sees that his right hand is made of gold, then his earnings and his oppression will be gone . If he sees that his left hand is his word, then his brothers deny him or his wife or partner deny him . And if he saw that his hand brought it under his armpit and then took it out, and it had a light, and he was a student of knowledge who won a leadership in his knowledge, even if he was a merchant who won a presidency and a male . If water comes out of his hand, he will get money . And the hands indicate the rank and the two sons and the state, and they indicate the good deeds of the one who takes and gives with his hands . The right hand indicates a son, father, friend, or whoever takes the right place for you . And the left hand denotes the woman, mother, sister, daughter and slave girl . If he sees that he has lost one of his hands, that indicates that he has lost some of the people that this hand pointed to . And whoever sees his hand cut off indicates the death of his brother, friend, or writer, or the intimacy between them has fallen . And whoever sees a length in his hand, he will be too long for people . With thanks, grace, generosity and generosity . And whoever sees a ruler who cuts off his hands and feet without controversy, then he repents . And whoever sees that he has no hand, then he is a lover . And whoever saw from the governors that his hands and feet were cut off . It is isolated . And whoever saw that his hands were clenched indicated his stinginess . And whoever saw that he was walking on his hands, he used them for his pension . And whoever sees that he cuts his hands with a knife, he will marvel at something, because God Almighty says : ( When they saw him, they made him grow up and cut their hands .) And whoever saw that his oath was paralyzed, his livelihood would cease, or he committed a grave sin . And whoever sees his hand becoming gold indicates that what is in his hand has gone . And whoever sees that his hand has become the hand of a prophet, then God Almighty guides a people on his hands and drives goodness and blessing to him . And if he saw that he had cut his hand in a bowl of blood, then he would be at the risk of sedition . And whoever sees that he eats his hand or part of it, then he does something that he regrets, or it is unjust, because God Almighty says : (And on the day the oppressor bites on his hands ). The hand engraved with henna is a humiliation, need, or necessity . And whoever sees his oath being cut off, he will swear an immoral oath, and it may indicate theft, and whoever has his hands and feet cut off, he will die, and perhaps imprisonment, restriction or severe illness, and it may be poverty or need . And whoever has a hand so long that it has become like a spear, then he is unjust, he challenges people’s honor . And whoever has his hand cut off, he is absent from his family, or he turns away from his work, or is cut off from his womb, and he may stop incest and sin . The strange thing is, if he saw his hand cut off and blood flowed from it, he hit money and returned to his country . And whoever sees that his hands are raised, then he is poor from money or a lack of money from a son or brother or knowledge or news, and the hand indicates the industry that is issued by it, the pledge of allegiance, and the covenant . Perhaps losing a hand indicates the need for the question . And perhaps a good hand indicated victory over the enemies . Whoever saw that he was shaking his hands indicated a void of work and a boycott . The wealth in the hand is evidence of the corruption of religion . And whoever has lost his hands and is one of the people of obedience, his trust in God Almighty is good . And if his hands increased, he indicated his greed for the world and his interest in winning it . And whoever has the hand of seven, misses the prayer and follows the desires . And whoever becomes left-handed, it is benefit and livelihood, because after hardship is ease . See also the palm ….

…Wind If you dreamed of the wind blowing softly and sadly over you, then this means that a great wealth will come to you through losing something . If you hear the wind moaning, then this indicates that you will leave a person whose life is empty without you . If you walk quickly in the face of a raging wind, this indicates that with courage you will resist temptation and pursue wealth with determination that cannot be easily removed . If the wind carried you far from your desires, then this foretells failure of undertakings and frustrations in love . If the wind carries you in the direction you wish, you will find unexpected allies to help you or you will find that you have natural advantages over a rival or competitor ….

…Hissing If you dreamed of hissing people, this foretells that you will feel unpleasant resentment because of your exposure to rude treatment between new acquaintances . If they whisper to you, you risk losing a friend ….

…Singing : If it is good, it indicates a profitable business, and if it is not good, it indicates a losing trade. Some of them said that the singer is a scholar, wise or masculine, and singing in the market for the rich indicates scandals and ugly things they fall into . And for the poor his mind goes . And whoever sees a place where he sings, then there is a lie that differentiates between loved ones, and a lying envious plot, because the first one who sang and mourned the devil, may God curse him . And it was said that singing indicates hustle and bustle and conflict, due to the change of movements in the discotheque . And whoever sees it as if he sings poems with a good melody and a loud voice, this is better for the singers and melodies and for all of them . If he sees as if he is singing bad songs, that indicates unemployment and poverty . And whoever sees it as if he is walking in the mud and singing, that is good, especially for those who used to sell sticks . And the singer in the bathroom accused words . And it was said singing originally indicates hustle and conflict ….